How to create Hot observable in reactive extension - oracle

I am trying to use Reactive extensions with Oracle AQ. When a message comes on Oracle Queue, it fires a "OracleAQMessageAvailableEvent" which tells the consumer that there is a message. Inside the OracleAQMessageAvailableEventHandler the consumer calls OracleAQQueue.Dequeue() to retrieve the message.
I have got the above working with RX. Following is the code I have used.
var messages = Observable.FromEventPattern<OracleAQMessageAvailableEventHandler, OracleAQMessageAvailableEventArgs> (
h => _queue.MessageAvailable += h, h => _queue.MessageAvailable -= h)
.Where(x => x.EventArgs.AvailableMessages > 0)
.Select(x =>
OracleAQMessage msg = _queue.Dequeue();
return (UpdateMsg) msg.Payload;
Problem is that if I subscribe to messages once everything works but if I subscribe to messages multiple times (i.e multiple consumers inside my application) then every consumer will try to call "_queue.Dequeue()" and every call after the first call will fail if we have no new message.
Could anyone please guide me what should I do. I think, my scenario is for Hot Observable but I am struggling to get my head around it.

I think you are correct that you are looking for a Hot Observable.
If we follow the code it may be more clear why you are seeing _queue.Dequeue(); being called multiple times.
First you subscribe to the event from Oracle
Observable.FromEventPattern<OracleAQMessageAvailableEventHandler, OracleAQMessageAvailableEventArgs> (
h => _queue.MessageAvailable += h,
h => _queue.MessageAvailable -= h)
This is just like hooking up an event handler as you would have in a pre-Rx world.
Everyone the listens (subscribes) will receive the same events.
If they subscribe after an event is raised, then they have missed it.
Then you filter out empty sets.
.Where(x => x.EventArgs.AvailableMessages > 0)
Nothing special there.
Then you perform a side effect from inside your query.
.Select(x =>
OracleAQMessage msg = _queue.Dequeue();
return (UpdateMsg) msg.Payload;
The side effect here is that you are making a destructive read (Dequeue).
All subscribers when they are pushed an event from the upstream _queue.MessageAvailable will all try to call Dequeue().
To avoid all of the subscribers to invoke the side effect, you can make the sequence Hot (as you suggested).
To do this you can look at the Publish() operator.
The Publish() operator will return you an IConnectableObservable<T> that just extends IObservable<T> by adding the Connect() method.
This allow fine grained control of when the subscription logic is executed.
However, this maybe too much control for you, and you will probably find that RefCount() to be just what you need.
Observable.FromEventPattern<OracleAQMessageAvailableEventHandler, OracleAQMessageAvailableEventArgs> (
h => _queue.MessageAvailable += h,
h => _queue.MessageAvailable -= h)
.Where(x => x.EventArgs.AvailableMessages > 0)
.Select(x =>
OracleAQMessage msg = _queue.Dequeue();
return (UpdateMsg) msg.Payload;
Now each of your subscribers will receive the same message, and your Dequeue() side effect will only be invoked once per event (and only while there are subscribers).
Hot and Cold observable's are covered here

Lee Campbell, Sorry my bad. The solution you mentioned does work. Actually, I was using it incorrectly. I have a class call QueueWrapper which has a property called Messages. I had this implementation of Messages
public IObservable<UpdateMsg> Messages {
get { return Observable.FromEventPattern<OracleAQMessageAvailableEventHandler, OracleAQMessageAvailableEventArgs> (
h => _queue.MessageAvailable += h,
h => _queue.MessageAvailable -= h)
.Where(x => x.EventArgs.AvailableMessages > 0)
.Select(x =>
OracleAQMessage msg = _queue.Dequeue();
return (UpdateMsg) msg.Payload;
and my client code was subscribing using Messages property like this
// First Subscription
// Second Subscription
so for each subscription, Messages property was returning a new IObservable. To fix this, I moved the initialization of observable to the constructor of QueueWrapper i.e following code :
public QueueWrapper() {
_messages = Observable.FromEventPattern<OracleAQMessageAvailableEventHandler, OracleAQMessageAvailableEventArgs> (
h => _queue.MessageAvailable += h,
h => _queue.MessageAvailable -= h)
.Where(x => x.EventArgs.AvailableMessages > 0)
.Select(x =>
OracleAQMessage msg = _queue.Dequeue();
return (UpdateMsg) msg.Payload;
and my Messages property just return _messages;
public IObservable<UpdateMsg> Messages { get { return _messages; } }
After that everything started working as expected.


rxjs - how can you create another observable from an observable but ignore its output in the parent observable?

I have a situation where I have an observable, and for each emitted item, I want to create another observable, but ignore that observable's value and instead return the result of the first observable.
For example, if I click a button, I want to track something that happens in another button, only when the first button is toggled on.
I can do this now, sort of, with a hack, by taking the output of the child observable and piping it to a mapTo with the parent's value. You can see it in this code, which can be played with in a code sandbox:
import { fromEvent, from } from "rxjs";
import { mapTo, switchMap, tap, scan } from "rxjs/operators";
const buttonA = document.getElementById("a");
const buttonB = document.getElementById("b");
const textA = document.querySelector('#texta');
const textB = document.querySelector('#textb');
fromEvent(buttonA, 'click').pipe(
// this toggles active or not.
scan((active) => !active, false),
switchMap(active => {
if (active) {
const buttonBClicks$ = fromEvent(buttonB, 'click');
// here we can observe button b clicks, when button a is toggled on.
return buttonBClicks$.pipe(
// count the sum of button b clicks since button a was toggled on.
scan((count) => count+1, 0),
tap(buttonBCount => {
textB.value = `button b count ${buttonBCount}`;
// ignore the value of the button b count for the final observable output.
} else {
textB.value = ``;
return from([active]);
next: buttonActive => {
textA.value = `Button a active: ${buttonActive}`
A couple issues here. In the case that the button is toggled on, the outer observable only receives a value once the button is clicked.
This mapTo use seems hacky.
Any better ways to do this?
It sounds like you don't want the inner observable to actually be a part of the process at all. Are you waiting on it or anything?
If not, you can just do it all as a side effect as follows:
fromEvent(buttonA, 'click').pipe(
scan((active) => !active, false),
tap(active => { if(active) {
fromEvent(buttonB, 'click').pipe(
scan(count => count+1, 0),
tap(buttonBCount => {
textB.value = `button b count ${buttonBCount}`;
next: buttonActive => {
textA.value = `Button a active: ${buttonActive}`
Nested subscriptions are considered bad voodoo, so you ca refactor like this to keep your separation of conserns more apparent:
const trackActiveFromButton$ = fromEvent(buttonA, 'click').pipe(
scan((active) => !active, false),
next: buttonActive => {
textA.value = `Button a active: ${buttonActive}`
switchMap(active => active ?
fromEvent(buttonB, 'click').pipe(
scan(count => count+1, 0),
tap(buttonBCount => {
textB.value = `button b count ${buttonBCount}`;
) :
Any better ways to do this?
The below may be better depending on your taste. It seems to me your sample code gets a little messy because you have a single observable that is trying to do too many things. And the side-effects are sort of mixed in with the stream behavior logic.
It's totally fine to be use tap() to do side-effect type things, but sometimes it can make it harder to follow. Especially in the above code, since there is a nested observable involved.
Creating separate observables that always emit specific data can make things easier to follow.
If we declare a stream to represent the isActive state and subscribe to that to update textA, and define a counter stream to represent the number of clicks that occurred while isActive = true, using that value to update textB, I think it makes it easier to follow what's going on:
const clicksA$ = fromEvent(buttonA, 'click');
const clicksB$ = fromEvent(buttonB, 'click');
const isActive$ = clicksA$.pipe(
scan(active => !active, false),
const counterB$ = combineLatest([isActive$, clicksB$]).pipe(
scan((count, [isActive]) => isActive ? count + 1 : -1, 0)
count => textB.value = count === -1 ? '' :`button b count ${count}`
isActive => textA.value = `Button a active: ${isActive}`
To me, having the streams defined separately makes it easier to see the relationship between them, meaning, it's easier to tell when they will emit:
isActive derives from clicksA
counterB derives from clicksB & isActive
Here's a working StackBlitz
the outer observable only receives a value once the button is clicked
This can be solved using startWith() to emit a default value.

RxJS merge observables but prefer one over the other

I have two observables A and B, and I'd like to create an observable which emits the latest value from B, but if B hasn't emitted anything yet, it emits the latest value from A. I was thinking something like this:
merge(A.takeUntil(B), B)
But this seems a little counterintuitive, and I'd like to have a more readable approach. Is there a more canonical Rx way to do this?
Custom Operator
This solution is very readable in use but complicated by the fact that you hide the complexity within a custom operator. The benefit of a custom operator is that you only subscribe to each source observable once. This means your observables don't have to be "hot".
Unfortunately, this operator breaks synchronously executing observables and has each value pass through the event loop.
function prefer<T, R>(...observables: Observable<R>[]): Observable<R>{
return new Observable(observer => {
const subscrptions = new Array<Subscription>();
const unsub = (index) => {
for(let i = index; i < subscrptions.length; i++){
.map(stream => publish()(stream))
.forEach((stream, index) => {
subscrptions.push(stream.subscribe((payload: R) => {;
unsub(index + 1);
subscrptions.length = index + 1;
return { unsubscribe: () => unsub(0) }
Operator in Use
interval(10000).pipe(map(_ => "Every 10,000")),
interval(5000).pipe(map(_ => "Every 5,000")),
interval(1000).pipe(map(_ => "Every 1,000")),
interval(250).pipe(map(_ => "Every 250"))

RxJS incrementally validate a stream of events

I have a state object with string keys and values. Events are coming in, containing key-value pairs to change the state.
I need a debounced stream that:
validates the events and drop all modifications in the debounce cycle if they lead to an invalid state
outputs the diff to the last valid state
For example, for the initial state of {k1: "v1"}, and an event of {k2: "v2"}, output {k2: "v2"}.
But for the events: {k3: "v3"} and {k4: "invalid"}, drop both changes. So when a new event {k5: "v5"} comes in, the k3 key is still undefined.
I was able to implement it, but only by using a new Subject that keeps track of the last valid state: (jsfiddle)
const lastValidState = new Rx.Subject();
const res = modifications
.map(([mods, last]) => {
// calculate next state
return [Object.assign({}, last, ...mods), last];
}).filter(([newState]) => {
// check new state
return Object.keys(newState).every((k) => !newState[k].startsWith("invalid"));
// update Subject
}).do(([newState]) =>
.map(([newState, last]) => {
// output diff
return Object.assign({}, ...Object.keys(newState).filter((k) => newState[k] !== last[k]).map((k) => ({[k]: newState[k]})))
This code works well, but I don't like the new Subject it introduces. I would prefer a solution that does not rely on that and use only RxJS operators.
I've tried to use pairwise, but I could not figure out how to pair a stream with the last value of itself.
Thanks to cartant's comment, using scan is the way to go.
The only trick is to use distinctUntilChanged to prevent emits for invalid changes.
The modified code: jsfiddle
const res = modifications
.scan((last, mods) => {
const newState = Object.assign({}, last, ...mods);
const valid = Object.keys(newState).every((k) => !newState[k].startsWith("invalid"));
if (valid) {
return Object.assign({}, ...Object.keys(newState).filter((k) => newState[k] !== last[k]).map((k) => ({[k]: newState[k]})));
}else {
return last;
}, state)

Observables and fetching paged data?

I need to create an observable, which I can "pull" data from, to work with a pageable api. I can only fetch 100 items per request, I want to be able to use observable as a generator function (on which I can call .next() to issue a request to get next 100 items.
I can't unfortunately find a way to do it with Rx. I suppose it's possible using controlled observable or a subject. Can you guys show me an example.
this is what I've gotten so far:
function list(entityType, viewName, fetchAll = false) {
var skip = 0,
total = 0;
const subject = new Rx.Subject(),
response$ = subject
.takeWhile(() => skip <= total)
.flatMap((skip) => fetchPagePromise(skip)),
next = () => subject.onNext(skip);
if (fetchAll) {
Rx.Observable.timer(100, 100).subscribe(() => next());
return {
data$: response$.map(response => response),
next: fetchAll === true ? undefined : next
function fetchPagePromise() {
let limit = 100,
obj = {
viewName, limit, skip
qs = objectToQueryString(obj);
return $http.get(`${apiBase}/api/data/${entityType}${qs}`).then((res) => {
total =;
skip += limit;
this kinda works like a generator. it returns an Observable and next handler. Whenever next is called it pulls next 100 items from api and pushes into the Observable. Also if there’s a third parameter fetchAll passed, then it will keep fetching data until there’s no more. What scares me though that there are 2 mutating vars in function's closure - skip and total, and I don't know if managing them like this in asynchronous/unpredictable environment is ok.
One of the things you generally want to avoid is trying to make Rx into a plain old event emitter. Usually it is an indicator when you try and just trigger Observables manually by passing around a Subjects observer interface.
You should ask yourself, where is my data coming from? What calls next(), what calls that, etc. After enough of these you will generally find that this will lead you to something that can be wrapped by an Observable directly rather than explicitly calling next(). Also, I think the fetchAll flag should really be kept externally. You are only making the interface confusing by essentially turning it into a void method just by passing in a flag.
So I would recommend refactoring like so:
Rx.Observable.prototype.lazyRequest = function(entityType, viewName, limit = 100) {
var source = this;
return Rx.Observable.create(obs => {
var response = source
//Skip is really just the (limit * index)
.map((x, i) => i * limit)
.flatMap((skip) => {
let obj = {viewName, skip, limit},
qs = objectToQueryString(obj);
//Handle promises implicitly
return $http.get(`${apiBase}/api/data/${entityType}${qs}`);
//Return this with our skip information
(skip, res) => {skip, res})
//Publish it so the stream get shared.
//This will emit once once you are out of data
var stop = response.first(x => x.skip >=;
return new CompositeDisposable(
//Complete this stream when stop emits
//Downstream only cares about the data rows
.map(x =>
//Hook everything up
Then you can use it like so:
//An example of a "starting point", a button click
//Update the rows every time a new event comes through
Rx.Observable.fromEvent($button, 'click')
.startWith(0) //Inject some data into the pipeline
.lazyRequest(entityType, viewName)
.subscribe(/*Do something with the returned rows*/);
//Get all of the rows, will keep hitting the endpoint until it completes
.lazyRequest(entityType, viewName)
//Gather all the values into an array and emit that.

How to Marshal to UI thread correctly in ReactiveUI 6.0

I have an Observable like this:
var posChangeObs =
.FromEventPattern<EventHandler<PositionEventArgs>, PositionEventArgs>(h => cine.PositionChange += h,
h => cine.PositionChange -= h,
.Select(x => new DisplayPositionModel(cine.ToDisplayPosition(x.EventArgs.Position), x.EventArgs.LinearFrameIndex)),
new DisplayPositionModel(cine.ToDisplayPosition(cine.CurrentCinePosition), cine.CurrentLinearCinePosition));
The event this tracks will always occur on a different thread. I pass this Observable to a lot of different view models. In some view models the eventArgs are set to a property using ToProperty. In others I just Subscribe and DoStuff(TM).
What I want to know is how to ensure that these are always marshaled to the UI thread. I have tried adding ObserveOn(RxApp.Main...) on all of the ToProperty and Subscribe calls, but that did not work.
Here is an example of how I am using ToProperty right now and getting cross thread exception:
posChangeObs.ToProperty(this, x => x.CurrentPosition, out _CurrentPosition);
and here is an example Subscription:
.Select(x => x.LinearFrameIndex)
.Subscribe(x => this.CurrentLinearFrameIndex = x,
e =>
throw e;
The answer was to add the ObserveOn(RxApp.MainThreadScheduler) to the return of FromEventPattern. Like this
var posChangeObs = Observable.Publish<Position>( Observable.FromEventPattern<EventHandler<PositionEventArgs>,PositionEventArgs>(h => x.PositionChange += h, h => x.PositionChange -= h)
.Select(x => ...));
