Bash - reading two files and searching within files - bash

I have two files, file1 and file2. I want to reach each line from file1, and then search if any of the lines in file2 is present in file1. I am using the following bash script, but it does not seem to be working. What should I change? (I am new to bash scripting).
while read line1
echo $line1
while read line2
if grep -Fxq "line2" "$1"
echo "found"
done < "$2"
done < "$1"
Note: Both files are text files.

Use grep -f
grep -f file_with_search_words file_with_content
Note however that if file_with_search_words contains blank lines everything will be matched. But that can be easily avoided with:
grep -f <(sed '/^$/d' file_with_search_words) file_with_content
From the man page:
-f FILE, --file=FILE
Obtain patterns from FILE, one per line. If this option is used
multiple times or is combined with the -e (--regexp) option, search
for all patterns given. The empty file contains zero patterns, and
therefore matches nothing.

You may use the command "comm", it compare two sorted files line-by-line
This command show the common lines in file1 and file2
comm -12 file1 file2
The only problem with this command is that you have to sort the files before, like this:
sort file1 > file1sorted

File 1
Line 1
Line 3
Line 6
Line 9
File 2
Line 3
Line 6
awk 'NR==FNR{con[$0];next} $0 in con{print $0}' file1 file2
will give you
Line 3
Line 6
that is the content in file 2 which is present in file1.
If you wish to ignore the spaces you can achieve with the below one.
awk 'NR==FNR{con[$0];next} !/^$/{$0 in con;print $0}' file1 file2


replace different text in different lines using sed

I need to do the following:
I have two files, the first one contains only the lines that are going to be modified:
and the second contains the text that is going to be replaced in original file (final_output.txt)
the original file is
wire1: 0x'd318
wire2: 0x'd415
wire3: 0x'd362
I want to get the following:
wire1: 0x13e
wire2: 0x19f
wire3: 0x16a
This is only a part of final_output.txt, because the file can contain at least 100 lines, and I pretend to do it using for, but I don't know how to implement it
awk to the rescue!
assuming the part after the single quote will be replaced.
$ awk -v q="'" 'NR==FNR {a[$1]=$2;next}
FNR in a {sub(q".*",a[FNR])}1' <(paste index rep) file
index is the index file, rep is the replacement file, and file is the original data file.
Another solution where file1 contains only the lines, file2 contains the text that is going to be replaced in original file and final_output.txt contains your original text.
for ((i=1;i<=$(wc -l < file1);i++)); do sed -i "$(sed -n "${i}p" file1)s#$(sed -n "$(sed -n "${i}p" file1)p" final_output.txt | grep -oP "'.*")#$(sed -n "${i}p" file2)#g" final_output.txt; done
darby#Debian:~/Scrivania$ cat final_output.txt
wire1: 0x13e
wire2: 0x19f
wire3: 0x16a

How to grep file by another file's line using bash

The file1 store Sentence want to grep,Here 's content file1
.|||anymore .
,|||because the
.|||because the
The problem is it contain space in some sentence , and the target file2 contain the space too, how can I search all file2 content to know whether file2 has these sentence which in file1 or not
If found it output grep result to anther file(append) ,If no found output a file to keep it
Try this-
while IFS= read -r i; do #Reading the file line by line and saving lines in $i.
grep "$i" file2 >> output #Grepping the line in the second file and outputting.
done < file1
Your question needs to be edited to give some more details though.

grep matching specific position in lines using words from other file

I have 2 file
whose each line contains fields at fixed positions, for example, position 13 - 17 is for account_id
which contains a list of account_ids.
In Korn Shell, I want to print lines from file1 whose position 13 - 17 match one of account_id in file2.
I can't do
grep -f file2 file1
because account_id in file2 can match other fields at other positions.
I have tried using pattern in file2:
but did not work.
Using awk
$ awk 'NR==FNR{a[$1]=1;next;} substr($0,13,5) in a' file2 file1
How it works
FNR is the number of lines read so far from the current file and NR is the total number of lines read so far. Thus, if FNR==NR, we are reading the first file which is file2.
Each ID in in file2 is saved in array a. Then, we skip the rest of the commands and jump to the next line.
substr($0,13,5) in a
If we reach this command, we are working on the second file, file1.
This condition is true if the 5 character long substring that starts at position 13 is in array a. If the condition is true, then awk performs the default action which is to print the line.
Using grep
You mentioned trying
grep '^.{12}98765.*' file2
That uses extended regex syntax which means that -E is required. Also, there is no value in matching .* at the end: it will always match. Thus, try:
$ grep -E '^.{12}98765' file1
To get both lines:
$ grep -E '^.{12}[89]8765' file1
This works because [89]8765 just happens to match the IDs of interest in file2. The awk solution, of course, provides more flexibility in what IDs to match.
Using sed with extended regex:
sed -r 's#.*#/^.{12}&/p#' file2 |sed -nr -f- file1
Using Basic regex:
sed 's#.*#/^.\\{12\\}&/p#' file1 |sed -n -f- file
sed -r 's#.*#/^.{12}&/p#' file2
will generate an output:
which is then used as a sed script for the next sed after pipe, which outputs:
Using Grep
The most convenient is to put each alternative in a separate line of the file.
You can look at this question:
grep multiple patterns single file argument list too long

How to fill empty lines from one file with corresponding lines from another file, in BASH?

I have two files, file1.txt and file2.txt. Each has an identical number of lines, but some of the lines in file1.txt are empty. This is easiest to see when the content of the two files is displayed in parallel:
file1.txt file2.txt
cat bear
fish eagle
spider leopard
catfish rainbow trout
rabbit fish
I need to assemble these files together, such that the empty lines in file1.txt are filled with the data found in the lines (of the same line number) from file2.txt. The result in file3.txt would look like this:
The best I can do so far, is create a while read -r line loop, create a counter that counts how many times the while loop has looped, then use an if-conditional to check if $line is empty, then use cut to obtain the line number from file2.txt according to the number on the counter. This method seems really inefficient.
Sometimes file2.txt might contain some empty lines. If file1.txt has an empty line and file2.txt also has an empty line in the same place, the result is an empty line in file3.txt.
How can I fill the empty lines in one file with corresponding lines from another file?
paste file1.txt file2.txt | awk -F '\t' '$1 { print $1 ; next } { print $2 }'
Here is the way to handle these files with awk:
awk 'FNR==NR {a[NR]=$0;next} {print (NF?$0:a[FNR])}' file2 file1
First it store every data of the file2 in array a using record number as index
Then it prints file1, bit it thest if file1 contains data for each record
If there is data for this record, then use it, if not get one from file2
One with getline (harmless in this case) :
awk '{getline p<f; print NF?$0:p; p=x}' f=file2 file1
Just for fun:
paste file1.txt file2.txt | sed -E 's/^ //g' | cut -f1
This deletes tabs that are at the beginning of a line (those missing from file1) and then takes the first column.
(For OSX, \t doesn't work in sed, so to get the TAB character, you type ctrl-V then Tab)
a solution without awk :
paste -d"#" file1 file2 | sed 's/^#\(.*\)/\1/' | cut -d"#" -f1
Here is a Bash only solution.
for i in 1 2; do
while read line; do
if [ $i -eq 1 ]; then
done < file${i}.txt
for r in ${!arr1[#]}; do
if [[ -n ${arr1[$r]} ]]; then
echo ${arr1[$r]}
echo ${arr2[$r]}
done > file3.txt

Unix: One line bash command to merge 3 files together. extracting only the first line of each

I am having time with my syntax here:
I have 3 files with various content file1 file2 file3 (100+ lines). I am trying to merge them together, but only the first line of each file should be merged. The point is to do it using one line of bash code:
sed -n 1p file1 file2 file3 returns only the first line of file1
You might want to try
head -n1 -q file1 file2 file3.
It's not clear if by merge you mean concatenate or join?
In awk by joining (each first line in the files printed side by side):
$ awk 'FNR==1{printf "%s ",$0}' file1 file2 file3
1 2 3
In awk by concatenating (each first line in the files printed one after another):
$ awk 'FNR==1' file1 file2 file3
I suggest you use head as explained by themel's answer. However, if you insist in using sed you cannot simply pass all files to it, since they are implicitly concatenated and you lose information about what the first line is in each file respectively. So, if you really want to do it in sed, you need bash to help you out:
for f in file1 file2 file3; do sed -n 1p "$f"; done
You can avoid calling external processes by using the read built-in command:
for f in file1 file2 file3; do read l < $f; echo "$l"; done > merged.txt
