Content of Mac Application not resizing on entering fullscreen mode - macos

I am developing a mac application using an NSSplitView. There are 3 columns, a menu on the left, an NSTableView in the middle and a detail view on the right. All my components use constraints and none of them are set to restrict width or height
When I press the button to go into fullscreen mode, the application does go fullscreen, however the actual content doesn't resize, it just stays the same and a large black border forms around the application.
What are the possible causes for this and how do I debug to find out where the issue lies?


Disable React Native Webview text selection loupe on iPad

Setup: Our RN (0.61.5) app is using react-native webview#8.0.6 to display content and interact with the user. The app includes some text input fields, swipe guestures, buttons, longpress actions. As of iPad os 15.1 a text selection magnifier has been reintroduced in the OS.
Problem: The little text selection magnifier capsule is popping up on every long-press inside the Webview. It happens on divs, icons, text, does not matter what you press. user-select: none; does not seem to affect it as well. It's been set for the body of the document which results in no text getting selected, but magnifier still shows up every time. Does not break anything but our app does not benefit from it either.
Question: Is there any way to disable this new text-select magnifier for the Webview?

Xamarin forms UWP app doesn't resize elements after window resize

I have a simple XF UWP app with a couple pages. I've found that if I resize the window, the active page resizes its elements fine, but the inactive page doesn't. The inactive page retains the same layout as before the window resize.
Steps to reproduce:
Navigate from page 1 to page 2.
Resize the window.
Go back to page 1. It retains the prior layout.
Resize the window again, then page 1 finally adjust its elements size and layout.
I have tried execuing ForceLayout() and UpdateChildrenLayout(), but the problem remains.
What can I do to avoid this?

How to create a global overlay for MacOS?

I am trying to develop a MacOS application using Xcode and Cocoa. My intent is to create an overlay on the user's screen that is mostly transparent, and does not register input. For example, an application like f.lux tints the colour of your entire screen like a global overlay, but you can still click on-screen items, as mouse clicks go right through (assuming that it's an overlay). How can I get started with achieving a similar overlay/widget?

MFC IVideoWindow put_FullScreenMode works incorrectly

So I have next problem:
I have two monitors and do video translation from web camera on one of them(secondary). I do it in full screen mode using
It works fine but when I click any mouse button on area of primary monitor, window with video translation wrap into just window mode.
How can I save full screen mode working with primary monitor?
At the first, I move my video to the left (on secondary monito from primary) and use full screen mode.
if(monitors.GetCount() > 1)
Thank you for your time.
[Much] older applications took advantage of FullScreenMode since API supplied a specific "full screen renderer" filter which efficiently took care of full screen presentation. Since then video adapters found their way into stretching of presented video and full screen mode become unnecessary. Windowed mode of video renderer (you are using) was also not a recommended mode compared to windowless any longer.
You would be better off using renderer in windowless mode right in your UI, in your window, form or dialog. Using borderless window hosting video renderer you can easily imitate full screen mode without actually change of display mode. Such window remains normal window and does not need to go back from full screen with another UI activity, e.g. such that happens on another monitor.
VMR filters themselves demonstrate the two ways of going fullscreen in their Filter Config property page:
Set Fullscreen does it the way you do and suffer from the mentioned issue. The other method does full screen mode using borderless window stretched to the extent of a monitor.
See also related discussion:
IVideoWindow::put_FullScreen returning only native video size

How can you scroll in the Assistant Editor horizontally or vertically?

Is there a scrollbar to allow horizontal/vertical scrolling in the Assistant Editor preview in Xcode 6?
I know you can zoom in and zoom out but when zoomed out you can only view no more than one device at a time.
As i know theres no scroll bar
Horizontal srcolling:
but you can try
horizontal scrolling:
(shift + scrollMouseWheel up\downslide)
Vertical scrolling:
(scrollMouseWheel up\downslide)
Set active window on preview. (tested on Xcode 6.3)
Not sure about the scrolling, but if you want to view multiple devices in preview best way is to open preview up in a separate window, works very nicely and beats running on your project on 3 different simulators evertime you make a change....see a great tutorial here
