#EnableRedisHttpSession + Spring Boot ignoring server.session.timeout on application.yml - spring-boot

I have a project with Spring Boot 1.3.3 [another stuff] and Redis configurated to manage sessions, i.e., #EnableRedisHttpSession. The application works well and stores the information on Redis regularly.
The problem that I'm facing is that, different from what documentation says, whether I define or not a server.session.timeout, the Redis always is using the default value for its annotation attribute (maxInactiveIntervalInSeconds) that is: 1800
Here, the documentation that I followed: http://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/html/boot-features-session.html
I've also tried the approach defined by #rwinch here https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-session/issues/110 but also without success.
Updating ......
My configuration file as requested:
#First attempt (server.session.timeout) following the Spring documentation mentioned
timeout: 10
#session timeout under spring (as mentioned by M Deinum in comment - unfortunately doesnt work)
timeout: 10
port: 6379
Beside that, I've also tried to implement a SessionListener that was in charge of setting the timeout (something like this):
public class SessionListener implements HttpSessionListener {
#Value(value = "${server.session.timeout}")
private int timeout;
public void sessionCreated(HttpSessionEvent event) {
if(event!=null && event.getSession()!=null){
It still didn't result in a correct scenario. I'm really racking my brain :|
Please guys, am I missing some point? Does anyone else have faced it?
Thanks in advance.

Another solution:
public class HttpSessionConfig {
private Integer maxInactiveIntervalInMinutes;
private RedisOperationsSessionRepository sessionRepository;
private void afterPropertiesSet() {
sessionRepository.setDefaultMaxInactiveInterval(maxInactiveIntervalInMinutes * 60);
In this way you use the default configuration, and just add your timeout. So you maintain the default HttpSessionListener, and you don't need to use an ApplicationListener to set the time out, just one time, in the application lifecycle.

Well, just in case someone is facing the same situation, we have 2 ways to workaround:
I. Implement the following:
public class Application {
//some other codes here
private Integer maxInactiveIntervalInSeconds;
public RedisOperationsSessionRepository sessionRepository( RedisConnectionFactory factory) {
RedisOperationsSessionRepository sessionRepository = new RedisOperationsSessionRepository(factory);
return sessionRepository;
Unfortunately, I had to implement a listener in order to perform additional actions when a session expires. And, when you define a RedisOperationsSessionRepository, you don't have a HttpSessionListener anymore (instead of it, you have a SessionMessageListener, as described here: http://docs.spring.io/spring-session/docs/current/reference/html5/#api-redisoperationssessionrepository). Because of this question, the 2nd approach was required.
II. To overcome the problem:
public class Application implements ApplicationListener{
private Integer maxInactiveIntervalInSeconds;
private RedisOperationsSessionRepository redisOperation;
public void onApplicationEvent(ApplicationEvent event) {
if (event instanceof ContextRefreshedEvent) {
Assuming that none of them are the desirable out-of-box setup, at least they allow me to continue in my PoC.

#EnableRedisHttpSession(maxInactiveIntervalInSeconds = 60)

You can remove EnableRedisHttpSession annotation, instead, set the property:
Both spring.session.timeout and server.servlet.session.timeout will work. Please note spring.session.timeout will override server.servlet.session.timeout per my test.

Extend RedisHttpSessionConfiguration and do init in #PostConstruct method.
public class HttpSessionConfig extends RedisHttpSessionConfiguration {
private Integer sessionTimeoutInSec;
private String sessionRedisNamespace;
public LettuceConnectionFactory connectionFactory() {
return new LettuceConnectionFactory();
public void initConfig() throws Exception {


how to conditionally not create beans in spring boot?

In my application, I have a component that reads data from other system when the application is started.
However, during testing, I don't want this component to be created
public class DeviceStatisticsSyncHandler {
public void handle(ApplicationReadyEvent event) {
public boolean serviceEnabled;
I can use condition to solve this, but other code readers need to understand, so I don't think this is a very good method:
#EventListener(condition = "#deviceStatisticsSyncHandler .isServiceEnabled()")
public void handle(ApplicationReadyEvent event) {
public boolean isServiceEnabled() {
return !serviceEnabled;
public boolean serviceEnabled;
My application doesn't use Profiles, is there any other method to solve this problem.
Spring Boot version:2.1.3
One possible option is not to load the DeviceStaticsticsSyncHandler at all if you're in a test mode.
The "test.mode" is not a good name here, because the production code contains something tightly bound to the tests.
How about the following approach:
#ConditionalOnProperty(name ="device.stats.handler.enabled", havingValue = "true", matchIfMissing=true)
public class DeviceStatisticsSyncHandler {
// do whatever you need here, but there is no need for "test.mode" enabled related code here
Now in Tests you can define a test property "device.stats.handler.enabled=false" on the test itself or even place that definition in src/test/reources/application.properties so it will be false for all tests in the module.
An obvious advantage is that this definition is pretty much self explanatory and can be easy understood by other project maintainers.
for me, it's not the case of the condition rather environment-related. I will solve this problem using spring profile.
Step 1: Create an Interface first
public interface DeviceStatisticsSyncHandler {
public void handle(ApplicationReadyEvent event);
Step 2: Create an Implementation for production
public class DeviceStatisticsSyncHandlerImpl implements DeviceStatisticsSyncHandler {
public void handle(ApplicationReadyEvent event) {
step 3: create an implementation of test
public class DeviceStatisticsSyncHandlerTestImpl implements DeviceStatisticsSyncHandler {
public void handle(ApplicationReadyEvent event) {
//do Nothing
final step
All you need to do is set/toggle the property
I found a way to achieve this without any further external configuration required.
The idea is to create a general configuration that applies to all integration tests and use #MockBean there to replace the real bean. So one should create a class like this under the test classpath (i.e. that is not scanned during normal application launch):
public class IntegrationTestConfiguration
public DeviceStatisticsSyncHandler deviceStatisticsSyncHandler;
I was actually surprised that #MockBean can be used here, but the Javadoc explicitly points that out: Can be used as a class level annotation or on fields in either #Configuration classes, or test classes that are #RunWith the SpringRunner..

spring-statemachine 2.3.1 - How to get a StateMachine from a StateMachineModelFactory?

I'm having the following business case while working with spring-statemachine 2.3.1 in a project:
The state machine is defined with the Papyrus plugin and loaded from an uml file using the UmlStateMachineModelFactory as shown below:
public class MyStateMachineConfig extends StateMachineConfigurerAdapter<String, String>
public void configure(StateMachineModelConfigurer<String, String> model) throws Exception
public StateMachineModelFactory<String, String> myStateMachineModelFactory()
return new UmlStateMachineModelFactory("classpath:my.uml");
I need to persist the state machine context in a database using JPA. In order to do this, I need to use StateMachinePersister.persist(). This method uses as its first input parameter a StateMachine instance. However, I'm not able to get the StateMachine instance from my StateMachineModelFactory. The class StateMachineFactory has a method named getStateMachine() while the class StateMachineModelFactory doesn't.
I didn't find neither a way to get a StateMachineFactory instance from a StateMachineModelFactory instance. Could anyone please help with some suggestions, ideally examples ? The documentation has different examples of how to do it but none for the case when the state machine is loaded from an UML file.
Kind regards,
Your configuration for StateMachineFactory should look like below
public static class SsmConfig
extends EnumStateMachineConfigurerAdapter<States, Events> {
public void configure(StateMachineStateConfigurer<States, Events> states)
throws Exception {
And then you can simply inject StateMachineFactory everywhere and just get state machine.
class SomeService {
private StateMachineFactory<States, Events> factory;
void method() {
StateMachine<States,Events> stateMachine = factory.getStateMachine();
More information can be found here.
Your configuration, which extends StateMachineConfigurerAdapter is an "adaptation" or modification of the auto-configured Spring state machine.
In order for your configuration to be picked-up by spring you need to annotate it with #Configuration.
You also have to enable the State Machine auto-configuration, which happens with #EnableStateMachie annotation.
public class MyStateMachineConfig extends StateMachineConfigurerAdapter<String, String> {
You can refer to the official documentation for more details.
Once this is active, you can inject the StateMachine as a dependency.

Dropwizard Counter Not Retaining value in Spring Boot App

I am trying to register the # of spring boot apps I've in my pvt cloud environment. Logic is to use Counter metric to increment during startUp and decrement during shut down. All the different deployments will publish to the same metricPreFix(--assumption). Following is the graph I get in Graphite:
Why do I see the value to come down to 0 even when the app is running? I have tried with 2 different implementations with same result. Can someone please point out the gap in my understanding? PFB the code
public class AppStartupBean implements CommandLineRunner {
private static final String appMetricName = "MyApp.currentCount.GraphOne";
private static final String metricName = "MyApp.currentCount.GraphTwo";
DropwizardMetricServices dwMetricService;
private MetricRegistry registry;
public void run(String... arg0) throws Exception {
Counter counter = registry.counter(metricName);
The configuration for DropwizardMetricServices was wrong. I was using
public DropwizardMetricServices dwMetricService(MetricRegistry registry) {
return new DropwizardMetricServices(registry);
Instead we should just #Autowire DropwizardMetricServices as needed. PFB
When Dropwizard metrics are in use, the default CounterService and
GaugeService are replaced with a DropwizardMetricServices, which is a
wrapper around the MetricRegistry (so you can #Autowired one of those
services and use it as normal).

Spring Zuul: Dynamically disable a route to a service

I'm trying to disable a Zuul route to a microservice registered with Eureka at runtime (I'm using spring boot).
This is an example:
Those two are the registered microservices. I would like to disable the route to one of them at runtime without shutting it down.
Is there a way to do this?
Thank you,
Alternatively to using Cloud Config, custom ZuulFilter can be used. Something like (partial implementation to show the concept):
public class BlackListFilter extends ZuulFilter {
public String filterType() {
return "pre";
public Object run() {
RequestContext ctx = RequestContext.getCurrentContext();
String uri = ctx.getRequest().getRequestURI();
String appId = uri.split("/")[1];
if (blackList.contains(appId)) {
LOG.info("Request '{}' from {}:{} is blocked",
uri, ctx.getRequest().getRemoteHost(), ctx.getRequest().getRemotePort());
return null;
where blackList contains list of application IDs (Spring Boot application name) managed for example via some RESTful API.
After a lot of efforts I came up with this solution. First, I used Netflix Archaius to watch a property file. Then I proceeded as follows:
public class ApplicationRouteLocator extends SimpleRouteLocator implements RefreshableRouteLocator {
public ApplicationRouteLocator(String servletPath, ZuulProperties properties) {
super(servletPath, properties );
public void refresh() {
Made the doRefresh() method public by extending SimpleRouteLocator and calling its method in the overridden one of the interface RefreshableRouteLocator.
Then I redefined the bean RouteLocator with my custom implementation:
#EnableConfigurationProperties( { ZuulProperties.class } )
public class ZuulConfig {
public static ApplicationRouteLocator simpleRouteLocator;
private ZuulProperties zuulProperties;
private ServerProperties server;
public RouteLocator routeLocator() {
logger.info( "zuulProperties are: {}", zuulProperties );
simpleRouteLocator = new ApplicationRouteLocator( this.server.getServletPrefix(),
this.zuulProperties );
ConfigurationManager.getConfigInstance().addConfigurationListener( configurationListener );
return simpleRouteLocator;
private ConfigurationListener configurationListener =
new ConfigurationListener() {
public void configurationChanged( ConfigurationEvent ce ) {
// zuulProperties.getRoutes() do something
// zuulProperties.getIgnoredPatterns() do something
Every time a property in the file was modified an event was triggered and the ConfigurationEvent was able to deal with it (getPropertyName() and getPropertyValue() to extract data from the event). Since I also Autowired the ZuulProperties I was able to get access to it. With the right rule I could find whether the property of Zuul
was modified changing its value in the ZuulProperties accordingly.
Here refresh context should work (as long as you are not adding a new routing rule or removing a currently existing one), if you are adding or removing routing rules, you have to add a new bean for ZuulProperties and mark it with #RefreshScope, #Primary.
You can autowire refreshEndpoint bean for example and apply refreshEndpoint.refresh() on the listener.
Marking a custom RouteLocator as primary will cause problems as zuul already has bean of same type marked as primary.

Spring service with cacheable methods gets initialized without cache when autowired in Shiro realm

After spending 2 days on this issue I really can't make any more progress on my own. I am working on a standard web application with Spring for dependency injection and the likes. I am also using Spring to cache several expensive methods I use a lot.
After I introduced Apache Shiro for the security layer, I was experiencing a strange issue where #Cacheable methods in a certain service no longer got cached. To this point, I was able to strip the problem down to its core, but there's still a lot of code for you to look at - sorry for that...
First, I configure all relevant packages (all classes shown in the following are in one of those).
#ComponentScan(basePackages = {
public class AppConfiguration {
Here is the configuration file for caching.
public class CacheConfiguration {
#Bean(name = "cacheManager")
public SimpleCacheManager cacheManager() {
SimpleCacheManager simpleCacheManager = new SimpleCacheManager();
new ConcurrentMapCache("datetime")
return simpleCacheManager;
For my minimal example, I am using a very simple service that only returns the current timestamp. The Impl class is as simple as you would imagine.
public interface DateService {
LocalDateTime getCurrent();
I inject this service into a controller.
public class DateController {
DateService dateService;
#RequestMapping(value = "/current", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public ResponseEntity<String> getCurrent() {
Subject s = SecurityUtils.getSubject();
s.login(new MyToken());
return new ResponseEntity<>(dateService.getCurrent().toString(), HttpStatus.OK);
The application is set up and started via Jetty, and everything works as expected so far. When calling <api-url>/v1/date/current for the first time the current timestamp is returned, but afterwards one always receives the cached result.
Now, I introduce Shiro with yet another config file.
public class ShiroSecurityConfiguration {
public DefaultSecurityManager securityManager(MyRealm realm) {
List<Realm> realms = new ArrayList<>();
// MyToken is a static stub for this example
DefaultSecurityManager manager = new DefaultSecurityManager(realms);
return manager;
// other Shiro related beans that are - at least to me - irrelevant here
// EDIT 2: I figured out that the described problem only occurs with this bean
// (transitively depending on DateService) in the application
// the bean is required for annotations such as #RequiresAuthentication to work
public AuthorizationAttributeSourceAdvisor authorizationAttributeSourceAdvisor(DefaultSecurityManager securityManager) {
AuthorizationAttributeSourceAdvisor advisor = new AuthorizationAttributeSourceAdvisor();
return advisor;
Finally, here comes the realm which also depends on my service.
public class MyRealm extends AuthenticatingRealm {
private static final String REALM_NAME = "MyRealm";
private DateService dateService;
protected AuthenticationInfo doGetAuthenticationInfo(AuthenticationToken token) throws AuthenticationException {
System.out.println("User authenticated at "+dateService.getCurrent());
return new SimpleAuthenticationInfo("",token.getCredentials(),REALM_NAME);
With that, the caching is broken in my entire application. There is no error message, it just doesn't use the cache anymore. I was able to implement a workaround, but I am now seeking for a better solution and maybe also some advice to better understand the essence of my issue. So, here comes the workaround.
public class MyRealm extends AuthenticatingRealm {
private static final String REALM_NAME = "MyRealm";
private DateService dateService;
private ApplicationContext applicationContext;
private void wireManually() {
if (dateService == null) {
dateService = applicationContext.getBean(DateService.class);
protected AuthenticationInfo doGetAuthenticationInfo(AuthenticationToken token) throws AuthenticationException {
System.out.println("User authenticated at "+dateService.getCurrent());
return new SimpleAuthenticationInfo("",token.getCredentials(),REALM_NAME);
Now it's back to working, and I was able to debug the reason for that. Shiro and hence MyRealm gets initialized very early, even before the whole caching with my SimpleCacheManager and all the related stuff (cacheInterceptor etc.) is loaded. Therefore, there is no proxy to wrap around the service when it gets initialized before the realm when using #Autowired. With the workaround shown above, the service is not injected before everything is set up properly and the first request is being served, and then there is no problem.
Simply put, as soon as I make MyRealm dependent on DateService (annotating the last version of MyRealm with #DependsOn("dateServiceImpl") is enough to break the application) it gets initialized too early (i.e. before caching is set up).
So I would need to either postpone the initialization of MyRealm, but I don't know how to do that. I tried #DependsOn("cacheManager"), but that doesn't help as the other beans required for caching are loaded later nonetheless. Or - which is the same from another perspective - I could make sure the whole caching infrastructure (I am not enough of an expert to describe it in detail) is initialized earlier. Unfortunately, I also don't know how to do that...
Thanks in advance to everyone who made it to this point. Looking forward to any input, no matter if it's an idea to fix the code in a better way or an explanation why exactly Spring can't get this right on its own.
I finally figured out what the problem is and can at least explain its cause in more detail, even though my proposed solution is still a bit hacky.
Enabling the caching aspect in Spring introduces a org.springframework.cache.interceptor.CacheInterceptor, which is essentially an org.aopalliance.aop.Advice used by a org.springframework.cache.interceptor.BeanFactoryCacheOperationSourceAdvisor that implements org.springframework.aop.Advisor.
The org.apache.shiro.spring.security.interceptor.AuthorizationAttributeSourceAdvisor I introduced for Shiro is another Advisor which transitively depends on the DateService via DefaultSecurityManager and MyRealm.
So I have two Advisors for two different aspects - Caching and Security - of which the one for security is initialized first. In fact, whenever I introduce any Advisor dependent on DateService - even if its only a dummy implementation as in the following example - the caching doesn't work anymore for the same reason as it was broken when adding Shiro. This causes the DateService to be loaded before the caching aspect is ready, so it cannot be applied.
public Advisor testAdvisor(DateService dateService) {
return new StaticMethodMatcherPointcutAdvisor() {
public boolean matches(Method method, Class<?> targetClass) {
return false;
Hence, the only proper fix for that is to change the order of aspect initialization. I am aware of the #Order(Ordered.LOWEST_PRECEDENCE) respectively #Order(Ordered.HIGHEST_PRECEDENCE) annotation for the case the multiple Advisors are applicable at a specific joinpoint, but this is not the case for me so this doesn't help. The order of initialization matters for other reasons.
Adding the following code in DateServiceImpl actually solves the problem:
BeanFactoryCacheOperationSourceAdvisor waitForCachingAspect;
With that, the service always waits for the cache before it can be initialized even though this dependency is not used anywhere in the implementation. So now everything is working as it should because the dependency tree now includes Shiro --> DateService --> Cache which makes the Shiro Advisor wait long enough.
It is still not as nice and clean as I would like it to be, but nevertheless, I think this explanation helps to understand the core of the problem and "How can I change the order in which Advisors are initialized in Spring" is a separate question I posted here.
Since Spring 4, #Lazy can be used to achieve the same behavior as in the original question in a more declarative way (see Spring 4 JavaDoc and compare it with earlier versions).
Tested this and it works.
public class MyRealm extends AuthenticatingRealm {
private static final String REALM_NAME = "MyRealm";
private DateService dateService;
protected AuthenticationInfo doGetAuthenticationInfo(AuthenticationToken token) throws AuthenticationException {
System.out.println("User authenticated at "+dateService.getCurrent());
return new SimpleAuthenticationInfo("",token.getCredentials(),REALM_NAME);
