Why can't I put a hash inside itself as a key? - ruby

I can use hashes as keys and values:
a = {}
b = {}
a[b] = b
a #=> {{}=>{}}
a[b] == b #=> true
I can even put a hash inside itself as a value:
a[:a] = a
a #=> {{}=>{}, :a=>{...}}
a == a[:a] #=> true
But I can't put a hash inside itself as a key:
a[a] = a
a #=> {{}=>{}, {...}=>{...}}
a[a] #=> nil
a[a] == a #=> false
I would expect a == a[a] #=> true in this case.
Why does this happen? I don't have a use case for this, I'm just curious about why a hash can't be used as it's own key.

It is not that you cannot. You just need to rehash after you modify a mutable key in the hash.
a = {}
b = {}
a[b] = b
a[:a] = a
a[a] = a
# => {{}=>{}, :a=>{...}, {...}=>{...}}
a[a] == a
# => true
The a is different before and after a[a] = a. So you needed to update the a key of a.


ruby select inner hash from nested hash

I need to filter a nested hash to return items for a particular combination of attributes. If the attribute is present it returns that hash, if the attribute is not present it returns the default. If the attribute is set to 'none' it returns nothing. Consider the following hash:
if the color is 'black', then
or if the color is 'blue', then
What is best way to do this? I have tried various combinations of select and delete but either end up with an array or a hash with the color key included.
Letting h be the hash given in the question, the following method will return the desired hash if my understanding of the question is correct.
def doit(h, color)
h.each_with_object({}) do |(k,f),g|
c,v = f.find { |kk,_| kk != "default" }
if c == color
g[k] = v.is_a?(Hash) ? v : {}
g[k] = f["default"]
doit(h, 'black')
#=> {"size"=>{"jeans"=>"boyfriend"}, "style"=>{"shoes"=>"boots"}}
doit(h, 'blue')
#=> {"size"=>{}, "style"=>{"jeans"=>"jeggings"}}
The steps for the second example are as follows.
color = 'blue'
enum = h.each_with_object({})
#=> #<Enumerator: {"size"=>{"default"=>{"jeans"=>"boyfriend"},
# "blue"=>"none"}, "style"=>{"default"=>{"shoes"=>"boots"},
# "blue"=>{"jeans"=>"jeggings"}}}:each_with_object({})>
The first value of this enumerator is generated:
x = enum.next
#=> [["size", {"default"=>{"jeans"=>"boyfriend"}, "blue"=>"none"}], {}]
and passed to the block. The block variables are set equal to x and their values are determined by "disambiguation":
(k,f),g = x
k #=> "size"
f ##=> {"default"=>{"jeans"=>"boyfriend"}, "blue"=>"none"}
g #=> {}
The block calculation is now performed.
c,v = f.find { |kk,_| kk != "default" }
#=> ["blue", "none"]
c #=> "blue"
v #=> "none"
c == color
#=> "blue" == "blue" => true
we compute
#=> false
and therefore perform the assignment
g[k] = {}
#=> {}
so that now
g #=> {"size"=>{}}
The second and last element of h is now generated and passed to the block.
x = enum.next
#=> [["style", {"default"=>{"shoes"=>"boots"},
# "blue"=>{"jeans"=>"jeggings"}}], {"style"=>{"jeans"=>"jeggings"}}]
(k,f),g = x
k #=> "style"
f #=> {"default"=>{"shoes"=>"boots"}, "blue"=>{"jeans"=>"jeggings"}}
g #=> {"size"=>"none"}
c,v = f.find { |kk,_| kk != "default" }
#=> ["blue", {"jeans"=>"jeggings"}]
c #=> "blue"
v #=> {"jeans"=>"jeggings"}
c == color
# "blue" == "blue" => true
#=> true
g[k] = v
#=> {"jeans"=>"jeggings"}
g #=> {"size"=>"none", "style"=>{"jeans"=>"jeggings"}}
and g is returned.
Below is what I ended up with after some refactoring. It works and tests all pass. Could do with more refactoring.
class Filterer
def self.filter(facets, color)
acc = {}
facets.each do |k, facets|
facets.each do |_, facet|
acc[k] = color_facets(color, facets)
def self.color_facets(color, facets)
return {} if no_facets?(color, facets)
facets[color] ? facets[color] : facets['default']
def self.no_facets?(color, facets)
facets[color] && facets[color] == 'no facet'

How to change a value in an array via a hash?

I want to change the value of an array via a hash, for example:
arr = ['g','g','e','z']
positions = {1 => arr[0], 2 => arr[1]}
positions[1] = "ee"
Problem is that the one that changed is hash and not array. When I do p arr It still outputs ['g','g','e','z']. Is there a way around this?
You're going to need to add another line of code to do what you want:
arr = ['g','g','e','z']
positions = {1 => arr[0], 2 => arr[1]}
positions[1] = "ee"
arr[0] = positions[1]
Another option would be to make a method that automatically updated the array for you, something like this:
def update_hash_and_array(hash, array, val, index)
# Assume that index is not zero indexed like you have
hash[index] = val
array[index - 1] = val
update_hash_and_array(positions, arr, "ee", 1) # Does what you want
This is possible to code into your hash using procs.
arr = ['g','g','e','z']
positions = {1 => -> (val) { arr[0] = val } }
# arr => ['hello', 'g', 'e', 'z']
You can generalize this a bit if you want to generate a hash that can modify any array.
def remap_arr(arr, idx)
(idx...arr.length+idx).zip(arr.map.with_index{|_,i| -> (val) {arr[i] = val}}).to_h
arr = [1,2,3,4,5,6]
positions = remap_arr(arr, 1)
# arr => [1,'hello',3,4,5,6]
# arr => [1,'hello',3,4,5,'goodbye']
But I'm hoping this is just a thought experiment, there is no reason to change the way array indexing behavior works to start from 1 rather than 0. In such cases, you would normally just want to offset the index you have to match the proper array indexing (starting at zero). If that is not sufficient, it's a sign you need a different data structure.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
a = %w(q w e)
h = {
1 => a[0]
puts a[0].object_id # 70114787518660
puts h[1].object_id # 70114787518660
puts a[0] === h[1] # true
# It is a NEW object of a string. Look at their object_ids.
# That why you can not change value in an array via a hash.
h[1] = 'Z'
puts a[0].object_id # 70114787518660
puts h[1].object_id # 70114574058580
puts a[0] === h[1] # false
h[2] = a
puts a.object_id # 70308472111520
puts h[2].object_id # 70308472111520
puts h[2] === a # true
puts a[0] === h[2][0] # true
# Here we can change value in the array via the hash.
# Why?
# Because 'h[2]' and 'a' are associated with the same object '%w(q w e)'.
# We will change the VALUE without creating a new object.
h[2][0] = 'X'
puts a[0] # X
puts h[2][0] # X
puts a[0] === h[2][0] # true

Creating Hash of Hash from an Array of Array

I have an array:
values = [["branding", "color", "blue"],
["cust_info", "customer_code", "some_customer"],
["branding", "text", "custom text"]]
I am having trouble tranforming it to hash as follow:
"branding" => {"color"=>"blue", "text"=>"custom text"},
"cust_info" => {"customer_code"=>"some customer"}
You can use default hash values to create something more legible than inject:
h = Hash.new {|hsh, key| hsh[key] = {}}
values.each {|a, b, c| h[a][b] = c}
Obviously, you should replace the h and a, b, c variables with your domain terms.
Bonus: If you find yourself needing to go N levels deep, check out autovivification:
fun = Hash.new { |h,k| h[k] = Hash.new(&h.default_proc) }
fun[:a][:b][:c][:d] = :e
# fun == {:a=>{:b=>{:c=>{:d=>:e}}}}
Or an overly-clever one-liner using each_with_object:
silly = values.each_with_object(Hash.new {|hsh, key| hsh[key] = {}}) {|(a, b, c), h| h[a][b] = c}
Here is an example using Enumerable#inject:
values = [["branding", "color", "blue"],
["cust_info", "customer_code", "some_customer"],
["branding", "text", "custom text"]]
# r is the value we are are "injecting" and v represents each
# value in turn from the enumerable; here we create
# a new hash which will be the result hash (res == r)
res = values.inject({}) do |r, v|
group, key, value = v # array decomposition
r[group] ||= {} # make sure group exists
r[group][key] = value # set key/value in group
r # return value for next iteration (same hash)
There are several different ways to write this; I think the above is relatively simple. See extracting from 2 dimensional array and creating a hash with array values for using a Hash (i.e. grouper) with "auto vivification".
Less elegant but easier to understand:
hash = {}
values.each do |value|
if hash[value[0]]
hash[value[0]][value[1]] = value[2]
hash[value[0]] = {value[1] => value[2]}
values.inject({}) { |m, (k1, k2, v)| m[k1] = { k2 => v }.merge m[k1] || {}; m }

Filter arrays with bitmask or other array in Ruby

I was wondering if there was an Array method in Ruby that allows to filter an array based on another array or a bitmask.
Here is an example and a quick implementation for illustration purposes:
class Array
def filter(f)
res = []
if f.is_a? Integer
(0...self.size).each do |i|
res << self[i] unless f[i].nil? || 2**i & f == 0
(0...self.size).each do |i|
res << self[i] unless f[i].nil? || f[i] == 0
return res
%w(a b c).filter([1, 0, 1]) ==> ['a', 'c']
%w(a b c).filter(4) ==> ['c']
%w(a b c).filter([1]) ==> ['a']
In ruby 1.9 Fixnum#[] gives you bit values at a particular position, so it will work for both integers and arrays. I'm thinking something like this:
class Array
def filter f
select.with_index { |e,i| f[i] == 1 }
%w(a b c).filter([1, 0, 1]) #=> ['a', 'c']
%w(a b c).filter(4) #=> ['c']
%w(a b c).filter(5) #=> ['a', c']
%w(a b c).filter([1]) #=> ['a']
class Array
def filter(f)
f = f.to_s(2).split("").map(&:to_i) unless Array === f
reverse.reject.with_index{|_, i| f[-i].to_i.zero?}

Ruby array with an extra state

I'm trying to go through an array and add a second dimension for true and false values in ruby.
For example. I will be pushing on arrays to another array where it would be:
a = [[1,2,3,4],[5]]
I would like to go through each array inside of "a" and be able to mark a state of true or false for each individual value. Similar to a map from java.
Any ideas? Thanks.
You're better off starting with this:
a = [{ 1 => false, 2 => false, 3 => false, 4 => false }, { 5 => false }]
Then you can just flip the booleans as needed. Otherwise you will have to pollute your code with a bunch of tests to see if you have a Fixnum (1, 2, ...) or a Hash ({1 => true}) before you can test the flag's value.
Hashes in Ruby 1.9 are ordered so you wouldn't lose your ordering by switching to hashes.
You can convert your array to this form with one of these:
a = a.map { |x| Hash[x.zip([false] * x.length)] }
# or
a = a.map { |x| x.each_with_object({}) { |i,h| h[i] = false } }
And if using nil to mean "unvisited" makes more sense than starting with false then:
a = a.map { |x| Hash[x.zip([nil] * x.length)] }
# or
a = a.map { |x| x.each_with_object({}) { |i,h| h[i] = nil } }
Some useful references:
Array *
If what you are trying to do is simply tag specific elements in the member arrays with boolean values, it is just a simple matter of doing the following:
current_value = a[i][j]
a[i][j] = [current_value, true_or_false]
For example if you have
a = [[1,2,3,4],[5]]
Then if you say
a[0][2] = [a[0,2],true]
then a becomes
a = [[1,2,[3,true],4],[5]]
You can roll this into a method
def tag_array_element(a, i, j, boolean_value)
a[i][j] = [a[i][j], boolean_value]
You might want to enhance this a little so you don't tag a specific element twice. :) To do so, just check if a[i][j] is already an array.
Change x % 2 == 0 for the actual operation you want for the mapping:
>> xss = [[1,2,3,4],[5]]
>> xss.map { |xs| xs.map { |x| {x => x % 2} } }
#=> [[{1=>false}, {2=>true}, {3=>false}, {4=>true}], [{5=>false}]]
