C++ and rand/srand behavior not performing as expected - random

I am using rand and srand from cstdlib and g++ as a compiler. I was playing around trying to generate some pseudo random numbers and I was getting some unexpected biased results. I was curious so I wrote a simple function. The expected behavior would be that a random number between 1 and 10 would be generated and printed out to screen a 100x's. The expected value of the average should be 5. However, when I run this function it will a generate a single random number between 1 and 10 and print it 100x's with the average being equal to the random number that was generated.
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;
float bs(){
float random;
random = rand() % 10 + 1;
return random;
int main(){
float average;
float random;
for (int i = 1; i < 101; ++i)
random += bs();
cout << random << endl;
average = random/100;
cout << average << endl;
return 0;
If the initial return from bs = 7 it will stay 7 for the duration of the loop and each time bs() is called. The output will be 7 added to itself 100x's and the average will be equal to gasp 7. What is going on here?

The seed should only be applied once. Move the
to main before the loop.


Why doesn't move-assigning a std::vector seem to have any performance benefit over copying in this code?

Since move-assigning a std::vector is is a O(1) time operation and copying a std::vector to another is O(N) (where N is the sum of the sizes of the 2 vectors), I expected to see move-assignment having a significant performance advantage over copying. To test this, I wrote the following code, which move-assigns/copies a std::vector nums2 of size 1000 to nums 100,000 times.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <chrono>
using namespace std;
int main()
auto start = clock();
vector <int> nums;
for(int i = 0; i < 100000; ++i) {
vector <int> nums2(1000);
for(int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) {
nums2[i] = rand();
nums = nums2; // or nums = move(nums2);
cout << (nums[0] ? 1:0) << "\b \b"; // prevent compiler from optimizing out nums (I think)
cout << "Time: " << (clock() - start) / (CLOCKS_PER_SEC / 1000) << '\n';
return 0;
The compiler I am using is g++ 7.5.0. When running with g++ -std=c++1z -O3, both the move-assign/copy versions take around 1600ms, which does not match with the hypothesis that move-assignment has any significant performance benefit. I then tested using std::swap(nums, nums2) (as an alternative to move-assignment), but that also took around the same time.
So, my question is, why doesn't move-assigning a std::vector to another seem to have a performance advantage over copy-assignment? Do I have a fundamental mistake in my understanding of C++ move-assignment?

Get a number value from Vector positions

I'm new here and actually
I've got a problem in my mind, and it's like this:
I get an input of a vector of any size, but for this case, let's take this one:
vetor = {1, 2, 3, 4}
Now, all I want to do is to take this numbers and sum each one (considering it's unity, tens, hundred, thousand) and register the result into a integer variable, for the case, 'int vec_value'.
Considering the vector stated above, the answer should be: vec_value = 4321.
I will leave the main.cpp attached to the post, however I will tell you how I calculated the result, but it gave me the wrong answer.
vetor[0] = 1
vetor[1] = 2
vetor[2] = 3
vetor[3] = 4
the result should be = (1*10^0)+(2*10^1)+(3*10^2)+(4*10^3) = 1 + 20 +
300 + 4000 = 4321.
The program is giving me the solution as 4320, and if I change the values randomly, the answer follows the new values, but with wrong numbers still.
If anyone could take a look at my code to see what I'm doing wrong I'd appreciate it a lot!
There's a link to a picture at the end of the post showing an example of wrong result.
Keep in mind that sometimes the program gives me the right answer (what leaves me more confused)
#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <vector>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
int main()
vector<int> vetor;
int lim = rand() % 2 + 3; //the minimum size must be 3 and the maximum must be 4
int value;
for(int i=0; i<lim; i++)
value = rand() % 8 + 1; // I'm giving random values to each position of the vector
cout << "\nPos [" << i << "]: " << vetor[i]; //just to keep in mind what are the elements inside the vector
int vec_value=0;
for(int i=0; i<lim; i++)
vec_value += vetor[i] * pow(10, i); //here i wrote the formula to sum each element of the vector with the correspondent unity, tens, hundreds or thousands
cout << "\n\nValor final: " << vec_value; //to see what result the program will give me
return 0;
Example of the program
Try this for the main loop:
int power = 1;
for(int i=0; i<lim; i++)
vec_value += vetor[i] * power;
power *= 10;
This way, all the computations are in integers, you are not affected by floating point rounding.

std::default_random_engine gives the same result for different seeds [duplicate]

The code below is meant to generate a list of five pseudo-random numbers in the interval [1,100]. I seed the default_random_engine with time(0), which returns the system time in unix time. When I compile and run this program on Windows 7 using Microsoft Visual Studio 2013, it works as expected (see below). When I do so in Arch Linux with the g++ compiler, however, it behaves strangely.
In Linux, 5 numbers will be generated each time. The last 4 numbers will be different on each execution (as will often be the case), but the first number will stay the same.
Example output from 5 executions on Windows and Linux:
| Windows: | Linux:
Run 1 | 54,01,91,73,68 | 25,38,40,42,21
Run 2 | 46,24,16,93,82 | 25,78,66,80,81
Run 3 | 86,36,33,63,05 | 25,17,93,17,40
Run 4 | 75,79,66,23,84 | 25,70,95,01,54
Run 5 | 64,36,32,44,85 | 25,09,22,38,13
Adding to the mystery, that first number periodically increments by one on Linux. After obtaining the above outputs, I waited about 30 minutes and tried again to find that the 1st number had changed and now was always being generated as a 26. It has continued to increment by 1 periodically and is now at 32. It seems to correspond with the changing value of time(0).
Why does the first number rarely change across runs, and then when it does, increment by 1?
The code. It neatly prints out the 5 numbers and the system time:
#include <iostream>
#include <random>
#include <time.h>
using namespace std;
int main()
const int upper_bound = 100;
const int lower_bound = 1;
time_t system_time = time(0);
default_random_engine e(system_time);
uniform_int_distribution<int> u(lower_bound, upper_bound);
cout << '#' << '\t' << "system time" << endl
<< "-------------------" << endl;
for (int counter = 1; counter <= 5; counter++)
int secret = u(e);
cout << secret << '\t' << system_time << endl;
return 0;
Here's what's going on:
default_random_engine in libstdc++ (GCC's standard library) is minstd_rand0, which is a simple linear congruential engine:
typedef linear_congruential_engine<uint_fast32_t, 16807, 0, 2147483647> minstd_rand0;
The way this engine generates random numbers is xi+1 = (16807xi + 0) mod 2147483647.
Therefore, if the seeds are different by 1, then most of the time the first generated number will differ by 16807.
The range of this generator is [1, 2147483646]. The way libstdc++'s uniform_int_distribution maps it to an integer in the range [1, 100] is essentially this: generate a number n. If the number is not greater than 2147483600, then return (n - 1) / 21474836 + 1; otherwise, try again with a new number. It should be easy to see that in the vast majority of cases, two ns that differ by only 16807 will yield the same number in [1, 100] under this procedure. In fact, one would expect the generated number to increase by one about every 21474836 / 16807 = 1278 seconds or 21.3 minutes, which agrees pretty well with your observations.
MSVC's default_random_engine is mt19937, which doesn't have this problem.
The std::default_random_engine is implementation defined. Use std::mt19937 or std::mt19937_64 instead.
In addition std::time and the ctime functions are not very accurate, use the types defined in the <chrono> header instead:
#include <iostream>
#include <random>
#include <chrono>
int main()
const int upper_bound = 100;
const int lower_bound = 1;
auto t = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count();
std::mt19937 e;
e.seed(static_cast<unsigned int>(t)); //Seed engine with timed value.
std::uniform_int_distribution<int> u(lower_bound, upper_bound);
std::cout << '#' << '\t' << "system time" << std::endl
<< "-------------------" << std::endl;
for (int counter = 1; counter <= 5; counter++)
int secret = u(e);
std::cout << secret << '\t' << t << std::endl;
return 0;
In Linux, the random function is not a random function in the probabilistic sense of the way, but a pseudo random number generator.
It is salted with a seed, and based on that seed, the numbers that are produced are pseudo random and uniformly distributed.
The Linux way has the advantage that in the design of certain experiments using information from populations, that the repeat of the experiment with known tweaking of input information can be measured. When the final program is ready for real-life testing, the salt (seed), can be created by asking for the user to move the mouse, mix the mouse movement with some keystrokes and add in a dash of microsecond counts since the beginning of the last power on.
Windows random number seed is obtained from the collection of mouse, keyboard, network and time of day numbers. It is not repeatable. But this salt value may be reset to a known seed, if as mentioned above, one is involved in the design of an experiment.
Oh yes, Linux has two random number generators. One, the default is modulo 32bits, and the other is modulo 64bits. Your choice depends on the accuracy needs and amount of compute time you wish to consume for your testing or actual use.

i dont know what what is the error its printing 3.18e+04

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
int main()
double A,R;
cout<< setprecision(3)<<A<<endl;
return 0;
The reasonably precise and accurate(a) value you would get from those calculations (mathematically) is 31,819.31032.
You have asked for a precision of three digits and, with that value and the floating point format currently active (probably std::defaultfloat), it's only giving you three significant digits:
3.18e+04 (3.18x104 in mathematical form).
If your intent is to instead show three digits after the decimal point, you can do that with the std::fixed manipulator:
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
int main() {
double R = 100.64;
double A = 3.14159 * R * R;
std::cout << std::setprecision(3) << std::fixed << A << '\n';
return 0;
This gives 31819.310.
(a) Make sure you never conflate these two, they're different concepts. See for example, the following values of π you may come up with:
Both im-precise and in-accurate.
Im-precise but accurate.
Precise but in-accurate.
Both precise and accurate.
Has maximum precision and accuracy.

curand generator fails on odd number of elements

I tried the following program which uses curand to generate random numbers. When the number of elements to generate (variable n) is an odd number like 9849 below, I got an error on the line with curandGenerateNormal. Even number of elements does not have this problem. What is the reason of that?
#include <curand.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
#define CHKcuda(x) do { \
cudaError_t y = (x); \
if (y != cudaSuccess) { \
cout << __LINE__ << ": " << y << endl; exit(1); \
} \
} while(0)
#define CHKcurand(x) do { \
curandStatus_t y = (x); \
cout << __LINE__ << ": " << y << endl; exit(1); \
} \
} while(0)
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
curandGenerator_t g_randgen;
float *ptr, *h_ptr;
int n;
if (argc > 1) {
n = atoi(argv[1]);
CHKcurand(curandCreateGenerator(&g_randgen, CURAND_RNG_PSEUDO_DEFAULT));
CHKcuda(cudaMalloc((void**)&ptr, n * sizeof(float)));
CHKcurand(curandGenerateNormal(g_randgen, ptr, n, 0, 0.1));
h_ptr = static_cast<float*>(malloc(sizeof(float) * n));
CHKcuda(cudaMemcpy(h_ptr, ptr, sizeof(float) * n, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost));
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
cout << h_ptr[i] << ", ";
cout << endl;
return 0;
I checked the return value of the generating function. The definition of the error code says the following:
CURAND_STATUS_LENGTH_NOT_MULTIPLE = 105, ///< Length requested is not a multple of dimension
However, in the documentation it only says when generating quasirandom numbers, the number of elements must be a multiple of the dimension. So why it affects the pseudorandom number generation here? Or is the parameter I'm using to create the generator (CURAND_RNG_PSEUDO_DEFAULT) actually created a quasirandom number generator? And moreover, what is the exact value of the dimension and where can I find it out?
In general, the normal generating functions (e.g. curandGenerateNormal, curandGenerateLogNormal, etc.) require the number of requested points to be a multiple of 2, for a pseudorandom RNG.
This is documented:
curandStatus_t CURANDAPI curandGenerateNormal ( curandGenerator_t generator, float* outputPtr, size_t n, float mean, float stddev )
Generate normally distributed doubles.
generator- Generator to use outputPtr- Pointer to device memory to store CUDA-generated results, or Pointer to host memory to store CPU-generated results n- Number of floats to generate mean- Mean of normal distribution stddev- Standard deviation of normal distribution
•CURAND_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED if the generator was never created
•CURAND_STATUS_PREEXISTING_FAILURE if there was an existing error from a previous kernel launch
•CURAND_STATUS_LAUNCH_FAILURE if the kernel launch failed for any reason
•CURAND_STATUS_LENGTH_NOT_MULTIPLE if the number of output samples is not a multiple of the quasirandom dimension, or is not a multiple of two for pseudorandom generators
•CURAND_STATUS_SUCCESS if the results were generated successfully
curandGenerateUniform, for example, does not have this restriction.
