im using OL3 to display vector maps. Currently im using geojson format. Data are extracted from OpeenStreetMap. The thing is, this format doesnt contain informations about styling, so i have to do it manually and it looks rly baaad.
My friend is developing Android app, and he is using Mapsforge with .map format. Map looks great without styling.
Is there any option in OL3 to just load vector data and have it already styled (some other format maybe)?
Or are there any dowloadable js code to style geojson?
unfortunately, I cannot tag this post with the correct "technology" because it does not exist and i dont have 1500 reputation to create it.
We are using a cloud service called "Liquid Pixels" to render some stuff on our images.
Lets say we have an image chain that is currently rendering a ribbon on the given JPEG image. This chain is working fine.
Then I adapted the chain to work with animated gif images, therefore I changed the sink format to gif (sink=format[gif]). That was working fine as well.
Now I want to combine the two cases in one chain, because the only difference is the sink command. The plan is to check the MIME type of the source image and then either render a gif or a jpg image.
I rendered the image as xml to view the metadata map.
I thought i can do it like this.
sink=format[gif],if[('testImage.format' eq 'GIF')]
sink=format[jpg],if[('testImage.format' ne 'GIF’)]
But for some reason I cannot access the format attribute. I am used to grab some parameters like “testImage.width” or “testImage.height”, but for some reason i cannot access the format=“GIF” property. I guess that has happens because the width and height are on a different hierarchy level in the metadata map.
I hope you guys can help me.
The image does not actually have a "format" during the render. Only a file has a format. During processing the image is simply on memory as either raster or vector data; it is only when you sink that it becomes a file in whatever format. Also, LiquiFire OS uses the image data to determine the original format when acquiring an image from a source, never the image name itself.
If you need operations in your LiquiFire Image Chain to react to the source image URL, you can test the last part of the image name by applying a regular expression to see if it is either .GIF or .gif. An example of how that can be done:
sink=format[gif],if[('global.isGif' eq 'yes')]
sink=format[jpg],if[('global.isGif' eq 'no’)]
I'm developing an app on Xamarin where I need to render some strings to 2D barcodes. I'm using ZXing.Net.Mobile to do the render.
I can render properly QR codes but the issue I'm having is with the Data Matrix format.
I attach two images, when I tried to encode the value "1234" I expect the first result but instead I'm getting the second one.
Any idea of why this is happening?
I am working with web-application which uses OSM and leaflet.
I want to save map image with markers, icons, polylines, polygons and other objects to vector image(SVG/ XML with SVG etc.)
I found leaflet-image but not sure it`s suitable for me.
I also use ExtJs and python as server language.
Any suggestions?
There are two official plugins for exporting/printing Leaflet maps.
Leaflet.print uses a Mapfish or GeoServer print module. Mapfish is built on Python so that could probably work for you. (For completeness - Geoserver is built on Java).
Leafet-image doesn't use any server side tech at all. Just Canvas and CORS.
You won't be able to save the tiles as vector as those are served to you as PNGs. You could recreate it using standard OSM data and a tileserver though. Both plugins will take the tiles and export them as images.
How do I create a building/school Map which I can zoom and get context information for each classroom using D3.
I have read examples of how to create Zoomable Geo Maps , but in the code, it uses the TopoJSON (or GeoJSON) format of the US states.
How do I get the GeoJSON file for a school building?
Hard core geojson
There are online geojson editors, such You can find your building, map it, add properties such rooms name, then save it as geojson or as topojson file.
Note that doesn't allow an infinite zoom, so your drawing may be quite approximative.
In your D3js code, you will have to autofocus on your json data (shape). A convenient working example is explain in the 2nd half of this answer, the D3js call and Focus sections.
Witty SVG
Designing your building as an SVG / XML file using Inkscape or some other vector editor would be a bit longer to do, but will end up into better end results. You then use d3.xml(, function(data){ ... }). I have, unfortunately, too few expertise in this direction, but it's the way I would go for if quality is requested at that level.
I am considering using Rubyvis, a Ruby Port of the Protovis library, to generate plots for scientific publications. Rubyvis renders charts as SVG files. However, I haven't found a way to use subscripts or superscripts in text (such as diagram titles or axis labels).
The documentation for the Label class states:
The character data must be plain text (unicode), though the text can be styled
using the font property. If rich text is needed, external HTML elements can be
overlaid on the canvas by hand.
This sounds like the library itself does not support this functionality.
Is there a way to get subscripts and superscripts (and possible other rich text) directly in the output graphics file, when is is not embedded in a website?