Image slider issue with Prestashop - themes

I am new to Prestashop. I am using using Prestashop and have installed a theme which comes with a slider on the homepage.
The theme-slider disables the default Prestashop slider. The issue is, I would like to disable the theme-slider and put the default slider on the homepage.
I have disabled the theme-slider, but I am not able to put the default slider on the homepage.

You just need to reset module called "Image slider for your homepage"
Hope this works for you ;)


add the OWL Carousel Slider block in the content Unero theme

I'm wearing magento 2.2.2 and using Unero theme, I'm developing magento frontend. when I add the OWL Carousel Slider block in the content section it is not visible?
check your browser console if you get some error try to fix first. Its seem like jquery conflicts at some point. or if you can post console errors that would be helpful in understanding situation.

Opencart 2.2 - new custome theme not available in the admin panel

I just followed this tutorial to create a custom new theme for my localhost opencart 2.2 installation. I followed the following instructions from the tutorial :
Let's create a new directory, named mycustomtheme underneath catalog/view/theme. ..... Furthermore, you need to create three more directories within the mycustomtheme directory: image, stylesheet, and templates.
Then I navigated to Admin->System->Settings and clicked on the 'Edit' button of the default store and in the subsequent page expected to get the custom theme in the 'Theme' dropdown but only the 'Default Store theme ' was there.
The tutorial tells that I am supposed to get a 'Template' dropdown there and I found a 'Theme' dropdown instead due to version change I think.
But how to activate the new theme then ?
To change a theme on Opencart, follow below setting:
Login to admin panel.
Go to Extension > Themes > Edit
Select your theme for Theme Directory option
Click on save to activate your new theme.
In opencart 2.2 you need to go into the Admin->Extensions->Themes
I know it's bit late to answer but it can be helpful to others.
In OpenCart creating a custom theme is little complex , i have already answered it here , you can check this link
Why is OpenCart 2.3 custom theme not showing?
or can find this blog
In Open Cart version:2.2
"Admin->Extensions->themes" You can Select your theme.Enable That theme.
After that go to "Extensions->Modules->Theme Control panel",choose your theme and click on insert data,then all data added successfully.

Image slider in a theme not showing in magento

I installed a new theme which contain image silder through magento connect and change the design to new theme.The theme is coming but image slider part is not getting.What is the solution.Please help me.

magento; diasble blocks on product page

I have a slider on my home page. Thats correct but when I go to product page you see also the slider. Where can I turns this off?
I want it only on the home page.
Use latest version of magento and the Magikshop theme from Themeforest.
First of all, have you installed the seperate extension for slider or it comes with your theme? If it was default provided by your theme.Then you can find the setting to configure the slider in
"System->configuration" in your admin panel.
Search for the banner or slider you may get the setting there to select which page you want to show the slider.
The setting may be different according to the slider.
If you have installed the extension yourself then you may find the banner/slider menu in the admin panel.
Hope this will help.
If the slider is a widget, you should be able to specify the pages that show a widget instance. The widgets that are in use can be found in the CMS section of the Magento Admin panel.
If the slider is a block you probably need to disable/remove/unset that block from your product detail page. To disable block on a particular page, you need to edit your layout Xml file. These files are most probably found in the following folder:
How to unset a block is described, e.g. here: Magento - remove block using update XML

Change images folder for slider automatically depending on page loaded on Joomla 2.5

I'm doing a site and i have the following issue:
I have to show a lot of products, and in each page for each product i have an slider, this slider must have diferent images for every product. The thing is, as i'm using an slider component/module for joomla 2.5, i need to duplicate it for every product (at least for the little i know of joomla).
There is no other way to chance the images for the slider automatically, without duplicaiting the module/component?
You can use plugins to create image sliders easily inside articles.Nice Slide Show is a paid extension that will serve your purpose.
The Simple Image Slider is a free plugin but couldn't find its 2.5 version.
Also check this plugin:Sliding Image Links
Hope it helps
