Send push message to users encouraging leaving itunes feedback - parse-platform

How do you link to your itunes review site in a Parse push message, is that even possible?

You have two options:
Option 1) First, create a custom activity in your app and all that activity should do is automatically open up the link to the whatever website/iTunes/app store product you want them to review.
Then, you can set your push notification via Parse to open that activity when the user clicks on it. See the section called "Responding with a Custom Activity" at this link.
Option 2) At the same link, see the section for Responding with a Custom URI and simply use the URI to direct them to your website/iTunes/app store/etc.


Slack API: Is there a way to determine which user clicked on a button in an interactive message?

I am new to Slack's API, so bear with me. I have a slack button that contains a simple webhook link which, when clicked, updates a record somewhere on my site. However, I need to determine which user clicked the button and send this info back to my site in order to fill out an updated_by field with the user's name. The only way I see to do this is to somehow update the post request body with a variable containing the user's name?
You need to handle interaction with the buttton.
The payload received contains the SlackId of the user who clicked the button.

Microsoft Teams go to a conversation using a deeplink

we have an app for MS Teams which users can start a conversation and send messages to. The app does some processing and returns the response back. I am looking for the ability to open an precreated conversation using a link. I have needed information like conversation id etc. How do i create a link that can be used for this navigation?
To be more specific this doc is not helpful
The link i need is for the conversation. Currently it is possible to manually copy that link by right clicking on any conversation and use "Copy link". Is there a way to get it or generate it when user creates the conversation. A sample link copied from looks like below
So trying to see if i can either get this the URL using apis or can generate with the parts involved
#Moblize - Currently you can create Deep-link to chat for particular conversation. You cannot create a link which will redirect to a particular message in channel. Please check this docs for info.

How can i provide a delete URL to a message to the user in slack?

I want my bot to post a message to a user which has a "delete" link to a particular message posted by that user. For e.g.
"Hi #someuser , you have posted an inappropriate message. Click >>here<< to delete it."
When the user clicks on "here" it will open up the slack delete message UI?
I have the message ts and channel ID.
I know i can do this via chat.delete api call (have the link point to my backend and then issue the chat.delete api call).
But i was wondering if there is a way to point user to the "delete message" window via a direct link in the message itself.
You can not add to or change the existing message of another user. Only delete a message (with admin rights).
What you can do though is send the guy a direct message from your app including the link (or button) to delete the message. Just send a message to the user ID of the user via chat.postMessage.
Or you can send the guy an ephemeral message into the channel, that only he will be able to see with chat.postEphermal.
To create a user experience similar to Slack's delete pop-up for messages I would suggest the following:
Include a "Delete" button in your message to the user with the
danger style, so it is shown in red color.
Include a confirmation pop-up with a copy of the message text.

Can't see Grafana images in Slack

I set up a Slack notification channel in Grafana using a webhook as URL.
When I click "Send Test" I see this notification in my Slack channel:
However ordinary notifications are shown without images. I read Grafana's docs, but apparently I haven't understood it.
If you want to include screenshots of the firing alerts in the slack messages you have to configure either the external image destination in Grafana, or a bot integration via Slack Apps. Follow Slack’s guide to set up a bot integration and use the token provided, which starts with “xoxb”.
Can someone guide me through it? I created a new bot and generated a token for it (starts with xoxb as requested) but how do I keep going from there?
Please assign this permission in your Slack app then try:
Go to <grafana_host>/alerting/notification/new (or click the top-left Menu icon, select "Alerting", select "Notification Channels", click the green "New Channel" button). You should get the page in the screenshot below.
Do the following steps:
Set "Name" for the channel.
Set the channel "Type" to Slack.
Check "Include image" option.
In "Slack settings", set "URL" to incoming
webhook you created in Slack.
Set "Token" to bot token generated for
And voila!
Ability to configure a Slack token was added in Grafana version 4.6.0
It wasn't mentioned by OP but if your target Slack channel is a private channel, you'll also need to ensure that you've added the bot to the private channel so that it is able upload an image to it.
You can do this by viewing the channel's details, clicking "More" and then "Add apps". On the screen that shows up, you should be able to search for the bot that you created and click the "Add" button aside it.
Good luck!

Mailchimp API - send update notification for existing subscribers

I have the following workflow using the Mailchimp API:
User is signing up on a form and uses the button "I want to opt in for the newsletter"
The User is posted to the Mailchimp API with status pending and receives a double-opt-in email
The User clicks on the confirm button and his status is changing to ```subscribed``
Now there is a chance, the user is coming back to another form in my app, but clicks again on the button "I want to opt in for the newsletter"
Now I have two possibilities:
My script is checking weather the user already exists on the list, in this case -> ignore and do nothing
My script triggers a Mailchimp "Update Details" Mailing which asks the user to update its details
1st case is easily doable with the Mailchimp API.
2nd case I know is possible via Mailchimp Widgets but I have not found anything in the API docu to trigger this update mailing.
I know about the different status: but nothing is reflecting this particular case ("User already subscribed").
I'd like to know how I can do that and how I can trigger an "update details" mailing via the API.
As far as I know and from what it sounds like you've seen as well there isn't a pre-built option or endpoint in place to trigger MC's update profile email.
But because this version of their email is essentially just a link to the existing subscribers list profile, one of the following workarounds might be worth a shot.
1) Use their API automation workflow option to send existing subscribers an email with their update profile link using the merge tag:
Doc on that Automation API endpoint:
Doc on update profile:
Alternatively if you'd like to try and serve subscribers their profile link right on your form after your script check in #2 that to could be done after retrieving:
the subscribers unique_email_id
and appending that hashed id to end of the lists specific Update profile URL as the value for e=
Which would lead them to their existing pre-filled update profile form:
E.g: http://mailchimp.{USX}{unique_email_id}
Your list specific URL sans the e= value can be obtained from using the update profile merge tag in their Campaign builder and using preview or sending yourself a test email.
