jersey at serverside nerver stopped processing a request even though client cancelled the connection - jersey

Am using restyGwt to send a request to jersey , I have closed the request using request object at client side(request.cancel) , but i found that the server is processing my request even though i closed at client side , it is never notified to server that the connection is stopped.
I want a way to tell the server as soon as the client cancel a request , to stop proccessing that request
this is my client resty gwt code
public Request findAllServicepointandCount(#QueryParam("startIndex") Integer startIndex,
#QueryParam("maxSize") Integer maxSize,
MethodCallback<ServicepointResponse> methodCallback);
this is the gwt class where am making my request to server
ServicepointRestyService service = GWT
((RestServiceProxy) service).setResource(resource);
final Request method=service.findAllServicepointandCount( index, length,
new MethodCallback<ServicepointResponse>() {
public void onFailure(Method method, Throwable exception) {
public void onSuccess(Method method,
ServicepointResponse response) {
Timer t=new Timer() {
public void run() {
method.cancel();// cancel connection
jersey impl
public ServicepointResponse findAllServicepointandCount(
#QueryParam("startIndex") Integer startIndex,
#QueryParam("maxSize") Integer maxSize) {
logger.finer("Entering startIndex" + startIndex + "" + maxSize);
ServicepointResponse data = new ServicepointResponse();
List<ServicepointPojo> spPojos = new ArrayList<>();
try {
System.out.println(new Date().getTime());
}catch (Exception e) {
eventhough i stopped my request after 2sec, server still prints the date and time it never stoped , i have written this code to check this functionality


Retrotif2 + RxJava sending POST request failed

I want to send POST request with Retrofit + RxJava, but it is failing and I don't know the reason. In one activity it's working, in another - don't want to work:
private void sendMerchantInfo() {
try {
String advertiserOriginalDeepLink = "";
String urlGetParams = LinkParser.getUrlGETParams(advertiserOriginalDeepLink);
Map<Object, Object> merchantInfo = LinkParser.parseUrlGetParams(urlGetParams);
String merchantInfoJson = new Gson().toJson(merchantInfo); //{"param1":"value1","param2":"value2"}
String url = "";
userService = this.serviceGenerator.createService(UserService.class, true);
final Observable observable = userService.sendUserInfo(
url, new RetrofitMapBody(merchantInfo))
.doOnNext(new Consumer<ResponseBody>() {
public void accept(ResponseBody responseBody) throws Exception {
//handle 200 OK.
.onErrorResumeNext((ObservableSource<? extends ResponseBody>) v ->
Crashlytics.log("Send user info attempt failed."))
} catch (Exception exception) {
Crashlytics.log("Send user info attempt failed. " + exception.getMessage());
I suspect that problem in this part, I am trying to send request in OnCreate() method:
Tried to use this, but no effect:
What I am doing wrong? It always call onErrorResumeNext() It's probably something with threads because one time I got exception: networkonmainthreadexception. Please help.
Try using RxJava2 Adapter, it will save you a lot!
Step 1: Retrofit client setup
private Retrofit getRetrofitClient() {
return new Retrofit.Builder()
.addCallAdapterFactory(RxJava2CallAdapterFactory.create()) //option 1
.addCallAdapterFactory(RxJava2CallAdapterFactory.createWithScheduler(Schedulers.newThread())) //option 2
Step 2: APIService interface (Example)
Single<ResponseModel> fetch();
Step 3: Usage
Single<ResponseModel> fetch() {
return getRetrofitClient()
Any non-2xx HTTP response will be wrapped in HttpException from which you can extract the status code, the status message and the full HTTP response.
Any connection errors will be wrapped in IOException
And that is all you need to do to wrap your network call in any RxJava stream.

Volley doesn't cache post request

I fetch data from server with following method:
public void process(final String url){
GsonRequest<T> request=new GsonRequest<>(url, responseType, requestData, new Response.Listener<T>() {
public void onResponse(T response) {
//handle response here
}, new Response.ErrorListener() {
public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError error) {
//handle error here
request.setRetryPolicy(new DefaultRetryPolicy(
Some of the requests fetch signficant amount of data.I'd like Volley to cache data in some cases.However when I do one of these heavy request and then turn network off and then repeat my request Volley throws Unable to resolve host "...": No address associated with hostname.
Is there something I can do to make Volley cache responses?
The problem was in server code - it didn't allow caching

How to implement receiving a server push in OkHttp?

Following the question Does OkHttp support HTTP/2 server push?, are there any examples available on how receiving pushed content on the client side could be implemented?
How will the interaction of OkHttpClient, Request, Response and Http2Connection be? I understand that the Http2Connection has a PushObserver, but how will it play together with OkHttpClient and Request/Response?
Consider the snippet below. There is a client and a request. How would they come together with the PushObserver?
OkHttpClient client = getOkHttpClient();
Request request = new Request.Builder()
.url("") // The Http2Server should be running here.
try {
Socket socket = client.socketFactory().createSocket();
Http2Connection con = new Http2Connection.Builder(true)
.pushObserver(new PushObserver(){
public boolean onRequest(int streamId, List<Header> requestHeaders) {
// do something here
return true;
public boolean onHeaders(int streamId,
List<Header> responseHeaders, boolean last) {
// do something here
return true;
public boolean onData(int streamId, BufferedSource source,
int byteCount, boolean last) throws IOException {
// do something here
return true;
public void onReset(int streamId, ErrorCode errorCode) {
// do something
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.error("IOException", e);
OkHttp has no public APIs for server push and it is unlikely to gain them. We’re building mechanisms to persist pushed responses into the cache, but it’s unlikely this will be visible to application code. You just get a faster response sometimes because the server pushed it into the cache.
If you need this kind of behavior please look at web sockets.

Closing connection in GET request using Jersey Client 2.22.1

I am using Jersey client for REST calls from Java code:
In my GET request, builder = ClientBuilder.newClient().target(url).request();
the client will be closed automatically after calling readEntity(String.class).
If I use,
I get the same output.
Is the connection closed automatically or do I need to close it manually in this case?
Short answer
Consider the following code:
Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient();
String result =;
Under the hood, Jersey invokes Response#readEntity(Class<T>) if the request has succeeded and the connection will be closed for you. So the connection doesn't need to be closed manually in this situation.
Now consider the following code:
Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient();
Response response =;
For this situation, you need to invoke Response#close() to close the connection. Or invoke Response#readEntity(Class<T>) to make Jersey close the connection for you.
Long answer
As stated in the documentation, if you don't read the entity, then you need to close the response manually by invoking Response#close().
For more details, have a look at Jersey's documentation about how to close connections:
5.7. Closing connections
The underlying connections are opened for each request and closed
after the response is received and entity is processed (entity is
read). See the following example:
final WebTarget target = ... some web target
Response response = target.path("resource").request().get();
System.out.println("Connection is still open.");
System.out.println("string response: " + response.readEntity(String.class));
System.out.println("Now the connection is closed.");
If you don't read the entity, then you need to close the response
manually by response.close().
Also if the entity is read into an
InputStream (by response.readEntity(InputStream.class)), the
connection stays open until you finish reading from the InputStream.
In that case, the InputStream or the Response should be closed
manually at the end of reading from InputStream.
Additionally, have a look at JerseyInvocation source. The most important parts are quoted below.
In the translate(ClientResponse, RequestScope, Class<T>) method you'll see that response.readEntity(Class<T>) is invoked.
Invoke HTTP GET method for the current request synchronously.
public <T> T get(final Class<T> responseType)
throws ProcessingException, WebApplicationException {
return method("GET", responseType);
JerseyInvocation.Builder#method(String, Class<T>)
Invoke an arbitrary method for the current request synchronously.
public <T> T method(final String name, final Class<T> responseType)
throws ProcessingException, WebApplicationException {
// responseType null check omitted for brevity
return new JerseyInvocation(this).invoke(responseType);
Synchronously invoke the request and receive a response of the specified type back.
public <T> T invoke(final Class<T> responseType)
throws ProcessingException, WebApplicationException {
// responseType null check omitted for brevity
final ClientRuntime runtime = request().getClientRuntime();
final RequestScope requestScope = runtime.getRequestScope();
return requestScope.runInScope(new Producer<T>() {
public T call() throws ProcessingException {
try {
return translate(runtime.invoke(requestForCall(requestContext)),
requestScope, responseType);
} catch (final ProcessingException ex) {
// Exception handling omitted for brevity
JerseyInvocation#translate(ClientResponse, RequestScope, Class<T>)
If the request suceeded, the response entity is read as an instance of specified Java type using Response#readEntity(Class<T>):
private <T> T translate(final ClientResponse response, final RequestScope scope,
final Class<T> responseType) throws ProcessingException {
if (responseType == Response.class) {
return responseType.cast(new InboundJaxrsResponse(response, scope));
if (response.getStatusInfo().getFamily() == Response.Status.Family.SUCCESSFUL) {
try {
return response.readEntity(responseType);
} catch (final ProcessingException ex) {
// Exception handling omitted for brevity
} else {
throw convertToException(new InboundJaxrsResponse(response, scope));

Session management in gwt

I am using GWT for my client side application. However, I am not sure how I can handle session management. The GWT application resides on one page, all server calls are done via AJAX. If a session expires on the server. let's assume the user didn't close the browser, and sending some request to server using RPC, how could my server notify the application that the session has expired and that the client side portion should show the login screen again?My sample code :
ContactDataServiceAsync contactDataService = GWT
((ServiceDefTarget) contactDataService).setServiceEntryPoint(GWT
+ "contactDatas");
new AsyncCallback<ContactData>() {
public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {
//code to show error if problem in connection or redirect to login page
public void onSuccess(ContactData result) {
If session expires only it has to show login screen, otherwise it wants to show some error using Window.alert().
How to do this and what are all the codes needed in server side and client side?
You could have the server throw an AuthenticationException to the client in case the user has been logged out.
This will be catched in the callbacks onFailure method, which then can redirect the user to the login-page.
AuthenticationException is not a standard exception of course, i was just making an example. It might be best to stick with the standard exceptions.
To try if you caught an specific exception you could use the instanceof operator
public void onFailure(Throwable e) {
if(e instanceof AuthenticationException) {
else {
This does not directly apply to those using RPC, but for those of you who are not using RPC, you should send a HTTP 401 from the server. Then you can check that status code in your RequestBuilder callback.
Client: All Callbacks extend a Abstract Callback where you implement the onFailur()
public abstract class AbstrCallback<T> implements AsyncCallback<T> {
public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {
//SessionData Expired Redirect
if (caught.getMessage().equals("500 " + YourConfig.ERROR_MESSAGE_NOT_LOGGED_IN)) {
// else{}: Other Error, if you want you could log it on the client
Server: All your ServiceImplementations extend AbstractServicesImpl where you have access to your SessionData. Override onBeforeRequestDeserialized(String serializedRequest) and check the SessionData there. If the SessionData has expire then write a spacific error message to the client. This error message is getting checkt in your AbstrCallback and redirect to the Login Page.
public abstract class AbstractServicesImpl extends RemoteServiceServlet {
protected ServerSessionData sessionData;
protected void onBeforeRequestDeserialized(String serializedRequest) {
sessionData = getYourSessionDataHere()
if (this.sessionData == null){
// Write error to the client, just copy paste
ServletContext servletContext = this.getServletContext();
HttpServletResponse response = this.getThreadLocalResponse();
try {
try {
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
// Handle the (unexpected) case where getWriter() was previously used
} catch (IOException ex) {
"respondWithUnexpectedFailure failed while sending the previous failure to the client",
//Throw Exception to stop the execution of the Servlet
throw new NullPointerException();
In Addition you can also Override doUnexpectedFailure(Throwable t) to avoid logging the thrown NullPointerException.
protected void doUnexpectedFailure(Throwable t) {
if (this.sessionData != null) {
