How to retrieve hidden elements when visibility is hidden - ruby

I want to retrieve hidden text when the visibiility attribute is hidden:
<div id = "tt52433002" class="yui-module yui-overlay yui-tt yui-overlay-hidden" style="z-index: 2; visibility: hidden;">
<div class="bd">Associated with the domain :</div>
I tried:
browser.hidden(:class, 'bd').text
browser.hidden(:class, 'bd').value
But I get this error:
"unable to locate element, using {:class=>"bd", :tag_name=>"input", :type=>"hidden"}"

Watir is designed to act like a user. So if a user can not see the text in an element, then Watir will not return the text of the element.
Also, the element you are looking for is a div not a hidden.
If you need the text you can do:
browser.div(class: 'bd').inner_html
which makes a JavaScript call to provide the result.
This works:
browser.div.attribute_value('id') => tt52433002
as does this:
browser.div(class: 'bd').inner_html[/testci\d{14}/] => testci20160503105556

First things first. The error says that Watir cannot find an element using the criteria you specified. That means either that no such thing exists anywhere in the DOM, or that it might be inside a frame.
Since the element you want is a div, then you should be using the .div method to access it
browser.div(:class => 'bd') #finds first matching div
A potential second problem could occur if that classname is not very unique. Unless you specify an additional parameter, such as index, or perhaps a portion of the text contained by the div, you may not find the div you are looking for. A fast debugging trick (I like to do it from IRB) is to get a collection of matching divs and check the size
div_count = browser.divs(:class => 'bd').size
puts "there are #{divcount} divs of class bd in the dom"
If the count is anything more than 1, then you likely need to change how you are selecting it to ensure you get the right one. for example
browser.div(:class => 'bd', :text => /Associated with the domain/)
If the count is zero, then check for frames
frame_count = browser.frames.size
iframe_count = browser.iframes.size
If there are frames you will have to tell watir to look inside the frame for the div, if more than one frame then be sure you specify the right one
browser.frame.div(:class => 'bd') #looks for div inside first frame
Once you are sure you have the right div, then you ought to be able to use a method like .text or as in another answer .inner_html to get the contents of the div.


insert anchor element before every bar column ti make it tabbable

I am trying to make my chart 508 compliant. Hence in order to make it possible to navigate the chart using keyboard, i want to add anchor elements before every bar column. I tried doing :"svg").insert("a",".nv-bar").attr("href","");
but it didnt work.
Can anybody suggest a better way of doing it. Thanks !
Here's one way to do it:
.each(function() {
var el = this;
.insert('a', function(){return el;})
.attr('href', '');
The insert method will add elements to each item in the current selection, regardless of how many elements the "before" parameter matches.
My solution will add an anchor for each bar in the document, and takes advantage that the insert method can accept a selector string or a function that returns an element to insert before. (Although, somewhat frustratingly, it does not accept a DOM node directly)
Edit: Here's a jsfiddle with an example:

Rails print navigation bar using loop and highlight button leading to current page

I'm newbie on rails.
I would like to create nav bar like here on top of page. "CSS" button is highlighted, because it leads to current page.
I would like to store paths and button titles in some place. Arrays would be ok I guess?
For example:
paths = ['root_path', 'articles_path']
titles = ['Home', 'Articles list']
Using those two arrays I would be able to print nav bar using one loop. I could easily remove or add items to it. Also I could include condition inside loop, so button leading to current page would have some html class attached (Changing it's background).
Where should I put those arrays?
Is there better/more intelligent way to achieve same thing?
P.S. I don't want to use javascript.
It is better to use hash.
Declare a ruby hash with a name say "nav_bars"
#nav_bars = { "Home": "root_path", "Articles_list": "articles_path" }
Then you can loop over the hash in your views as
<% #nav_bars.each do |key, value|%>
<h3> <%= link_to key, value %> </h3
<% end%>

Bringing elements behind fixed element into view with page-object gem

My page contains two divs at the top (a header and another section) that are fixed while the rest of the page can be scrolled. I need to hover over a link element and then click on a button that appears when hovering over the link. Since I am using the page-object gem I tried to use scroll_into_view. However the link still remains behind the fixed divs. This prevents the button from showing. Is there anything that can be done to force it into view? Links at the top and bottom of the scrollable area of the page work fine but items in the middle of the page have issues as they appear behind the fixed divs when scrolled. I am using ruby+watir-webdriver with page-object gem.
Unfortunately I can't post the site.
My code looks something like this:
class MyPage
div(:items, :class => 'product_items')
def index_for(product)
index = items_elements.find_index{|x| x.h4_element.text == product}
def add_product(product)
index = index_for(product)
product = items_elements[index.to_i]
product.link_element(:class => 'product_more_info').when_present.scroll_into_view
product.link_element(:class => 'product_more_info').hover
product.button_element(:class => 'product_info_button')
The links in the middle of the page remain behind the fixed divs. When it hovers it actually triggers a nav dropdown that is in the header since the link is directly behind it. Seems to work for 70% of the links. The 30% in the middle are the issue right now.
I think I have reproduced your problem with the following page. When the div element to hover on is scrolled into view, it appears below the menu. Hovering does not cause the onmouseover to trigger.
<div style="position:fixed; left:0; top:0; z-index=99999; border:2px solid red; width:100%">menu</div>
<div class="spacer" style="height:2000px"></div>
<div id="hoverable" onmouseover="document.getElementById('target').style.display = '';">to hover</div>
<button id="target" style="display:none;">the button</button>
<div class="spacer" style="height:2000px"></div>
One solution that works (at least for this example page), was to try hovering over the element. If the button did not appear, assume that the menu is in the way, scroll back up the page a bit and try again. Assuming the above page, this could be done with the page object:
class MyPage
include PageObject
div(:hoverable, :id => "hoverable")
button(:target, :id => "target")
def hover()
# Try to hover over the element
# If the button element does not appear, the menu must be in the way.
# Scroll back up 100 px so that the div appears below the menu and try again.
unless target_element.visible?
# Check that the button appears as expected
p target_element.visible?
#=> true
Applying the same idea to your page object, the add_product method would become:
def add_product(product)
index = index_for(product)
product = items_elements[index.to_i]
product.link_element(:class => 'product_more_info').hover
unless button_element(:class => 'product_info_button').visible?
product.link_element(:class => 'product_more_info').hover
product.button_element(:class => 'product_info_button').click

document type does not allow element "div" here; missing one of "object", "applet", "map", "iframe", "button", "ins", "del" start-tag

I am getting a w3c validation error here as
The mentioned element is not allowed to appear in the context in which you've placed it; the other mentioned elements are the only ones that are both allowed there and can contain the element mentioned. This might mean that you need a containing element, or possibly that you've forgotten to close a previous element.
One possible cause for this message is that you have attempted to put a block-level element (such as "<p>" or "<table>") inside an inline element (such as "<a>", "<span>", or "<font>").
This is my source code
<ul class="link">
<li><span>1<div class="clr"> </div><label>Vul Postcode in </label></span></li>
<li><span>2<div class="clr"> </div><label>Restaurants </label></span></li>
<li><span>3<div class="clr"> </div><label>Menukaart</label></span></li>
<li><span>4<div class="clr"> </div><label>Afrekenen</label></span></li>
Please help me to find out the issue,
You have a block element (div) inside of an inline element (span). This is not allowed.
Solution 1: Change span to div:
<div>2<div class="clr"> </div><span class="label">Restaurants </span></div>
(You have to use HTML5 (<!DOCTYPE html>), otherwise block elements wouldn’t be allowed inside of a elements.)
Solution 2: Change div to span:
<span>2<span class="clr"> </span><span class="label">Restaurants </span></span>
Note that you can’t have label inside of an a element (I changed the label to span here). Use the label element only when you have a form.

Ruby/Selenium WebDriver 2: Find New Elements Fast

Ruby 1.8.7
Selenium WebDriver 2
Ubuntu 12.04 Desktop
Firefox 13.0.1
I have div tags being used as selects. You click on the div and a dropdown style window shows up with more div tags as the select options. Now I can go in and create a way of clicking on each of these options for each 'div as select' but what I'd really like is to write a piece of code that clicks on the divs I know about and then determines which divs are now displayed and enabled after the click. Then I can click on 1 of the options at random.
So my current code is something like this:
allDivs = brwsr.find_elements(:tag_name, 'div')
origDivs = allDivs
allDivs.each do |e|
if ... # Get the div I want
newDivs = brwsr.find_elements(:tag_name, 'div')
origDivs.each do |orig|
# Do something with remaining new divs here
The main problem I have is that this is extremely slow. I currently have around 200 divs to spin thru and this method takes a few minutes to complete. Normally, I wouldn't expect spinning thru a couple of hundred array elements to take very long. But it does.
To shorten the time I've attempted filtering the allDivs and newDivs by spinning thru them once and deleting anything that is not displayed and enabled.
So I'm currently stuck with a really slow solution. I don't mind this 'finding of new divs' being a little slower as it should also lead to much shorter script dev times. However, taking minutes to complete is way too long.
First question: Can Selenium return only elements which as displayed and enabled with some extra API string around the find_elements call?
Second question: Does someone have a better way of finding the new div elements without having to go thru the array of elements.
It would be very helpful if you could post some sample HTML of the DOM you are trying to automate.
With that said, the ruby webdriver bindings do support finding elements by chaining. Thus, given some html like this:
<div class="outer">
<div class="one">
<div class="alpha">A</div>
<div class="beta">B</div>
<div class="gamma">C</div>
<div class="two">
<div class="alpha">A</div>
<div class="beta">B</div>
<div class="gamma">C</div>
<div class="three">
<div class="alpha">A</div>
<div class="beta">B</div>
<div class="gamma">C</div>
You could write something like this to find the "B" div in the second group of divs ("two"):
group = brwsr.find_element(:class => "two")
desired_item = group.find_element(:class => "beta")
Or, even more simply through ruby's chaining capabilities:
desired_item = brwsr.find_element(:class => "two").find_element(:class => "beta")
One other way, which I prefer the most is to select an element via a CSS selector, which selects the element faster with an easy to read syntax:
desired_item = brwsr.find_element(:css => "div.two div.beta")
