Even prize distribution - algorithm

I'm currently facing interesting algorithm problem and I am looking for ideas or possible solutions. Topic seems to be common so maybe it's known and solved but I'm unable to find it.
So lets assume that I'm running shop and
I'm making lottery for buying customers. Each time they buy something they can win prize.
Prizes are given to customers instantly after buying.
I have X prizes and
I will be running lottery for Y days
Paying customer (act of buying, transaction) should have equal chance to win prize
Prizes should be distributed till last day (at last day there should be left some prizes to distribute)
There can not be left prizes at the end
I do not have historical data of transactions per day (no data from before lottery) to estimate average number of transactions (yet lottery could change number of transactions)
I can gather data while lottery is running
It this is not-solvable, what is closest solution?
Instant prize distribution have to stay.

Possible Solution #1
Based on #m69 comment
Lets says there are 6 prizes (total prizes) and 2 days of lottery.
Lets define Prizes By Day as PBD (to satisfy requirement have prizes till last day).
PBD = total prizes / days
We randomly choose as many as PBD events every day. Every transaction after this event is winning transaction.
Can be optimized to no to use last hour of last day of lottery to guarantee giving away all of prizes.
Random. Simple, elegant solution.
Seems that users have no equal chance to win.
Possible Solution #2
Based on #Sorin answer
We start to analyze first time frame (example 1 hour). And we calculate chance to win as:
Δprizes = left prizes,
Δframes = left frames

What you're trying to do is impossible. Once you've gave away the last prize you can't prove any guarantee for the number of customers left, so not all customers will have equal chance to win a prize.
You can do something that approximates it fairly well. You can try to estimate the number of customers you will have, assume that they are evenly distributed and then spread the prizes over the period while the contest is running. This will give you a ratio that you can use to say if a given customer is a winner. Then as the contest progresses, change the estimates to match what you see, and what prizes are left. Run this update every x (hours/ minutes or even customer transaction) to make sure the rate isn't too low and every q prizes to make sure the rate isn't too high. Don't run the update too often if the prizes are given away or the algorithm might react too strongly if there's a period with low traffic (say overnight).
Let me give you an example. Say you figure out that you're going to see 100 customers per hour and you should give prizes every 200 customers. So roughly 1 every 2 hours. After 3 hours you come back and you see you saw 300 customers per hour and you've given out 4 prizes already. So you can now adjust the expectation to 300 customers per hour and adjust the distribution rate to match what is left.
This will work even if your initial is too low or too high.
This will break badly if your estimate is too far AND you updates are far in between (say you only check after a day but you've already given away all the prizes).
This can leave prizes on the table. If you don't want that you can reduce the amount of time the program considers the contest as running so that it should finish the prizes before the end of the contest. You can limit the number of prizes awarded in a given day to make the distribution more uniform (don't set it to X/Y, but something like X/Y * .25 so that there's some variation), and update the limit at the end of the day to account for variation in awards given.


Algorithm development and optimization

I have this problem:
You need to develop a meal regime based on the data entered by the user. We have a database with the meals and their prices (meals also have a mark whether they are breakfast, cause on breakfast we eat smth different from lunch and dinner most often). The input receives the amount of money (Currency is not important) and the number of days. At the output, we must get a meal regime for a given number of days. Conditions:
Final price does not differ from the given one by more than 3%.
meals mustn't repeat more than once every 5 days.
I found this not effective solution: We are looking for an average price per day = amount of money / number of days. Then, until we reach the given number of days, we iterate throught each breakfast, then lunch and dinner (3 for loops, 2 are nested) and if price is not too different, then we end the search and add this day to the result list. So the design now looks like this:
while(daysCounter < days){
It looks scary, although there is not a lot of data (number of meals is about 150). There are thoughts that it is possible to find a more effective solution. Also i think about dynamic programming, but so far there are no ideas how to implement it.
Dynamic programming won't work because a necessary part of your state is the meals from the last 5 days. And the number of possibilities for that are astronomical.
However it is likely that there are many solutions, not just a few. And that it is easy to find a working solution by being greedy. Also that an existing solution can be improved fairly easily.
So I'd solve it like this. Replace days with an array of meals. Take the total you want to spend. Divide it up among your meals, in proportion to the median price of the options for that meal. (Breakfast is generally cheaper than dinner.) And now add up that per meal cost to get running totals.
And now for each meal choose the meal you have not had in the last 5 days that brings the running total of what has been spent as close as possible to the ideal total. Choose all of your meals, one at a time.
This is the greedy approach. Normally, but not always, it will come fairly close to the target.
And now, to a maximum of n tries or until you have the target within 3%, pick a random meal, consider all options that are not eaten within the last or next 5 days, and randomly pick one (if any such options exist) that brings the overall amount spent closer to the target.
(For a meal plan that is likely to vary more over a long period, I'd suggest trying simulated annealing. That will produce more interesting results, but it will also take longer.)

How to Schedule Tasks

There is a carwash that can only service 1 customer at a time. The goal of the car wash is to have as many happy customers as possible by making them wait the least amount of time in the queue. If the customers can be serviced under 15 minutes they are joyful, under an hour they are happy, between 1 hour to 3 hours neutral and 3 hours to 8 hours angry. (The goal is to minimize angry people and maximize happy people). The only caveat to this problem is that each car takes a different amount of time to wash and service so we cannot always serve on first come first serve basis given the goal we have to maximize customer utility. So it may look like this:
Customer Line :
Customer1) Task:6 Minutes (1st arrival)
Customer2) Task:3 Minutes (2nd arrival)
Customer3) Task:9 Minutes (3rd)
Customer4) Task:4 Minutes (4th)
Service Line:
Serve Customer 2, Serve Customer 1, Serve Customer 4, Serve Customer 3.
In this way, no one waited in line for more than 15 minutes before being served. I know I should use some form of priority queue to implement this but I honestly know how should I give priority to different customers. I cannot give priority to customers with the least amount of work needed since they may be the last customer to have arrived for example (others would be very angry) and I cannot just compare based on time since the first guy might have a task that takes the whole day.So how would I compare these customers to each other with the goal of maximizing happiness?
This is similar to ordering calls to a call center. It becomes more interesting when you have gold and silver customers. Anyway:
Every car has readyTime (the earliest time it can be washed, so it's arrival time - which might be different for each car) and a dueTime (the moment the customer becomes angry, so 3 hours after readyTime).
Then use a constraint solver (like OptaPlanner) to determine the order of the cars (*). The order of the cars (which is a genuine planning variable) implies the startWashingTime of each car (which is a shadow variable), because in your example, if customer 1 is ordered after customer 2 and if we start at 08:00, we can deduce that customer 1's startWashingTime is 08:03.
Then the endWashingTime is startWashingTime + washingDuration.
Then it's just a matter of adding 2 constraints and let the solver solve() it:
endWashingTime must be lower than dueTime, this is a hard constraint. This is to have no angry customers.
endWashingTime must be lower than startTime plus 15 minutes, this is a soft constraint. This is to maximize happy customers.
(*) This problem is NP-complete or NP-hard because you can relax it to a knapsack problem. In practice this means: you can't write an algorithm for it that scales out and finds the optimal solution in reasonable time. But a constraint solver can get you close.

Automated Lottery Logic : How to choose winners for 3 possible prizes in known quantities

So I have been tasked with designing the methodology for an automated lottery. I'm having trouble conceptualizing it and I'm hoping you fine folks can point me in the right direction.
There are 3 possible prizes (A, B, C) of known quantities available (N[A], N[B], N[C]). We know the duration the contest will run, but we do not know how many people will participate in the lottery. This contest logic will be used several times and the prize quantities and duration of the contest may change. Winners should be distributed at random-ish intervals throughout the duration of the contest.
Participants visit a webpage and they are shown if they have won a prize or not and, if so, which prize they have won. How do we choose which participants are winners and which prize the winner has won ?
Since you have no idea how many people will participate, and at what time they will do so, I would suggest you do not allocate prizes to contestants but to moments in time.
Then, whenever such a moment in time occurs, give the prize to the first participant to visit/participate/answer/whatever.
To distribute the prizes over the allotted time, you can start by distributing each prize evenly over the total time (depending on N[x]).
Then offset each timestamp with a random timespan between -T and T, where T is half the time between the prize moments.
If you want to avoid times falling in the night time (meaning in the morning people have a higher chance of winning by logging in early), simply adjust your formula's to skip the "night hours" as possible outcomes.

Algorithm needed - benelux contest 2007

This question (last one) appeared in Benelux Algorithm Programming Contest-2007
Problem Statement in short:
A Company needs to figure out strategy when to - buy OR sell OR no-op on a given input so as to maximise profit. Input is in the form:
4 4 2
2 9 3
It means input is given for 6 days.
Day 1: You get 4 shares, each with price 4$ and at-max you can sell 2 of them
Day 2: You get 2 shares, each with price 9$ and at-max you can sell 3 of them
We need to output the maximum profit which can be achieved.
I m thinking about how to go for this problem. It seems to me that if we apply brute force, it will take too much time. If this can be converted to some DP problem like 0-1 Knapsack? Some help will be highly appreciated.
it can be solved by DP
suppose there are n days, and the total number of stock shares is m
let f[i][j] means, at the ith day, with j shares remaining, the maximum profit is f[i][j]
obviously, f[i][j]=maximum(f[i-1][j+k]+k*price_per_day[i]), 0<=k<=maximum_shares_sell_per_day[i]
it can be further optimized that, since f[i][...] only depends on f[i-1][...], a rolling array can be used here. hence u need only to define f[2][m] to save space.
total time complexity is O(n*m*maximum_shares_sell_per_day).
perhaps it can be further optimized to save time. any feedback is welcome
Your description does not quite match the last problem in the PDF - in the PDF you receive the number of shares specified in the first column (or are forced to buy them - since there is no decision to make it does not matter) and can only decide on how many shares to sell. Since it does not say otherwise I presume that short selling is not allowed (else ignore everything except the price and go make so much money on the derivatives market that you afford to both bribe the SEC or congress and retire :-)).
This looks like a dynamic program, where the state at each point in time is the total number of shares you have in hand. So at time n you have an array with one element for each possible number of shares you might have ended up with at that time, and in that element you have the maximum amount of money you can make up to then while ending up with that number of shares. From this you can work out the same information for time n+1. When you reach the end, then all your shares are worthless so the best answer is the one associated with the maximum amount of money.
We can't do better than selling the maximum amount of shares we can on the day with the highest price, so I was thinking: (this may be somewhat difficult to implement (efficiently))
It may be a good idea to calculate the total number of shares received so far for each day to improve the efficiency of the algorithm.
Process the days in decreasing order of price.
For a day, sell amount = min(daily sell limit, shares available) (for the max price day (the first processed day), shares available = shares received to date).
For all subsequent days, shares available -= sell amount. For preceding days, we binary search for (shares available - shares sold) and all entries between that and the day just processed = 0.
We might not need to physically set the values (at least not at every step), just calculate them on-the-fly from the history thus-far (I'm thinking interval tree or something similar).

What is the correct way to write a sweepstakes algorithm?

For example, if I wanted to ensure that I had one winner every four hours, and I expected to have 125 plays per hour, what is the best way to provide for the highest chance of having a winner and the lowest chance of having no winners at the end of the four hour period?
The gameplay is like a slot-machine, not a daily number. i.e. the entrant enters the game and gets notified right away if they have won or lost.
Sounds like a homework problem, I know, but it's not :)
There's really only so much you can do to keep things fair (i.e. someone who enters at the beginning of a four hour period has the same odds of winning as someone who enters at the end) if you want to enforce this constraint. In general, the best you can do while remaining legal is to take a guess at how many entrants you're going to have and set the probability accordingly (and if there's no winner at the end of a given period, give it to a random entrant from that period).
Here's what I'd do to adjust your sweepstakes probability as you go (setting aside the legal ramifications of doing so):
For each period, start the probability at 1 / (number of expected entries * 2)
At any time, if you get a winner, the probability goes to 0 for the rest of that period.
Every thirty minutes, if you're still without a winner, set the probability at 1 / ((number of expected entries * (1 - percentage of period complete)) * 2). So here, the percentage of period complete is the number of hours elapsed in that current period / number of total hours in the period (4). Basically as you go, the probability will scale upwards.
Practical example: expected entries is 200.
Starting probability = 1 / 400 = 0.0025.
After first half hour, we don't have a winner, so we reevaluate probability:
probability = 1 / ((200 * (1 - 0.125) * 2) = 1 / (200 * 2 * 0.875) = 1/350
This goes down all the way until the probability is a maximum of 1/50, assuming no winner occurs before then.
You can adjust these parameters if you want to maximize the acceleration or whatever. But I'd be remiss if I didn't emphasize that I don't believe running a sweepstakes like this is legal. I've done a few sweepstakes for my company and am somewhat familiar with the various laws and regulations, and the general rule of thumb, as I understand it, is that no one entrant should have an advantage over any other entrant that the other entrant doesn't know about. I'm no expert, but consult with your lawyer before running a sweepstakes like this. That said, the solution above will help you maximize your odds of giving away a prize.
If you're wanting a winner for every drawing, you'd simply pick a random winner from your entrants.
If you're doing it like a lottery, where you don't have to have a winner for every drawing, the odds are as high or low as you care to make them based on your selection scheme. For instance, if you have 125 entries per hour, and you're picking every four hours, that's 500 entries per contest. If you generate a random number between 1 and 1000, there's a 50% chance that someone will win, 1 and 750 is a 75% chance that someone will win, and so forth. Then you just pick the entry that corresponds to the random number generated.
There's a million different ways to implement selecting a winner, in the end you just need to pick one and use it consistently.
