Spring call EJB for Transaction - spring

Would like to confirm whether I can configure JtaTransactionManager with UserTransaction property for Spring bean with #Transactional annotation to call Container managed transaction bean in Application Server to update second database? Appreciate you advice.
If i have seperate Spring bean with #transaction annotation need to call existing CMT bean to update same database which is 1 datasource only, can i reuse the same JtaTransactionManager or do i need to create single datasource TransactionManager to update 1 database? Is that using DataSourceTransactionManager to update for 1 database only ?
Thanks in advance, Leanne


Spring boot create many entity manager

In a spring boot application, when i start it, i see 68 times this line:
tor$SharedEntityManagerInvocationHandler [main] - Creating new EntityManager for shared EntityManager invocation
I have 8 jpa entity.
any reason to have so many entity manager created?
Container managed entity managers are automatically propagated with the current JTA transaction and EntityManager references that are mapped to the same persistence unit provide access to the persistence context within that transaction. So it's not good practice to share an entity manager from a singleton, apart from concurrency problems, it would result in using the same transaction context for every method you call on your beans.
A simple solution to your need is to inject EntityManagerFactory references in your beans and create EntityManager objects calling the createEntityManager() method. The drawback is that you should manage transactions manually, no more relying on the container.
Otherwise another approach could be inject all of your entity managers in a main enterprise bean and implement business logic in service beans with methods to which you pass the appropriate managers

Why creation of repository beans need a datasource bean during start-up

I was working on a Spring-data-jpa project with spring boot, I see that the creation of repository beans required a datasoure bean to be present, Why is it so?
And can a repository bean be created without datasource bean.
The purpose of a repository is to load and save data into a persistent store.
Spring Data JPA does that using JPA so it needs an EntityManager which in turn need a DataSource.
Strictly speaking the DataSource is only used once the database is actually accessed.
While you definitely nee a DataSource bean you may delay the construction of a normal DataSource by providing a wrapper which instantiates the the actual DataSource at a later point in time.
DelegatingDataSource might be of help, either as a basis class or, since you are going to change the DataSource as a template for an implementation.
See the somewhat related question https://stackoverflow.com/a/61208585/66686

How to initialize the dataSource, transactionManager configuration beans later after the server startup?

I am aware of initializing the dataSource and transactionManager beans. But we have a requirement where at the time of server startup, database may not be available so we don't want to initialize these beans at the time of server startup otherwise we used to see the exception in logs.
We are using #Configuration, #EnableJpaRepositories annotation for managing the persistence context.
Can we achieve such kind of configuration in Spring where we want to initialize the dataSource bean at the time of first API request i.e. lazily?
If you are using Spring boot, can exclude as below
#EnableAutoConfiguration(exclude = {DataSourceAutoConfiguration.class, DataSourceTransactionManagerAutoConfiguration.class})

Transaction in Spring with datasources create in runtime

I have a problem with transaction in spring, because in my project datasources are created in runtime from side files and according to documentation:
I should inject to TransactionManager dataSource and made it visible for annotation #Transactional using <tx:annotation-driven transaction-manager="txManager"/>.
So my question is how can I do it when I want to use annotation?
First of all how are you creating the datasources at runtime.
if directly as Datasource=new datasource... I will suges use BeanDefinitionBuilder in Spring 3.2 to Create the Datasourcebean and then register it via BeanDefinitionRegistry.
and then get the bean from Spring context and it will be considered using the transaction.

Using JdbcTemplate with a "Non-Spring-Bean" JNDI DataSource

Page 342 of spring-framework-reference.pdf (bundled with spring-framework-3.1.0.M2) states, "The JdbcTemplate can be used within a DAO implementation through direct instantiation with a DataSource reference." However, it goes on to say, "The DataSource should always be configured as a bean in the Spring IoC container."
Does anyone know why the DataSource shouldn't be provided to a JdbcTemplate from a plain-old JNDI lookup outside of the Spring container, e.g. How to programatically use Spring's JdbcTemplate?
"The DataSource should always be configured as a bean in the Spring IoC container."
It appears that this note is intended to clarify the preceding statement:
"The JdbcTemplate can be used within a DAO implementation through direct instantiation with a DataSource reference, or be configured in a Spring IoC container and given to DAOs as a bean reference."
I believe the information these statements are trying to convey is that when you're configuring a DAO in Spring, you can either:
inject the DataSource directly into the DAO and create the JdbcTemplate in code yourself, or
you can make the JdbcTemplate a Spring bean as well, inject the DataSource into the JdbcTemplate, and inject the JdbcTemplate into the DAO.
The note, then, means that if Spring is managing the DAO and its dependencies, the DataSource must be a Spring bean in either case, as it needs to be injected either into the DataSource for use in constructing the JdbcTemplate (case 1) or into the JdbcTemplate itself (case 2).
I wouldn't take it to mean that a DataSource used in a JdbcTemplate must always be managed by Spring and only Spring. The note does give that impression. It's probably worth filing a bug against.
