sass import variable in import file - sass

I try to make different config files (for different colors) and use the variables in another file I import basic.scss, Im going to make multiple app.scss files like app1.scss and app2.scss which use different config files with different colors.
My config1.scss
$primary-color : #6a7dcc;
$primary-font-color: #ccc;
my basic.scss
body {
background-color: $primary-color;
color: $primary-font-color;
my app1.scss
#import "config2.scss";
#import "basic.scss";
This gives me the error:
Error: Undefined variable: "$primary-color". on line 2 of
How can I use imported variables in other imported files?

Try changing it to:
#import "_config2";
#import "_basic";

File Config1.scss is having variable $primary-color and your are importing config2.scss (which is not having variable $primary-color) in your app1.scss, i think that is the reason

Looks like you have a config1 and config2. Unless that is a typo, once you change your #import config2.scss to #import config1.scss it should work.
Tl;dr you arent importing the file where the variables were declared. Do that and it should work.


In sass, replacing #import with #use not expanding variables

I want to start using #use instead of #import, since #import is going to be depreciated. I have a partial:
// _test.scss
$color1: #ee00ee;
referenced by:
// demo.scss
#use test;
html {
color: $color1;
If I comment out the html: $color1 line, I get no error. If I delete _test.scss I get a file not found error, so it seems the file is included.
But when everything is in place, I'm getting an undefined variable error. If I replace #use with #import, I get no error and the generated css has the expected color.
I'm on a Mac (big sur), using dart sass:
% dart --version
Dart SDK version: 2.9.3 (stable) (Tue Sep 8 11:21:00 2020 +0200) on "macos_x64"
The docs I've seen say that #use will replace #import, so I thought just changing to #use would be easy. Is there a step I'm missing?
It's a bit late, but as I understand it, #use treats the partial as modules, which more closely resembles the way JavaScript treats ES modules: In particular, the #use statement makes available a namespaced bit of external code, which changes the way you reference imported variables (and mixins and functions as well):
// demo.scss
#use test;
html {
color: test.$color1;
Some documentation is found in the article about #use on the SASS docs, and this article explains dart-sass' namespacing in some detail.

Scss variable path for importing other scss files

With the latest version of SASS/SCSS, is it possible to setup variables for the #import action like so...
$mpath: "~/../../../node_modules/";
#import {$mpath}+"bootstrap/scss/bootstrap";
The above is syntax is obviously wrong on #import, but hopefully you get the point ;) Can we do this?
The correct way to do interpolate a variable is like this:
$mpath: "~/../../../node_modules/";
#import "#{$mpath}bootstrap/scss/bootstrap";
This would insert the value of the variable in the path and import the Sass file.

Overriding Foundation settings not working in Middleman

Im doing my web in Middleman (static Ruby web generator)
I have Foundation installed and working. Then in my styleshhets folder I have a _settings file where I should override foundation's settings.
But somehow it is not working...
My structure is this:
Then In the _settings.scss on the stlesheets folder I want to override for example the body font color to red like this:
// We use these to control various global styles
// $body-bg: $white;
$body-font-color: red;
But is taking no effect.
# Change Compass configuration
compass_config do |config|
config.output_style = :compact
config.add_import_path "bower_components/foundation/scss"
config.http_path = "/"
config.css_dir = "stylesheets"
config.sass_dir = "stylesheets"
config.images_dir = "images"
config.javascripts_dir = "javascripts"
after_configuration do
#bower_config = JSON.parse("#{root}/.bowerrc"))
sprockets.append_path File.join "#{root}", #bower_config["directory"]
Any ideas what i need to do to be able to override foundations styles via my _settings.scss on my stylesheets folder ?
Here is my web on github if you need to see the whole structure :
As long as _settings.scss is imported BEFORE foundation.scss it should work.
Your config.rb is correct. However, one thing to pay attention to is the line
#import 'foundation';
which will be treated differently than the line
#import 'foundation.scss';
Compass will first look to see if there is a foundation.scss file in the bower_components/foundation path. Since there is, it will use that one. Further, since all SASS variables have already resolved in foundation.css, importing _settings.scss beforehand will not change the default styles. Instead, make sure the top of your app.scss file looks like this:
#import 'foundation.scss';
#import 'settings';
Because bower_components/foundation/_settings.scss is fully commented out by default, it won't disrupt the new styles.

Compass - Importing mixins [duplicate]

Getting an error message when compiling my SCSS using the ruby compass gem.
run: /var/lib/gems/1.8/gems/compass-0.12.2/bin/compass compile
out: unchanged sass/partial/grid.scss
out: error sass/partial/catalog.scss (Line 5: Undefined variable: "$paragraphFont".)
out: create css/generated/partial/catalog.css
out: create css/generated/partial/base.css
out: overwrite css/generated/screen.css
My screen.scss imports partials like this:
#import "partial/base";
#import "partial/catalog";
In my base partial I have the $paragraphFont defined.
$paragraphFont: 'Lucida Sans', arial;
$regularFontSize: 14px;
And in catalog.scss I use it:
.product-view #price-block {
p {
font-weight: normal;
font-family: $paragraphFont;
Weird thing is that the css gets compiled just fine, and the $paragraphFont is populated correctly. So I don't know why the compiler is complaining at me about an error.
You're generating files that don't need to be generated.
screen.scss -> screen.css
base.scss -> base.css
catalog.scss -> catalog.css
The catalog file is being compiled on its own. Since it is not importing base.scss, the variables are not set. Your screen.scss file generates as you expect because it is importing all of the necessary information.
What you want to do is rename your partials to begin with an underscore to prevent them from being compiled on their own:
screen.scss -> screen.css
_base.scss (not compiled)
_catalog.scss (not compiled)
A simpler explanation that probably fits most of the users here:
You're compiling all your sass, when you only need to compile the top level file
sass is commonly modularised as follows:
include child1.scss
include child2.scss (that also uses variables from child1.sass but does not import child1.scss)
include child3.scss (that also uses variables from child1.sass but does not import child1.sass)
When compiling, you only need to compile toplevel.scss. Compiling other files on their own (eg, child2.scss) will generate errors about undefined variables.
In your gulpfile:
gulp.task('sass', function () {
.src('./static/scss/toplevel.scss') // NOT *.scss
// Rest is just decoration
.pipe(prefixer('last 2 versions', 'ie 9'))
In your compass log it states:
A) create css/generated/partial/catalog.css
B) create css/generated/partial/base.css
These need to be:
A) create css/generated/partial/base.css
B) create css/generated/partial/catalog.css
My guess is that your screen.scss has incorrect import statements.
I'd recommend looking into common Sass directory organizational structures. My personal favorite is The 7-1 Pattern.
The nature of it splits commonly used elements into other files, which are all imported by a main.scss to kill redundancies.
But also, firstly pay attention to #cimmanon's answer, as he more directly addresses your question.

False positive "undefined variable" error when compiling SCSS

Getting an error message when compiling my SCSS using the ruby compass gem.
run: /var/lib/gems/1.8/gems/compass-0.12.2/bin/compass compile
out: unchanged sass/partial/grid.scss
out: error sass/partial/catalog.scss (Line 5: Undefined variable: "$paragraphFont".)
out: create css/generated/partial/catalog.css
out: create css/generated/partial/base.css
out: overwrite css/generated/screen.css
My screen.scss imports partials like this:
#import "partial/base";
#import "partial/catalog";
In my base partial I have the $paragraphFont defined.
$paragraphFont: 'Lucida Sans', arial;
$regularFontSize: 14px;
And in catalog.scss I use it:
.product-view #price-block {
p {
font-weight: normal;
font-family: $paragraphFont;
Weird thing is that the css gets compiled just fine, and the $paragraphFont is populated correctly. So I don't know why the compiler is complaining at me about an error.
You're generating files that don't need to be generated.
screen.scss -> screen.css
base.scss -> base.css
catalog.scss -> catalog.css
The catalog file is being compiled on its own. Since it is not importing base.scss, the variables are not set. Your screen.scss file generates as you expect because it is importing all of the necessary information.
What you want to do is rename your partials to begin with an underscore to prevent them from being compiled on their own:
screen.scss -> screen.css
_base.scss (not compiled)
_catalog.scss (not compiled)
A simpler explanation that probably fits most of the users here:
You're compiling all your sass, when you only need to compile the top level file
sass is commonly modularised as follows:
include child1.scss
include child2.scss (that also uses variables from child1.sass but does not import child1.scss)
include child3.scss (that also uses variables from child1.sass but does not import child1.sass)
When compiling, you only need to compile toplevel.scss. Compiling other files on their own (eg, child2.scss) will generate errors about undefined variables.
In your gulpfile:
gulp.task('sass', function () {
.src('./static/scss/toplevel.scss') // NOT *.scss
// Rest is just decoration
.pipe(prefixer('last 2 versions', 'ie 9'))
In your compass log it states:
A) create css/generated/partial/catalog.css
B) create css/generated/partial/base.css
These need to be:
A) create css/generated/partial/base.css
B) create css/generated/partial/catalog.css
My guess is that your screen.scss has incorrect import statements.
I'd recommend looking into common Sass directory organizational structures. My personal favorite is The 7-1 Pattern.
The nature of it splits commonly used elements into other files, which are all imported by a main.scss to kill redundancies.
But also, firstly pay attention to #cimmanon's answer, as he more directly addresses your question.
