How to use gradle Artifactory plugin in gradle subproject - gradle

I have a multi-project gradle build wherein one of the subprojects is applying the Artifactory plugin (version 4.2.0), and configuring the contextUrl and resolve repoKey.
It sets up a simple configuration and dependency entry, and then has a copy task to retrieve the dependency as a zip file and extract it into a directory.
However, when the copy task runs, I get the error below. What am I doing wrong? Is this a problem with the Artifactory plugin, or gradle, or...?
The problem does not appear to be related to whether or not this is a subproject. I get the same error if I remove the multiproject configuration and run the task from the subproject directory.
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* Where:
Build file 'C:\Users\hoobajoob\project\subproject\package.gradle' line: 36
* What went wrong:
A problem occurred evaluating project ':subproject'.
> Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':subproject:runtimeDep'.
> Cannot resolve external dependency because no repositories are defined.
Here are the contents of subproject/package.gradle (Artifactory url/user/password properties are in a file for the subproject):
plugins {
id "com.jfrog.artifactory" version "4.2.0"
artifactory {
contextUrl = "${artifactory_contextUrl}"
resolve {
repository {
username = "${artifactory_user}"
password = "${artifactory_password}"
repoKey = 'some-repo'
configurations {
dependencies {
runtimeDep ''
ext.destination = null
task getDependencies(type: Copy) {
from zipTree { configurations.runtimeDep.singleFile }
into ".artifacts/runtime"
The root project build script is empty except for the wrapper task. Below is the settings.gradle file:
include 'subproject'
rootProject.children.each { project -> project.buildFileName = "package.gradle" }

While the task setup in my question is different, this appears to be the same symptom as described in this other SO question.
The problem seems to be related to the fact that the Artifactory plugin will not perform dependency resolution until gradle's execution phase. I had assumed that defining the argument to the zipTree step in the getDependencies task with a closure would have the effect of deferring the dependency resolution until that phase.
But, for this to be deferred by the copy task, I need to define the from configuration of the getDependencies task as a closure, and include the zipTree operation in that closure.
It's the difference between:
from zipTree { configurations.runtimeDep.singleFile } // doesn't work
from { zipTree( configurations.runtimeDep.singleFile ) } // works
Making this change gets the resolve working (with no required maven repositories block).
Another solution is to drop the Artifactory configuration altogether (which I can do in this case because I do not need to utilize anything unique to Artifactory) and use the traditional gradle repositories block, as described in the other SO question and by crazyjavahacking. Doing this makes the build script shorter, and I can leave the zipTree step configured as it was originally written:
repositories {
maven {
url "${artifactory_contextUrl}/repo-key"
configurations {
dependencies {
runtimeDep ''
ext.destination = null
task getDependencies(type: Copy) {
from zipTree { configurations.runtimeDep.singleFile }
into ".artifacts/runtime"

As the Gradle print to the console:
You did not define repositories{} block and so it does not know how to download declared dependency.


How to use init.gradle to provide plugin repositories for plugins configured in the settings.gradle

I have configured a Gradle plugin in settings.gradle file as follows,
buildscript {
dependencies {
classpath "${pluginVersion}"
apply plugin: ''
and I am trying to provide artifacts repository using init.gradle as follows,
initscript {
repositories {
maven { url "https://test.repo/gradleplugins" }
also, I have provided init.gradle file to the build task using,
.... -i -I ./init.gradle'
but the build still gets a dependency resolution error as follows,
Cannot resolve external dependency because no repositories are defined.
It could be done either way by writing Gradle plugin in the init.gradle file as following,
apply plugin: EnterpriseRepositoryPlugin
class EnterpriseRepositoryPlugin implements Plugin<Gradle> {
void apply(Gradle gradle) {
gradle.settingsEvaluated { settings ->
settings.pluginManagement {
repositories {
maven { url "" }
maven { url "" }
according to Gradle documentation,
The init.gradle has another purpose (and that file is being automatically detected).
void settingsEvaluated​(Settings settings) might be to only chance to manipulate these settings (but the question does not provide the least valid reason to do so, with only one repository). It rather seems that you're unnecessarily over-complicating things, where there otherwise would be no problem. And this doesn't belong into the settings.gradle either (which also has another purpose). Just add the plugin repositories into the buildscript block of the root project's build.gradle, where they belong. The userguide shows how it should look alike, when defining the plugin repositories statically.

Multiple artifacts issue with deploying zip to nexus

My program outputs a zip and I want to deploy this zip to the nexus repository. I am using gradle as build system.
Fragment of my configuration:
class DestinationFileTask extends DefaultTask {
File destFile;
task generate(type: DestinationFileTask) {
destFile = file('output/')
artifacts {
output generate.destFile
uploadArchives {
repositories {
mavenDeployer {
repository(url: "url")
pom.version = "1.01-SNAPSHOT"
pom.artifactId = "ID"
pom.groupId = "com.test.test"
When I am executing gradle uploadArchives I am receiving this error:
> Could not publish configuration 'archives'
> A POM cannot have multiple artifacts with the same type and classifier. Already have MavenArtifact ID:zip:zip:null, trying to add MavenArtifact ID:zip:zip:null.
Even when I try to do this for the first time.
I ran into the same issue while working on Gradle upgrade:
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':registry:uploadArchives'.
> Could not publish configuration 'archives'
> A POM cannot have multiple artifacts with the same type and classifier. Already have MavenArtifact registry:zip:zip:null, trying to add MavenArtifact registry:zip:zip:null.
Gradle upgrade it self has nothing to do with the error its more related to the plugins you are using.
The error is really misleading and there is not much info on Google about it as well.
But it turns out that the cause of this error is Maven trying to upload artifact on top of the other one.
So first of all check what packaging tasks you are executing, in my case:
task ':registry:bootDistTar',
task ':registry:bootDistZip',
task ':registry:distTar',
task ':registry:distZip',
The workaround to fix it is to change the classifier (in my case for spring boot app):
bootDistTar {
classifier = 'bootTar'
bootDistZip {
classifier = 'bootZip'
Hope this will help for someone else as it was quite hard to figure out.
Github issue where I found the workaround.

Gradle: publish an artifact with a subset of files/dependencies of a project

I am lost in all these plugins :(
What I have so far, looks something like this:
artifactory {
contextUrl = artifactoryUrl
publish {
repository {
repoKey = project.repo
username = artifactoryUser
password = artifactoryPassword
maven = true
defaults {
version = "${majorVersion}${buildNumber}${snapshot}"
publishing {
publications {
mavenJava(MavenPublication) {
artifact sourceJar {
classifier = 'sources'
I am sorry, I did write this myself, but, mostly by copying and pasting things from various examples I found on the web, so I am not sure what this is actually doing :(
Surprisingly, this works: I can do gradle artifactoryPublish, and uploads a pom file and two jars (classes and sources) to artifactory.
But, I need to modify it, so that I can publish a subset of the project as a different artifact, and only include the dependencies that it requires.
I managed to build a jar file:
task utilJar(type: Jar) {
from sourceSets.main.output.classesDir
include '**/util/*.class'
baseName 'basic-util'
I also defined a Configuration with a subset of dependencies:
configurations {
dependencies {
util "org.apache.commons:commons-lang3:3.4"
util ""
artifacts {
util utilJar
This is where I get stuck. How do I get this new artifact published?
I tried following the same strategy:
publishing {
publications {
mavenUtil(MavenPublication) {
artifact utilJar {
classifier = 'util'
artifactory {
defaults {
(this is in a subproject, so I need it do be incremental)
This does not work:
Could not find method defaults() for arguments [build_8axxghkylu3559p5lal6spy1u$_run_closure7$_closure11#38abcbd4]
But, even if it did, it would still be not be quite what I need, because I don't know how I could then publish a particular artifact: the only way I could ever publish anything at all is gradle artifactoryPublish, but that does not ask me which artifacts to publish. Will it publish everything every time?
As you can see, I am hopelessly lost here :(
Could someone with a clue please show me the light?
UPDATE So, I removed the last artifactory closure from the build, and now I not getting the error, but still can't get it to do what I need.
My artifactory seems to be not in good mood right now, so I am publishing locally.
gradle publishToMavenLocal creates a single artifact as before, but adds my new "-util" jar to it. This is not at all what I want. I need a new, separate artifact, with that jar file, and its own set of dependencies.
Here: I found a suggestion, that "The created task is named “publish«PUBNAME»PublicationTo«REPONAME»Repository”". This does not seem to to be true, because gradle publishUtilMavenPublicationToMavenLocalRepository (with all the case variations I could think off) says that there is no such task. :(
Have you tried using the set me up feature? It available for all version of Artifactory. It should provide a good starting point to configure you gradle project to work with Artifactory.
Specifically for Gradle it can assist you with generating the relevant configuration according to the repositories you wish to resolve / publish from / to, defining the relevant dependencies to install the jfrog plugin etc.

Gradle - custom task to execute all GenerateMavenPom tasks

I want to write a Gradle task to share among all my subprojects. This task finds all other tasks inside the subproject where it is called that have type "GenerateMavenPom" and executes those tasks.
By doing this, my subprojects can define any Maven publications that they wish, and I can execute gradle with a single task like "gradle generateMavenPomFiles" to create the pom.xml without knowing the individual publication types in each subproject. Why? Because the Maven plugin creates publication tasks whose names depend on the publication type.
Inside my subprojects block in the root build.gradle file I have, passing subproject as the closure delegate:
task generateMavenPomFiles << {
model {
TaskCollection<GenerateMavenPom> pomTasks = subproject.tasks.matching { t -> t.TASK_TYPE.equals("GenerateMavenPom") }
if (pomTasks != null) {
pomTasks.each { pomTask -> pomTask.execute }
I have accessed the Maven publishing tasks inside the model block as according to the plugin doc:
The “maven-publish” plugin leverages some experimental support for
late plugin configuration, and any GenerateMavenPom tasks will not be
constructed until the publishing extension is configured. The simplest
way to ensure that the publishing plugin is configured when you
attempt to access the GenerateMavenPom task is to place the access
inside a model block...
Inside my subprojects I have Maven publications defined like this:
publishing {
publications {
mavenCustom(MavenPublication) {
artifacts = someArtifactTask.archivePath
groupId = someGroupId
artifactId = someArtifactId
version = someVersion
Of course, "gradle generateMavenPomFiles" doesn't work. The task executes on each subproject but I don't see the actual Maven POM tasks created by the plugin being invoked.
I'm fairly new to Gradle + Groovy, so perhaps I have misunderstood something, or my logic is just wrong.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
you can do this with the following snippet:
task runAllGenerateMavenPomTasks {
dependsOn tasks.withType(GenerateMavenPom)

Gradle's publishToMavenLocal task is not executed correctly

I'm trying to create a gradle based multi-module project. There is also an project that contains different gradle scripts that enables pluggable build configurations. One of those scripts is for publishing artifacts to maven repository. This is the content of that script:
apply plugin: 'maven-publish'
configure(subprojects.findAll()) {
if ('web')) {
publishing {
publications {
mavenWeb(MavenPublication) {
from components.web
} else {
publishing {
publications {
mavenJava(MavenPublication) {
build.dependsOn publishToMavenLocal
This script is included in the build gradle file of other project.
apply from: '../../food-orders-online-main/artifact-publish.gradle'
When I run build task it always shows that publishToMavenLocal task is up to date and I cannot find the artifacts in the local repository. Am I doing something wrong?
By adapting answer from here, it works for me.
publishing {
publications {
mavenJava(MavenPublication) {
repositories {
I think this could be a manifestation of a bug with gradle, that modules can lose the publishMavenJavaPublicationToMavenLocal task when they are depended upon in a certain way.
If gradle determines that there is no publishMavenJavaPublicationToMavenLocal task for a module then the publishToMavenLocal task will always report that it is up to date.
The specific case I have found occurs in a multimodule setup, with multiple levels of nested modules. It can be summarised as follows, where shared:domain loses its publishMavenJavaPublicationToMavenLocal when depended upon by A
root gradle build file
own gradle build file with dependency on shared:domain
-> shared
gradle build file for shared modules
-> shared:domain
-> shared:B
I have created a small example project demonstrating this behaviour available here -
I have also logged a bug with gradle here -
For now the workarounds I have found are to
Remove A's dependency on shared:domain
Make A a submodule with its configuration specified in its parent module build file
Give shared:domain its own gradle build file
