Highlighting _source excluded fields in elasticsearch - elasticsearch

I've a question in Elasticsearch highlighting. Am setting the mapping of an index in such a way that some of the fields need not be stored in elasticsearch.
For eg :-
PUT employee/_mapping/records
"_source": {
"includes": [
"excludes": [
Now,I'm able to search the excluded fields. But I can't highlight fields that are excluded from _source.
I've read this in elasticsearch documentation. But I want to confirm whether there's any way to highlight fields in such a scenario. Thanks

From further research, I came to know that we should either store the field in ES by giving store : yes or it should be included in _source field of ES to highlight it in searches.


How can I query Elasticsearch to output the exact position of a searched keyword or sentence?

I indexed several documents into my Elasticsearch cluster and queried the Elasticsearch cluster using some keywords and sentences, the output from my query displayed the entire documents where the sentences or keywords where be found.
I want a case where if a query is carried out, it should display just the paragraph where the sentence or keyword can be found and also show the page number it was found.
You can use highlighting functionality with source filtering. So it will show only field which is required and you can hide the remaining field.
You can set _source to false so it will return only highlighted field. If you want to search on different field and highlight on different field then you can set require_field_match to false. Please refer the elastic doc for more referance.
GET /_search
"query": {
"match": { "content": "kimchy" }
"highlight": {
"fields": {
"content": {}

Multi_match elasticsearch on all fields with boost to specific fields

I am using Elastic 6.1+
I have created an index and added some values to it, the index mapping is text and numbers.
I want to create a multi_match on all of the fields in the index, query a text or a number and get the results back.
Also i would like to define that the score of field1 on the index is boosted
For some reason once i add the fields array it only search on that fields (added it in order to be able to define which field i want to boost and how much) and if i add to the fields array the "*" as field it return an error.
GET MyIndex/_search
"query": {
"multi_match": {
"query": "test1",
"fields": [
Thank you
Apparently adding
"lenient": true
to the query solved the problem

Elasticsearch: Use match query along with autocomplete

I want to use match query along with autocomplete suggestion in ES5. Basically I want to restrict my autocomplete result based on an attribute, like autocomplete should return result within a city only.
MatchQueryBuilder queryBuilder = QueryBuilders.matchQuery("cityName", city);
SuggestBuilder suggestBuilder = new SuggestBuilder()
.addSuggestion("region", SuggestBuilders.completionSuggestion("region").text(text));
SearchResponse response = client.prepareSearch(index).setTypes(type)
The above doesn't seem to work correctly. I am getting both the results in the response both independent of each other.
Any suggestion?
It looks like the suggestion builder is creating a completion suggester. Completion suggesters are stored in a specialized structure that is separate from the main index, which means it has no access to your filter fields like cityName. To filter suggestions you need to explicitly define those same filter values when you create the suggestion, separate to the attributes you are indexing for the document to which the suggestion is attached. These suggester filters are called context. More information can be found in the docs.
The docs linked to above are going to explain this better than I can, but here is a short example. Using a mapping like the following:
"auto_suggest": {
"type": "completion",
"analyzer": "simple",
"contexts": [
"name": "cityName",
"type": "category",
"path": "cityName"
This section of the index settings defines a completion suggester called auto_suggest with a cityName context that can be used to filter the suggestions. Note that the path value is set, which means this context filter gets its value from the cityName attribute in your main index. You can remove the path value if you want to explicitly set the context to something that isn't already in the main index.
To request suggestions while providing context, something like this in combination with the settings above should work:
"suggest": {
"completion": {
"field" : "auto_suggest",
"size": 10,
"fuzzy" : {
"fuzziness" : 2
"contexts": {
"cityName": [ "Los Angeles" ]
Note that this request also allows for fuzziness, to make it a little resilient to spelling mistakes. It also restricts the number of suggestions returned to 10.
It's also worth noting that in ES 5.x completion suggester are document centric, so if multiple documents have the same suggestion, you will receive duplicates of that suggestion if it matches the characters entered. There's an option in ES 6 to de-duplicate suggestions, but nothing similar in 5.x. Again it's best to think of completion suggesters existing in their own index, specifically an FST, which is explained in more detail here.

Update a document using another field than _id in ElasticSearch

I would like to do a partial update of a document in ElasticSearch 2.3. The documentation shows:
POST /website/blog/1/_update
"doc" : {
"tags" : [ "testing" ],
"views": 0
Is there a way to update a document using another field other than the _id (here 1) to identify the document?
Use update_by_query API and run a query which will select the documents that match the other field that you want. Basically, with that query you identify the documents you want to update following your own rules.

Is there a way to apply the synonym token filter in ElasticSearch to field names rather than the value?

Consider the following JSON file:
"titleSony": "Matrix",
"cast": [
"firstName": "Keanu",
"lastName": "Reeves"
Now, I know in ElasticSearch, you can apply a synonym token filter to field values as given in the following link: Elasticsearch Analysis: Synonym token filter.
Hence, I can create a "synonym.txt" file with Matrix => Matx, then if I search for titleSony:Matx, it will return the documents with Matrix as well.
Now, what I would like is to create a synonym for the field name titleSony. For example - titleSony => titleAll, such that when I search for titleAll, I should get all documents with titleSony as well.
Is there any way to accomplish this in ElasticSearch?
Now, what I would like is to create a synonym for the field name "titleSony". For example - titleSony => titleAll , hence when I search for "titleAll", I should get all documents with "titleSony" as well.
Yes, somewhat. Elasticsearch has some default behavior very similar to this, which I'll touch on in a bit.
The feature you're looking for is called "Copy to field." It allows you to specify that the terms in one field should be copied into another. This is useful for consolidating terms you expect to match into a single field, to help simplify your query when you would like to match against any one of a number of fields.
In this example, you would specify in your mapping that the terms in the titleSony field ought to be copied into the titleAll field. Presumably you'd have other fields (say, titleDisney) which also copy into that field as well. So a search against titleAll will effectively match the other fields whose terms are copied into it.
An excerpt of your mapping might look something like this:
"movies" : {
"properties" : {
"titleSony" : { "type" : "string", "copy_to" : "titleAll" },
"titleDisney" : { "type" : "string", "copy_to" : "titleAll" },
"titleAll" : { "type" : "string" },
"cast" : { ... },
I mentioned earlier that Elasticsearch does something like this. By default it creates a special field called _all into which all the document's terms are copied. This field lets you construct very simple queries to match against terms that occur in any field on the document. So as you see, this is a fairly common convention in Elasticsearch. (Elasticsearch mapping: _all field.)
