remove files from subfolders without the last three - bash

I have a structure like that:
I want to delete all the files *.txt in subfolders except the last three files with the greatest modification date, but here I am in current directory
ls -tr *.txt | head -n-3 |xargs rm -f
I need to combine that with the code:
find /usr/local/**/* -type f
Should I use the maxdepth option?
Thanks for helping,

Added maxdepth options to find for one level, sorting files by last modification time, tail to ignore the oldest modified 3 files and xargs with -r to remove the files only if they are found.
for folder in $(find /usr/local/ -type d)
find $folder -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "*.txt" | xargs -r ls -1tr | tail -n+3 | xargs -r rm -f
Run the above command once without rm to ensure that the previous commands pick the proper files for deletion.

You've almost got the solution: use find to get the files,ls to sort them by modification date and tail to omit three most recently modified ones:
find /usr/lib -type f | xargs ls -t | tail -n +4 | xargs rm
If you would like to remove only the files at a specified depth add -mindepth 4 -maxdepth 4 to find parameters.

You can use find's -printf option, to print the modification time in front of the file name and then sort and strip the date off. This avoids using ls at all.
find /usr/local -type f -name '*.txt' -printf '%T#|%p\n' | sort -r | cut -d '|' -f 2 | head -n-3 | xargs rm -f
The other Answers using xargs ls -t can lead to incorrect results, when there are more results than xargs can put in a single ls -t command.

but for each subfolder, so when I have
I want to to use the code for each subfolder separately
head -n-3 |xargs rm -f
so I bet if I have it sorted by date then the files to delete:
I want to leave in any subfolder three newest files


Argument list too long for ls while moving files from one dir to other in bash shell

Below is the command I am using for moving files from dir a to dir b
ls /<someloc>/a/* | tail -2000 | xargs -I{} mv {} /<someloc>/b/
-bash: /usr/bin/ls: Argument list too long
folder a has files in millions ..
Need your help to fix this please.
If the locations of both directories are on the same disk/partition and folder b is originally empty, you can do the following
$ rmdir /path/to/b
$ mv /other/path/to/a /path/to/b
$ mkdir /other/path/to/a
If folder b is not empty, then you can do something like this:
find /path/to/a/ -type f -exec mv -t /path/to/b {} +
If you just want to move 2000 files, you can do
find /path/to/a/ -type f -print | tail -2000 | xargs mv -t /path/to/b
But this can be problematic with some filenames. A cleaner way would be is to use -print0 of find, but the problem is that head and tail can't process those, so you have to use awk for this.
# first 2000 files (mimick head)
find /path/to/a -type f -print0 \
| awk 'BEGIN{RS=ORS="\0"}(NR<=2000)' \
| xargs -0 mv -t /path/to/b
# last 2000 files (mimick tail)
find /path/to/a -type f -print0 \
| awk 'BEGIN{RS=ORS="\0"}{a[NR%2000]=$0}END{for(i=1;i<=2000;++i) print a[i]}' \
| xargs -0 mv -t /path/to/b
The ls in the code in the question does nothing useful. The glob (/<someloc>/a/*) produces a sorted list of files, and ls just copies it (after re-sorting it), if it works at all. See “Argument list too long”: How do I deal with it, without changing my command? for the reason why ls is failing.
One way to make the code work is to replace ls with printf:
printf '%s\n' /<someloc>/a/* | tail -2000 | xargs -I{} mv {} /<someloc>/b/
printf is a Bash builtin, so running it doesn't create a subprocess, and the "Argument list too long" problem doesn't occur.
This code will still fail if any of the files contains a newline character in its name. See the answer by kvantour for alternatives that are not vulnerable to this problem.

Find duplicates of a specific file on macOS

I have a directory that contains files and other directories. And I have one specific file where I know that there are duplicates of somewhere in the given directory tree.
How can I find these duplicates using Bash on macOS?
Basically, I'm looking for something like this (pseudo-code):
$ find-duplicates --of foo.txt --in ~/some/dir --recursive
I have seen that there are tools such as fdupes, but I'm neither interested in any duplicate files (only duplicates of a specific file) nor am I interested in duplicates anywhere on disk (only within the given directory or its subdirectories).
How do I do this?
For a solution compatible with macOS built-in shell utilities, try this instead:
find DIR -type f -print0 | xargs -0 md5 -r | grep "$(md5 -q FILE)"
DIR is the directory you are interested in;
FILE is the file (path) you are searching for duplicates of.
If you only need the duplicated files paths, then pipe thru this as well:
cut -d' ' -f2
If you're looking for a specific filename, you could do:
find ~/some/dir -name foo.txt
which would return a list of all files with the name foo.txt in the directory. If you're looking if there are multiple files in the directory with the same name, you could do:
find ~/some/dir -exec basename {} \; | sort | uniq -d
This will give you a list of files with duplicate names (you can then use find again to figure out where those live).
---- EDIT -----
If you're looking for identical files (with the same md5 sum), you could also do:
find . -type f -exec md5sum {} \; | sort | uniq -d --check-chars=32
--- EDIT 2 ----
If your md5sum doesn't output the filename, you can use:
find . -type f -exec echo -n "{} " \; -exec md5sum {} \; | awk {'print $2 $1'} | sort | uniq -d --check-chars=32
--- EDIT 3 ----
if you're looking for a file with a specific md5 sums:
sum=`md5sum foo.txt | cut -f1 -d " "`
find ~/some/dir -type f -exec md5sum {} \; | grep $sum

grep with multiple NOT and AND operators

I am looking for a multiple grep with NOT and AND conditions. I have a directory with with txt files and some csv files which have the date included in the filename. I want to delete the csv files that do not include today’s date. The directory does include csv files with previous dates. So I am trying the code below in bash
now=$(date "+%m-%d-%Y")
for f in "$dir"/*; do
ls -1 | grep -v *$now* | grep *csv* | xargs rm -f
This is not deleting anything. If I take out the grep csv operator then it deletes the text files. Only the CSV files have dates on them, the text files don’t. Please advise.
I suggest using the find utility for this:
find /var/tmp -maxdepth 1 -name '*.csv' ! -name "*$now*" -delete
If you want to do it with grep,
ls -1 /var/tmp/*.csv | grep -v "$now" | xargs rm -f
should also work.
EDIT: -delete in the find command instead of -exec rm '{}' \;. Thanks #amphetamachine.

bash shell script not working as intended using cmp with output redirection

I am trying to write a bash script that remove duplicate files from a folder, keeping only one copy.
The script is the following:
for f1 in `find ./ -name "*.txt"`
if test -f $f1
for f2 in `find ./ -name "*.txt"`
if [ -f $f2 ] && [ "$f1" != "$f2" ]
# if cmp $f1 $f2 &> /dev/null # DOES NOT WORK
if cmp $f1 $f2
rm $f2
echo "$f2 purged"
I want to redirect the output and stderr to /dev/null to avoid printing them to screen.. But using the commented statement this script does not work as intended and removes all files but the first..
I'll give more informations if needed.
Few comments:
First, the:
for f1 in `find ./ -name "*.txt"`
if test -f $f1
is the same as (find only plain files with the txt extension)
for f1 in `find ./ -type f -name "*.txt"`
Better syntax (bash only) is
for f1 in $(find ./ -type f -name "*.txt")
and finally the whole is wrong, because if the filename contains a space, the f1 variable will not get the full path name. So instead the for do:
find ./ -type f -name "*.txt" -print | while read -r f1
and as #Sir Athos pointed out, the filename can contain \n so the best is to use
find . -type f -name "*.txt" -print0 | while IFS= read -r -d '' f1
Use "$f1" instead of $f1 - again, because the $f1 can contain space.
doing N*N comparisons is not very effective. You should make a checksum (md5 or better sha256) for every txt file. When the checksum is identical - the files are dups.
If you don't trust checksums, simply compare only files what has identical checksums. Files with different checksum are SURE not duplicates. ;)
Making checksums are slow to, so you should 1st compare ony files with the same size. Different sized files are not duplicates...
You can skip empty txt files - they are duplicates all :).
so the final command can be:
find -not -empty -type f -name \*.txt -printf "%s\n" | sort -rn | uniq -d |\
xargs -I% -n1 find -type f -name \*.txt -size %c -print0 | xargs -0 md5sum |\
sort | uniq -w32 --all-repeated=separate
#find all non-empty file with the txt extension and print their size (in bytes)
find . -not -empty -type f -name \*.txt -printf "%s\n" |\
#sort the sizes numerically, and keep only duplicated sizes
sort -rn | uniq -d |\
#for each sizes (what are duplicated) find all files with the given size and print their name (path)
xargs -I% -n1 find . -type f -name \*.txt -size %c -print0 |\
#make an md5 checksum for them
xargs -0 md5sum |\
#sort the checksums and keep duplicated files separated with an empty line
sort | uniq -w32 --all-repeated=separate
The output now, you can simply edit the output file and decide what want remove and what file want keep.
&> is bash syntax, you'll need to change the shebang line (first line) to #!/bin/bash (or the appropriate path to bash.
Or if you're really using the Bourne Shell (/bin/sh), then you have to use old-style redirection, i.e.
cmp ... >/dev/null 2>&1
Also, I think the &> was only introduced in bash 4, so if you're using bash, 3.X you'll still need the old-style redirections.
Credit to #kobame for this answer: this is really a comment but for the formatting.
You don't need to call find twice, print out the size and the filename in the find command
find . -not -empty -type f -name \*.txt -printf "%8s %p\n" |
# find the files that have duplicate sizes
sort -n | uniq -Dw 8 |
# strip off the size and get the md5 sum
cut -c 10- | xargs md5sum
An example
$ cat a.txt
this is file a
$ cat b.txt
this is file b
$ cat c.txt
different contents
$ cp a.txt d.txt
$ cp b.txt e.txt
$ find . -not -empty -type f -name \*.txt -printf "%8s %p\n" |
sort -n | uniq -Dw 8 | cut -c 10- | xargs md5sum
76fd4c1589ef708d9203f3cf09cfd032 ./a.txt
e2d75fd6a1080efb6230d0608b1f9014 ./b.txt
76fd4c1589ef708d9203f3cf09cfd032 ./d.txt
e2d75fd6a1080efb6230d0608b1f9014 ./e.txt
To keep one and delete the rest, I would pipe the output into:
... | awk '++seen[$1] > 1 {print $2}' | xargs echo rm
rm ./d.txt ./e.txt
Remove the echo if your testing is satisfactory.
Like many complex pipelines, filenames containing newlines will break it.
All nice answers, so only one short suggestion: you can install and use the
fdupes -r .
from the man:
Searches the given path for duplicate files. Such files are found by
comparing file sizes and MD5 signatures, followed by a byte-by-byte
Added by #Francesco
fdupes -rf . | xargs rm -f
for remove dupes. (the -f in fdupes omit the 1st occurence the file, so list only dupes)

Get the newest directory to a variable in Bash

I would like to find the newest sub directory in a directory and save the result to variable in bash.
Something like this:
ls -t /backups | head -1 > $BACKUPDIR
Can anyone help?
BACKUPDIR=$(ls -td /backups/*/ | head -1)
$(...) evaluates the statement in a subshell and returns the output.
There is a simple solution to this using only ls:
BACKUPDIR=$(ls -td /backups/*/ | head -1)
-t orders by time (latest first)
-d only lists items from this folder
*/ only lists directories
head -1 returns the first item
I didn't know about */ until I found Listing only directories using ls in bash: An examination.
This ia a pure Bash solution:
# Handle subdirectories beginning with '.', and empty $topdir
shopt -s dotglob nullglob
for file in "$topdir"/* ; do
[[ -L $file || ! -d $file ]] && continue
[[ -z $BACKUPDIR || $file -nt $BACKUPDIR ]] && BACKUPDIR=$file
printf 'BACKUPDIR=%q\n' "$BACKUPDIR"
It skips symlinks, including symlinks to directories, which may or may not be the right thing to do. It skips other non-directories. It handles directories whose names contain any characters, including newlines and leading dots.
Well, I think this solution is the most efficient:
backupdir=$(find $path -type d -prune | tail -n 1)
Explanation why this is a little better:
We do not need sub-shells (aside from the one for getting the result into the bash variable).
We do not need a useless -exec ls -d at the end of the find command, it already prints the directory listing.
We can easily alter this, e.g. to exclude certain patterns. For example, if you want the second newest directory, because backup files are first written to a tmp dir in the same path:
backupdir=$(find $path -type -d -prune -not -name "*temp_dir" | tail -n 1)
The above solution doesn't take into account things like files being written and removed from the directory resulting in the upper directory being returned instead of the newest subdirectory.
The other issue is that this solution assumes that the directory only contains other directories and not files being written.
Let's say I create a file called "test.txt" and then run this command again:
echo "test" > test.txt
ls -t /backups | head -1
The result is test.txt showing up instead of the last modified directory.
The proposed solution "works" but only in the best case scenario.
Assuming you have a maximum of 1 directory depth, a better solution is to use:
find /backups/* -type d -prune -exec ls -d {} \; |tail -1
Just swap the "/backups/" portion for your actual path.
If you want to avoid showing an absolute path in a bash script, you could always use something like this:
DIRECTORY=$(cd $LOCALPATH; find * -type d -prune -exec ls -d {} \; |tail -1)
With GNU find you can get list of directories with modification timestamps, sort that list and output the newest:
find . -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d -printf "%T#\t%p\0" | sort -z -n | cut -z -f2- | tail -z -n1
or newline separated
find . -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d -printf "%T#\t%p\n" | sort -n | cut -f2- | tail -n1
With POSIX find (that does not have -printf) you may, if you have it, run stat to get file modification timestamp:
find . -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d -exec stat -c '%Y %n' {} \; | sort -n | cut -d' ' -f2- | tail -n1
Without stat a pure shell solution may be used by replacing [[ bash extension with [ as in this answer.
Your "something like this" was almost a hit:
BACKUPDIR=$(ls -t ./backups | head -1)
Combining what you wrote with what I have learned solved my problem too. Thank you for rising this question.
Note: I run the line above from GitBash within Windows environment in file called ./something.bash.
