Amazon SNS configuration for Topics for iPhone/APNs integration - apple-push-notifications

I am trying to configure Amazon's SNS service to communicate to the Apple Push Notification Service (APNS) and can not figure out what Amazon want's for the Topic.
According to Apple: A topic is the bundle ID associated with one of your apps. (as referenced here: IOS Developer Library
And i forgot where i looked this up originally but the bundle ID for my app in xCode is like a url in reverse. so for me it is "com.m2.velexo2" and i have created provisioning profiles to go with this.
Now on AWS in the SNS section there is a place where i can create new topics (right under where it says SNS Home) To create a topic i need two fields "Topic Name" and "Display Name".
If i put my bundle id in the Topic Name field it says "Topic Name contains invalid characters. Must contain only alphanumeric characters, hyphen (-), and underscore (_)."
If i put it in the other field then it says "Topic display name cannot exceed 10 characters in length"
I don't get it?

This is the only stuff you should need to fill out to get the APNS stuff set up in SNS.
Creating a new topic does not have anything to do with communication the with between SNS and APNS it's more of a way to group app users so that you can send push notifications to a bunch of different devices without having to send a notification to each individual user.
The documentation on this is pretty good on Amazons website:
Hope this helps,


How can I replace the originating e-mail adress in Azure Api Management Service?

In Api Management Service, when someone subscribes to an Api, they gey a mail from a no-reply address. By default, this mail is something like "", I changed this in de settings to "".
But now when a user receives an email, both these addresses are listed as the sender address. How do I fix it to only display my custom address and remove the default one (circled in red)?
I tried looking in the mail templates to see if it was present there, but it wasn't.
I tried finding a solution in Microsoft documentation but couldn't find anything.
I understand that you wanted to change the "Mailfrom" header to a value of your choice. Currently it is not possible. The "MailFrom" header contains information about the actual sender of the email since APIM sends the mail you will not be able to remove due to security issues.

When does aws sns sms SENDERID gets changed from custom-id to aws's default-id "NOTICE"?

I am using aws sns for sending sms to Indian phone numbers since last two months.I am using PHP SDK for api calls.
I had sent 7000+ successful messages with custom senderid relating to our company name.But since last 4-5 days same clients/phone no.s are receiving messages with aws's default senderid "NOTICE".
I am publishing messages to a topic to send sms. Now in past few pushed messages all clients got default senderid, while in few pushed messages only few clients got default id while others got my custom id.
So, where is the problem?
If your destination phone number is in India, your Sender ID must be registered to be able to work. You can request to register a Sender ID by opening a support ticket with AWS support (which has no cost).
Other countries require no registration, thus, some deliveries will work by just adding a sender ID value to your publish request.
You might successfully get a working sender ID to an Indian destination depending on the route the message takes to reach an end user. However, the right course of action (given technology partners and provider regulations) is to register the sender ID before using it with AWS (which is why it's not marked on the website).
Disclosure: I work at the AWS team for Mobile Messaging.
Are you sure you have entered a valid Sender ID, so no spaces and at least one letter?
Also it's important to know that not all countries support a custom Sender ID. See documentation from AWS bellow:
(Optional) For Sender ID, type a custom ID that contains up to 11
alphanumeric characters, including at least one letter and no spaces.
The sender ID is displayed as the message sender on the receiving
device. For example, you can use your business brand to make the
message source easier to recognize.
Support for sender IDs varies by country. For example, messages
delivered to U.S. phone numbers will not display the sender ID. For
the countries that support sender IDs, see Supported Regions and
If you do not specify a sender ID, the message will display a long
code as the sender ID in supported countries. For countries that
require an alphabetic sender ID, the message displays NOTICE as the
sender ID.
This message-level sender ID overrides your default sender ID, which
you set on the Text messaging preferences page.

Mobile Value Added Services with SMS

I'm new comer in mobile value added service field. I searched & read other company's presentation for mobile value added service with sms platform. But I can't find the right way. I don't know where to start, which platform or server should use for it. I will explain road map first. I will provide content with sms. If you wanna get the contents from me, you need to subscribe first. Then, I will sent contents to all subscribed numbers daily. Then, I will charge for content daily. Please help me which platform or server should I use?
You can use a short code for that, in which country are you in?

Add unique key of my own to slack event requests

I created a slack app with distribution (multiple clients)
and I subscribe to events several events like a message posted in a channel.
Beside the team_id field for identifying the client team - is there an ability to put my own key for a client?
Thank you.
No, Sack does not store any custom data for you. Its your job as an app developer to store all team related information for your app and link it to the Slack team_id. This is usually done with a database.
You can however include custom IDs with Slack requests, e.g. in the response you get from an interactive message. See this answer for more details on how this works.

Looking for clarifications on how to build a group chat app using Sinch platform

I am trying to figure out how to use sinch to build a basic group messaging app. It looks pretty simple but I have a few questions to help me understand the platform:
1) It seems like the platform doesn't support multiple conversations for one user. For example facebook messenger allows you to have many conversations with different people (different chats). But sinch only lets you send a message to a user with no conversation meta data. Or is it possible to send your message with meta data?
2)Do you manage users on the sinch platform? This means creating user objects and giving them id's etc or must this be done on another platform like parse?
3)How do you handle messaging logs? Like if I send a message to someone that's not logged in- how do I save it and also send them a push notification that a message was sent?
Thanks for the help everyone- the documentation is a bit dilute so I haven't been able to find answers to these questions yet :/.
You can send meta data with headers, to create your own meta data thing. But to be fair Sinch is more like multi recipient message than groups with channels.
No, we use delegated security
We will automatically deliver the message when the user logs on, we keep messages for 30 days for delivery.
