How can you save a users input in an app - xcode

I am creating an app based on the functions of tinder.... if you like the word (created from a random generator) you swipe right and it stores it in a word bank for the user to go back to later on.
I am very new to Xcode and swift, What is the best way to go about storing the users input within the app?
Image of the layout of the page

You can use NSUserDefaults.
// Set
// forKey is the unique value to access the object you have saved
NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().setObject("value", forKey: "key")
// Get
So for example, when you want to save a variable called "score", do:
NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().setObject(\(score), forKey: "key")
When you want to get this value:
let score = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().stringForKey("key")
There are several different types of defaults you can use, I have used setObject in this example.


How to use NSObjectController and Managed Object Context using Cocoa Bindings

Searched entire Internet but couldn’t find the modern solution for my problem.
I want to use NSObjectController in pair with Core Data through Cocoa Bindings and struggle to set it up properly. Worth noting that I’m using latest version of Xcode and Swift.
What I’ve done:
For testing purposes I’ve done the following:
Created an macOS app with “Use Core Data” option selected (the app is not document based);
Dragged 2 NSTextFields into the Storyboard Dragged NSObjectController to the view controller scene;
Added Employee Entity to Core Data model with 2 attributes “name” and “surname”;
Done everything from the answer in How do I bind my Array Controller to my core data model?
Set NSObjectController to entity mode and typed in “Employee”,
Prepares Content selected, Use Lazy Fetching selected so all three options checked;
Binded the NSObjectController’s Managed Object Context in bindings inspector to the View Controller’s managedObjectContext;
Binded NSTextFields as follows: Value - Object Controller, Controller key - selection, Model Key Path - name (for 1st text field) and surname (for 2nd).
That’s it.
First set of questions: What I did wrong and how to fix it if it’s not completely wrong approach?
I’ve read in some post on stackoverflow that doing it that way allows automatic saving and fetching from Core Data model. That’s why I assumed it should work.
So here is a Second set of questions:
Is it true?
If it is then why text fields are not filled when view is displayed?
If it is not then how to achieve it if possible (trying to write as less code as possible)?
Third question: If I used approach that is completely wrong would someone help me to connect Core Data and NSObjectController using Cocoa bindings and show me the way of doing so with as less code written as possible using the right approach?
Taking into account that there no fresh posts about this topic in the wilds I think the right answer could help a lot of people that are developing a macOS app.
Thanks in advance!
I think your basic approach is correct, although it is important to understand that you need a real object, an instance, in order for it to work.
Creating a NSManagedObject subclass is generally desirable, and is almost always done in a real project, so you can define and use properties. You can do it easily nowadays by selecting the data model in Xcode's Project Navigator and clicking in the menu: Editor > Create NSManagedObject Subclass…. Technically it is not necessary, and in a demo or proof-of-concept, you often muddle through with NSManagedObject.
Assuming you are using the Xcode project template as you described, wherein AppDelegate has a property managedObjectContext, the following function in your AppDelegate class will maintain, creating when necessary, and return, what I call a singular object – an object of a particular entity, in this case Employee, which your app requires there to be one and only one of in the store.
#discardableResult func singularEmployee() -> NSManagedObject? {
var singularEmployee: NSManagedObject? = nil
let fetchRequest: NSFetchRequest<NSManagedObject> = NSFetchRequest(entityName: "Employee")
let objects = try? self.managedObjectContext.fetch(fetchRequest)
singularEmployee = objects?.first
if singularEmployee == nil {
singularEmployee = NSEntityDescription.insertNewObject(forEntityName: "Employee", into: self.managedObjectContext)
return singularEmployee
Then, add this line of code to applicationDidFinishLaunching

xamarin forms webview.eval return type is voide . How to retrieve user input data?

I am working on xamarin.forms. I have a content page which contains one webview which load 3rd party url( site and one button in shell.
On button click event I am trying to get user input data using
webview.eval(javascript: var data = document.getElementById('first-name').value;alert(data)).
It works fine but due to void return type I could not store data in local variable and I have a customrender(webviewrender) but don't know on shell button click event how can I get userinput data from webview
Please suggest me how do I achieve this functionality.I do not want XLab-Hybridwebview.
You'll probably need to have the JavaScript code call out to the external code when the result is available. You could then wrap that whole process in a TaskCompletionSource to make everything nice and easy to use.

Need a non-ugly way to dynamically modify acceptFiles and allowedExtensions

I have an uploader that has two modes where it uploads different file types. Which one is active depends on what the user is doing. I am using FineUploaderBasic.
Right now to dynamically modify the allowedExtensions I do something like this:
if(type==<?=Campaign_Placement::AD_TYPE_USER_FLASH?>) // SWF
uploader._options.validation.allowedExtensions = ['swf'];
else // Static image
uploader._options.validation.allowedExtensions = ['jpeg', 'jpg', 'gif', 'png'];
uploader.reset(); // Resets with the new extensions
And to modify the acceptFiles:
if(type==<?=Campaign_Placement::AD_TYPE_USER_FLASH?>) // SWF
$('input[name="userfile"]').attr("accept", "application/x-shockwave-flash");
else // Static image
$('input[name="userfile"]').attr("accept", "image/jpeg, image/jpg, image/gif, image/png");
Both are ugly ways to do this, would appreciate a simple way to do both of these through the API, or some other elegant solution. Thanks!
You have 3 other options to solve this problem:
Don't set the allowedExtensions validation value at all. Then contribute a validate event handler that returns false if the user has submitted an invalid file, based on the value of the select you have provided.
Simply construct or re-construct the uploader instance whenever the user changes their selection.
Consider using the relatively new extraButtons feature, where you can connect additional upload buttons to a single Fine Uploader with varying validation options. For example, you can contribute some default allowed extensions (tied to the default upload button), and then provide an extraButtons button with alternate allowedExtensions. Simply display the appropriate button via JavaScript when the user changes their selection.

Programmatically launching OS X's Contacts app showing a contact?

Let's say that I've just created an ABPerson record and managed to save it in the user's address book. How do I programmatically open the default application which handles the address book (which most likely is Contacts but in some cases it might be Outlook or some other app) and show the new address book record I've just added?
Thanks in advance.
The addressbook URL scheme is able to show the person record or edit it:
ABPerson * aPerson = <#assume this exists#>;
// Open the Contacts app, showing the person record.
NSString * urlString = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"addressbook://%#", [aPerson uniqueId]];
[[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:urlString]];
More information is in Address Book Programming Guide.
Here is my take using the Contacts app, and in Swift, written as an extension for CNContact. I expect most people are using Contacts in preference to AddressBook nowadays.
(CNContact's identifier is the same as ABPerson's uniqueId.)
func showInContacts() {
let path =
"/Users/someusername/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/Sources/05A62A31-9C1F-423F-A9F4-011E56EAAF29/Metadata/0A1F4FC2-7E01-4A40-92DE-840F8C84DE58:ABPerson.abcdp
var url = URL(fileURLWithPath: path)
url.appendPathComponent(self.identifier)// self is a CNContact
Contacts are in separate files buried at the end of a long chain of sub-folders in user's Library/Application Support. The file names are simply the contact's identifier plus an extension. You can save some typing by dragging one of them to your Xcode editor, surrounding with quotes, and maybe removing the last path component. As my app isn't for distribution that is enough for me; otherwise you will have to do some doctoring: the user's name will be in the second path component. I don't know the significance of the long ID number following 'Sources', whether it is user or system specific, but it is the only item in that subfolder, so you should be able to build a viable path programatically.

Extjs MVC - setting up store events in controller

I have a requirement in my application where in I need to show the UI components(like text field, combo box) based on the values i get from the server side. To be precise, I have a combobox on the page, when the user changes the values i need to send the selected value to server to get information on what needs to be displayed. Without using MVC i implemented it as below
When the user changes the value in the combobox, i refresh(using load method) another store
When i get the data back from the server('datachanged' event) i read the data and create the UI components
Now I am trying to use ExtJS MVC, so i have two questions
How do I access a store which is associated to a controller but not necessarily to any UI components from the view
How can I setup the events of a store in the controller(in the control function) just like we setup events from view
Code i want to setup events from Store like 'datachanged' in controller like below -
'viewport > #content-panel' : {
render : this.createMainTabs
In addition to sha's reply I can say that you may setup your store eventhandlers in your controller. For example you have a combobox with a store, so you could write like this:
'#myCombo' : {
afterrender : this.setupStoreListeners
setupStoreListeners: function(combo){
var store =;
store.on('datachanged', //.....);
And one more thing, as sha wrote you could always get store by name, but I use this only when I need to share a store instance between multiple controllers. If I need this store only in one controller, I just save it inside this controller:
setupController: function(){
this.myStore = this.getCombo().store; // now you could use this.myStore anywhere you need
To get store object in the controller just use this.getStore('StoreName'), each store by default has its own instance and it doesn't really matter whether it's binded to any UI component you have.
After you get store object you can subscribe to any store events using any method you prefer. I usually like
store.on('load', {...})
Also I would not change anything in UI from the view code. I would put all this customization into controller code.
