Combine multiple images using vips (ruby-vips8) - ruby

How do I apply a function to corresponding pixels of two images of the same resolution? Like Photoshop does when covering one layer with another one. What about more than two images?
If it was Wolfram Mathematica I would take a List of those images and transpose them to get a single "image" where each "pixel" would be an array of N pixels -- there I would apply a Mean[] function to them.
But how do I do that with vips? There are so many Vips::Image methods and only here I could find some minimal description on what do they all mean. So for example:
images = Dir["shots/*"].map{ |i| Vips::Image.new_from_file(i) }
ims =
(ims.inject(:+) / ims.size).write_to_file "temp.png"
I wanted it to mean "calculating an average image" but I'm not sure what I've done here.

ruby-vips8 comes with a complete set of operator overloads, so you can just do arithmetic on images. It also does automatic common-subexpression elimination, so you don't need to be too careful about ordering or grouping, you can just write an equation and it should work well.
In your example:
require 'vips8'
images = Dir["shots/*"].map{ |i| Vips::Image.new_from_file(i) }
sum = images.reduce (:+)
avg = sum / images.length
avg.write_to_file "out.tif"
+-*/ with a constant always makes a float image, so you might want to cast the result down to uchar before saving (or maybe ushort?) or you'll have a HUGE output tiff. You could write:
avg = sum / images.length
avg.cast("uchar").write_to_file "out.tif"
By default, new_from_file opens images for random access. If your sources images are JPG or PNG, this will involve decompressing them entirely to memory (or to a disk temp if they are very large) before processing can start.
In this case, you only need to scan the input images from top to bottom as you write the result, so you can stream the images through your system. Change the new_from_file to be:
images = Dir["shots/*"].map { |i| Vips::Image.new_from_file(i, :access => "sequential") }
to hint that you will only be using the image pixels sequentially, and you should see a nice drop in memory and CPU use.
PNG is a horribly slow format, I would use tiff if possible.
You could experiment with bandrank This does something like a median filter over a set of images: you give it an array of images and at each pixel position it sorts the images by pixel value and selects the Nth one. It's a very effective way to remove transitory artifacts.
You can use condition.ifthenelse(then, else) to compute more complex functions. For example, to set all pixels greater than their local average equal to the local average, you could write:
(image > image.gaussblur(1)).ifthenelse(image.gaussblur(1), image)
You might be curious how vips will execute the program above. The code:
(images.reduce(:+) / images.length).cast("uchar")
will construct a pipeline of image processing operations: a series of vips_add() to sum the array, then a vips_linear() to do the divide, and finally a vips_cast() to knock it back to uchar.
When you call write_to_file, each core on your machine will be given a copy of the pipeline and they will queue up to process tiles from the source images as they arrive from the decompressor. Each time a line of output tiles is completed, a background thread will use the selected image write library (libtiff in my example) to send those scanlines back to disk.
You should see low memory use and good CPU utilization.


Equalize contrast and brightness across multiple images

I have roughly 160 images for an experiment. Some of the images, however, have clearly different levels of brightness and contrast compared to others. For instance, I have something like the two pictures below:
I would like to equalize the two pictures in terms of brightness and contrast (probably find some level in the middle and not equate one image to another - though this could be okay if that makes things easier). Would anyone have any suggestions as to how to go about this? I'm not really familiar with image analysis in Matlab so please bear with my follow-up questions should they arise. There is a question for Equalizing luminance, brightness and contrast for a set of images already on here but the code doesn't make much sense to me (due to my lack of experience working with images in Matlab).
Currently, I use Gimp to manipulate images but it's time consuming with 160 images and also just going with subjective eye judgment isn't very reliable. Thank you!
You can use histeq to perform histogram specification where the algorithm will try its best to make the target image match the distribution of intensities / histogram of a source image. This is also called histogram matching and you can read up about it on my previous answer.
In effect, the distribution of intensities between the two images should hopefully be the same. If you want to take advantage of this using histeq, you can specify an additional parameter that specifies the target histogram. Therefore, the input image would try and match itself to the target histogram. Something like this would work assuming you have the images stored in im1 and im2:
out = histeq(im1, imhist(im2));
However, imhistmatch is the more better version to use. It's almost the same way you'd call histeq except you don't have to manually compute the histogram. You just specify the actual image to match itself:
out = imhistmatch(im1, im2);
Here's a running example using your two images. Note that I'll opt to use imhistmatch instead. I read in the two images directly from StackOverflow, I perform a histogram matching so that the first image matches in intensity distribution with the second image and we show this result all in one window.
im1 = imread('');
im2 = imread('');
out = imhistmatch(im1, im2);
This is what I get:
Note that the first image now more or less matches in distribution with the second image.
We can also flip it around and make the first image the source and we can try and match the second image to the first image. Just flip the two parameters with imhistmatch:
out = imhistmatch(im2, im1);
Repeating the above code to display the figure, I get this:
That looks a little more interesting. We can definitely see the shape of the second image's eyes, and some of the facial features are more pronounced.
As such, what you can finally do in the end is choose a good representative image that has the best brightness and contrast, then loop over each of the other images and call imhistmatch each time using this source image as the reference so that the other images will try and match their distribution of intensities to this source image. I can't really write code for this because I don't know how you are storing these images in MATLAB. If you share some of that code, I'd love to write more.

Image sort with matlab

I am trying to do some kind of image sorting.
I have 5 images and first one is my main image. I am trying to sort images according to their similarity.(Most similar image to less similar image).
Matlab had matchfeature method but I dont think I jave used it correctly because my results are wrong.I try to use:
[indexPairs,matchmetric] = matchFeatures(features1,features2,"MatchThreshold,10")
then i try to sort the matchmetric array.But it didnt work
Can anyone tell me some algorithm or any tips ?Thank you..
You could compute the correlation coefficient between every images and your main image and then sort them based on the coefficient.
doc corr2
For example, let's say you store all your images in a cell array (called ImageCellArray) in which the first image is your "main image":
for i = 2:size(ImageCellArray,2) % size(ImageCellArray,2) is the total # of images, i.e. the size of the cell array containing them.
CorrCoeff(i) = corr2(rgb2gray(ImageCellArray{1}),rgb2gray(ImageCellArray{i}));
[values indices] = sort(CorrCoeff); % sort the coefficients and get the number of the corresponging image.
Then you're good to go I guess.
You could compute the PSNR (peak signal-to-noise ratio) for each image compared to the main image. PSNR is a metric commonly used to measure the quality of a reconstructed compression against the original image.
It's implemented in Matlab in the Computer Vision System toolbox as a functional block, and there is also a psnr function in the Image Processing toolbox. The result will be a number in decibels you could use to rank the images. A higher PSNR value indicates greater similarity.
Take a look at this example of image retrieval. Instead of matching the features between pairs of images it uses the KDTreeSearcher from the Statistics Toolbox to find nearest neighbors of each feature from the query image across the whole set of database images.

How to average multiple images using Octave and matrix manipulation to reduce noise?

Here is my code that is meant to add up the two matrices and using element by element addition and then divide by two.
function [ finish ] = stackAndMeanImage (initFrame, finalFrame)
cd 'C:\Users\Disc-1119\Desktop\Internships\Tracking\Octave\highway\highway (6-13-2014 11-13-41 AM)';
pkg load image;
i = initFrame;
f = finalFrame;
astr = num2str(i);
tmp = imread(astr, 'jpg');
d = f - i
for a = 1:d
astr = num2str(i + 1);
read_tmp = imread(astr, 'jpg');
read_tmp = rgb2gray(read_tmp);
tmp = tmp :+ read_tmp;
tmp = tmp / 2;
imwrite(tmp, 'meanimage.JPG');
finish = 'done';
Here are two example input images,AWBEI0d#1
And here is one output image
I am really confused as to what is happening. I have not implemented what the other answers have said yet though.
I am working on an image processing project where I am now manually choosing images that are 'empty' or only have the background, so that my algorithm can compute the differences and then do some more analysis, I have a simple piece of code that computes the mean of the two images, which I have converted to grayscale matrices, but this only works for two images, because when I find the mean of two, then take this mean and find the mean of this versus the next image, and do this repeatedly, I end up with a washed out white image that is absolutely useless. You can't even see anything.
I found that there is a function in Matlab called imFuse that is able to average images. I was wondering if anyone knew the process that imFuse uses to combine images, I am happy to implement this into Octave, or if anyone knew of or has already written a piece of code that achieves something similiar to this. Again, I am not asking for anyone to write code for me, just wondering what the process for this is and if there are already pre-existing functions out there, which I have not found after my research.
You should not end up with a washed-out image. Instead, you should end up with an image, which is technically speaking temporally low-pass filtered. What this means is that half of the information content is form the last image, one quarter from the second last image, one eight from the third last image, etc.
Actually, the effect in a moving image is similar to a display with slow response time.
If you are ending up with a white image, you are doing something wrong. nkjt's guess of type challenges is a good one. Another possibility is that you have forgotten to divide by two after summing the two images.
One more thing... If you are doing linear operations (such as averaging) on images, your image intensity scale should be linear. If you just use the RGB values or some grayscale values simply calculated from them, you may get bitten by the nonlinearity of the image. This property is called the gamma correction. (Admittedly, most image processing programs just ignore the problem, as it is not always a big challenge.)
As your project calculates differences of images, you should take this into account. I suggest using linearised floating point values. Unfortunately, the linearisation depends on the source of your image data.
On the other hand, averaging often the most efficient way of reducing noise. So, there you are in the right track assuming the images are similar enough.
However, after having a look at your images, it seems that you may actually want to do something else than to average the image. If I understand your intention correctly, you would like to get rid of the cars in your road cam to give you just the carless background which you could then subtract from the image to get the cars.
If that is what you want to do, you should consider using a median filter instead of averaging. What this means is that you take for example 11 consecutive frames. Then for each pixel you have 11 different values. Now you order (sort) these values and take the middle (6th) one as the background pixel value.
If your road is empty most of the time (at least 6 frames of 11), then the 6th sample will represent the road regardless of the colour of the cars passing your camera.
If you have an empty road, the result from the median filtering is close to averaging. (Averaging is better with Gaussian white noise, but the difference is not very big.) But your averaging will be affected by white or black cars, whereas median filtering is not.
The problem with median filtering is that it is computationally intensive. I am very sorry I speak very broken and ancient Octave, so I cannot give you any useful code. In MatLab or PyLab you would stack, say, 11 images to a M x N x 11 array, and then use a single median command along the depth axis. (When I say intensive, I do not mean it couldn't be done in real time with your data. It can, but it is much more complicated than averaging.)
If you have really a lot of traffic, the road is visible behind the cars less than half of the time. Then the median trick will fail. You will need to take more samples and then find the most typical value, because it is likely to be the road (unless all cars have similar colours). There it will help a lot to use the colour image, as cars look more different from each other in RGB or HSV than in grayscale.
Unfortunately, if you need to resort to this type of processing, the path is slightly slippery and rocky. Average is very easy and fast, median is easy (but not that fast), but then things tend to get rather complicated.
Another BTW came into my mind. If you want to have a rolling average, there is a very simple and effective way to calculate it with an arbitrary length (arbitrary number of frames to average):
# N is the number of images to average
# P[i] are the input frames
# S is a sum accumulator (sum of N frames)
# calculate the sum of the first N frames
S <- 0
I <- 0
while I < N
S <- S + P[I]
I <- I + 1
# save_img() saves an averaged image
while there are images to process
save_img(S / N)
S <- -P[I-N] + S + P[I]
I <- I + 1
Of course, you'll probably want to use for-loops, and += and -= operators, but still the idea is there. For each frame you only need one subtraction, one addition, and one division by a constant (which can be modified into a multiplication or even a bitwise shift in some cases if you are in a hurry).
I may have misunderstood your problem but I think what you're trying to do is the following. Basically, read all images into a matrix and then use mean(). This is providing that you are able to put them all in memory.
function [finish] = stackAndMeanImage (ini_frame, final_frame)
pkg load image;
dir_path = 'C:\Users\Disc-1119\Desktop\Internships\Tracking\Octave\highway\highway (6-13-2014 11-13-41 AM)';
imgs = cell (1, 1, d);
## read all images into a cell array
current_frame = ini_frame;
for n = 1:(final_frame - ini_frame)
fname = fullfile (dir_path, sprintf ("%i", current_frame++));
imgs{n} = rgb2gray (imread (fname, "jpg"));
## create 3D matrix out of all frames and calculate mean across 3rd dimension
imgs = cell2mat (imgs);
avg = mean (imgs, 3);
## mean returns double precision so we cast it back to uint8 after
## rescaling it to range [0 1]. This assumes that images were all
## originally uint8, but since they are jpgs, that's a safe assumption
avg = im2uint8 (avg ./255);
imwrite (avg, fullfile (dir_path, "meanimage.jpg"));
finish = "done";

(Matlab) Performance of Gaussian filtering using imfilter on a binary image

I am currently coding a program to keep track of a running fly in a small chamber, what I want is XY-coordinates of the center of the fly.
For this I first filter each frame with a Gaussian filter using fspecial('gaussian',[30 30],100) and imfilter to get a white "cloud" where the fly is. I need this to reduce noise of the center of the fly.
I convert the outcome into a binary image using im2bw with a certain threshold to get a white blob from the aforementioned cloud.
To get the coordinates, I use regionprops that finds the centroid of the white blob.
It already works fine, but it takes ages - roughly 6 hours for 30 minutes of video; the framerate is 100 fps, though.
I have figured out that the Gaussian filtering takes up most of the time - can I tweak this process somehow?
I read about conv2, which is said to be faster but it does not work on binary images, does it? And converting my binary images to single or double messes them up.
I already worked on the code's performance on other levels, like adjusting the search window etc., so the filtering is what is left as far as I can assess.
Thanks in advance
It might be that the smoothing part is unnecessary, a simple thresholding of your image leads to a pretty clear identification of the fly:
props=regionprops(BW, 'BoundingBox');
rectangle('Position',props.BoundingBox, 'LineWidth',2, 'EdgeColor','b');
To answer your question about fast smoothing, you could use FFT-based low-pass filtering instead of a moving gaussian to smoothen your frames much faster. Example for one frame (the mask needs only to be done once):
%Generating a disc-shaped binary mask with radius D:
Mask = fspecial('disk',D)==0;
Mask = ~imresize(padarray(Mask, [floor((x/2)-D) floor((y/2)-D)], 1, 'both'), [x y]);
% (Apply this to all the frames:)
Original (f)
Filtered (Filteredf)

How to measure Peak signal to noise ratio of images?

I have the following images :
Corrupted with 30% salt and pepper noise
After denoising
I have denoised images with various techniques
How do i compare which method is the best in terms of denoising
function PSNR = PeakSignaltoNoiseRatio(origImg, distImg)
origImg = double(origImg);
distImg = double(distImg);
[M N] = size(origImg);
error = origImg - distImg;
MSE = sum(sum(error .* error)) / (M * N);
if(MSE > 0)
PSNR = 10*log(255*255/MSE) / log(10);
PSNR = 99;
which two images should i take to calculate the PSNR?
Did you check the Wikipedia article on PSNR? For one, it gives a cleaner formula that would fix up your code (for example, why are you checking whether MSE > 0? If you defined MSE right, it has to be greater than 0. Also, this looks to be Matlab code, so use the log10() function to save some confusing base conversions. Lastly, be sure that the input to this function is actually a quantized image on the 0-255 scale, and not a double-valued image between 0 and 1).
Your question is unclear. If you want to use PSNR as a metric for performance, then you should compute the PSNR of each denoised method against the original and report those numbers. That probably won't give a very good summary of which methods are doing better, but it's a start. Another method could be to hand-select smaller sub-regions of the original image that you think correspond to different qualitative phenomena, such as a window on the background, a window on the foreground, and a window spanning the two. Then compute the PSNR for only those windows, again repeated for each denoised result vs. the original. In the end, you want a table showing PSNR of each different method as compared to the original, possibly with this sub-window breakdown.
You may want to look into more sophisticated methods depending on what application this is for. The chapter on total variation image denoising in Tony Chan's book is very helpful ( link ).
Here is Jython/Python example using DataMelt program.
Put these lines into a file "" and run inside the DataMelt.
It will print PSNR value for 2 downloaded images. Replace the files names if you have different images.
from Catalano.Imaging.Tools import ObjectiveFidelity
from Catalano.Imaging import FastBitmap
from jhplot import *
print Web.get("")
print Web.get("")
print "Peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR)=",img.getPSNR()
