Using okhttp2.0,can cancel a request by
Using okhttp3.2,What can I do?
Is it possible to trigger homebridge-http-switch button (dummy button) by internal HTTP request?
For example, I have a shelly relay and it can send HTTP requests on status changes. I would like to trigger this dummy button in this way.
Is it any other dummy button like this?
I need to handle session time out in alamofire. Is there a way to stop the completion handler in alamofire request from executing when I get a 401 error ?
Just cancel the request delegate queue operations
I recorded using a proxy server and cannot see the pop up got recorded. My pop is a Confirm popup so I cannot use HTTP Authorization manager. I have to click on OK on this pop up to get to next page. What do I use for this kind of pop up?
Thank you
When you click on OK, Does the page get submitted to server?
JMeter will record all the HTTP requests. Jmeter does not execute javascript as the browser does. So, The popup/alert you got, might have been triggered by a Javascript just for some confirmation which JMeter can not record. If the user action on the pop up had triggered any HTTP request, JMeter would have recorded the HTTP request to go the next page!.
1.Through the ajax, i sent a request to servlet when the OK button clicked.
2.That request processing some db call and holding some result sets, when i click on the CANCEL button,need to cancel/abort the request.
4.meanwhile, i need the resultsets which is holding by request.
There is no mechanism in the Servlet API (or any container specific mechanism of which I am aware) that allows an in progress HTTP request to be aborted (short of a kill -9 which is going to abort rather more than you wish in this case).
I am sending an ajax request which is called on change event of a select box.Now what I want is that when a new request is sent to server, it will abort all the previous ajax requests as otherwise there will be a lot of ajax requests executing at the same time.I just want to execute only the latest request.
All help would be highly appreciable.
Abort Ajax requests using jQuery
Just store the XMLHttpRequests in an array and abort them one by one.