Difference between direct and indirect CRC - algorithm

I have seen two different kinds of CRC algorithms. The one kind is called "direct" the other kind is called "non-direct" or "indirect". The code for both is a bit different. Both are able to calculate the same checksum if direct type is supplied with a converted initial value.
I can successfully run both algorithms and I know how to convert the initial value. So this is no problem.
What I couldn't find out: Why do these two algorithms exist? Is there something that one can do what the other can't? Are they redundant from the user's point of view?
UPDATE You can find a testable online implementation (and C implementations of both aglorithms) here. However these terms (or one of them) are mentioned in some more places. Like here ("direct table algorithm"), in a microcontroller reference document, in forums etc.

The "direct" is referring to how to avoid processing n zero bits at the end for an n-bit CRC.
The mathematical definition of the CRC is a division of the message with n zero bits appended to it. You can avoid the extra operations by exclusive-oring the message with the CRC before operating on it instead of after. This requires processing the initial value of the register in the normal version through the CRC, and having that be the new initial value.
Since it is not necessary, you will never see a real-world CRC algorithm doing the extra operations.
See the section "10. A Slightly Mangled Table-Driven Implementation" in the document you link for a more detailed explanation.


Does Reed-Solomon Error algorithm allow correction only if error occur on input data part?

Reed-Solomon algorithm is adding an additional data to the input, so potential errors (of particular size/quantity) on such damaged input can be corrected back to the original state. Correct? Does this algorithm protects also such added data not being part of the input, but used by the algorithm? If not, what happened if the error occurs in such non-input data part?
An important aspect is that Reed-Solomon (RS) codes are cyclic: the set of codewords is stable by cyclic shift.
A consequence is that no particular part of a code word is more protected or less protected.
A RS code has a error correction capability equal to t = (n-k)/2, where n is the code length (generally expressed in bytes) and k is the information part length.
If the total number of errors (in both parts) is less than t, the RS decoder will be able to correct the errors (more precisely, the t erroneous bytes in the general case). If it is higher, the errors cannot be corrected (but could be detected, another story).
The emplacement of the errors, either in the information part or the added part, has no influence on the error correction capability.
EDIT: the rule t = (n-k)/2 that I mentioned is valid for Reed-Solomon codes. This rule is not generally correct for BCH codes: t <= (n-k)/2. However, with respect to your question, this does not change the answer: these families of code have a given capacity correction, corresponding to the minimum distance between codewords, the decoders can then correct t errors, whatever the position of the errors in the codeword
As long as only half or less of the added data is in error, then errors that are only in the added data can be corrected.
With the appended data, the data + appended data form what is called a codeword, one that meets the rules for a codeword. Note there are two basic types of Reed Solomon code, the "original view" and the "BCH view". What constitutes a valid codeword depends which type of Reed Solomon code is being used. Link to Wiki article that explains this:
For an erasure only code, the location of all errors is determined by other means, and this case, even if all of the appended data is known to be bad, it can be corrected (or regenerated).

What does Cyclic Code mean? Are CRC and Reed-Solomon Cyclic codes?

We have an assignment where we must make a program in python that compresses a txt file with LZ-78, then encode the compressed file with "cyclic code", and after that send it as a json file to a reciever. I can't find an exact clarification what the professor means by cyclic code.
I searched the web and I found about CRC and Reed-Solomon but I'm not sure if these two are the correct codes to use, so can you please explain to me if these are okay for me to use or if I need something different.
I'm not sure if it helps, but for some teams he specified that he wanted them to use Reed-Muller.
what does cyclic code mean?
That every valid codeword can be rotated (left or right), and the result will be another valid code word. CRC (at least ones that don't post complement the CRC), BCH codes, and BCH type Reed Solomon codes are cyclic codes. Original view Reed Solomon codes are not cyclic unless a set of specific set of evaluation values, successive powers of the field primitive alpha is used.
Encoding and decoding normally don't directly exploit the cyclic nature of cyclic codes, other than as a possible method (reverse cycling as opposed to a lookup table) to correct single burst errors.
Reed Muller is a class of older codes that are not cyclic.
Due to the conflict between "cyclic" and "Reed Muller", you should probably ask the professor for clarification.

Flash ECC algorithm on STM32L1xx

How does the flash ECC algorithm (Flash Error Correction Code) implemented on STM32L1xx work?
I want to do multiple incremental writes to a single word in program flash of a STM32L151 MCU without doing a page erase in between. Without ECC, one could set bits incrementally, e.g. first 0x00, then 0x01, then 0x03 (STM32L1 erases bits to 0 rather than to 1), etc. As the STM32L1 has 8 bit ECC per word, this method doesn't work. However, if we knew the ECC algorithm, we could easily find a short sequence of values, that could be written incrementally without violating the ECC.
We could simply try different sequences of values and see which ones work (one such sequence is 0x0000001, 0x00000101, 0x00030101, 0x03030101), but if we don't know the ECC algorithm, we can't check, whether the sequence violates the ECC, in which case error correction wouldn't work if bits would be corrupted.
[Edit] The functionality should be used to implement a simple file system using STM32L1's internal program memory. Chunks of data are tagged with a header, which contains a state. Multiple chunks can reside on a single page. The state can change over time (first 'new', then 'used', then 'deleted', etc.). The number of states is small, but it would make things significantly easier, if we could overwrite a previous state without having to erase the whole page first.
Thanks for any comments! As there are no answers so far, I'll summarize, what I found out so far (empirically and based on comments to this answer):
According to the STM32L1 datasheet "The whole non-volatile memory embeds the error correction code (ECC) feature.", but the reference manual doesn't state anything about ECC in program memory.
The datasheet is in line with what we can find out empirically when subsequentially writing multiple words to the same program mem location without erasing the page in between. In such cases some sequences of values work while others don't.
The following are my personal conclusions, based on empirical findings, limited research and comments from this thread. It's not based on official documentation. Don't build any serious work on it (I won't either)!
It seems, that the ECC is calculated and persisted per 32-bit word. If so, the ECC must have a length of at least 7 bit.
The ECC of each word is probably written to the same nonvolatile mem as the word itself. Therefore the same limitations apply. I.e. between erases, only additional bits can be set. As stark pointed out, we can only overwrite words in program mem with values that:
Only set additional bits but don't clear any bits
Have an ECC that also only sets additional bits compared to the previous ECC.
If we write a value, that only sets additional bits, but the ECC would need to clear bits (and therefore cannot be written correctly), then:
If the ECC is wrong by one bit, the error is corrected by the ECC algorithm and the written value can be read correctly. However, ECC wouldn't work anymore if another bit failed, because ECC can only correct single-bit errors.
If the ECC is wrong by more than one bit, the ECC algorithm cannot correct the error and the read value will be wrong.
We cannot (easily) find out empirically, which sequences of values can be written correctly and which can't. If a sequence of values can be written and read back correctly, we wouldn't know, whether this is due to the automatic correction of single-bit errors. This aspect is the whole reason for this question asking for the actual algorithm.
The ECC algorithm itself seems to be undocumented. Hamming code seems to be a commonly used algorithm for ECC and in AN4750 they write, that Hamming code is actually used for error correction in SRAM. The algorithm may or may not be used for STM32L1's program memory.
The STM32L1 reference manual doesn't seem to explicitely forbid multiple writes to program memory without erase, but there is no documentation stating the opposit either. In order not to use undocumented functionality, we will refrain from using such functionality in our products and find workarounds.
Interessting question.
First I have to say, that even if you find out the ECC algorithm, you can't rely on it, as it's not documented and it can be changed anytime without notice.
But to find out the algorithm seems to be possible with a reasonable amount of tests.
I would try to build tests which starts with a constant value and then clearing only one bit.
When you read the value and it's the start value, your bit can't change all necessary bits in the ECC.
for <bitIdx>=0 to 31
earse cell
write start value, like 0xFFFFFFFF & ~(1<<testBit)
clear bit <bitIdx> in the cell
read the cell
If you find a start value where the erase tests works for all bits, then the start value has probably an ECC of all bits set.
Edit: This should be true for any ECC, as every ECC needs always at least a difference of two bits to detect and repair, reliable one defect bit.
As the first bit difference is in the value itself, the second change needs to be in the hidden ECC-bits and the hidden bits will be very limited.
If you repeat this test with different start values, you should be able to gather enough data to prove which error correction is used.

Mapping Untyped Lisp data into a typed binary format for use in compiled functions

Background: I'm writing a toy Lisp (Scheme) interpreter in Haskell. I'm at the point where I would like to be able to compile code using LLVM. I've spent a couple days dreaming up various ways of feeding untyped Lisp values into compiled functions that expect to know the format of the data coming at them. It occurs to me that I am not the first person to need to solve this problem.
Question: What are some historically successful ways of mapping untyped data into an efficient binary format.
Addendum: In point of fact, I do know which of about a dozen different types the data is, I just don't know which one might be sent to the function at compile time. The function itself needs a way to determine what it got.
Do you mean, "I just don't know which [type] might be sent to the function at runtime"? It's not that the data isn't typed; certainly 1 and '() have different types. Rather, the data is not statically typed, i.e., it's not known at compile time what the type of a given variable will be. This is called dynamic typing.
You're right that you're not the first person to need to solve this problem. The canonical solution is to tag each runtime value with its type. For example, if you have a dozen types, number them like so:
0 = integer
1 = cons pair
2 = vector
Once you've done this, reserve the first four bits of each word for the tag. Then, every time two objects get passed in to +, first you perform a simple bit mask to verify that both objects' first four bits are 0b0000, i.e., that they are both integers. If they are not, you jump to an error message; otherwise, you proceed with the addition, and make sure that the result is also tagged accordingly.
This technique essentially makes each runtime value a manually-tagged union, which should be familiar to you if you've used C. In fact, it's also just like a Haskell data type, except that in Haskell the taggedness is much more abstract.
I'm guessing that you're familiar with pointers if you're trying to write a Scheme compiler. To avoid limiting your usable memory space, it may be more sensical to use the bottom (least significant) four bits, rather than the top ones. Better yet, because aligned dword pointers already have three meaningless bits at the bottom, you can simply co-opt those bits for your tag, as long as you dereference the actual address, rather than the tagged one.
Does that help?
Your default solution should be a simple tagged union. If you want to narrow your typing down to more specific types, you can do it - but it won't be that "toy" any more. A thing to look at is called abstract interpretation.
There are few successful implementations of such an optimisation, with V8 being probably the most widespread. In the Scheme world, the most aggressively optimising implementation is Stalin.

gcc implementation of rand()

I've tried for hours to find the implementation of rand() function used in gcc...
It would be much appreciated if someone could reference me to the file containing it's implementation or website with the implementation.
By the way, which directory (I'm using Ubuntu if that matters) contains the c standard library implementations for the gcc compiler?
rand consists of a call to a function __random, which mostly just calls another function called __random_r in random_r.c.
Note that the function names above are hyperlinks to the glibc source repository, at version 2.28.
The glibc random library supports two kinds of generator: a simple linear congruential one, and a more sophisticated linear feedback shift register one. It is possible to construct instances of either, but the default global generator, used when you call rand, uses the linear feedback shift register generator (see the definition of unsafe_state.rand_type).
You will find C library implementation used by GCC in the GNU GLIBC project.
You can download it sources and you should find rand() implementation. Sources with function definitions are usually not installed on a Linux distribution. Only the header files which I guess you already know are usually stored in /usr/include directory.
If you are familiar with GIT source code management, you can do:
$ git clone git://sourceware.org/git/glibc.git
To get GLIBC source code.
The files are available via FTP. I found that there is more to rand() used in stdlib, which is from [glibc][2]. From the 2.32 version (glibc-2.32.tar.gz) obtained from here, the stdlib folder contains a random.c file which explains that a simple linear congruential algorithm is used. The folder also has rand.c and rand_r.c which can show you more of the source code. stdlib.h contained in the same folder will show you the values used for macros like RAND_MAX.
/* An improved random number generation package. In addition to the
standard rand()/srand() like interface, this package also has a
special state info interface. The initstate() routine is called
with a seed, an array of bytes, and a count of how many bytes are
being passed in; this array is then initialized to contain
information for random number generation with that much state
information. Good sizes for the amount of state information are
32, 64, 128, and 256 bytes. The state can be switched by calling
the setstate() function with the same array as was initialized with
initstate(). By default, the package runs with 128 bytes of state
information and generates far better random numbers than a linear
congruential generator. If the amount of state information is less
than 32 bytes, a simple linear congruential R.N.G. is used.
Internally, the state information is treated as an array of longs;
the zeroth element of the array is the type of R.N.G. being used
(small integer); the remainder of the array is the state
information for the R.N.G. Thus, 32 bytes of state information
will give 7 longs worth of state information, which will allow a
degree seven polynomial. (Note: The zeroth word of state
information also has some other information stored in it; see setstate
for details). The random number generation technique is a linear
feedback shift register approach, employing trinomials (since there
are fewer terms to sum up that way). In this approach, the least
significant bit of all the numbers in the state table will act as a
linear feedback shift register, and will have period 2^deg - 1
(where deg is the degree of the polynomial being used, assuming
that the polynomial is irreducible and primitive). The higher order
bits will have longer periods, since their values are also
influenced by pseudo-random carries out of the lower bits. The
total period of the generator is approximately deg*(2deg - 1); thus
doubling the amount of state information has a vast influence on the
period of the generator. Note: The deg*(2deg - 1) is an
approximation only good for large deg, when the period of the shift
register is the dominant factor. With deg equal to seven, the
period is actually much longer than the 7*(2**7 - 1) predicted by
this formula. */
