insert id number only in sql - oracle

I have a SQL Server table like this
| id | acoount | date |
| | John | 2/6/2016 |
| | John | 2/6/2016 |
| | John | 4/6/2016 |
| | John | 4/6/2016 |
| | Andi | 5/6/2016 |
| | Steve | 4/6/2016 |
i want insert the id coloumn like this.
| id | acoount | date |
| 020616001 | John | 2/6/2016 |
| 020616002 | John | 2/6/2016 |
| 040616001 | John | 4/6/2016 |
| 040616002 | John | 4/6/2016 |
| 050616001 | Andi | 5/6/2016 |
| 040616003 | Steve | 4/6/2016 |
I want to generate id number of the date provided like this. 02+06+16(from date)+001 = 020616001. if have same date, id + 1.
I have tried but still failed .
I want make it in oracle sql develop.
Someone help me.

Try the below SQL as per the given data, Its in SQL Server 2012....
select REPLACE(CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),convert(date,t.[date]), 101), '/', '')
+'00'+convert(varchar(2),row_number()over(partition by account,[date] order by t.[date])) as ID,
from (values ('John','2/6/2016'),

Update your table using statement .
update table set id= replace(CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),CONVERT(datetime ,date,103),3) ,'/', '') + Right('00'+convert(varchar(2),row_number()over(partition by account,[date] order by t.[date])) ,3)

i can give you the logic of 020616001 this part right now .......
for same id +1 i have to work on it....that i ll let u know after my work
insert into table_name(id)
select concat
if(length (day(current_date))>1,day(current_date),Concat(0,day(current_date))),
if(length (month(current_date))>1,month(current_date),Concat(0,month(current_date))),
)as id

you cannot convert your dates column to datetime type in normal way because it is dd/mm/yyyy.
Try this,
declare #t table(acoount varchar(50),dates varchar(20))
insert into #t values
;With CTE as
(select * , SUBSTRING(dates,0,charindex('/',dates)) dd
,SUBSTRING(stuff(dates,1,charindex('/',dates),''),0, charindex('/',stuff(dates,1,charindex('/',dates),''))) MM
,right(dates,2) yy
from #t
,CTE1 as
select *
,ROW_NUMBER()over(partition by yy,mm,dd order by yy,mm,dd)rn from cte c
select *, REPLICATE('0',2-len(dd))+cast(dd as varchar(2))
+REPLICATE('0',2-len(MM))+cast(MM as varchar(2))
+yy+REPLICATE('0',3-len(rn))+cast(rn as varchar(2))
from cte1


Delete query inoracle db is fast but select query running too long

I have below table with 160,000 rows. When I use SELECT ID FROM mytable WHERE id NOT IN ( SELECT max(id) FROM mytable GROUP BY user_id); query is running very long and not finishing (I wait for 1 Hr) but when I use delete FROM mytable WHERE id NOT IN (SELECT max(id) FROM mytable GROUP BY user_id); query is running in 0.5 seconds. Why??
| id | MyTimestamp | Name | user_id ...
| 0 | 1657640396 | John | 123581 ...
| 1 | 1657638832 | Tom | 168525 ...
| 2 | 1657640265 | Tom | 168525 ...
| 3 | 1657640292 | John | 123581 ...
| 4 | 1657640005 | Jack | 896545 ...

Convert raw query into laravel eloquent

I have this written and working as a raw SQL query, but I am trying to convert it to a more Laravel eloquent / query builder design instead of just a raw query.
My table structure like this:
Table One (Name model)
| id | name |
| 1 | bob |
| 2 | jane |
Table Two (Date Model)
| id | table_1_id | date |
| 1 | 1 | 2000-01-01 |
| 2 | 1 | 2000-01-31 |
| 4 | 1 | 2000-02-28 |
| 5 | 1 | 2000-03-03 |
| 6 | 2 | 2000-01-03 |
| 7 | 2 | 2000-01-05 |
I am returning only the the highest (most recent) dates from table 2 (Dates model) that match the user bob from table 1 (Name model).
For instance, in the example above, I return this from my query
Here is what I am doing now (which works), but i'm just not sure how to use YEAR, MONTH and MAX with laravel.
SELECT MAX(date) as max_date
FROM table_2
INNER JOIN table_1 ON = table_2.table_1_id
WHERE = 'bob'
GROUP BY YEAR(date), MONTH(date)
ORDER BY max_date DESC
Try this code if any problem then,
DB::table('table_1')->join('table_2', '','=','table_2.table_1_id')
->select(DB::raw('MAX(date) as max_date'),DB::raw('YEAR(date) year, MONTH(date) month'),'')
If any problem with above code then feel free to ask.

How to use ResultSet to fetch the ID of the record

I have got a table with name table_listnames whose structure is given below
mysql> desc table_listnames;
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| id | int(11) | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment |
| name | varchar(255) | NO | | NULL | |
2 rows in set (0.04 sec)
It has got sample data as shown
mysql> select * from table_listnames;
| id | name |
| 6 | WWW |
| 7 | WWWwww |
| 8 | WWWwwws |
| 9 | WWWwwwsSSS |
| 10 | asdsda |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)
I have a requirement where if name not found under the table , i need to insert or else do nothing
I am achieving it this way
String sql = "INSERT INTO table_listnames (name) SELECT name FROM (SELECT ?) AS tmp WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT name FROM table_listnames WHERE name = ?) LIMIT 1";
pst = dbConnection.prepareStatement(sql);
pst.setString(1, salesName);
pst.setString(2, salesName);
Is it possible to know the id of the record of the given name in this case

LISTAGG function with two columns

I have one table like this (report)
| user_id | Department | Position | Record_id |
| 1 | Science | Professor | 1001 |
| 1 | Maths | | 1002 |
| 1 | History | Teacher | 1003 |
| 2 | Science | Professor | 1004 |
| 2 | Chemistry | Assistant | 1005 |
I'd like to have the following result
| user_id | Department+Position |
| 1 | Science,Professor;Maths, ; History,Teacher |
| 2 | Science, Professor; Chemistry, Assistant |
That means I need to preserve the empty space as ' ' as you can see in the result table.
Now I know how to use LISTAGG function but only for one column. However, I can't exactly figure out how can I do for two columns at the sametime. Here is my query:
SELECT user_id, LISTAGG(department, ';') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY record_id)
FROM report
Thanks in advance :-)
It just requires judicious use of concatenation within the aggregation:
select user_id
, listagg(department || ',' || coalesce(position, ' '), '; ')
within group ( order by record_id )
from report
group by user_id
i.e. aggregate the concatentation of department with a comma and position and replace position with a space if it is NULL.

How are product attributes and attribute options stored in Magento database?

I am trying to figure out how the linkage between attribute and attribute options, and product and attributes are made in Magento. Is there any reference to how this is working? or anyone give me a hint on this.
As Alan Storm says: "you do not have to know about how your db works. You have to learn how the models work ". (This is not an exact quote. I gave you the meaning).
But I created own scheme to understand the DB structure. So this screen shows how it works:
Hope, it helps.
Also I recommend you to look through these links:
1) The attributes are stored in eav_attribute. There you get the attribute_id.
2) The options are stored in eav_attribute_option_value. There yout get the option_id.
3) The options are assigned to the product in catalog_product_entity_varchar. There you need the entity_id of the product, the attribute_id from 1) and the value which are the comma separated option_ids from 2)
I've found these queries to be very helpful for hunting down things like - where does it say the product color is black?, for example.
-- show_product_attr.sql
a.frontend_label as attribute,
catalog_product_entity p
left join catalog_product_entity_{datatype} av on
p.entity_id = av.entity_id
left join eav_attribute a on
av.attribute_id = a.attribute_id
-- p.entity_id = 28683
-- p.sku = '0452MR'
p.entity_id = {eid}
And for attr_options
-- show_product_attr_options.sql
-- p.entity_type_id,
-- p.attribute_set_id,
a.frontend_label as attribute,
-- a.attribute_code,
catalog_product_entity p
left join catalog_product_entity_int av on
p.entity_id = av.entity_id
left join eav_attribute a on
av.attribute_id = a.attribute_id
left join eav_attribute_option_value ao on
av.value = ao.option_id
-- p.entity_id = 28683
p.entity_id = {eid}
You need to replace {datatype} with text, varchar, int, decimal, etc, for the first query, and {eid} with entity_id for both queries. Which you can do on the command like like this:
$ cat show_product_attr_options.sql | sed -e "s/{eid}/30445/" | mysql -uUSER -pPASS DATABASE -t
| entity_id | type_id | sku | attribute_id | attribute | value | value_id | option_id | store_id | value | colorswatch |
| 30445 | simple | 840001179127 | 96 | Status | 1 | 5972 | 1 | 0 | Male | NULL |
| 30445 | simple | 840001179127 | 102 | Visibility | 1 | 5972 | 1 | 0 | Male | NULL |
| 30445 | simple | 840001179127 | 122 | Tax Class | 2 | 5973 | 2 | 0 | Female | NULL |
| 30445 | simple | 840001179127 | 217 | Size | 257 | 17655 | 257 | 0 | XS | NULL |
| 30445 | simple | 840001179127 | 217 | Size | 257 | 17657 | 257 | 1 | XS | NULL |
| 30445 | simple | 840001179127 | 224 | Color | 609 | 18717 | 609 | 0 | Arctic Ice Heather | NULL |
| 30445 | simple | 840001179127 | 260 | Featured | 0 | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL |
| 30445 | simple | 840001179127 | 262 | Clearance Product | 0 | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL |
| 30445 | simple | 840001179127 | 263 | Skip from Being Submitted | 0 | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL |
| 30445 | simple | 840001179127 | 283 | Discontinued | 0 | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL |
A similar set of sql scripts can be created for catalog.
Product Attributes are extra values that you can assign to a product and is stored in the main EAV table, by name, and the data is then stored in a few different tables based on the data type, like varchar, decimal, text Integer, date, etc.
if you had multiple values for your Product Attribute, then that will be stored in the Attribute Options tables, again, different tables based on the data type.
the following link explains the relationships better:
And deeper developer's detail:
And Attribute sets will be the other thing you come across, like the name suggests, a set of attributes grouped together.
SELECT pei.value
FROM `catalog_product_entity_int` pei
JOIN `eav_attribute` ea
ON pei.attribute_id = ea .attribute_id
WHERE pei.entity_id = {your product_id}
AND ea.attribute_code = '{your attribute_code}'
Note that there are a number of different tables like catalog_product_entity_int depending on the type of the attribute, so one of those other ones could be appropriate.
You can get all product properties by using this query:
SELECT CPEV.entity_id, CPE.sku, EA.attribute_id, EA.frontend_label, CPEV.value
FROM catalog_product_entity_varchar AS CPEV
INNER JOIN catalog_product_entity AS CPE ON CPE.entity_id = CPEV.entity_id
INNER JOIN eav_attribute AS EA ON(CPEV.attribute_id = EA.attribute_id AND EA.entity_type_id = 4)
INNER JOIN catalog_eav_attribute AS CEA ON(CEA.attribute_id = EA.attribute_id AND CEA.is_visible_on_front = 1 AND CEA.is_visible_in_grid = 1)
