Unable to substract two variable in shell scripting - bash

I am writing a script that's picking up two values from a file and then subtracting them.But I am unable to do substraction as it is throwing error.
res1= awk 'FNR == '${num1}' {print $1}' /home/shell/test.txt
res2= awk 'FNR == '${num2}' {print $1}' /home/shell/test.txt
res= $((res2 - res1))
echo $res
I also tried expr = `expr $res2 -$res1` but it didn't work. please help me so as to get the desired result.

your assignments for res1/res2 are wrong. It should be
res1=$(awk 'FNR == '${num1}' {print $1}' /home/shell/test.txt)
However, you can do it all in awk
$ num1=5; num2=2; awk -v n1=${num1} -v n2=${num2} 'FNR==n1{r1=$1;f1=1}
f1&&f2{print r1-r2; exit}' <(seq 5)

This is because there is one space char after each = sign: res1= awk
Remove the spaces and use $( command ) to execute a command and gather its output.
Give a try to this:
res1="$(awk -v num=${num1} 'FNR == num {print $1}' /home/shell/test.txt)"
res2="$(awk -v num=${num2} 'FNR == num {print $1}' /home/shell/test.txt)"
res=$(( res2 - res1 ))
printf "%d\n" ${res}
I had read in another answer that it is preferred to pass variable's value to awk script using -v var_name=value, rather than concatenating strings.


Filter lines based on certain string and then print only some attributes greater

I have a big text file with million of log lines.
I would like to filter all the lines which satisfy following criteria
url should be url=/v2/testB
totalTime value should be greater than 500
I have tried using multiple awk and then putting if block, I wonder, it can be done quickly? Thanks !
while IFS= read -r line; do
value=`echo $line|grep "url=/v2/testB" | awk -F"totaltime=" '{ print $2}'| awk -F"|" '{ print $1}'`
if (( $value > 500 )); then
echo $line
done < file.log
You may use this awk:
awk -F '|' -v OFS=, '$NF == "url=/v2/testB" {v=$3; sub(/^totaltime=/, "", v); if (v+0 > 500) print $2, $3}' file
To make it more readable:
awk -F '|' -v OFS=, '
$NF == "url=/v2/testB" {
v = $3
sub(/^totaltime=/, "", v)
if (v+0 > 500)
print $2, $3
}' file
If you have gnu-awk then it can be reduced to:
awk -F '|' -v OFS=, '$NF == "url=/v2/testB" &&
gensub(/^totaltime=/, "", "1", $3)+0 > 500 {print $2, $3}' file
v+0 is shorthand in awk to covert a string value to number.
$ awk -F'|' -v OFS=',' '{split($3,t,/=/)} $5=="url=/v2/testB" && t[2]>500{print $2, $3}' file
You seem to be in luck:
awk -F'|' 'BEGIN{FS="|"; OFS=","}
{ url = substr($NF,index($NF,"=")+1)
totaltime = substr($3,index($3,"=")+1)
(url == "/v1/testB") && (totaltime+0 > 500) { print $2,$3 }
' file
With your shown samples, please try following awk program.
awk -F'\\||totaltime=' '$NF=="url=/v2/testB" && $4>500{print $2",totaltime="$4}' Input_file
Explanation: Following is the detailed explanation for above code.
Setting field separator by using -F option in awk program.
Setting field separators to | and totaltime= for all the lines of Input_file.
In main program, checking conditions:
a- If $NF(last field) is equal to url=/v2/testB AND
b- 4th field is greater than 500 then do:
print 2nd field of current line followed by string ,totaltime= followed by 4th field as per required output by OP.
All the awk solutions are great, and if that is a solution use them.
If you wanted to fix your Bash effort, you can do:
while IFS='|' read -r id ti; do
[[ "${ti#*=}" -gt 500 ]] && printf "%s,%s\n" "$id" "$ti"
done < <(grep 'url=/v2/testB$' file | cut -d '|' -f 2,3)
Alternatively, you can eliminate cut and keep all five fields:
while IFS='|' read -r c1 c2 c3 c4 c5; do
[[ "${c3#*=}" -gt 500 ]] && printf "%s,%s\n" "$c2" "$c5"
done < <(grep 'url=/v2/testB$' file)
Either prints:

awk working with intervals

I have this file
goodtime 20:30 21:40
badtime 19:52 24:00
and when I enter for example 21:00 and 21:15 I should get goodtime
So here's my script
last > duom.txt
grep -F 'stud.if.ktu.lt' duom.txt > ktu.txt
echo "Nurodykite laiko intervala "
read h
read min
read h2
read min2
awk '{if ($2 ~ /$h.$m/ && $3 ~ /$h2.$min2/) print $1}' data.txt
But I don't get any results.
The problem with this:
awk '{if ($2 ~ /$h.$m/ && $3 ~ /$h2.$min2/) print $1}' data.txt
Is that you're trying to use shell variables in a single quoted string. You need to pass the shell variables into awk with its -v option:
awk -v patt1="$h.$min" -v patt2="$h2.$min2" '
$2 ~ patt1 && $3 ~ patt2 {print $1}
' data.txt
But, given your sample input, this will not match anything.
Until your requirements are clarified, I can't help with the logic.

Shell - Awk - If with variables

I have a problem with my shell script. The thing I need is something like this: How can I compare variable in if condition in awk argument. "If $variable is same as the third column $3 .. print the third column". It doesn't work for me.
awk '{if ($3 == $variable) print "\n" $3}' temp
awk -v var="$variable" '{if ($3 == var) print "\n" $3}' temp

Bash: AWK - $1 as first parameter of shell script

I spent on this 2 hours and get nothing. I want to get $1 and $2 as a first command line input of shell script, but I couldn't manage this. And $3 and $0 would be columns in awk. I try different methods but nothing works for me.
awk -F':' -v "limit=1000" '{ if ( $3 >=limit ) gsub("~/$1/",~/$2/); print \$0}' file.txt
the cleanest method is to explicitly pass the values from shell to awk with awk's -v option:
awk -F: -v limit=1000 -v patt="~/$1/" -v repl="~/$2/" '
$3 >=limit {gsub(patt,repl); print}
' file.txt
When your awk line is part of a script file, and you want to use $1 and $2 from the script in your awk command, you should temporary stop the literal string with a single quote and start it again.
awk -F':' -v "limit=1000" '{ if ( $3 >=limit ) gsub("~/'$1'/",~/'$2'/); print $0}' file.txt
You didn't post any sample input or expected output so this is a guess but you probably want something like this:
awk -F':' -v limit=1000 -v arg1="$1" -v arg2="$2" '$3 >= limit{gsub("~/" arg1 "/","~/" arg2 "/"); print}' file.txt

How can I specify a row in awk in for loop?

I'm using the following awk command:
my_command | awk -F "[[:space:]]{2,}+" 'NR>1 {print $2}' | egrep "^[[:alnum:]]"
which successfully returns my data like this:
file Name 1
file Nameone
f i l e Name 1
So as you can see some file names have spaces. This is fine as I'm just trying to echo the file name (nothing special). The problem is calling that specific row within a loop. I'm trying to do it this way:
for num in $rows
fileName=$(my_command | awk -F "[[:space:]]{2,}+" 'NR==$i {print $2}' | egrep "^[[:alnum:]])"
echo "$num $fileName"
But my output is always null
I've also tried using awk -v record=$i and then printing $record but I get the below results.
f i l e Name 1
Sorry for the confusion: rows is a variable that list ids like this 11 12 13
and each one of those ids ties to a file name. My command without doing any parsing looks like this:
id File Info OS
11 File Name1 OS1
12 Fi leNa me2 OS2
13 FileName 3 OS3
I can only use the id field to run a the command that I need, but I want to use the File Info field to notify the user of the actual File that the command is being executed against.
I think your $i does not expand as expected. You should quote your arguments this way:
fileName=$(my_command | awk -F "[[:space:]]{2,}+" "NR==$i {print \$2}" | egrep "^[[:alnum:]]")
And you forgot the other ).
As an update to your requirement you could just pass the rows to a single awk command instead of a repeatitive one inside a loop:
ROWS=(11 12)
function my_command {
# This function just emulates my_command and should be removed later.
echo " id File Info OS
11 File Name1 OS1
12 Fi leNa me2 OS2
13 FileName 3 OS3"
awk -- '
input = ARGV[1]
while (getline line < input) {
sub(/^ +/, "", line)
split(line, a, / +/)
for (i = 2; i < ARGC; ++i) {
if (a[1] == ARGV[i]) {
printf "%s %s\n", a[1], a[2]
' <(my_command) "${ROWS[#]}"
That awk command could be condensed to one line as:
awk -- 'BEGIN { input = ARGV[1]; while (getline line < input) { sub(/^ +/, "", line); split(line, a, / +/); for (i = 2; i < ARGC; ++i) { if (a[1] == ARGV[i]) {; printf "%s %s\n", a[1], a[2]; break; }; }; }; exit; }' <(my_command) "${ROWS[#]}"
Or better yet just use Bash instead as a whole:
ROWS=(11 12)
while IFS=$' ' read -r LINE; do
IFS='|' read -ra FIELDS <<< "${LINE// +( )/|}"
for R in "${ROWS[#]}"; do
if [[ ${FIELDS[0]} == "$R" ]]; then
echo "${R} ${FIELDS[1]}"
done < <(my_command)
It should give an output like:
11 File Name1
12 Fi leNa me2
Shell variables aren't expanded inside single-quoted strings. Use the -v option to set an awk variable to the shell variable:
fileName=$(my_command | awk -v i=$i -F "[[:space:]]{2,}+" 'NR==i {print $2}' | egrep "^[[:alnum:]])"
This method avoids having to escape all the $ characters in the awk script, as required in konsolebox's answer.
As you already heard, you need to populate an awk variable from your shell variable to be able to use the desired value within the awk script so thi:
awk -F "[[:space:]]{2,}+" 'NR==$i {print $2}' | egrep "^[[:alnum:]]"
should be this:
awk -v i="$i" -F "[[:space:]]{2,}+" 'NR==i {print $2}' | egrep "^[[:alnum:]]"
Also, though, you don't need awk AND grep since awk can do anything grep van do so you can change this part of your script:
awk -v i="$i" -F "[[:space:]]{2,}+" 'NR==i {print $2}' | egrep "^[[:alnum:]]"
to this:
awk -v i="$i" -F "[[:space:]]{2,}+" '(NR==i) && ($2~/^[[:alnum:]]/){print $2}'
and you don't need a + after a numeric range so you can change {2,}+ to just {2,}:
awk -v i="$i" -F "[[:space:]]{2,}" '(NR==i) && ($2~/^[[:alnum:]]/){print $2}'
Most importantly, though, instead of invoking awk once for every invocation of my_command, you can just invoke it once for all of them, i.e. instead of this (assuming this does what you want):
for num in rows
fileName=$(my_command | awk -v i="$i" -F "[[:space:]]{2,}" '(NR==i) && ($2~/^[[:alnum:]]/){print $2}')
echo "$num $fileName"
you can do something more like this:
for num in rows
done |
awk -F '[[:space:]]{2,}' '$2~/^[[:alnum:]]/{print NR, $2}'
I say "something like" because you don't tell us what "my_command", "rows" or "num" are so I can't be precise but hopefully you see the pattern. If you give us more info we can provide a better answer.
It's pretty inefficient to rerun my_command (and awk) every time through the loop just to extract one line from its output. Especially when all you're doing is printing out part of each line in order. (I'm assuming that my_command really is exactly the same command and produces the same output every time through your loop.)
If that's the case, this one-liner should do the trick:
paste -d' ' <(printf '%s\n' $rows) <(my_command |
awk -F '[[:space:]]{2,}+' '($2 ~ /^[::alnum::]/) {print $2}')
