What is meaning of '#' before a variable in shell script? - shell

Can somebody please explain the what below piece of shell script would be doing?

In this context, it stands for the the length of the value of that variable:
$ v="hello"
$ echo ${#v}
$ v="bye"
$ echo ${#v}
So what does this command?
It gets the length of the value in $column and substracts the value in $COLON_INDEX using the $(( )) syntax to perform arithmetic operations:
$ column="hello"
$ colon_index=2
$ r=$((${#column}-$colon_index)) # len("hello") - 2 = 5 - 2
$ echo $r
From Arithmetic expression:
(( )) without the leading $ is not a standard sh feature. It comes
from ksh and is only available in ksh, Bash and zsh. $(( ))
substitution is allowed in the POSIX shell. As one would expect, the
result of the arithmetic expression inside the $(( )) is substituted
into the original command. Like for parameter substitution, arithmetic
substitution is subject to word splitting so should be quoted to
prevent it when in list contexts.

All possible uses of # that I can think of:
It stands for the length of the variable's value or element in case of arrays:
I have echoed variable's value length, array length and array's 1st index element's length:
$ var="abcd"
$ echo "${#var}"
$ arr=('abcd' 'efg')
$ echo "${#arr[#]}"
$ echo "${#arr[1]}"
Also $# gives you the number of parameters passed to the script/function.


Why doesn't ${*// /*} work to replace blanks with * in command line arguments?

I want my script to perform the product of all its integer arguments. Instead of performing a loop I tried to replace blanks with * and then compute the operation. But I got the following result which I don't understand:
# product.sh
echo $(( ${*// /*} )) # syntax error with ./product.sh 2 3 4
echo $(( ${args// /*} )) # ./product.sh 2 3 4 => outputs 24
How is it that the first one produces an error while using an intermediate variable works fine?
How is it that the first one produces an error:
From the Bash Reference Manual:
If parameter is ‘#’ or ‘*’, the substitution operation is applied to each positional parameter in turn
(emphasis mine)
That is, the expression ${*// /*} replaces spaces inside positional parameters, not the spaces separating positional parameters. That expression expands to 2 3 4 (which gives a syntax error when used in an arithmetic context), since the parameters itself don't contain a space. Try with
./product '2 ' '3 ' 4
and you will see the difference.
In your example, the value $* does not actually contain any literal spaces, so ${*// /*} does not do anything.
If it did, those asterisks would be subject to wildcard expansion, so the idea of performing a substitution would seem to be rather brittle even if it worked.
I would simply create a function to process the arguments, instead of rely on trickery with substitutions -- these tend to have icky corner cases when one of the arguments is a variable or etc.
mul () {
case $# in
[01]) echo "$#";;
*) local n=$1; shift; echo $((n * $(mul "$#")));;
You may utilize IFS:
# product.sh
# set IFS to *
# use IFS in output
echo "$*"
# perform arithmetic
echo "$(( $* ))";
Or use printf, like this:
echo $(( $(printf '%s*' $*)1 ))

How do I nest parameter expansions for uppercasing and substitution in Bash?

I have two bash string built in commands that work fine independently but when nested generate an error message no matter what I try. Here's the two individual commands that work:
$ A="etc/.java"
$ echo $A
$ B="${A//$'\057\056'/$'\057'}"
$ echo $B
$ B="${A^^}"
$ echo $B
Now trying to combine the two commands together I get errors:
$ B="${${A^^}//$'\057\056'/$'\057'}"
bash: ${${A^^}///.//}: bad substitution
$ B="${ ${A^^}//$'\057\056'/$'\057'}"
bash: ${ ${A^^}///.//}: bad substitution
$ B="${ ${A^^} //$'\057\056'/$'\057'}"
bash: ${ ${A^^} ///.//}: bad substitution
$ B="${"${A^^}"//$'\057\056'/$'\057'}"
bash: ${"${A^^}"//'/.'/'/'}: bad substitution
$ B="${ "${A^^}" //$'\057\056'/$'\057'}"
bash: ${ "${A^^}" //'/.'/'/'}: bad substitution
$ B="${${A^^} //$'\057\056'/$'\057'}"
bash: ${${A^^} ///.//}: bad substitution
Simplified examples are presented above so one can copy and paste to their own terminal. Piping or redirection would be complicated because my real world code is this:
while [[ $i -lt $DirsArrCnt ]] ; do
CurrKey="${DirsArr[$(( $i + 1 ))]}"
# ^^ = convert to upper-case
# ${Variable//$'\041\056'/$'\041'} = Change /. to / for hidden directory sorting
if [[ "${"${CurrKey^^}"//$'\041\056'/$'\041'}" > \
"${"${LastKey^^}"//$'\041\056'/$'\041'}" ]] || \
[[ "${"${CurrKey^^}"//$'\041\056'/$'\041'}" = \
"${"${LastKey^^}"//$'\041\056'/$'\041'}" ]] ; then
i=$(( $i + $OneDirArrCnt))
In the special case of one of the expansions being upper casing, it can be done in a single expansion, using declare -u (introduced in Bash 4.0). declare -u converts to uppercase on assignment.
Combining upper casing and substitution then becomes this:
$ declare -u A='/etc/.java'
$ echo "${A//\/./\/}"
There is the analogous -l for lower casing and the (undocumented) -c for title casing, but these are the only cases where you can do "nested" parameter expansion.

Adding a list of space separated numbers

Currently stuck in a situation where I ask the user to input a line of numbers with a space in between, then have the program display those numbers with a delay, then add them. I have everything down, but can't seem to figure out a line of code to coherently calculate the sum of their input, as most of my attempts end up with an error, or have the final number multiplied by the 2nd one (not even sure how?). Any help is appreciated.
echo Enter a line of numbers to be added.
sleep 1
if [ "$NUM" ]; then
echo "$NUM"
I've tried echo expr $NUM + $NUM to little success, but this is really all I can some up with.
Start with
NUMBERS="4 3 2 6 5 1"
Your script can be changed into
for NUM in ${NUMBERS}
sleep 1
(( sum += NUM ))
echo "Digit ${counter}: Sum=$sum"
echo Sum=$sum
Another way is using bc, usefull for input like 1.6 2.3
sed 's/ /+/g' <<< "${NUMBERS}" | bc
Set two variables n and m, store their sum in $x, print it:
n=5 m=7 x=$((n + m)) ; echo $x
The above syntax is POSIX compatible, (i.e. works in dash, ksh, bash, etc.); from man dash:
Arithmetic Expansion
Arithmetic expansion provides a mechanism for evaluating an arithmetic
expression and substituting its value. The format for arithmetic expan‐
sion is as follows:
The expression is treated as if it were in double-quotes, except that a
double-quote inside the expression is not treated specially. The shell
expands all tokens in the expression for parameter expansion, command
substitution, and quote removal.
Next, the shell treats this as an arithmetic expression and substitutes
the value of the expression.
Two one-liners that do most of the job in the OP:
while read x ; do echo $(( $(echo $x | tr ' ' '+') )) ; done
while read x ; do echo $(( ${x// /+} )) ; done
bash with calc, (allows summing real, rational & complex numbers, as well as sub-operations):
while read x ; do calc -- ${x// /+} ; done
Example input line, followed by output:
-8!^(1/3) 2^63 -1

Bash empty array expansion with `set -u`

I'm writing a bash script which has set -u, and I have a problem with empty array expansion: bash appears to treat an empty array as an unset variable during expansion:
$ set -u
$ arr=()
$ echo "foo: '${arr[#]}'"
bash: arr[#]: unbound variable
(declare -a arr doesn't help either.)
A common solution to this is to use ${arr[#]-} instead, thus substituting an empty string instead of the ("undefined") empty array. However this is not a good solution, since now you can't discern between an array with a single empty string in it and an empty array. (#-expansion is special in bash, it expands "${arr[#]}" into "${arr[0]}" "${arr[1]}" …, which makes it a perfect tool for building command lines.)
$ countArgs() { echo $#; }
$ countArgs a b c
$ countArgs
$ countArgs ""
$ brr=("")
$ countArgs "${brr[#]}"
$ countArgs "${arr[#]-}"
$ countArgs "${arr[#]}"
bash: arr[#]: unbound variable
$ set +u
$ countArgs "${arr[#]}"
So is there a way around that problem, other than checking the length of an array in an if (see code sample below), or turning off -u setting for that short piece?
if [ "${#arr[#]}" = 0 ]; then
veryLongCommandLine "${arr[#]}"
Update: Removed bugs tag due to explanation by ikegami.
According to the documentation,
An array variable is considered set if a subscript has been assigned a value. The null string is a valid value.
No subscript has been assigned a value, so the array isn't set.
But while the documentation suggests an error is appropriate here, this is no longer the case since 4.4.
$ bash --version | head -n 1
GNU bash, version 4.4.19(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
$ set -u
$ arr=()
$ echo "foo: '${arr[#]}'"
foo: ''
There is a conditional you can use inline to achieve what you want in older versions: Use ${arr[#]+"${arr[#]}"} instead of "${arr[#]}".
$ function args { perl -E'say 0+#ARGV; say "$_: $ARGV[$_]" for 0..$#ARGV' -- "$#" ; }
$ set -u
$ arr=()
$ args "${arr[#]}"
-bash: arr[#]: unbound variable
$ args ${arr[#]+"${arr[#]}"}
$ arr=("")
$ args ${arr[#]+"${arr[#]}"}
$ arr=(a b c)
$ args ${arr[#]+"${arr[#]}"}
0: a
1: b
2: c
Tested with bash 4.2.25 and 4.3.11.
The only safe idiom is ${arr[#]+"${arr[#]}"}
Unless you only care about Bash 4.4+, but you wouldn't be looking at this question if that were the case :)
This is already the recommendation in ikegami's answer, but there's a lot of misinformation and guesswork in this thread. Other patterns, such as ${arr[#]-} or ${arr[#]:0}, are not safe across all major versions of Bash.
As the table below shows, the only expansion that is reliable across all modern-ish Bash versions is ${arr[#]+"${arr[#]}"} (column +"). Of note, several other expansions fail in Bash 4.2, including (unfortunately) the shorter ${arr[#]:0} idiom, which doesn't just produce an incorrect result but actually fails. If you need to support versions prior to 4.4, and in particular 4.2, this is the only working idiom.
Unfortunately other + expansions that, at a glance, look the same do indeed emit different behavior. Using :+ instead of + (:+" in the table), for example, does not work because :-expansion treats an array with a single empty element (('')) as "null" and thus doesn't (consistently) expand to the same result.
Quoting the full expansion instead of the nested array ("${arr[#]+${arr[#]}}", "+ in the table), which I would have expected to be roughly equivalent, is similarly unsafe in 4.2.
You can see the code that generated this data along with results for several additional version of bash in this gist.
#ikegami's accepted answer is subtly wrong! The correct incantation is ${arr[#]+"${arr[#]}"}:
$ countArgs () { echo "$#"; }
$ arr=('')
$ countArgs "${arr[#]:+${arr[#]}}"
$ countArgs ${arr[#]+"${arr[#]}"}
$ arr=()
$ countArgs ${arr[#]+"${arr[#]}"}
0 # Let's make sure it still works for the other case...
Turns out array handling has been changed in recently released (2016/09/16) bash 4.4 (available in Debian stretch, for example).
$ bash --version | head -n1
bash --version | head -n1
GNU bash, version 4.4.0(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
Now empty arrays expansion does not emits warning
$ set -u
$ arr=()
$ echo "${arr[#]}"
$ # everything is fine
this may be another option for those who prefer not to duplicate arr[#] and are okay to have an empty string
echo "foo: '${arr[#]:-}'"
to test:
set -u
echo a "${arr[#]:-}" b # note two spaces between a and b
for f in a "${arr[#]:-}" b; do echo $f; done # note blank line between a and b
arr=(1 2)
echo a "${arr[#]:-}" b
for f in a "${arr[#]:-}" b; do echo $f; done
#ikegami's answer is correct, but I consider the syntax ${arr[#]+"${arr[#]}"} dreadful. If you use long array variable names, it starts to looks spaghetti-ish quicker than usual.
Try this instead:
$ set -u
$ count() { echo $# ; } ; count x y z
$ count() { echo $# ; } ; arr=() ; count "${arr[#]}"
-bash: abc[#]: unbound variable
$ count() { echo $# ; } ; arr=() ; count "${arr[#]:0}"
$ count() { echo $# ; } ; arr=(x y z) ; count "${arr[#]:0}"
It looks like the Bash array slice operator is very forgiving.
So why did Bash make handling the edge case of arrays so difficult? Sigh. I cannot guarantee you version will allow such abuse of the array slice operator, but it works dandy for me.
Caveat: I am using GNU bash, version 3.2.25(1)-release (x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu)
Your mileage may vary.
"Interesting" inconsistency indeed.
$ set -u
$ echo $#
$ echo "$1"
bash: $1: unbound variable # makes sense (I didn't set any)
$ echo "$#" | cat -e
$ # blank line, no error
While I agree that the current behavior may not be a bug in the sense that #ikegami explains, IMO we could say the bug is in the definition (of "set") itself, and/or the fact that it's inconsistently applied. The preceding paragraph in the man page says
... ${name[#]} expands each element of name to a separate word. When there are no array members, ${name[#]} expands to nothing.
which is entirely consistent with what it says about the expansion of positional parameters in "$#". Not that there aren't other inconsistencies in the behaviors of arrays and positional parameters... but to me there's no hint that this detail should be inconsistent between the two.
$ arr=()
$ echo "${arr[#]}"
bash: arr[#]: unbound variable # as we've observed. BUT...
$ echo "${#arr[#]}"
0 # no error
$ echo "${!arr[#]}" | cat -e
$ # no error
So arr[] isn't so unbound that we can't get a count of its elements (0), or a (empty) list of its keys? To me these are sensible, and useful -- the only outlier seems to be the ${arr[#]} (and ${arr[*]}) expansion.
I am complementing on #ikegami's (accepted) and #kevinarpe's (also good) answers.
You can do "${arr[#]:+${arr[#]}}" to workaround the problem. The right-hand-side (i.e., after :+) provides an expression that will be used in case the left-hand-side is not defined/null.
The syntax is arcane. Note that the right hand side of the expression will undergo parameter expansion, so extra attention should be paid to having consistent quoting.
: example copy arr into arr_copy
arr=( "1 2" "3" )
arr_copy=( "${arr[#]:+${arr[#]}}" ) # good. same quoting.
# preserves spaces
arr_copy=( ${arr[#]:+"${arr[#]}"} ) # bad. quoting only on RHS.
# copy will have ["1","2","3"],
# instead of ["1 2", "3"]
Like #kevinarpe mentions, a less arcane syntax is to use the array slice notation ${arr[#]:0} (on Bash versions >= 4.4), which expands to all the parameters, starting from index 0. It also doesn't require as much repetition. This expansion works regardless of set -u, so you can use this at all times. The man page says (under Parameter Expansion):
If parameter is an indexed array name subscripted by # or *, the result is the length members of the array beginning with ${parameter[offset]}. A negative offset is taken relative to one
greater than the maximum index of the specified array. It is an
expansion error if length evaluates to a number less than zero.
This is the example provided by #kevinarpe, with alternate formatting to place the output in evidence:
set -u
function count() { echo $# ; };
count x y z
: prints "3"
count "${arr[#]}"
: prints "-bash: arr[#]: unbound variable"
count "${arr[#]:0}"
: prints "0"
arr=(x y z)
count "${arr[#]:0}"
: prints "3"
This behaviour varies with versions of Bash. You may also have noticed that the length operator ${#arr[#]} will always evaluate to 0 for empty arrays, regardless of set -u, without causing an 'unbound variable error'.
Here are a couple of ways to do something like this, one using sentinels
and another using conditional appends:
set -o nounset -o errexit -o pipefail
countArgs () { echo "$#"; }
arrA=( sentinel )
arrB=( sentinel "{1..5}" "./*" "with spaces" )
arrC=( sentinel '$PWD' )
cmnd=( countArgs "${arrA[#]:1}" "${arrB[#]:1}" "${arrC[#]:1}" )
echo "${cmnd[#]}"
arrA=( )
arrB=( "{1..5}" "./*" "with spaces" )
arrC=( '$PWD' )
cmnd=( countArgs )
# Checks expansion of indices.
[[ ! ${!arrA[#]} ]] || cmnd+=( "${arrA[#]}" )
[[ ! ${!arrB[#]} ]] || cmnd+=( "${arrB[#]}" )
[[ ! ${!arrC[#]} ]] || cmnd+=( "${arrC[#]}" )
echo "${cmnd[#]}"
Now, as technically right the "${arr[#]+"${arr[#]}"}" version is, you never want to use this syntax for appending to an array, ever!
This is, as this syntax actually expands the array and then appends.
And that means that there is a lot going on computational- and memory-wise!
To show this, I made a simple comparison:
# cat array_perftest_expansion.sh
#! /usr/bin/bash
set -e
set -u
while [ $i -lt $loops ] ; do
arr=( ${arr[#]+"${arr[#]}"} "${i}" )
i=$(( i + 1 ))
exit 0
And then:
# timex ./array_perftest_expansion.sh 1000
real 1.86
user 1.84
sys 0.01
But with the second line enabled instead, just setting the last entry directly:
# timex ./array_perftest_last.sh 1000
real 0.03
user 0.02
sys 0.00
If that is not enough, things get much worse, when you try to add more entries!
When using 4000 instead of 1000 loops:
# timex ./array_perftest_expansion.sh 4000
real 33.13
user 32.90
sys 0.22
Just setting the last entry:
# timex ./array_perftest_last.sh 4000
real 0.10
user 0.09
sys 0.00
And this gets worse and worse ... I could not wait for the expansion version to finish a loop of 10000!
With the last element instead:
# timex ./array_perftest_last.sh 10000
real 0.26
user 0.25
sys 0.01
Never use such an array expansion for any reason.
Interesting inconsistency; this lets you define something which is "not considered set" yet shows up in the output of declare -p
set -o nounset
echo ${arr[#]}
=> -bash: arr[#]: unbound variable
declare -p arr
=> declare -a arr='()'
UPDATE: as others mentioned, fixed in 4.4 released after this answer was posted.
The most simple and compatible way seems to be:
$ set -u
$ arr=()
$ echo "foo: '${arr[#]-}'"

How to get the nth positional argument in bash?

How to get the nth positional argument in Bash, where n is variable?
Use Bash's indirection feature:
echo ${!n}
Running that file:
$ ./ind apple banana cantaloupe dates
You can also do array slicing:
echo ${#:$n:1}
but not array subscripts:
echo ${#[n]} # WON'T WORK
If N is saved in a variable, use
eval echo \${$N}
if it's a constant use
echo ${12}
echo $12
does not mean the same!
Handling positional parameters
Parameter expansion
$0: the first positional parameter
$1 ... $9: the argument list elements from 1 to 9
