How does a computer reproduce the SIFT paper method on its own in deep learning - algorithm

Let me begin by saying that I am struggling to understand what is going on in deep learning. From what I gather, it is an approach to try to have a computer engineer different layers of representations and features to enable it learn stuff on its own. SIFT seems to be a common way to sort of detect things by tagging and hunting for scale invariant things in some representation. Again I am completely stupid and in awe and wonder about how this magic is achieved. How does one have a computer do this by itself? I have looked at this paper and I must say at this point I think it is magic. Can somebody help me distill the main points of how this works and why a computer can do it on its own?

SIFT and CNN are both methods to extract features from images in different ways and outputs.
SIFT/SURF/ORB or any similar feature extraction algorithms are "Hand-made" feature extraction algorithms. It means, independent from the real world cases, they are aiming to extract some meaningful features. This approach has some advantages and disadvantages.
Advantages :
You don't have to care about input image conditions and probably you don't need any pre-processing step to extract those features.
You can directly get SIFT implementation and integrate it to your application
With GPU based implementations (i.e. GPU-SIFT), you can achieve high inference speed.
It has limitation about finding the features. You will have trouble about getting features over quite plain surfaces.
SIFT/SURF/ORB cannot solve all problems that requires feature classification / matching. Think face recognition problem. Do you think that extracting & classifying SIFT features over face will be enough to recognize people?
Those are hand-made feature extraction techniques, they cannot be improved over time (of course unless a better technique is being introduced)
Developing such a feature extraction technique requires a lot of research work
In the other hand, in deep learning, you can start analyzing much complex features which are impossible by human to recognize. CNNs are perfect approach as today to analyze hierarchical filter responses and much complex features which are created by combining those filter responses (going deeper).
The main power of CNNs are coming from not extracting features by hand. We only define "how" PC has to look for features. Of course this method has some pros and cons too.
Advantages :
More data, better success! It is all depending on data. If you have enough data to explain your case, DL outperforms hand-made feature extraction techniques.
As soon as you extract the features from image, you can use it for many purposes like to segment image, to create description words, to detect objects inside image, to recognize them. The better part is, all of them can be obtained in one shot, rather than complex sequential processes.
You need data. Probably a lot.
It is better to use supervised or reinforcement learning methods in these days. As unsupervised learning is still not good enough yet.
It takes time and resource to train a good neural net. A complex hierarchy like Google Inception took 2 weeks to be trained on 8 GPU server rack. Of course not all the networks are so hard to train.
It has some learning curve. You don't have to know how SIFT is working to use it for your application but you have to know how CNNs are working to use them in your custom purposes.


state-of-the-art of classification algorithms

We know there are like a thousand of classifiers, recently I was told that, some people say adaboost is like the out of the shell one.
Are There better algorithms (with
that voting idea)
What is the state of the art in
the classifiers.Do you have an example?
First, adaboost is a meta-algorithm which is used in conjunction with (on top of) your favorite classifier. Second, classifiers which work well in one problem domain often don't work well in another. See the No Free Lunch wikipedia page. So, there is not going to be AN answer to your question. Still, it might be interesting to know what people are using in practice.
Weka and Mahout aren't algorithms... they're machine learning libraries. They include implementations of a wide range of algorithms. So, your best bet is to pick a library and try a few different algorithms to see which one works best for your particular problem (where "works best" is going to be a function of training cost, classification cost, and classification accuracy).
If it were me, I'd start with naive Bayes, k-nearest neighbors, and support vector machines. They represent well-established, well-understood methods with very different tradeoffs. Naive Bayes is cheap, but not especially accurate. K-NN is cheap during training but (can be) expensive during classification, and while it's usually very accurate it can be susceptible to overtraining. SVMs are expensive to train and have lots of meta-parameters to tweak, but they are cheap to apply and generally at least as accurate as k-NN.
If you tell us more about the problem you're trying to solve, we may be able to give more focused advice. But if you're just looking for the One True Algorithm, there isn't one -- the No Free Lunch theorem guarantees that.
Apache Mahout (open source, java) seems to pick up a lot of steam.
Weka is a very popular and stable Machine Learning library. It has been around for quite a while and written in Java.
Hastie et al. (2013, The Elements of Statistical Learning) conclude that the Gradient Boosting Machine is the best "off-the-shelf" Method. Independent of the Problem you have.
Definition (see page 352):
An “off-the-shelf” method is one that
can be directly applied to the data without requiring a great deal of timeconsuming data preprocessing or careful tuning of the learning procedure.
And a bit older meaning:
In fact, Breiman (NIPS Workshop, 1996) referred to AdaBoost with trees as the “best off-the-shelf classifier in the world” (see also Breiman (1998)).

What are algorithms and data structures in layman’s terms?

I currently work with PHP and Ruby on Rails as a web developer. My question is why would I need to know algorithms and data structures? Do I need to learn C, C++ or Java first? What are the practical benefits of knowing algorithms and data structures? What are algorithms and data structures in layman’s terms? (As you can tell unfortunately I have not done a CS course.)
Please provide as much information as possible and thank you in advance ;-)
Data structures are ways of storing stuff, just like you can put stuff in stacks, queues, heaps and buckets - you can do the same thing with data.
Algorithms are recipes or instructions, the quick start manual for your coffee maker is an algorithm to make coffee.
Algorithms are, quite simply, the steps by which you do something. For instance the Coffee Maker Algorithm would run something like
Turn on Coffee Maker
Grind Coffee Beans
Put in filter and place coffee in filter
Add Water
Start brewing process
Drink coffee
A data structure is a means by which we store information in a organized fashion. For further info, check out the Wikipedia Article.
An algorithm is a list of instructions and data structures are ways to represent information. If you're writing computer programs then you're already using algorithms and data structures even if you don't know what the words mean.
I think the biggest advantages in knowing standard algorithms and data structures are:
You can communicate with other programmers using a common language.
Other people will be able to understand your code once you've left.
You will also learn better methods for solving common problems. You could probably solve these problems eventually anyway even without knowing the standard way to do it, but you will spend a lot of time reinventing the wheel and it's unlikely your solutions will be as good as those that thousands of experts have worked on and improved over the years.
An algorithm is a sequence of well defined steps leading to the solution of a type of problem.
A data structure is a way to store and organize data to facilitate access and modifications.
The benefit of knowing standard algorithms and data structures is they are mostly better than you yourself could develop. They are the result of months or even years of work by people who are far more intelligent than the majority of programmers. Knowing a range of data structures and algorithms allows you to fit a problem roughly to a data structure or/and algorithm and tweak as required.
In the classic "cooking/baking equivalent", algorithms are recipes and data structures are your measuring cups, your baking sheets, your cookie cutters, mixing bowls and essentially any other tool you would be using (your cooker is your compiler/interpreter, though).
This book is the bible on algorithms. In general, data structures relate to how to organize your data to access it in memory, and algorithms are methods / small programs to resolve problems (ex: sorting a list).
The reason you should care is first to understand what can go wrong in your code; poorly implemented algorithms can perform very badly compared to "proven" ones. Knowing classic algorithms and what performance to expect from them helps in knowing how good your code can be, and whether you can/should improve it.
Then there is no need to reinvent the wheel, and rewrite a buggy or sub-optimal implementation of a well-known structure or algorithm.
An algorithm is a representation of the process involved in a computation.
If you wanted to add two numbers then the algorithm might go:
Get first number;
Get second number;
Add first number to second number;
Return result.
At its simplest, an algorithm is just a structured list of things to do - its use in computing is that it allows people to see the intent behind the code and makes logical (as opposed to syntactical) errors easier to spot.
e.g. if step three above said multiply instead of add then someone would be able to point out the error in the logic without having to debug code.
A data structure is a representation of how a system's data should be referenced. It might match a table structure exactly or may be de-normalised to make data access easier. At its simplest it should show how the entities in a system are related.
It is too large a topic to go into in detail but there are plenty of resources on the web.
Data structures are critical the second your software has more than a handful of users. Algorithms is a broad topic, and you'll want to study it if a good knowledge of data structures doesn't fix your performance problems.
You probably don't need a new programming language to benefit from data structures knowledge, though PHP (and other high level languages) will make a lot of it invisible to you, unless you know where to look. Java is my personal favorite learning language for stuff like this, but that's pretty subjective.
My question is why would I need to know algorithms and data structures?
If you are doing any non-trivial programming, it is a good idea to understand the class data structures and algorithms and their uses in order to avoid reinventing the wheel. For example, if you need to put an array of things in order, you need to understand the various ways of sorting, so that you can choose the most appropriate one for the task in hand. If you choose the wrong approach, you can end up with a program that is grossly inefficient in some circumstances.
Do I need to learn C, C++ or Java first?
You need to know how to program in some language in order to understand what the algorithms and data structures do.
What are the practical benefits of knowing algorithms and data structures?
The main practical benefits are:
to avoid having to reinvent the wheel all of the time,
to avoid the problem of square wheels.

What's the most effective workflow between people who develop algorithms and developers?

We are developing software with pattern recognition in video. We have 7 mathematicians who are creating algorithms. Plus we have 2 developers that maintain / develop the application with these algorithms. The problem is that mathematicians are using different development tools to create algorithm like Matlab, C, C++. Also because they are not developers the don't give much concerns for memory management or multi-threading. This one of the reason why the app. has a lot of bugs.
If in your company you have similar situation, how do you deal with it? What's the best tools you can recommend to create algorithms? What communication supposed to be between mathematicians and developers? What's in your opinion the most effective to work with high-level tools?
I am not sure whether you devs are rewriting the mathematician's stuff or if you just have to interface to it so I am not sure if my answer is of any use.
However: I work together with a bunch of phd candidates and postdocs on a machine learning library and am a student myself. In that process, I came to translate a lot of algorithms from python/numpy to C++/blas.
This process can be quite tedious - especially with numerical and stochastic algorithms, it is hard to find bugs.
So here is what I did: Get some sample inputs and calculate the results with the python code. Generate unit tests out of these for C++ and then start coding them in C++.
Checking concrete sample inputs with the outputs is essential in this setting.
I agree with Makach.
Let the guys who are creating the algorithms use the tools that they are most familiar with. Because there are two separate (and equally important) tasks to work on in this project. First, there is the creating of an efficient, elegant and appropriate mathematically sound algorithm, then there is the twistedly difficult task of translating it into CPU-speak. The mathimaticians should focus on their first task, and to make it easier for them, allow them to use the toosl they are comfortable with. In terms of man hours, it is a much more efficient use of their time to write MATLAB code, than it would be to have them learn a new programming language.
Your task is to unearth the (presumably) brilliant mathematics that are buried within the gibberish code.
That part is just a perspective on the problem at hand. Here's the actual answer.
Communication, mutual respect, and teaching/learning.
Communication & Mutual Respect
You must communicate with them often. Work closely with them and ask them questions whenever you come across something you're not sure of. This is much easier when there is mutual respect, which means that if you spend all your time criticizing their coding abilities, then they will be forced to spend all their time criticizing your math abilities. Instead, try quick learning-sessions. ("Lunch & Learn" is a fairly common tactic)
The first and most important piece of wisdom to impart to them is commenting. Have them comment the crap out of their code. Tell them that the comments are much more important than the code quality, and that as long as their comments are right, they can leave the rest up to you guys. Because they can. They don't need to have their code look beautiful, for be the fastest, they just need it to make sense to you guys.
To continue this mutual learning scenario, if you notice some very simple very common mistakes they are making, (nothing NEARLY as complicated as multithreading) just give them a quick heads up. "That way works (or doesn't) but here's a way to do it that is a little different but it will make your lives much much easier." Encourage them to reciprocate by trying to notice which nuances or parts of their algorithms which you and your team are having difficulty with and teach a little tutorial about it.
Once you guys get the communication flowing, you'll find it easier and easier to shape their coding style to what is best for your team, and they will also find it easier to understand why you don't see it the same way they do.
Also, as mentioned by Kekoav, make sure they provide a few fully loaded test cases.
That means for something like
A -> B -> C -> D -> Solution
They would provide you all the values for A, then what it looks like at B, then what it looks like at C and so on. So that you can be certain that not only is it correct at the end, but it's also correct at every step of the way. Try to have them provide examples that are regular, and also a few of them that are unusual, so that you can be certain your code covers edge cases.
I'd recommend the devs spend a few hours getting used to Matlab, especially the Matlab debugger. If their background is CS then they'll already be familiar with vectors and matrices theoretically if not practically. Other than the matrix being the default data structure, Matlab is C-like and easy enough to interpret for translation into another language.
I have been working with a physics professor lately, and have a little experience with this(although admittedly I'm no expert).
I have had to translate a lot of Matlab code into another language. It has been difficult because a lot of(most) of the operations are absent, including when it comes to precision, and working with matrices and vectors. A good math library needs to be found, or created to fit your needs.
The best way that I have found is to do the following:
Get the algorithm to work correctly in the new language.
Create some tests to verify that the algorithm is producing desired output. Have your mathematicians verify that your converted solution in fact works, and that you have covered all bases with your tests.
Then after it is working, and you can trust your tests, optimize the algorithm to be good coding style, have good design and performance characteristics. Use your regression tests to make sure you aren't breaking anything.
I normally start with a verbatim copy of their algorithms into the other language, and then work from there, regardless of if I do a lot of tests.
It is important to get a working copy first, in case the performance is really not an issue and you need to move on to other things and can come back later to make it faster.
This is your job. How you deal with this is what identifies you as a system developer.
Communicate with your colleagues. Draw and explain, have meetings, agree upon and set standards requirements, follow your plans and talk to your project manager. Make sure that your relevant colleagues are joining up on meetings. Have 1-1 talks etc etc
You cannot blame it on the mathematicians for developers creating bugs. It's their job to worry about implementation, not the mathematicians.

Minimum CompSci Knowledge Needed for Writing Desktop Apps

Having been a hobbyist programmer for 3 years (mainly Python and C) and never having written an application longer than 500 lines of code, I find myself faced with two choices :
(1) Learn the essentials of data structures and algorithm design so I can become a l33t computer scientist.
(2) Learn Qt, which would help me build projects I have been itching to build for a long time.
For learning (1), everyone seems to recommend reading CLRS. Unfortunately, reading CLRS would take me at least an year of study (or more, I'm not Peter Krumins). I also understand that to accomplish any moderately complex task using (2), I will need to understand at least the fundamentals of (1), which brings me to my question : assuming I use C++ as the programming language of choice, which parts of CLRS would give me sufficient knowledge of algorithms and data structures to work on large projects using (2)?
In other words, I need a list of theoretical CompSci topics absolutely essential for everyday application programming tasks. Also, I want to use CLRS as a handy reference, so I don't want to skip any material critical to understanding the later sections of the book.
Don't get me wrong here. Discrete math and the theoretical underpinnings of CompSci have been on my "TODO: URGENT" list for about 6 months now, but I just don't have enough time owing to college work. After a long time, I have 15 days off to do whatever the hell I like, and I want to spend these 15 days building applications I really want to build rather than sitting at my desk, pen and paper in hand, trying to write down the solution to a textbook problem.
(BTW, a less-math-more-code resource on algorithms will be highly appreciated. I'm just out of high school and my math is not at the level it should be.)
Thanks :)
This could be considered heresy, but the vast majority of application code does not require much understanding of algorithms and data structures. Most languages provide libraries which contain collection classes, searching and sorting algorithms, etc. You generally don't need to understand the theory behind how these work, just use them!
However, if you've never written anything longer than 500 lines, then there are a lot of things you DO need to learn, such as how to write your application's code so that it's flexible, maintainable, etc.
For a less-math, more code resource on algorithms than CLRS, check out Algorithms in a Nutshell. If you're going to be writing desktop applications, I don't consider CLRS to be required reading. If you're using C++ I think Sedgewick is a more appropriate choice.
Try some online comp sci courses. Berkeley has some, as does MIT. Software engineering radio is a great podcast also.
See these questions as well:
What are some good computer science resources for a blind programmer?
Heed the wisdom of Don and just do it. Can you define the features that you want your application to have? Can you break those features down into smaller tasks? Can you organize the code produced by those tasks into a coherent structure?
Of course you can. Identify any 'risky' areas (areas that you do not understand, e.g. something that requires more math than you know, or special algorithms you would have to research) and either find another solution, prototype a solution, or come back to SO and ask specific questions.
Moving from 500 loc to a real (eve if small) application it's not that easy.
As Don was pointing out, you'll need to learn a lot of things about code (flexibility, reuse, etc), you need to learn some very basic of configuration management as well (visual source safe, svn?)
But the main issue is that you need a way to don't be overwhelmed by your functiononalities/code pair. That it's not easy. What I can suggest you is to put in place something to 'automatically' test your code (even in a very basic way) via some regression tests. Otherwise it's going to be hard.
As you can see I think it's no related at all to data structure, algorithms or whatever.
Good luck and let us know
I must say that sitting down with a dry old textbook and reading it through is not the way to learn how to do anything effectively, even if you are making notes. Doing it is the best way to learn, using the textbooks as a reference. Indeed, using sites like this as a reference.
As for data structures - learn which one is good for whatever situation you envision: Sets (sorted and unsorted), Lists (ArrayList, LinkedList), Maps (HashMap, TreeMap). Complexity of doing basic operations - adding, removing, searching, sorting, etc. That will help you to select an appropriate library data structure to use in your application.
And also make sure you're reasonably warm with MVC - i.e., ensure your model is separate from your view (the QT front-end) as best as possible. Best would be to have the model and algorithms working on their own, and then put the GUI on top. Or a unit test on top. Etc...
Good luck!
It's like saying you want to move to France, so should you learn french from a book, and what are the essential words - or should you just go to France and find out which words you need to know from experience and from copying the locals.
Writing code is part of learning computer science. I was writing code long before I'd even heard of the term, and lots of people were writing code before the term was invented.
Besides, you say you're itching to write certain applications. That can't be taught, so just go ahead and do it. Some things you only learn by doing.
(The theoretical foundations will just give you a deeper understanding of what you wind up doing anyway, which will mainly be copying other people's approaches. The only caveat is that in some cases the theoretical stuff will tell you what's futile to attempt - e.g. if one of your itches is to solve an NP complete problem, you probably won't succeed :-)
I would say the practical aspects of coding are more important. In particular, source control is vital if you don't use that already. I like bzr as an easy to set up and use system, though GUI support isn't as mature as it could be.
I'd then move on to one or both of the classics about the craft of coding, namely
The Pragmatic Programmer
Code Complete 2
You could also check out the list of recommended books on Stack Overflow.

Have you ever used a genetic algorithm in real-world applications?

I was wondering how common it is to find genetic algorithm approaches in commercial code.
It always seemed to me that some kinds of schedulers could benefit from a GA engine, as a supplement to the main algorithm.
Genetic Algorithms have been widely used commercially. Optimizing train routing was an early application. More recently fighter planes have used GAs to optimize wing designs. I have used GAs extensively at work to generate solutions to problems that have an extremely large search space.
Many problems are unlikely to benefit from GAs. I disagree with Thomas that they are too hard to understand. A GA is actually very simple. We found that there is a huge amount of knowledge to be gained from optimizing the GA to a particular problem that might be difficult and as always managing large amounts of parallel computation continue to be a problem for many programmers.
A problem that would benefit from a GA is going to have the following characteristics:
A good way to encode potential solutions
A way to compute an a numerical score to evaluate the quality of the solution
A large multi-dimensional search space where the answer is non-obvious
A good solution is good enough and a perfect solution is not required
There are many problems that could probably benefit from GAs and in the future they will probably be more widely deployed. I believe that GAs are used in cutting edge engineering more than people think however most people (like my company does) guards those secrets extremely closely. It is only long after the fact that it is revealed that GAs were used.
Most people that deal with "normal" applications probably don't have much use for them though.
If you want to find an example, look at Postgres's Query Planner. It uses many techniques, and one just so happens to be genetic.
I used GA in my Master's thesis, but after that I haven't found anything in my daily work a GA could solve that I couldn't solve faster with some other Algorithm.
I don't think it is particularly common to find genetic algorithms in everyday-commercial code. They are more commonly found in academic/research code where the need to find the "best algorithm" is less important than the need to just find a good solution to a problem.
Nonetheless, I have consulted on a couple of commercial projects that do use GAs (chiefly as a result of my involvement with GAUL). I think the most interesting example was at a Biotech company. They used the GA to optimise scoring functions that were used for virtual screening, as part of their drug discovery application.
Earlier this year, with my current company, I added a new feature to one of our products that uses another GA. I think we might be marketing this from next month. Basically, the GA is used to explore molecules that have the potential for binding to a protein, and could therefore be further investigated as drugs targeting that protein. A competing product that also uses a GA is EA inventor.
As part of my thesis I wrote a generic java framework for the multi-objective optimisation algorithm mPOEMS (Multiobjective prototype optimization with evolved improvement steps), which is a GA using evolutionary concepts. It is generic in a way that all problem-independent parts have been separated from the problem-dependent parts, and an interface is povided to use the framework with only adding the problem-dependent parts. Thus one who wants to use the algorithm does not have to begin from zero, and it facilitates work a lot.
You can find the code here.
The solutions which you can find with this algorithm have been compared in a scientific work with state-of-the-art algorithms SPEA-2 and NSGA, and it has been proven that
the algorithm performes comparable or even better, depending on the metrics you take to measure the performance, and especially depending on the optimization-problem you are looking on.
You can find it here.
Also as part of my thesis and proof of work I applied this framework to the project selection problem found in portfolio management. It is about selecting the projects which add the most value to the company, support most the strategy of the company or support any other arbitrary goal. E.g. selection of a certain number of projects from a specific category, or maximization of project synergies, ...
My thesis which applies this framework to the project selection problem:
After that I worked in a portfolio management department in one of the fortune 500, where they used a commercial software which also applied a GA to the project selection problem / portfolio optimization.
Further resources:
The documentation of the framework:
mPOEMS presentation paper:
Actually with a bit of enthusiasm everybody could easily adapt the code of the generic framework to an arbitrary multi-objective optimisation problem.
I haven't but I've heard of this company (can't remember their name) which uses mutating, genetic algos to calculate placements and lengths of antennas (or something) from a friend of mine. And they're supposed to (according to my friend) have huge success with this. I guess GA is just too complex for "average Joe developer" to become mainstream. Kind of like Map Reduce - spectacularly cool, but WAY too advanced to hit the "mainstream"...
LibreOffice Calc uses it in its Solver module.
