Setting SecurityExit property on Websphere MQ connection - ibm-mq

In order to authenticate using security keys from a Java\Scala client, I understand that the following property must be set on the MQ connection:
Value: bctoolsj.wsmqtools.exits.BCPKIJCExit
I am using IBM Websphere MQ Explorer (version
Where in this tool can one set the property?

Value: bctoolsj.wsmqtools.exits.BCPKIJCExit
I presume your MQAdmin has setup the server-side security exit that matches this client-side security exit?
I am using IBM Websphere MQ Explorer (version Where in this tool can one set the property?
Did you follow the instructions in the MQ Knowledge Center?
i.e. Right click on the queue manager, select Connection Details then Properties. Click on security exit and input the information.


IBM MQ installation Version 8

In one of the windows system the administrator has installed the IBM MQ version 8. But after installation we are not ale to see the IBM MQ (installation 1) listed in the services. and also not able to see the file amqsvc.exe file.
If we launch Prepare Websphere MQ wizard it also just exits without any actions.
But on the control panel -programs and features able to see the IBM MQ installation1 is present . how to find out if the installation was done correctly?
Was this a MQ client installation instead of MQ server installation? how to find out what is the issue here as the MQ service is not present or its related files?

Configure Rest on IBM MQ Local Installation

I have installed a IBM MQ Developer version on a server, and I need to configure Rest requests, to be more specific it must be able to put message in the queue using a Rest request.
Unfortunately I didn't find any good source of information about this...
You need to run the MQ web server. Use the command strmqweb.

CCDT File not created when using IBM MQExplorer

I am trying to create the Client Channel Definition Table using IBM MQ Explorer I have found several articles here which go through the steps of creating the options using the graphical UI in MQ Explorer but when I click 'Finish' nothing is created in the qmgrs folder. i.e. I run MQ Explorer as an Administrator and I have created a Channel definition and then a new Client Connection which I can see in the list of Client Connections but when I click on OK in the dialogue with the options, nothing is created in the Qmgrs folder.
Am I missing a step somewhere?
I found the files. The problem is that all the documentation I read says that the qmgrs directory is created in the application directory for MQ (where it was installed). This is not correct. It is created in the MQ data folder which can be different. Whoever first installed our MQ environment set this to a different location. Easy when you find the problem!
Thanks to everyone for their help.

How to change EncryptionMethod Algorithm to xmlenc#rsa-oaep-mgf1p in WebSphere ND 8.5.5

I am running a JAX-WS web service client on an IBM WebSphere traditional server. The WSDL requires encryption and signing. I am configuring the WS-Security in an Application Policy set and General Client policy set and attaching those to the application.
The service provider expects EncryptionMethod Algorithm=""
WebSphere is sending
Can someone tell me how to change the EncryptionMethod Algorithm to xmlenc#rsa-oaep-mgf1p in the Policy set?
Thanks in advance.
Got this from IBM. It answered my question.
To view this administrative console page:
1. Click Services > Policy sets > Application policy sets > policy_set_name.
2. Click the WS-Security policy in the Policies table.
3. Click the Main policy link or the Bootstrap policy link.
4. Click the Algorithms for symmetric tokens link or the Algorithms for asymmetric tokens link.
This administrative console page applies only to Java API for XML Web Services (JAX-WS) applications.

Websphere QM configuration - error with musr_mqadmin account

I was trying to configure my WMQ.
queue manager was running until i changed the password of my musr_mqadmin account.
Now it the local queue manager that i created cannot be start any more
The pop up says "The MQ service for installation "installation1" must be running"
While i tried to reset the musr_mqadmin account, it says "mq configuration an error while validating the security credentials "
I am really stuck and helpless. Please kindly advise.
MQ Service runs under MUSR_MQADMIN account. You will need to provide the same password for MQ Service also. Go to Administrative Tools/Services console. Select IBM WebSphere MQ service and open the properties by double clicking on the service. On the Log On tab provide the new password and OK to close the dialog and start the service.
