Restrict authentication method for endpoints with Spring Security - spring

I want to secure a REST API. The rules are simple.
The user must call /api/authenticate to get a token
The user can use a token (received from /api/authenticate) to access the API /api/**
The endpoint /api/authenticate only accepts HTTP Basic authentication (no token authentication)
The endpoints /api/** (excluding /api/authenticate) only accepts token authentication (no Basic Authentication)
All remaining endpoints are public and doesn't require authentication.
I actually use this:
public class SecurityConfiguration extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
private TokenAuthenticationProvider tokenAuthenticationProvider;
protected void configure(final HttpSecurity httpSecurity) throws Exception {
httpSecurity.setSharedObject(TokenAuthenticationProvider.class, this.tokenAuthenticationProvider);
httpSecurity.antMatcher("/api/**").apply(new TokenAuthenticationConfigurer());
Actually, if I send a request with a token to /api/authenticate my configuration accepts the request. I think this happens because /api/authenticate is part of /api/**. So I need to exclude this path for token authentication.
How can I do that?
If I use the .and() fluent style, the result is exactly the same.
protected void configure(final HttpSecurity httpSecurity) throws Exception {
httpSecurity.setSharedObject(TokenAuthenticationProvider.class, this.tokenAuthenticationProvider);
.antMatcher("/api/**").apply(new TokenAuthenticationConfigurer())
As I understand the SecurityBuilder (HttpSecurity), every call of antMatcher(...) in the configure(...) method overwrites the previous call. In the debug logs I can see, that Spring Security always tries to match the request path against /api/** but never agains /api/authenticate. If I switch the order, I can't access the API anymore, just /api/authenticate, because Spring Security now always tries to match agains /api/authenticate.
So the question is: How can I register multiple rules:
/api/authenticate -> HttpBasicConfigurer (.http())
/api/** -> TokenAuthenticationConfigurer (my token authentication configured, .apply(...))

Maybe it is because you always override the configuration of the parent and you do not use the and() method:
The Java Configuration equivalent of closing an XML tag is expressed using the and() method which allows us to continue configuring the parent. If you read the code it also makes sense. I want to configure authorized requests and configure form login and configure HTTP Basic authentication.


SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication() returns null

I'm developing Spring boot and security web application with authorization and resource servers enabled. I have defined a set of users with roles assigned to them and have implemented roles based access to rest endpoints. Besides that my application has straightforward UI with web pages. Those pages display the same data that is on rest. I'm trying to implement the same roles based access to pages with ResourceServerConfig#configure and my current code:
public void configure(final HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
.defaultSuccessUrl("/login-successful", true)
This configuration works perfectly for REST controllers access with bearer token, but authorization with the login form leads to the redirect to the /login-successful and the message
Full authentication is required to access this resourceunauthorized is displayed.
The reason is that SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication() for /login-successful request in spite it was correctly initialized in AbstractAuthenticationProcessingFilter#successfulAuthentication at the point of login form post. The same issue with other web pages in my app as well.
What should be added to the above configuration so that make it work for the REST and form login bought ?
Here is indicted that HttpSecurity configuration provided above is enough for authorization with form login to work correctly as far as .anyRequest().authenticated() should pass security context for all the resources in the application.
A similar case is described here but the reason over there is that an url was explicitly ignored in WebSecurity configurer.
The problem was in the fact that I was using deprecated #EnableResourceServer annotation that adds OAuth2AuthenticationProcessingFilter. For the form login authorization flow this is incorrect and that filter was removing authentication object from the SecurityContext. Here is indicated that OAuth2AuthenticationProcessingFilter shouldn't present in the filter chain for the form login authorization flow.
The reason why I was needed #EnableResourceServer annotation is that there are there is the bearer authentication flow in my application alongside with form login.
I replaced #EnableResourceServer annotation and ResourceServerConfigurerAdapter for the bearer authentication flow with Spring Security 5 resource server as http.oauth2ResourceServer() that is in WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter ( see here ). Finally the solution is with the following two WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter-s:
For bearer authorization flow:
public class SecurityConfigRest extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
NimbusJwtDecoder jwtDecoder = Build custom JWT decoder;
.requestMatcher(new AntPathRequestMatcher("/rest/**"))
and for the form login authorization flow:
public class SecurityConfigFormLogin extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
http .requestMatcher(new AntPathRequestMatcher("/view/**"))
.defaultSuccessUrl("/view/login-successful", true)
These two WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter-s make it possible to separate those two authorization flows.
As far as Spring Security 5 resource server supports only JWT or Opaque tokens ( see here ) it requires additional configuration. Here is a detailed description of such a configuration for Spring Security 5 resource server.

How to return http status code instead of login page in multi HttpSecurity case

I have a spring boot app which provides HTML page service via / and also rest api via /api. The former requires login via a Login form and the later requires HTTP basic auth, and hereby, I configure two HttpSecurity section as follows:
public static class ApiSecurityConfigurationAdapter extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
public static class FormLoginWebSecurityConfigurerAdapter extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
.antMatchers("/login", "/js/**", "/css/**").permitAll()
The configuration works perfectly in normal case. However, if wrong credentials are provides in rest api clients, an HTML code of login page with HTTP status code 200 returns from the app instead of an excepted json message with HTTP status code 401 or 403.
I'm afraid it is because the url pattern of /api/** both matches "/api/**" and "/**", and therefore, the request will pass both the filter chain for rest api and HTML page. Finally, because of the lower order of formLogin, a login page returns in the case.
So, How can I get the excepted result for rest api clients? Is there an only solution to separate the two url patterns which should not match each other?
Addition 1:
I think there are three cases which will raise exceptions in the security filter chain:
No credentials provided;
Wrong credentials provided;
Right credentials provided but not matched the required roles
And the results for the cases are as follows:
Return HTTP status 401 with a json error message
Return HTTP status 302 and try to redirect to login page
Return HTTP status 403 with a json error message
Therefore, it seems that only the case of wrong credentials provided will
be routed to /error endpoint (as what Eleftheria said in the answer), and the difference between 1,3 and 2 is the exception type -- Access is denied for 1 and 3; Bad credentials for 2.
In the formLogin() case, if the BadCredentialsException rises, it will be routed to the failure-url, but how to configure the failure-url in the httpbasic case? (seems no such method in HttpBasicConfigurer)
This is happening because the failed authentication is throwing an exception and the "/error" page is secured by your second filter chain.
Try permitting all requests to "/error" in your second filter chain.
// ....
Note that the request will only be processed by one filter chain, and that is the first filter chain that it matches.
The request to "/api/123" is only processed by the first filter chain, however the second filter chain was invoked because there was an error.

Spring Security OAuth - how to disable login page?

I want to secure my application with Spring Security, using OAuth 2. However, I don't want the server to redirect incoming unauthorized requests, but instead to respond with HTTP 401. Is it possible?
Example: this code redirects requests to a default login page.
public class AuthConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
// deos not work
// .and()
// .formLogin().successHandler((request, response, authentication) -> {});
You need to create new authentication entry point and set it in configuration.
public class AuthConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
.authenticationEntryPoint(new AuthenticationEntryPoint())
public class AuthenticationEntryPoint extends LoginUrlAuthenticationEntryPoint {
public AuthenticationEntryPoint() {
public void commence(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, AuthenticationException authException) throws IOException, ServletException {
response.sendError(401, "Unauthorized");
You need to set oauth2Login.loginPage in your HttpSecurity config and create a controller mapping to return whatever you want. Here's a simple example.
So in your security config
In a controller
public ResponseEntity<?> noAuth() {
Map<String, String> body = new HashMap<>();
body.put("message", "unauthorized");
return ResponseEntity.status(HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED).body(body);
You can pass a map or pojo to the body method.
I would like to expand on Petr's answer by explaining that apparently for the time being first of all, the default login page is shown when there are more than one OAuth2 configured providers. I would expect that Spring Boot would have a smart trick to bypass this page easily and choose the right provider automatically, basing e.g. on the existence of the provider's client ID in the original request. I found out the hard way that this is not the case. So the way to do this is.. this not very apparent trick of providing a custom handler for failures - that will REDIRECT the user to the correct OAuth2 endpoint for each provider, based on the original HTTP request URL. I tried this and it works and I spent a whole day trying all manners of other solutions - my original scenario was to pass additional parameters to OAuth2 scheme in order to be able to get them back on successful authentication - they used to do this appending Base64 encoded information to the "state" URL request parameter, but Spring Security does not allow this at the moment. So the only alternative was to call a Spring Security-protected URL with those parameters already there, so when the successful authentication happens, this URL is accessed again automatically with those parameters intact.
Related: Multiple Login endpoints Spring Security OAuth2

Securing same endpoint with multiple configurations

We have a microservice architecture with securities for front to back with JWT, and back-to-back security with HTTP Basic.
Here is our configuration class for JWT :
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
.and().addFilterBefore(jwtFilter(), UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter.class);
jwtFilter is a simple filter that reads the Authorization header, and set the SecurityContextHolder.
And the HTTP Basic :
public void configure(final AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) throws Exception {
for (Map<String, String> userData : properties.getUsers()) {
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
http.requestMatchers().antMatchers(endpoints.getBasicWithWildcard() )
Those configuration class are used in differnets services, with distinct JWT and HTTP Auth endpoints. They are used either at the same time or independently. EndpointsProperties are loaded from application.yml.
But now, we have some referential microservices that we want to be reached either by other services or direclty by a (web) frontend application. We want to know if it is possible to secure a same URL ('/api/referential', for example) with the two different methods. Combining those configuration class with the same endpoints does not work, and it seems one configuration eraze the other.
Is it possible to secure a same URL path with different methods like that ? If yes, what do we need to change to enable it ?
Thanks for your support.
I think you can just add the two filters to the filter chain in this order
and make sure the ignoreFailure property of the BasicAuthenticationFilter is set to true.
This will make The basicAuthFilter authenticate requests with basicAuth and just continue down the filter chain if no basicAuth is sent - thus delegating to the JwtFilter.
then remove .httpBasic() from the WebsecurityConfig - as it will try to add another BasicSecurityFilter.
Just an off the cuff idea

Spring Security with filters permitAll not working

I've got this security config:
public void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
new JwtLoginFilter("/login", authenticationManager()),
new JwtAuthenticationFilter(),
.authorizeRequests().antMatchers("/", "/register").permitAll()
The two filters are doing authentication work: loginFilter checks credentials in the post body and then add cookie to the response. The authenticationFilter checks the auth cookie.
However, permitAll does not let the root route and "/register" route pass (aka. still going through the authenticationFilter, which I thought permitAll would let these routes pass the filters)
What's wrong?
permitAll() does not ignore filters. It simply grants access regardless of whether or not an Authentication is present in a request's security context after all filters have been processed.
You should check your filters and any AuthenticationProvider implementations that they use to to ensure that they are not breaking the execution flow of Spring Security by throwing unchecked/uncaught exceptions or expressly sending a response on a failed authentication.
