Use a expression & HTML in Visualforce if statement - visualforce

I have HTML and an expression I want to be displayed if the field as a value. If it doesn't, don't display it at all.
{! IF( ISBLANK(GoEvent.Event_Time_End__c), '', '<b>End Time:</b> {!GoEvent.Event_Time_End__c}' ) }
I think I have my condition setup properly, but the HTML isn't rendering and the proper value from the expression isn't displaying. Looks like this.

To get your code to work as you intended you need to wrap your output in an apex:outputText and set escape="false". Note that using escape=false has security implications if you are injecting values the user can edit see:
Secondly, the reason you are seeing the # is that you are already inside visualforce syntax with the !IF so no need for the second {!} construct.
Finally I prefer to concatenate the string and visualforce syntax rather than mix.
So a working version would be something like:
<apex:outputText value="{! IF( ISBLANK(GoEvent.Event_Time_End__c), '', '<b>End Time:</b>' + GoEvent.Event_Time_End__c ) }" escape="false"/>
however, given your code is effectively saying only show the output if not null I'd think you are better off with something like this:
<apex:outputPanel layout="false" rendered="{!!ISBLANK(GoEvent.Event_Time_End__c)}">
<b>End Time:</b><apex:outputField value="{!GoEvent.Event_Time_End__c}"/>
This is output that is only rendered if the Time isn't blank and output field will localise the time based on user locale etc.


Visualforce Syntax Error for IF statement inside a Apex Repeat

I am receiving a syntax error and having a hard time identifying where I am going wrong.
I have researched several different alternatives such as wrapping <apex outputText> as well as using multiple version of {! leading into my variable calls. Unfortunately, I'm just having a hard time grasping which series of errors I am making to cause this syntax error.
The Crux of the code is:
{! IF(isTenant, ${woli.Repair_Product__r.Bill_Rate_Retail__c}, ${woli.Repair_Product__r.Bill_Rate__c})}
For variable References. This is located in a where woli is defined as:
<apex:repeat value="{!woliList}" var="woli">
and isTenant is simply hardcoded in my controller to be false for testing purposes:
public Boolean isTenant = False;
I expected my Apex Repeat command to populate different bill rates depending on the value of isTenant, but of course with the Syntax error I cannot tell if I am on the right track. Helpful tips on when multiple {!} are or are not required in Visual Force references would be helpful. I am also curious when, if ever, I should be using single or double quotation marks to define the output of the if condition.
I thought perhaps I it was as simple as me not binding the condition statement to a variable in the controller class so I modified to this:
{! IF({!isTenant}, ${woli.Repair_Product__r.Bill_Rate_Retail__c}, ${woli.Repair_Product__r.Bill_Rate__c})}
Adding appropriate get/set in the controller. But alas this was not the problem the developer console still gives a mystery Syntax Error.
You don't need $ signs. Dollar is used for special fields that "depends who's looking" and other stuff not really related to data in database. You can have $CurrentPage, $User.Name, $Profile.Name, $Label.someText (that one counts as "depends who's looking" because if your preferred language is French it can display translated version.
And second thing - if you're already inside the {! some merge field syntax } you don't need more curly braces.
{! IF(!isTenant,

X-Path Query won't work in Google-Sheets

I've been trying to use the following X-Path within Google-Sheets with the =ImportXML function
=importXml("", "/table[2]/tbody/tr#[td]")
But no matter what minor adjustments I try I continually get "#N/A" with a hover-text box that says "imported content is empty".
I know it's a valid x-path, I've cross verified it with 'X-Path Helper Wizard' chrome-extension.
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong!?
No, actually it's not a valid XPath. Note that # used to select an attributes e.g. #class, #id, etc. Also it's a bad idea to use tbody tag in your expressions as this tag is not always present in initial source code
So if you want to match table rows which contain cells from second table, you can use

Forcing string interpolation in Jade

I am trying to use Jade to do some string interpolation + i18n
I wrote a custom tag
mixin unsubscribe
a(title='unsubscribe_link', href='#{target_address}/',
target='_blank', style='color:#00b2e2;text-decoration:none;')
= __("Click here")
Then I got the following to work
| #[+unsubscribe] to unsubscribe
However, in order to support i18n I would also like to wrap the the whole string in a translation block the function is called with __().
But when I wrap the string in a code block it no longer renders the custom tag.
| #{__("#[+unsubscribe] to unsubscribe")}
= __("#[+unsubscribe] to unsubscribe")
will output literally [+unsubscribe] to unsubscribe. Is there a way to force the returned string from the function?
Edit 1
As has been pointed out, nesting the "Click here" doesn't really make sense, since it will be creating separate strings.
My goal with all this is really to create a simplified text string that can be passed off to a translation service:
So ideally it should be:
"#[+unsubscribe('Click here')] to unsubscribe"
and I would get back
"Klicken Sie #[+unsubscribe hier] um Ihr auszutragen"
My reasoning for this is that because using something like gettext will match by exact strings, I would like to abstract out all the logic behind the tag.
What you really want to achieve is this:
<a href='the link' title='it should also be translated!'
target='_blank' class='classes are better'>Click here</a> to unsubscribe
And for some reason you don't want to include tags in the translation. Well, unfortunately separating 'Click here' from 'to unsubscribe' will result in incorrect translations for some languages - the translator needs a context. So it is better to use the tag.
And by the way: things like __('Click here') doesn't allow for different translation of the string based on context. I have no idea what translation tool you're using, but it should definitely use identifiers rather than English texts.
Going back to your original question, I believe you can use parametrized mixin to do it:
mixin unsubscribe(title, target_address, click_here, to_unsubscribe)
a(title=title, href=target_address, target='_blank', style='color:#00b2e2;text-decoration:none;')= click_here
span= to_unsubscribe
This of course will result in additional <span> tag and it still does not solve the real issue (separating "Click here" from "to unsubscribe") and no way to re-order this sentence, but... I guess the only valid option would be to have interpolation built-in into translation engine and writing out unescaped tag. Otherwise you'd need to redesign the page to avoid link inside the sentence.

smarty concatanate a var from a file and a normal smarty one in the smarty include section

Hi I am trying to evaluate a variable from a file and a normal one but seems to be harder than it looks so :
This works:
{config_load file="archive_page.conf"
section="profile"} {include file="header.tpl" title=#pageTitle# keywords=#keywords# description=#description#}
I would like to also use my var and concatenate the text together so the below doesn't work also I have tried variations with '', "" but leads either an error message or one of the variables to display as text...
{config_load file="archive_page.conf"
section="profile"} {include file="header.tpl" title=#pageTitle#$MYVARHERE keywords=#keywords# description=#description#}
I tried various things but I can't get it to work, any help is much appreciated.
use the cat variable modifier:

FreeMarker specifc table index from results

I'm using openReports that uses freeMarker formats as a template.
The following:
<#display.table name="results" class="displayTag" sort="list" export=true pagesize=10 requestURI="queryReportResult.action">
<#display.column property="first_name" title="First Name" sortable=true headerClass="sortable" />
<#display.column property="last_name" title="Last Name" sortable=true headerClass="sortable"/>
The data is automatically grabbed using a stored procedure.
This will create a sortable table, does anyone know how I could access just the first row of data. I intend to save it into a variable and output it in some part of the page.
The reason I want to do this is we have a basic report and what would make it perfect is if I could print some from it toward the top of the page above the report.
I know a lot of people aren't familiar with OpenReports, but I figured freeMarker does have a pretty good following. I understand if this is pretty obscure
From what I can see from here, the #display.table call prints the whole table at once, so there's nowhere to insert the FreeMarker code to catch the first row. But of course you should check the documentation of #display.table to see if it offers any helpful options. But, I suppose you have already done that. So as a last resort, you can capture the whole table into a variable with <#assign tableHTML><#display.table ...>...</#display.table></#assign> and then extract the first row with a regular expression (or something like that) from the value of the tableHTML variable.
