how to speed up load time for MFC ribbon application - performance

I have a native MFC C++ application for which I've got a ribbon UI based version and a toolbar based version. Both EXEs are similar size (~30mb), but running the ribbon based version takes about 25s whereas the toolbar version takes about 5s. This is just to get the frame window displayed with tools. I've profiled the start up of the ribbon UI based version, and sure enough the time is being spent in CMFCRibbonBar::LoadFromResource and deeper down in
BOOL CMFCRibbonInfoLoader::LoadImage(CMFCRibbonInfo::XImage& image, BOOL bSingle)
image.m_Image.SetTransparentColor(GetGlobalData()->clrBtnFace); // 15%
image.m_Image.SmoothResize(dblScale); // 64%
Digging deeper, a lot of time seems to be spent manually shading the toolbar ~44% of the total time.
Is there any way to speed up this load time, possibly by setting a non-transparent drawing scheme? 25 seconds to run a program seems a bit excessive, this is on an 8 core 4ghz AMD 8350 with the EXE image coming from an SSD.
Edit: Tried the following which helped understand the problem but doesn't really make for a useful answer.
After some poking around, it seems a call to afxGlobalData.EnableRibbonImageScale(FALSE); disables the scaling but can leave poor results visually on some monitors. If the image sizes are correct for the monitor to start with, 40x40 pixels on my 1920x1080 display, the scaling will also get skipped. I haven't tried it yet, but I'd imagine if you specify HDPI images for all the ribbon controls and you are lucky enough to get 1:1 scaling for your HDPI images, it would also get skipped. Searching the MFC source code (\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\atlmfc\include\afxglobals.h) for m_bIsRibbonImageScale and m_dblRibbonImageScale yield most of the relevant code.
If the large button images aren't 32x32 the ribbon editor seems to treat them as they were, and chops the base BMP up incorrectly. So resizing a the base large button BMP to 40x40 resulted in garbage on screen.
Edit: I had thought Vlad's answer would work, but apparently the XML used in an MFC ribbon resource is not Ribbon XML. See related question on MSDN here.
Edit Further discussion on MSDN here

The page Specifying Ribbon Image Resources states:
For any image, the exact pixel size is dependent on the display
resolution, or dots per inch (dpi), of the monitor being used. At 96
dpi, large images are 32x32 pixels in size and small images are 16x16
pixels in size. The image sizes increase in a linear fashion relative
to dpi as illustrated in the following table.
DPI Small Image Large Image
96 dpi 16x16 pixels 32x32 pixels
120 dpi 20x20 pixels 40x40 pixels
144 dpi 24x24 pixels 48x48 pixels
192 dpi 32x32 pixels 64x64 pixels
The Ribbon framework scales image resources as required. However,
because resizing may yield undesirable artifacts and image
degradation, it is highly recommended that the application provide a
small set of image resources that span various commonly used dpi
settings. If an exact match is not found, the nearest image will be
scaled up or down.
To facilitate this, image resources can be declared in Ribbon markup
by using a set of Image elements for each Command element. At run
time, the framework selects the image to display based on the MinDPI
attribute of each Image element.
There is an example at the bottom.

Problem solved: Configuration -> Manifest Tool -> Input And Output -> Enable DPI Awareness NO
NO, is the solution. The default value is unfortunately YES.


React Native Image resizeMode vs resizeMethod

I'm currently using RN 41.2 and I have questions about resizing images from a url. The url files can get quite large, usually around 2000x2000 and I want to display them way smaller probably around 25x25.
Is there an equivalent iOS Image prop for the 'android only' resizeMethod?
When resizeMethod='resize' it changes the size of the large encoded image before it is decoded and so the images display almost immediately in the smaller size and it's great.
But for iOS I'm using resizeMode (contain, cover, etc) and it displays the image correctly but it always takes a bit of time for the images to actually appear, which is totally understandable it's just annoying.
Am I missing something here? It seems like resizeMode should do the same thing the resizeMethod does but it clearly does not
resize mode property decides how the RAW image should be fit inside its frame (cover, contain, stretch, center, repeat)
In addition for android we can choose the mechanism that should be used to resize image that is to scale , resize or auto using resizeMethod prop.
basically resizeMode instructs how to resize the image and resizemethod defines what mechanism to use for resizing
This is provided as there exists some issues in android when the frame size and RAW image size varies significantly (too large image: too small frame or too small image and too large frame) and there can be significant delays or design breaks while rendering as auto selection of resize mechanism isnt optimal.
You can escape without setting resizeMethod manually (defaults to auto) most times but it causes issues in before mentioned scenarios.
resizeMode and resizeMethod are 2 properties that the Image component has in RN.
resizeMode: Determines how to resize the image when the frame doesn't match the raw image dimensions.
It can take cover, contain, stretch as values.
resizeMethod: It can be used to resize the image when the image's dimensions differ from the image view's dimensions.
It can take auto, resize, scale as values.
For more you can refer

Batch resize images using Photoshop's Image Processor

I am trying to batch resize several hundreds of images in Photoshop but I encounter a strange problem: The smaller images have a larger file size.
I am using File -> Scripts -> Image Processor with quality setting set to 8.
For example one original file was 300x300 and 5,41 kb and the new resized image is 200x200 pixels and 17.9 kb!
How is this possible? is it related to the amount of Pixels per Inch? Resolution? The color blend palette and the number of colors used? Or something else entirely? I don't know much about these subjects so please try to help me with a constructive answer.
What is the best way to make sure they are actually smaller in file size also? (I am optimizing a websites page speed)
Thank you in advance!
In most cases, the file size of a picture with a lower resolution is bigger than it's comparison an ICC profile is embedded. Most websites (developer) ignore color management to achieve smaller file size. To find the optimal file format, you should use "Export for web" to get a preview.

Images with gradient poorly managed by Unity

I'm currently creating a 2D game on Unity and I have a problem with images with gradients or transparency. Here for example, the beginning of one of my levels before importing it in Unity (PNG-8):
Here when the image is imported into Unity:
We can see that the gradation is very poorly managed by Unity. What are the ways to fix this problem?
Have you tried playing with the image compression settings of the image in Unity?
Usually, I see that sort of gradient display when my images are set to use the 16bits setting.
If you go on the image in Unity's project tab and you will find "Format" in the Inspector tab. You can play around with it and see if any of the other settings will improve the quality.
Unity is bad with 2D texture. You have 2 choice:
1 - Change the Format of the texture to True Color (Result will be as you wish but the size could increase by 4 so it can choke the CPU if it's for a mobile game, I don't recommend it)
2 - Use Crunch Compression to 100%, the result will be the same as the original image but the compression could take a very long time depending on the resolution of the image and if it's a POT.

How to build windows store app for device independent pixel (DIP)

i am building windows store app. I am using windows 8 and WPF with visual studio .net 2012.
UI of this application should be scalable to different screens. I have created a page where the controls (buttons, images, texts) fits correctly when running the app on simulator with resolution 1920 x 1080 for 10.6" screens. The problem is that when i change resolution, controls do not behave correctly
when resolution or screen sizes are increased (ex. 1920 x 1080 for 23" screens) empty spaces are created on the page;
when resolution or screen sizes are decreased (ex. 1024 x 768 for 10.6" screens) controls sizes are increased too and some of them are not visible in UI because they are displayed too far in bottom.
Is there a way to build "scalable" store app which are independent of screen sizes or resolution? Control sizes and font sizes should increase and decrease when resolution change or from one screen to another but all of them should fit in the space and shouldn't create empty areas.
Any help would be very appreciated.
thank you
This MSDN article discusses the guidelines for scaling to screens.
it touches on Screen size, Screen resolution, and Aspect ratio. It provides a table which shows best practices recommended for apps that use scale-to-fit functionality and it touches on adaptive layout. there is a reference to [Guidelines for layouts] at the end of the article as well.
Hope this helps!

Resizing images - Browser vs Photoshop

I have a client who insists on "crisp" images on his Web pages. One image he gave me was 2592 pixels wide, but the page is only 940 pixels wide. No problem, I just resize the images using Photoshop but there is a noticeable drop in quality, lots of jagged edges. I expect a loss of quality when resizing to one-third the size, but I thought I could do better. So what I did is take the original image and have the browser (Chrome) resize it to 940 pixels wide. Yes, I understand this is the absolute worst thing to do but I was just experimenting. It turns out the browser does a much better job of resizing than Photoshop -- I don't get the jagged edges and the picture looks fairly close to the original in quality.
So what's the deal here? Why is Photoshop not as good as resizing as Chrome (IE8 and Firefox do just as good a job too)? I've tried tweaking Photoshop's resampling options but have seen no real difference.
There are a couple of different things to take into account when scaling images in photoshop:
1.) File type+compression
You're going to want to make sure that if you use a filetype with lossy compression (i.e. JPEG) that you set the quality >8, or you will see a noticeable drop on quality.
2.) Resample method
Photoshop provides a few different resampling methods which effect how pixels are combined when scaling down. Below are links to some images that illustrate where you can modify this when scaling.
Image->Image Size...
There is a drop-down on the bottom of this window:
Likely what you're experiencing is that your image is resampling using "Nearest Neighbor" or Bilinear".
Give it a go.
You can try using a browser-based script such as TimThumb:
You really do need to resize the image instead of shrinking a huge image just to display. This script will create copies of your image in different sizes and if I remember correctly, it even supports some sort of caching.
Ive had it resize pretty large images for me to very small thumbnails and it always looked sharp.
Photoshop and web browsers handle resizing differently. I don't use Photoshop, so I can't help you with that..
However, if you want that the picture looks like resized by a web browser, then resize it with a web browser! Take a screenshot and cut the resized picture, creating another one which you can really use on the site.
