I have vs2015 enterprise edition.I would like to run the IntelliTest through command and generate reports. Is there any way I can invoke this through command line.
IntelliTest does not support a command line yet. We are tracking that as a feature request here: http://visualstudio.uservoice.com/forums/121579-visual-studio/suggestions/8623015-enable-intellitest-to-run-in-the-build-pipeline. Please consider voting.
Planning to Build & Deploy SSIS Projects(ISPAC) or Database Solutions (DAPAC) from Jenkins using Visual Studio Command line arguments.
Question: I know i can execute Windows batch commands but i would like to if i can execute Visual Studio Commands as well.
FYI: Planning to install Visual Studio on the Agent.
I think you will be able to do it using msbuild. If your SSIS solution can be compiled by Visual Studio, the msbuild command can do it as well (See also msbuild integration).
To utilize msbuild to create an ispac/dapac file take a look at this article. It's not Jenkins specific but that should not matter.
I have a weird problem when I want to compile a Visual Studio 2012 solution via msbuild on the command line. Whatever I do, it exits with Specified platform toolset (v110) is not installed or invalid. I have tried launching it via the regular command prompt, the Windows 7 SDK prompt, and all three command prompts included in VS2012. However, compiling in Visual Studio itself works.
where msbuild outputs:
You have probably solved the problem yourself but perhaps it may help others with a similar problem. Try to set the VisualStudioVersion environment variable before running MSBuild, e.g
SET VisualStudioVersion=11.0
There is a possibility that it helps.
You could also try passing the command line parameter /p:VisualStudioVersion=11.0 to MSBuild, when trying to build your project. It seems to have the same effect as setting the environment variable, in the above answer.
I have a question regarding building for Windows Phone 7 via command line, using VPDexpress.exe
I'm calling VPDexpress via the following:
VPDexpress.exe solutions_file.sln" /build "Release" /log "C:\build_log.txt"
Question: How can I get feedback about the build process (warnings/failures etc.) via the command line, identical to what I get in Visual Studio Express? How can I verify that /build "Release" is actually building the correct configuration?
After that command, you can just do cat C:\build_log.txt and see the build output.
Is it possible? Does it generate a report file?
The FxCopCmd.exe command line tool can be used to run code analysis (which is the same thing as FxCop analysis) from the command line. In a VS 2010 installation that includes code analysis, you would typically find FxCopCmd.exe in the following folder: \Team Tools\Static Analysis Tools\FxCop.
FxCopCmd.exe can emit a report file. For details, see its command line options.
I hav my execuatable produced by command line building.
I want to debug it in command line itself as like as gdb does in linux.
Also i want run my program in Visual studio GUI from command line options..
How can i do that?
Make sure it is compiled in the debug version. Run the program. Then "Attach to Process" from VS tools menu.
You can also specify the runtime options when running the debugger (it's in the project properties).
I don't think that VS has a pure command line mode, but you could use CDB/NTSD.
It is what lots of developers at MS do.