Installing update2 for VS2015 - visual-studio

I installed update2 for VS2015. This took a long time. Eventually I had to go home with my PC and decided to hibernate my PC. When I got I home I continued the installation. The install seemed to be fine but at the very end listed a whole bunch of errors, all about not being able to find a file (no file name provided). I can see that the install did install a whole bunch of stuff, but now I need to worry about what did not install.
When I attempt to re-run vs2015.2.exe it states that there is nothing to do and will do nothing even when I select either the 'Reset defaults' or 'Select All' options.
How can I re-install for my peace of mind?

My pc once crashed while installing Updates from VS2015 and it left some critical damage... I backed up my projects and reïnstalled VS, For me this was the easiest and fastest way to solve the problem, other wise it would probably be an almost impossible job to revert everything back
When the installation was finished i tried again, this time watching over my pc to insure nothing bad would happen again. This solved it on my pc and it Updated just fine!

Just open Control Panel, then click at Uninstall program and select Microsoft Visual Studio 2015.
Select Change and then click on repair.. Visual studio will repair itself and then you can install your update 2 again.
During repair you won't lost projects..


When I download an extension for Visual Studio 2019, it doesn't get installed on restart

When I download an extension within Visual Studio 2019 IDE, it downloads successfully and gives a message "changes will be scheduled and that the installs will begin when I close all windows". If I close all the open windows in IDE, nothing happens. Also after a restart, I do not see the extension installed.
changes will be scheduled and that the installs will begin when I
close all windows
To close all windows, try going File menu => Exit to close VS instead of clicking the X button.
Here're some other workarounds I found:
1.Download the extension from VS Marketplace and double-click the xx.vsix file to start installing manually.
2.If the popup doesn't show, find the xx.vsix in %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp folder, run it there to install. See this.
Of course these are workarounds, however I can't reproduce same issue in my machine. So I guess maybe something is broken in VS or one unknown process interrupts the installation. I suggest we can make sure we're in Admin permission, run a VS repair(or Update VS to latest 16.3.6), and check if one process like cmd(found one similar issue whose cause is about cmd.exe) by task manager...
Hope all above helps if someone meets similar issue :)

Can't install Visual Studio - stuck on Visual Studio Hub Services

Now I have some big problems with installing Visual Studio Community.
These problems came when I got back to Windows 7 from Win10 (because I had some problems).
When I launched the actual Visual Studio for the first time on Win7, it loaded good, but I didn't have any templates. So I decided to reinstall it.
Uninstall went good, but when I tried to install it again, it just stopped at Microsoft Visual Studio Hub Services or something like that. It just really stopped, when I let it go, the progress bar never moved. Then it also said that it couldn't find it or something similar.
And then the fun starts. I tried to do it several times, same. Then I downloaded the Visual Studio 2013 Community, and it stopped on Build x86. Same like the Hub Services at the 2015 version. I gave up at this moment. But after that, I went angry and removed the all Visual Studio folders in the Program Files.
But later on, I found the Visual Studio 2015 Express for Desktop, I downloaded it and that time it said right at the beginning: A Prerelease version of Visual Studio Community is currently installed. Please uninstall it prior to proceeding with your current installation.
I listened to it, went to Remove and Add Programs thing (don't know what name is it in english) and yeah, there was a version of that Visual Studio I removed. I tried to uninstall it, but it just said something again: The installation source for this product is not available. Make sure that the source exists and that you can access it.. And that's basically all.
So I would like to ask, how to fix this thing. It's because of that movement from Win10 to Win7? Or because of the VS folder deletement in Program Files? Any answers are very welcome!
EDIT: Main problem is that it stops at Microsoft Visual Studio Hub Services, I managed to uninstall the 2015 Community version, but then it stops and just didn't move, the only way was to remove the process to shut down the installing window and cancel the installing.
EDIT 2: Well, kinda shy of my grammar back then, fixed some bigger mistakes.
When Visual studio is installed, several other programs get installed. So when you try to uninstall visual studio, you should uninstall all other bunch of programs which were installed along with actual visual studio(which is a bit burden). It take so much time for me to uninstall all the programs from my computer. So while re installing please make sure you uninstall all the other installed apps also.
[EDIT: you may want to scroll to the bottom for the nuclear option which I wish I'd discovered earlier!]
I've downgraded two computers from Windows 10 to 7, both with VS2015 on them. One worked and the other had its VS2015 break horribly. I also deleted the VS2015 directory and registry data that mentioned VS2015 and all sorts, and I had even more problems than you describe :) I think the difference is that I installed some new things (node.js and TypeScript) under Windows 10, and they inserted things into VS2015 which were no longer properly installed after the downgrade.
Here are my discoveries in a hopefully useful order:
When it hangs, what it's actually doing is trying to display this prompt asking you to supply the path to an installer it couldn't find.
You usually get to see these prompts if you 'Run as Administrator' the (main) installer (rather than letting it obtain Administrator privileges itself). Process Explorer helps shed light on this: if the main installer's window is associated with the child process, then the dialogues are visible. If the root process, they're not.
The prompt relates to old versions of packages that the installer wants to uninstall prior to installing a new one, and for some reason the installer doesn't know how to re-download those packages. It is usually looking under C:\ProgramData\Package Cache for them.
If you aren't seeing the dialogue, you can view logs in C:\Users\<you>\AppData\Local\Temp. Use the 'Details' view and sort this folder by date modified, to help you find the right one. Each sub-installer tends to make a new file so you may have to poke around a bit. Changing dates or file sizes also tell you that it's doing something.
Messages like this tend to be associated with the attempt to show a dialogue:
MSI (s) (24:D8) [13:00:25:033]: SOURCEMGMT: Trying source C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{388D7468-1CCA-40C8-9F08-4C20E972E922}v14.0.25123\packages\BuildTools_MSBuildResMsi_amd64\.
MSI (s) (24:D8) [13:00:25:033]: Note: 1: 2203 2: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{388D7468-1CCA-40C8-9F08-4C20E972E922}v14.0.25123\packages\BuildTools_MSBuildResMsi_amd64\BuildTools_MSBuildResMsi.msi 3: -2147287037
MSI (s) (24:D8) [13:00:25:033]: SOURCEMGMT: Source is invalid due to missing/inaccessible package.
So, what to do about these missing packages?
If you have another computer with a working Visual Studio 2015 installation, you can copy the entirety of Package Cache from there to your bad computer (no need to merge folders that already exist) and that will hopefully catch many of them.
For the rest, I tried a few third-party uninstallers, and Revo Uninstaller helped. Go into its settings and enable 'Show System Components'. Then, whenever you identify a problematic package, you'll usually be able to find it in Revo Uninstaller. If you uninstall it, you'll see the usual prompt (cancel it), and after it fails, Revo's 'Moderate' registry cleanup option does the trick ('Safe' didn't). If you use the Pro version then you can multi-select and use the 'Quick Uninstall' batch option, which isn't quite automated - yes, I'm afraid it will be tedious - but with some patience, you can get through everything.
Identifying the problematic packages is still a manual process, but the good news is that you can cancel many of the prompts during a run of the installer without it aborting, so you can collect a lot of package names as you go. You can also look for patterns in version numbers; for me, a lot of them were 14.0.15123` or something like that.
For me, just one package didn't show up in Revo Uninstaller, and I searched the registry myself and deleted some occurrences. I'm not sure if that or the subsequent install of the new package was what did it, but even that one went away.
So, after all that, I'm pleased to report that Visual Studio 2015 has got through the 'Repair' operation with no further errors. I still need to reboot before I can see if it runs without a hitch...
[EDIT: Nuclear option follows]
It didn't. Many of the standard windows (code editor and error list to name a couple) failed to load with the error "An item with the same key has already been added". On the plus side, at least Visual Studio didn't suddenly exit moments after opening. So that's an improvement and 2-3 days well spent :)
After that:
I found this answer and tried the TotalUninstaller linked therein.
Then I deleted more of the installation where that uninstaller reported it couldn't delete a non-empty directory.
Then I was going to reinstall from scratch, but would you believe it - it gave me Modify/Repair/Uninstall options! So I ran the Uninstall. (Maybe Repair would have worked, who knows?)
Then I reinstalled from scratch.
There was just one more failed uninstall of an old thing (Microsoft Web Deploy), but it didn't even report a warning at the end because of it, and now my Visual Studio finally seems to be intact - fingers crossed! (I may never test that web deploy thing anyway - I mainly use it with Unity. Of course I had to install the Unity tools again.)
So yeah. I have no idea if this works by itself or if you also have to do all the other stuff. If you try it and find out, let us know.
Since you are still seeing Visual Studio in Remove and Add Programs, your environment may not be entirely clean and you will have to first completely remove Visual Studio from the system. This should be independent of whether you're using Windows 7 or 10.
You may need to do further research, but here are some initial pointers:
Beyond trying those things and then re-attempting the install, please look for any logs generated from the failures. For example, in your %temp% folder.
In my case , I just restart the PC and after it boots up the VISUAL STUDIO 2015 will automatic come back and keep running. I did it with 2 PCs of users and with version Professional. Hope this helps.
Note : Please make sure to close all VS running on your PC before running install 2015 (in my case is VS Pro 2013) and make sure Windows updates have finished running (if they have).
Uninstall any version of visual studio 2015 you already might have installed.
Then, delete this key: I had a similiar issue and found finally as cause entries under
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\DevDiv\vs\Servicing\14.0. .

Visual Studio 2013 Update 5 Takes forever to install/uninstall

I am installing Visual Studio 2013 Update 5 on windows 7. It got stuck for hours at a step. (I forgot at which step.) I then restarted and continued to install again. It got successfully installed but visual studio was giving weird errors while building the projects. So I ran repair on the installation. It got stuck again while applying "Windows Phone 8.1 SDK". There was no progress even when I left it to run overnight.
Now I am trying to uninstall update 5. But it has again stuck while applying "Windows Phone 8.1 SDK".
Any thoughts? Thanks.
Though I had fast internet, it was taking so long. I stopped the installation and tried again. It completed after few hours.
Had the same problem. After blocking the antivir activity, the speed of uninstalling raised many times. It is still slow, yes, but I see as the progress bar moves. The whole uninstall takes about 40 min.
Another feature I used is not uninstalling from Control Panel, but from command line, with /force key
cd c:\
dir /s vs_community.exe
Thus you find all folders containing vs_community.exe. Choose one from c:\ProgramData. cd to it. Launch
vs_community.exe /force /uninstall
It helps to overcome some possible blocking situations.
If the uninstalling process demands some additional files and their address by a popup message, download them and provide the downloads folder to the uninstall wizard. Sometimes it won't help, but then you can simply ignore it by cancelling the message. After uninstalling you can find these problem pieces of SW by name in the Control Panel and uninstall them separately.
This method helps even if you have several different installations of Visual Studio, with some of them broken.

Visual Studio 2010 suddenly slow

Recently, the editor for VS2010 suddenly became slow when I installed some extensions then uninstalled them. The program itself is running fine and starts up in seconds. Jumping around the menus is lightning fast, but editing code, there is a 1 second lag between the keyboard and the editor.
This happens on a brand new console application project with nothing in it. I have also uninstalled all extensions, resharper etc. The only extensions remaining are VisualHg, Ankh and Nuget.
I have an i7 with 16 gigs of RAM so hardware is NOT the issue.
Is there some sort of cache or files that VS could have locked onto?
How can I figure out what is causing the issue?
Well thanks to #jv42's suggestion, I installed the perfwatson extension and that sorted out the issue. I've since put some of the extensions back and VS2010 is running better than ever before.
I still don't know what caused the issue.
I would find a rollback point before you installed the plug ins. You could have malware that installed with the plugin but was not part of the uninstall. It could just be that the uninstall did not remove something it installed that was causing the problem. It is most likely going to be far faster for you to find a rollback point and start there than to try and figure out what process is causing you the problem and where it is hooked into the registry.
Try resetting your settings from the command line back to the factory default. Warning You will lose all your settings!
devenv /resetsettings
You can back them up, as well as reset, using this article.
finally refer this to fix my problem.
solution is:
Debug->Options and Settings->Debugging -> Symbols
change from All modules,unless excluded to Only specified modules

Visual Studio 2010 SP1 beta install failed, now won't uninstall

Against the advice of one of my buddies, I installed the Visual Studio 2010 SP1 beta on my dev box at work. Or rather, I tried to. I used the web installer, but halfway through the install it failed.
When I try to uninstall or repair it, I keep getting dialogs saying that different files aren't available and I need to insert various CDs. Trying to do a fresh install from the ISO version yields the same result.
Any suggestions?
Edit: I'm running Windows 7 64 bit. The files seem to be different every time I try to repair or uninstall the SP, but last time the dialog was asking me to insert the visual studio 2010 prerequisites disk. Another time it was complaining about the F# runtime. I'll try again and post a few specific file names, but I don't think the files are the issue so much as the botched install.
Figured it out. The installer was looking for files in my Temp directory, since that's where the web installer initially put them. It was still looking there, even when I was running the ISO installer. Every time the dialog popped up, I was able to browse to the file on the ISO. It would ask for the file again, and then it would accept it. Very strange, but it eventually worked. The reapplication took about an hour to complete. Hope this helps someone else!
