All ways to partition a string - set

I'm trying to find a efficient algorithm to get all ways to partition a string
eg for a given string 'abcd' =>
'a' 'bcd'
'a' 'b' 'cd'
'a' 'b' 'c' 'd'
'ab' 'cd'
'ab' 'c' 'd'
'abc' 'd'
'a', 'bc', 'd
any language would be appreciated
Thanks in advance !

Problem analysis
Between each pair of adjacent characters, you can decide whether to cut. For a string of size n, there are n-1 positions where you can cut or not, i.e. there are two possibilities. Therefore a string of size n can be partitioned in 2n-1 ways.
The output consists of 2n-1 partitions, each having n characters plus separators. So we can describe the output size as f(n) = 2n-1 * n + s(n) where s(n) ≥ 0 accounts for the partition separators and line separators.
So due to the output size alone, an algorithm solving this problem must have exponential runtime or worse: Ω(2n).
(0 ≤ c * 2n = ½ * 2n = 2n-1 ≤ 2n-1 * n ≤ f(n) for all n≥k with positive constants c=½, k=1)
I chose to represent a partition as integer. Each bit in cutpoints determines whether to cut between characters i and i+1. To iterate through all possible partitions, we just need to go trough all integers between 0 and 2^(n-1) - 1.
Example: For a string of length 4, we go through all integers between 0 and 2^3 - 1 or 0 and 7 or in binary: 000 and 111.
# (python 2 or 3)
def all_partitions(string):
for cutpoints in range(1 << (len(string)-1)):
result = []
lastcut = 0
for i in range(len(string)-1):
if (1<<i) & cutpoints != 0:
lastcut = i+1
yield result
for partition in all_partitions("abcd"):
Memory usage:
I think my solution uses O(n) memory with Python 3. Only one partition is generated at a time, it's printed and not referenced anymore. This changes of course, if you keep all results, e.g. by storing them in a list.
In Python 2 replace range with xrange, otherwise all possible cutpoints will be stored in a list, therefore needing an exponential amount of memory.
JavaScript solution
// ES6 generator
function* all_partitions(string) {
for (var cutpoints = 0; cutpoints < (1 << (string.length - 1)); cutpoints++) {
var result = [];
var lastcut = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < string.length - 1; i++) {
if (((1 << i) & cutpoints) !== 0) {
result.push(string.slice(lastcut, i + 1));
lastcut = i + 1;
yield result;
for (var partition of all_partitions("abcd")) {
Tested with NodeJS v4.4.3 (disclaimer: I have not used NodeJS before).

GeeksforGeeks has provided a well-explained solution to this problem:
For string abcd there will be 2^(n-1) i.e. 8 partitions.
The crux of the solution lies in the recursion to print all the permutations.
maintain two parameters – index of the next character to be processed and the output string so far. We start from index of next character to be processed, append substring formed by unprocessed string to the output string and recurse on remaining string until we process the whole string.
// Java program to find all combinations of Non-
// overlapping substrings formed from given
// string
class GFG
// find all combinations of non-overlapping
// substrings formed by input string str
static void findCombinations(String str, int index,
String out)
if (index == str.length())
for (int i = index; i < str.length(); i++)
// append substring formed by str[index,
// i] to output string
findCombinations(str, i + 1, out +
"(" + str.substring(index, i+1) + ")" );
// driver program
public static void main (String[] args)
// input string
String str = "abcd";
findCombinations(str, 0, "");
Time Complexity is O(2^n)
Here's the link to the article:

I just wanted to post a simple recursive solution to this problem for anyone stumbling on this question. Probably not the best way, but this was way simpler for me to understand and implement. If I am wrong, please correct me.
def party(s:str, P:list, res:list) -> None :
"""Recursively generates all partitions of a given string"""
for i in range(1,len(s)):
res = []
[['abcd'], ['a', 'bcd'], ['a', 'b', 'cd'], ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'],
['a', 'bc', 'd'], ['ab', 'cd'], ['ab', 'c', 'd'], ['abc', 'd']]
It works as follows:
Given a string or a substring of it, we can split after each of its character creating two halves.
Say: "abc" can be partitioned into ["a","bc"], ["ab","c"]
We save the first part in a intermediate partition P and
recursively call party on the other half.
Because both halves together form a complete partition we save it to res.
initially: s = "abc" is a valid partition, save it to res.
recr call: s = "bc", P = ["a"] , so P +[s]= ["a","bc"] is also valid, save it to res.
Proceed with splitting "bc".
P = ["a","b"], s="c" so P + [s] is also valid. And so on..
recr call 3: s = "c", P = ["ab"], so P + [s] =["ab","c"] is also valid, save it to res
tests = ["abc","abcd","a"]
for t in tests:
res = []
print(f'{t} -> {res} \n')
abc -> [['abc'], ['a', 'bc'], ['a', 'b', 'c'], ['ab', 'c']]
abcd -> [['abcd'], ['a', 'bcd'], ['a', 'b', 'cd'], ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'],
['a', 'bc', 'd'], ['ab', 'cd'], ['ab', 'c', 'd'], ['abc', 'd']]
a -> [['a']]

This is a solution which minimizes developer time by taking advantage of a built-in iterator. It should be reasonably quick for problem sizes for which the answer itself is not infeasibly large.
There is a one-to-one correspondence between partitions of a string and subsets of potential cutpoints. If the length of the string is n then there are n-1 places where you could cut the string. A straightforward way would be to iterate through such subsets, and for each such subset, slice the string in that way. Here is a Python approach which uses the standard modules itertools:
import itertools
def multiSlice(s,cutpoints):
k = len(cutpoints)
if k == 0:
return [s]
multislices = [s[:cutpoints[0]]]
multislices.extend(s[cutpoints[i]:cutpoints[i+1]] for i in range(k-1))
return multislices
def allPartitions(s):
n = len(s)
cuts = list(range(1,n))
for k in range(n):
for cutpoints in itertools.combinations(cuts,k):
yield multiSlice(s,cutpoints)
For example:
>>> parts = allPartitions('World')
>>> for p in parts: print(p)
['W', 'orld']
['Wo', 'rld']
['Wor', 'ld']
['Worl', 'd']
['W', 'o', 'rld']
['W', 'or', 'ld']
['W', 'orl', 'd']
['Wo', 'r', 'ld']
['Wo', 'rl', 'd']
['Wor', 'l', 'd']
['W', 'o', 'r', 'ld']
['W', 'o', 'rl', 'd']
['W', 'or', 'l', 'd']
['Wo', 'r', 'l', 'd']
['W', 'o', 'r', 'l', 'd']
Note that this approach produces generates ['World'] as a partition of 'World'. This corresponds to slicing with an empty set of cut points. I regard that as a feature rather than a bug since the standard mathematical definition of partition allows for a partition of a set into one piece. If this in undesirable for your purposes, the fix is easy enough -- just iterate over the nonempty subsets of the cut points. In terms of the above code, this fix amounts to adding two characters to allPartitions: replace
for k in range(n):
for k in range(1,n):

Something along the lines of the following (untested and likely buggy VB.NET sample)
Function FindAllGroups(s As String) As List(Of List(Of String))
Dim ret As New List(Of List(Of String))
Dim l As New List(Of String)
l.Add(s) 'the whole string unbroken
ret.Add(l) 'first option we return is the whole unbroken string by itself
If s.Length > 1 Then
Dim tmp = FindAllGroups(s.Substring(1)) 'find all the groups for the rest of the string after the first character
For Each l2 in tmp
l = l2.ToList 'Copy it
l.Insert(s.SubString(0,1),0)'insert the first character from this string by itself before this combination for the rest of the string
For Each l2 in tmp
l = l2.ToList 'Copy it
l(0)= s.SubString(0,1) & l(0) 'insert the first character from this string as part of the first element in the list
End If
Return ret
End Function
This basically works by saying that we can take 'abcd' and split it into
'a', 1st option for 'bcd' split
'a', 2nd option for 'bcd' split
1st option for 'bcd' split with the first element prepended with 'a'
2nd option for 'bcd' split with the first element prepended with 'a'
then to calculate 'bcd', we just repeat the process as above, only with
'b', 1st option for 'cd' split
'b', 2nd option for 'cd' split
1st option for 'cd' split with the first element prepended with 'b'
2nd option for 'cd' split with the first element prepended with 'b'
etc. repeated recursively.
However, this code isn't particularly efficient at runtime. One thing that you could do to speed it up significantly would be to add a Dictionary(Of String, List(Of List(Of String)) outside the function which you can store a cache of the results in and if the item exists in there, you return from there, if not, calculate it and add it. Lists also might not be the most efficient, and the ToList function might not be the quickest way of cloning. However, I've simplified it to make it easier to understand and also to save me time working it out!

This is a fairly standard depth first search (backtracking) problem.
void dfs(int startIndex, const string& s, vector<string>& tmp,
vector<vector<string>>& res){
if (startIndex == s.size()) {
for (int i = 1; startIndex + i <= s.size(); ++i) {
tmp.push_back(s.substr(startIndex, i));
dfs(startIndex + i, s, tmp, res);
int main()
vector<vector<string>> res;
vector<string> tmp;
string s = "abcd";
dfs(0, s, tmp, res);
For its execution and result please refer to here.

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
vector<string> ans;
string s;
void solve(int previouscut, int len)
if(previouscut == s.length()) // base case
for(auto str:ans)
cout << str << " " ;
cout << "\n";
if(previouscut+len>s.length()) // boundary case
solve(previouscut + len,1);
ans.pop_back(); //backtrack
// no cut
solve(previouscut, len+1);
int main()
cin >> s;
return 0;


printing the permutation using bfs or dfs

I am trying to print all the permutations of a string using recursion as below. But I was wondering if we can use bfs or dfs also to do this, am I thinking right?
If yes, then can you please give me an idea?
My idea is: if string = "abcd"
start node: 'a'
end node: 'd'
intermediate nodes: 'b' and 'c'
We can then change the start nodes to 'b','c' and 'd'.
I am having difficulty in visualizing it to put it in a algorithm.
#include <stdio.h>
void swap(char *s, int i, int j)
char temp = s[i];
s[i] = s[j];
s[j] = temp;
void foo(char *s, int j, int len)
int i;
if (j == len-1) {
printf("%s\n", s);
for (i=j;i<len;i++) {
swap(s, i, j);
foo(s, j+1, len);
swap(s, i, j);
int main()
char s[] = "abc";
foo(s, 0, strlen(s));
Based on the logic given by Serge Rogatch, below problem can be solved:
def swap_two(s, i, j):
return s[:i] + s[j] + s[i+1:j] + s[i] + s[j+1:]
def swaps(s):
for i in range(1, len(s)):
yield swap_two(s, 0, i)
def print_permutations(input, q):
seen_list = []
while not q.isempty():
data = q.dequeue()
for i in swaps(data):
if i not in seen_list:
return seen_list
q = queue(512)
seen_list = print_permutations("abcd", q)
print(sorted(seen_list), len(seen_list))
queue implementation is here
Your algorithm seems to already implement backtracking, which is one of the correct things to do for permuting. There is also non-recursive algorithm based on tail inversion (can't find the link, I think I don't remember its name precisely) or QuickPerm algorithm:
DFS and BFS visit every vertex exactly once. So if you really want to use them, then as vertices you should view permutations (whole strings like "abcd", "abdc", etc.) rather than separate characters like 'a', 'b', etc. Starting with some initial vertex like "abcd" you should try to swap each pair of characters and see if that vertex has been already visited. You can store the set of visited vertices in an unordered_set. So e.g. in "abcd" if you swap 'b' and 'c' you get "acbd" etc. This algorithm should produce each permutation because for Heap's algorithm it suffices to swap just one pair of vertices in each step:
If you strictly want to emulate a graph traversal algorithm...Here's an intuitive(probably not the most graceful) approach:
Think of string as a graph, where each character is connected to every other character
Instead of trying to find a "path" from source to destination, frame the problem as follows: "find all paths of a specific length - from every source"
So start from the first character, use it as the "source"; then find all paths with length = length of the entire String... Then use the next character as the source...
Here's an implementation in python:
def permutations(s):
g = _str_to_graph(s) # {'a': ['b', 'c'], 'b': ['c', 'a'], 'c': ['a', 'b'] }
branch = []
visited = set()
for i in s: # use every character as a source
dfs_all_paths_of_certain_length(i, len(s), branch, visited, g)
def _str_to_graph(s):
from collections import defaultdict
g = defaultdict(list)
for i in range(len(s)):
for j in range(len(s)):
if i != j:
return g
def dfs_all_paths_of_certain_length(u, ll, branch, visited, g):
if len(branch) == ll: # if length of branch equals length of string, print the branch
for n in g[u]:
if n not in visited:
dfs_all_paths_of_certain_length(n, ll, branch, visited, g)
# backtrack
You can read this article:
AlTHOUGH this is C++ implementation, but you can easily transform it to a C version
By the way, your method can be called a dfs!

Add the least amount of characters to make a palindrome

The question:
Given any string, add the least amount of characters possible to make it a palindrome in linear time.
I'm only able to come up with a O(N2) solution.
Can someone help me with an O(N) solution?
Revert the string
Use a modified Knuth-Morris-Pratt to find the latest match (simplest modification would be to just append the original string to the reverted string and ignore matches after len(string).
Append the unmatched rest of the reverted string to the original.
1 and 3 are obviously linear and 2 is linear beacause Knuth-Morris-Pratt is.
If only appending is allowed
A Scala solution:
def isPalindrome(s: String) = s.view.reverse == s.view
def makePalindrome(s: String) =
s + s.take((0 to s.length).find(i => isPalindrome(s.substring(i))).get).reverse
If you're allowed to insert characters anywhere
Every palindrome can be viewed as a set of nested letter pairs.
a n n a b o b
| | | | | * |
| -- | | |
--------- -----
If the palindrome length n is even, we'll have n/2 pairs. If it is odd, we'll have n/2 full pairs and one single letter in the middle (let's call it a degenerated pair).
Let's represent them by pairs of string indexes - the left index counted from the left end of the string, and the right index counted from the right end of the string, both ends starting with index 0.
Now let's write pairs starting from the outer to the inner. So in our example:
anna: (0, 0) (1, 1)
bob: (0, 0) (1, 1)
In order to make any string a palindrome, we will go from both ends of the string one character at a time, and with every step, we'll eventually add a character to produce a correct pair of identical characters.
Assume the input word is "blob"
Pair (0, 0) is (b, b) ok, nothing to do, this pair is fine. Let's increase the counter.
Pair (1, 1) is (l, o). Doesn't match. So let's add "o" at position 1 from the left. Now our word became "bolob".
Pair (2, 2). We don't need to look even at the characters, because we're pointing at the same index in the string. Done.
Wait a moment, but we have a problem here: in point 2. we arbitrarily chose to add a character on the left. But we could as well add a character "l" on the right. That would produce "blolb", also a valid palindrome. So does it matter? Unfortunately it does because the choice in earlier steps may affect how many pairs we'll have to fix and therefore how many characters we'll have to add in the future steps.
Easy algorithm: search all the possiblities. That would give us a O(2^n) algorithm.
Better algorithm: use Dynamic Programming approach and prune the search space.
In order to keep things simpler, now we decouple inserting of new characters from just finding the right sequence of nested pairs (outer to inner) and fixing their alignment later. So for the word "blob" we have the following possibilities, both ending with a degenerated pair:
(0, 0) (1, 2)
(0, 0) (2, 1)
The more such pairs we find, the less characters we will have to add to fix the original string. Every full pair found gives us two characters we can reuse. Every degenerated pair gives us one character to reuse.
The main loop of the algorithm will iteratively evaluate pair sequences in such a way, that in step 1 all valid pair sequences of length 1 are found. The next step will evaluate sequences of length 2, the third sequences of length 3 etc. When at some step we find no possibilities, this means the previous step contains the solution with the highest number of pairs.
After each step, we will remove the pareto-suboptimal sequences. A sequence is suboptimal compared to another sequence of the same length, if its last pair is dominated by the last pair of the other sequence. E.g. sequence (0, 0)(1, 3) is worse than (0, 0)(1, 2). The latter gives us more room to find nested pairs and we're guaranteed to find at least all the pairs that we'd find for the former. However sequence (0, 0)(1, 2) is neither worse nor better than (0, 0)(2, 1). The one minor detail we have to beware of is that a sequence ending with a degenerated pair is always worse than a sequence ending with a full pair.
After bringing it all together:
def makePalindrome(str: String): String = {
/** Finds the pareto-minimum subset of a set of points (here pair of indices).
* Could be done in linear time, without sorting, but O(n log n) is not that bad ;) */
def paretoMin(points: Iterable[(Int, Int)]): List[(Int, Int)] = {
val sorted = points.toSeq.sortBy(identity)
(List.empty[(Int, Int)] /: sorted) { (result, e) =>
if (result.isEmpty || e._2 <= result.head._2)
e :: result
/** Find all pairs directly nested within a given pair.
* For performance reasons tries to not include suboptimal pairs (pairs nested in any of the pairs also in the result)
* although it wouldn't break anything as prune takes care of this. */
def pairs(left: Int, right: Int): Iterable[(Int, Int)] = {
val builder = List.newBuilder[(Int, Int)]
var rightMax = str.length
for (i <- left until (str.length - right)) {
rightMax = math.min(str.length - left, rightMax)
val subPairs =
for (j <- right until rightMax if str(i) == str(str.length - j - 1)) yield (i, j)
subPairs.headOption match {
case Some((a, b)) => rightMax = b; builder += ((a, b))
case None =>
/** Builds sequences of size n+1 from sequence of size n */
def extend(path: List[(Int, Int)]): Iterable[List[(Int, Int)]] =
for (p <- pairs(path.head._1 + 1, path.head._2 + 1)) yield p :: path
/** Whether full or degenerated. Full-pairs save us 2 characters, degenerated save us only 1. */
def isFullPair(pair: (Int, Int)) =
pair._1 + pair._2 < str.length - 1
/** Removes pareto-suboptimal sequences */
def prune(sequences: List[List[(Int, Int)]]): List[List[(Int, Int)]] = {
val allowedHeads = paretoMin(
val containsFullPair = allowedHeads.exists(isFullPair)
sequences.filter(s => allowedHeads.contains(s.head) && (isFullPair(s.head) || !containsFullPair))
/** Dynamic-Programming step */
def search(sequences: List[List[(Int, Int)]]): List[List[(Int, Int)]] = {
val nextStage = prune(sequences.flatMap(extend))
nextStage match {
case List() => sequences
case x => search(nextStage)
/** Converts a sequence of nested pairs to a palindrome */
def sequenceToString(sequence: List[(Int, Int)]): String = {
val lStr = str
val rStr = str.reverse
val half =
(for (List(start, end) <- sequence.reverse.sliding(2)) yield
lStr.substring(start._1 + 1, end._1) + rStr.substring(start._2 + 1, end._2) + lStr(end._1)).mkString
if (isFullPair(sequence.head))
half + half.reverse
half + half.reverse.substring(1)
sequenceToString(search(List(List((-1, -1)))).head)
Note: The code does not list all the palindromes, but gives only one example, and it is guaranteed it has the minimum length. There usually are more palindromes possible with the same minimum length (O(2^n) worst case, so you probably don't want to enumerate them all).
O(n) time solution.
Need to find the longest palindrome within the given string that contains the last character. Then add all the character that are not part of the palindrome to the back of the string in reverse order.
Key point:
In this problem, the longest palindrome in the given string MUST contain the last character.
input: abacac
output: abacacaba
Here the longest palindrome in the input that contains the last letter is "cac". Therefore add all the letter before "cac" to the back in reverse order to make the entire string a palindrome.
written in c# with a few test cases commented out
static public void makePalindrome()
//string word = "aababaa";
//string word = "abacbaa";
//string word = "abcbd";
//string word = "abacac";
//string word = "aBxyxBxBxyxB";
//string word = "Malayal";
string word = "abccadac";
int j = word.Length - 1;
int mark = j;
bool found = false;
for (int i = 0; i < j; i++)
char cI = word[i];
char cJ = word[j];
if (cI == cJ)
found = true;
if(mark > i)
mark = i;
if (found)
found = false;
j = word.Length - 1;
mark = j;
for (int i = mark-1; i >=0; i--)
word += word[i];
Note that this code will give you the solution for least amount of letter to APPEND TO THE BACK to make the string a palindrome. If you want to append to the front, just have a 2nd loop that goes the other way. This will make the algorithm O(n) + O(n) = O(n). If you want a way to insert letters anywhere in the string to make it a palindrome, then this code will not work for that case.
I believe #Chronical's answer is wrong, as it seems to be for best case scenario, not worst case which is used to compute big-O complexity. I welcome the proof, but the "solution" doesn't actually describe a valid answer.
KMP finds a matching substring in O(n * 2k) time, where n is the length of the input string, and k substring we're searching for, but does not in O(n) time tell you what the longest palindrome in the input string is.
To solve this problem, we need to find the longest palindrome at the end of the string. If this longest suffix palindrome is of length x, the minimum number of characters to add is n - x. E.g. the string aaba's longest suffix substring is aba of length 3, thus our answer is 1. The algorithm to find out if a string is a palindrome takes O(n) time, whether using KMP or the more efficient and simple algorithm (O(n/2)):
Take two pointers, one at the first character and one at the last character
Compare the characters at the pointers, if they're equal, move each pointer inward, otherwise return false
When the pointers point to the same index (odd string length), or have overlapped (even string length), return true
Using the simple algorithm, we start from the entire string and check if it's a palindrome. If it is, we return 0, and if not, we check the string string[1...end], string[2...end] until we have reached a single character and return n - 1. This results in a runtime of O(n^2).
Splitting up the KMP algorithm into
Build table
Search for longest suffix palindrome
Building the table takes O(n) time, and then each check of "are you a palindrome" for each substring from string[0...end], string[1...end], ..., string[end - 2...end] each takes O(n) time. k in this case is the same factor of n that the simple algorithm takes to check each substring, because it starts as k = n, then goes through k = n - 1, k = n - 2... just the same as the simple algorithm did.
KMP can tell you if a string is a palindrome in O(n) time, but that supply an answer to the question, because you have to check if all substrings string[0...end], string[1...end], ..., string[end - 2...end] are palindromes, resulting in the same (but actually worse) runtime as a simple palindrome-check algorithm.
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::cin;
int main() {
std::string word, left("");
cin >> word;
size_t start, end;
for (start = 0, end = word.length()-1; start < end; end--) {
if (word[start] != word[end]) {
left.append(word.begin()+end, 1 + word.begin()+end);
left.append(word.begin()+start, 1 + word.begin()+start), start++;
cout << left << ( start == end ? std::string(word.begin()+end, 1 + word.begin()+end) : "" )
<< std::string(left.rbegin(), left.rend()) << endl;
return 0;
Don't know if it appends the minimum number, but it produces palindromes
We will start at both ends of the given string and iterate inwards towards the center.
At each iteration, we check if each letter is the same, i.e. word[start] == word[end]?.
If they are the same, we append a copy of the variable word[start] to another string called left which as it name suggests will serve as the left hand side of the new palindrome string when iteration is complete. Then we increment both variables (start)++ and (end)-- towards the center
In the case that they are not the same, we append a copy of of the variable word[end] to the same string left
And this is the basics of the algorithm until the loop is done.
When the loop is finished, one last check is done to make sure that if we got an odd length palindrome, we append the middle character to the middle of the new palindrome formed.
Note that if you decide to append the oppoosite characters to the string left, the opposite about everything in the code becomes true; i.e. which index is incremented at each iteration and which is incremented when a match is found, order of printing the palindrome, etc. I don't want to have to go through it again but you can try it and see.
The running complexity of this code should be O(N) assuming that append method of the std::string class runs in constant time.
If some wants to solve this in ruby, The solution can be very simple
str = 'xcbc' # Any string that you want.
arr1 = str.split('')
arr2 = arr1.reverse
count = 0
while(str != str.reverse)
count += 1
arr1.insert(count-1, arr2[count-1])
str = arr1.join('')
puts str
puts str.length - arr2.count
I am assuming that you cannot replace or remove any existing characters?
A good start would be reversing one of the strings and finding the longest-common-substring (LCS) between the reversed string and the other string. Since it sounds like this is a homework or interview question, I'll leave the rest up to you.
Here see this solution
This is better than O(N^2)
Problem is sub divided in to many other sub problems
original "tostotor"
reversed "rototsot"
Here 2nd position is 'o' so dividing in to two problems by breaking in to "t" and "ostot" from the original string
For 't':solution is 1
For 'ostot':solution is 2 because LCS is "tot" and characters need to be added are "os"
so total is 2+1 = 3
def shortPalin( S):
for i in range(len(S)/2):
if S[i]==S[lis-1-i]:
else :break
for i in range(len(S)):
if i>=w:
elif S[i]==S[lis-1-i]:
return tot
def lcs( S):
if (len(S)==1):
return 1
X=[0 for x in xrange(len(S)+1)]
Y=[0 for l in xrange(len(S)+1)]
for i in range(len(S)-1,-1,-1):
for j in range(len(S)-1,-1,-1):
if S[i]==S[li-1-j]:
return li-X[0]
print shortPalin("tostotor")
Using Recursion
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int length( char str[])
{ int l=0;
for( int i=0; str[i]!='\0'; i++, l++);
return l;
int palin(char str[],int len)
{ static int cnt;
int s=0;
int e=len-1;
if(str[s]!=str[e]) {
return palin(str+1,len-1);}
return cnt;
int main() {
char str[100];
int len = length(str);
Solution with O(n) time complexity
public static void main(String[] args) {
String givenStr = "abtb";
String palindromeStr = covertToPalindrome(givenStr);
private static String covertToPalindrome(String str) {
char[] strArray = str.toCharArray();
int low = 0;
int high = strArray.length - 1;
int subStrIndex = -1;
while (low < high) {
if (strArray[low] == strArray[high]) {
} else {
high = strArray.length - 1;
subStrIndex = low;
return str + (new StringBuilder(str.substring(0, subStrIndex+1))).reverse().toString();
// string to append to convert it to a palindrome
public static void main(String args[])
String s=input();
static String min_operations(String str)
int i=0;
int j=str.length()-1;
String ans="";
StringBuffer sd=new StringBuffer(ans);
return (sd.toString());

4x4 2D character matrix permutations

I have a 4x4 2D array of characters like this:
Now, I would need to find all the permutations of 3 characters, 4 characters, etc till 10.
So, some words that one could "find" out of this are TEN, BALD, BLUE, GUYS.
I did search SO for this and Googled, but to no concrete help. Can you push me in the right direction in which algorithm I should learn (A* maybe?). Please be gentle as I'm no algorithms guy (aren't we all (well, at least a majority :)), but am willing to learn just don't know where exactly to start.
Ahhh, that's the game Boggle isn't it... You don't want permutations, you want a graph and you want to find words in the graph.
Well, I would start by arranging the characters as graph nodes, and join them to their immediate and diagonal neighbours.
Now you just want to search the graph. For each of the 16 starting nodes, you're going to do a recursion. As you move to a new node, you must flag it as being used so that you can't move to it again. When you leave a node (having completely searched it) you unflag it.
I hope you see where this is going...
For each node, you will visit each of its neighbours and add that character to a string. If you have built your dictionary with this search in mind, you will immediately be able to see whether the characters you have so far are the beginning of a word. This narrows the search nicely.
The kind of dictionary I'm talking about is where you have a tree whose nodes have one child for each letter of the alphabet. The beauty of these is that you only need to store which tree node you're currently up to in the search. If you decide you've found a word, you just backtrack via the parent nodes to work out which word it is.
Using this tree style along with a depth-first graph search, you can search ALL possible word lengths at the same time. That's about the most efficient way I can think of.
Let me just write a pseudocodish function for your graph search:
function FindWords( graphNode, dictNode, wordsList )
# can't use a letter twice
if graphNode.used then return
# don't continue if the letter not part of any word
if not dictNode.hasChild(graphNode.letter) then return
nextDictNode = dictNode.getChild(graphNode.letter)
# if this dictionary node is flagged as a word, add it to our list
wordsList.addWord( nextDictNode .getWord() )
# Now do a recursion on all our neighbours
graphNode.used = true
foreach nextGraphNode in graphNode.neighbours do
FindWords( nextGraphNode, nextDictNode, wordsList )
graphNode.used = false
And of course, to kick the whole thing off:
foreach graphNode in graph do
FindWords( graphNode, dictionary, wordsList )
All that remains is to build the graph and the dictionary. And I just remembered what that dictionary data structure is called! It's a Trie. If you need more space-efficient storage, you can compress into a Radix Tree or similar, but by far the easiest (and fastest) is to just use a straight Trie.
As you not define preferred language I implemented on C#:
private static readonly int[] dx = new int[] { 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, -1, -1, -1 };
private static readonly int[] dy = new int[] { -1, 0, 1, 1, -1, -1, 0, 1 };
private static List<string> words;
private static List<string> GetAllWords(char[,] matrix ,int d)
words = new List<string>();
bool[,] visited = new bool[4, 4];
char[] result = new char[d];
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
Go(matrix, result, visited, d, i, j);
return words;
private static void Go(char[,] matrix, char[] result, bool[,] visited, int d, int x, int y)
if (x < 0 || x >= 4 || y < 0 || y >= 4 || visited[x, y])
if (d == 0)
words.Add(new String(result));
visited[x, y] = true;
result[d - 1] = matrix[x, y];
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
Go(matrix, result, visited, d - 1, x + dx[i], y + dy[i]);
visited[x, y] = false;
Code to get results:
char[,] matrix = new char[,] { { 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D' }, { 'U', 'A', 'L', 'E' }, { 'T', 'S', 'U', 'G' }, { 'N', 'E', 'Y', 'I' } };
List<string> list = GetAllWords(matrix, 3);
Change parameter 3 to required text length.
It seems you just use the 4x4 matrix as an array of length 16. If it is the case, you can try the recursive approach to generate permutations up to length k as follows:
findPermutations(chars, i, highLim, downLim, candidate):
if (i > downLim):
print candidate
if (i == highLim): //stop clause
for j in range(i,length(chars)):
curr <- chars[i]
swap(chars,i,j) // make it unavailable for repicking
//clean up environment after recursive call:
swap(chars ,i, j)
The idea is to print each "candidate" that has more chars then downLim (3 in your case), and terminate when you reach the upper limit (highLim) - 10 in your case.
At each time, you "guess" which character is the next to put - and you append it to the candidate, and recursively invoke to find the next candidate.
Repeat the process for all possible guesses.
Note that there are choose(10,16)*10! + choose(9,16)*9! + ... + choose(3,16)*3! different such permutations, so it might be time consuming...
If you want meaningful words, you are going to need some kind of dictionary (or to statistically extract one from some context) in order to match the candidates with the "real words".

Find combinations that include required values

I have a set of objects. I also have a set of required objects, containing between 0 and 3 objects. I'm trying to find all combinations of 3 objects from the initial set that include the required objects.
Edit: Example --
objects: {A,B,C,D,E}
required: {A}
output: {A,B,C}, {A,B,D}, {A,B,E}, {A,C,D}, {A,C,E}, {A,D,E}
objects: {A,B,C,D,E}
required: {A,B}
output: {A,B,C}, {A,B,D}, {A,B,E}
The obvious, but slow, solution is something like:
for(int i = 0; i < objects.size()-2 ; i++){
for(int j = i; j < objects.size()-1 ; j++){
for(int k = j; k < objects.size() ; k++){
if(required.contains(i) || required.contains (j) || required.contains(k)){
results.add(new Result(i,j,k));
This solution traverses the entire search space regardless of required objects.
Another approach I came up with was to write custom code for each number of required objects:
switch (required.size()){
case 3:
results.add(new Result(required));
case 2:
Object a = requiredIngredients.toArray()[0];
Object b = requiredIngredients.toArray()[1];
for(Object o : objects){
results.add(new Result(EnumSet.of(o, a, b)));
This works, but is obnoxious and not generalizable.
A third approach is to make three separate sets, shrinking sets to include only a required value if requirements are present, then iterate over them normally:
for(Object i : firstObjects){
for(Object j : secondObjects){
if(i == j) continue;
for(Object k : thirdObjects){
if(j == k) continue;
results.add(new Result(i,j,k));
This seems somewhat better, but produces duplicate combinations. Eg. It would return both ABC and ACB as two separate results. I could have the result set recognize duplicates, but I'd prefer not to calculate it to begin with.
Hopefully these examples make the problem clear. I feel like someone has figured out how to solve this kind of problem already, but I'm having a hard time identifying the generalized problem type.
Here is a simple and general way, but maybe not the most efficient (in python):
from itertools import combinations
def combinations_including(n,objects,required):
return sorted([sorted(tuple(required)+x) for x in combinations(extra,n-len(required))])
print combinations_including(3,set('ABCDE'),set('A'))
print combinations_including(3,set('ABCDE'),set('AB'))
[['A', 'B', 'C'], ['A', 'B', 'D'], ['A', 'B', 'E'], ['A', 'C', 'D'], ['A', 'C', 'E'], ['A', 'D', 'E']]
[['A', 'B', 'C'], ['A', 'B', 'D'], ['A', 'B', 'E']]
If the required set is small, then it is probably worse than brute force, but as the size of the required set increases, it will become much more efficient than brute force. For example, if the required set is the same as the input set, then it finds the answer in constant time.

Mapping integers to strings in a given string space

Suppose I have an alphabet of 'abcd' and a maximum string length of 3. This gives me 85 possible strings, including the empty string. What I would like to do is map an integer in the range [0,85) to a string in my string space without using a lookup table. Something like this:
0 => ''
1 => 'a'
4 => 'd'
5 => 'aa'
6 => 'ab'
84 => 'ddd'
This is simple enough to do if the string is fixed length using this pseudocode algorithm:
str = ''
for i in 0..maxLen do
str += alphabet[i % alphabet.length]
i /= alphabet.length
I can't figure out a good, efficient way of doing it though when the length of the string could be anywhere in the range [0,3). This is going to be running in a tight loop with random inputs so I would like to avoid any unnecessary branching or lookups.
Shift your index by one and ignore the empty string temporarily. So you'd map 0 -> "a", ..., 83 -> "ddd".
Then the mapping is
n -> base-4-encode(n - number of shorter strings)
With 26 symbols, that's the Excel-column-numbering scheme.
With s symbols, there are s + s^2 + ... + s^l nonempty strings of length at most l. Leaving aside the trivial case s = 1, that sum is (a partial sum of a geometric series) s*(s^l - 1)/(s-1).
So, given n, find the largest l such that s*(s^l - 1)/(s-1) <= n, i.e.
l = floor(log((s-1)*n/s + 1) / log(s))
Then let m = n - s*(s^l - 1)/(s-1) and encode m as an l+1-symbol string in base s ('a' ~> 0, 'b' ~> 1, ...).
For the problem including the empty string, map 0 to the empty string and for n > 0 encode n-1 as above.
In Haskell
encode cs n = reverse $ encode' n where
len = length cs
encode' 0 = ""
encode' n = (cs !! ((n-1) `mod` len)) : encode' ((n-1) `div` len)
*Main> map (encode "abcd") [0..84] ["","a","b","c","d","aa","ab","ac","ad","ba","bb","bc","bd","ca","cb","cc","cd","da","db","dc","dd","aaa","aab","aac","aad","aba","abb","abc","abd","aca","acb","acc","acd","ada","adb","adc","add","baa","bab","bac","bad","bba","bbb","bbc","bbd","bca","bcb","bcc","bcd","bda","bdb","bdc","bdd","caa","cab","cac","cad","cba","cbb","cbc","cbd","cca","ccb","ccc","ccd","cda","cdb","cdc","cdd","daa","dab","dac","dad","dba","dbb","dbc","dbd","dca","dcb","dcc","dcd","dda","ddb","ddc","ddd"]
Figure out the number of strings for each length: N0, N1, N2 & N3 (actually, you won't need N3). Then, use those values to partition your space of integers: 0..N0-1 are length 0, N0..N0+N1-1 are length 1, etc. Within each partition, you can use your fixed-length algorithm.
At worst, you've greatly reduced the size of your lookup table.
Here is a C# solution:
static string F(int x, int alphabetSize)
string ret = "";
while (x > 0)
ret = (char)('a' + (x % alphabetSize)) + ret;
x /= alphabetSize;
return ret;
If you want to optimize this further, you may want to do something to avoid the string concatenations. For example, you could store the result into a preallocated char[] array.
