Can't execute "mvn clean package" task in GO CD - maven

I have setup a "Hello World" pipeline with one task mvn clean package in Go CD. I have registered an agent with Java and Maven up and running.
When I trigger the pipeline, the job fails:
12:05:08.655 [go] Start to execute task: <exec command="mvn" > <arg>clean package</arg> </exec>.
12:05:08.660 Error happened while attempting to execute 'mvn clean package'. Please make sure [mvn] can be executed on this agent.
If I execute mvn clean package in my agent, everything works. What is happening? Is there a place where I can see more specific logs?

Instead of running the following:
mvn clean package
try to use
mvn clean package

I struggled with the same issue and figured out a solution which worked for me. Maybe, it will help you.
In the command prompt of your agent enter echo $PATH
This will show all your path variables. Copy all of them.
Now, in the GUI of your server, choose the configuration of your
pipeline and add a PATH variable with the copied variables.

You can use:


Multiple maven install commands in Linux

I am running an azure pipeline for a maven project which has windows commands for maven installation, by calling multiple methods i.e.,
call mvn ... clean install
call mvn ... clean package (authentication)
call mvn ... clean package (restapi)
The build environment is linux Hence I am converting all the commands in the batch file to sh commands. For maven installation I initially added a maven installation task by mentioning the path and commands in the task. This failed.
So I am currently changing the windows commands to sh commands. The other commands except for maven installation have been converted using a batch to sh commands reference article.
Could some one guide me to convert the above mentioned installation commands to sh commands?
If the Apache Maven has been installed and added to the system path on the agent machine where your pipeline runs, you can just try directly calling the mvn command in the bash script, like you call it on Windows.
For example:
mvn ... clean install
mvn ... clean package (authentication)
mvn ... clean package (restapi)
Before you execute the bash script in the pipeline, you firstly should try and debug it on your local machine to make sure it can work as expected on the local machine. Then move the bash script to the pipeline on Azure DevOps.
If the bash script runs failed in the pipeline, for us to investigate this issue further, please share us with the complete debug logs of the failed pipeline run. To get the debug logs, you need to set the pipeline variable System.Debug to true, then trigger the pipeline.

Error happened while attempting to execute 'mvn clean package' in Go CD

I have setup a pipeline with one task mvn clean package in Go CD. I have registered an agent with Java and Maven up and running. When I trigger the pipeline, the job fails:
[go] Task: mvn clean package took: 0.14s
Error happened while attempting to execute 'mvn clean package'.
Please make sure [mvn] can be executed on this agent.
[Debug Information] Environment variable PATH: /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk/bin
I have tried all solutions provided on the below post-but nothing works
Can't execute "mvn clean package" task in GO CD
I encountered the same problem,
If i execute
docker exec -it gocd-agent bash
and execute mvn --version,will not tip me error
but if i execute
docker exec -it gocd-agent sh,will tip me "mvn: command not found"
so i feel the problem is bash and sh 'difference.
Try this.
Run whereis mvn on your agent then copy the path where mvn is installed and use it as the command in GoCD.
For me it was like this:

Maven project execute without ide

I do a selenium test using Maven. I have more than 20 test classes. How do I export and run them without ide ?
I am also using the POM structure.
Simply open terminal/cmd, navigate to you project directory and use maven command:
mvn clean test
clean — delete target directory
test — run tests
If you want to specify which exactly class you want to run (no all like above) you can run a -Dtest parameter like suggested:
mvn clean -Dtest=testClass install
First navigate to folder where your project's pom.xml is located.
cd DirectoryWherePOMisLocated
then execute below command,
mvn clean -Dtest=classNameWhichYouWantToExecute install
If you want to execute multiple classes just separate them with , in -Dtest argument.
Hope this helps!!

Maven cucumber.options argument usage in Teamcity

I have a test automation framework and I am able to run my tests from maven command line with the following without any error:
mvn clean test -Pdev -Dserver="remote" -Dbrowser="ie" -Dcucumber.options="--tags #test"
I try to integrate it to teamcity but there are some problem with the arguments.
My config in Build Step:Maven:
Goals: clean test
path to pom file: is correct
Additional maven Command Line Parameters:
"-Dcucumber.options=--tags #test"
When I start the job, the test has been started but never ends, just it runs continuously and the job is stucked.
Any idea why? I'm pretty sure, cucumber.options arguments syntax is wrong, but without quotes it doesn't work at all. Please note, locally everything is working fine, there is no any error in arguments/maven profile etc.
If your TeamCity instance is running on Windows, the below syntax for defining Cucumber Options in the Additional Maven Command Line Parameters should work:
"-Dcucumber.options= --tags #test"
Not sure if it matters, but notice I have a space in between the = character and --tags

Executing maven compile commands from bash sequentially

I'm trying to build a project with Maven sequentially, with no success.
I tried put the following lines in a script file and called it from bash.
mvn -f ./cmroad-api/pom.xml clean install corona:package -Ddebug=false
mvn -f ./cmroad-impl/pom.xml clean install corona:package -Ddebug=false
The first command runs but the build does not call the second command. I tried putting the ; like:
mvn -f ./cmroad-api/pom.xml clean install corona:package -Ddebug=false; mvn -f ./cmroad-impl/pom.xml clean install corona:package -Ddebug=false.
The output was:
[ERROR] Unknown lifecycle phase "mvn". You must specify a valid lifecycle phase or a goal in the format <plugin-prefix>:<goal> or <plugin-group-id>:<plugin-artifact-id>[:<plugin-version>]:<goal>.
I would be most thankful for any help.
[ERROR] Unknown lifecycle phase "mvn".
This is the error you would get on typing mvn mvn; your script has two mvns on the same line, presumably because something is wrong with your line endings.
Start with a simple script:
echo A
echo B
and get that working before moving on to Maven. The commands you specify should work when placed in a correctly prepared script. (Although, as khmarbaise says, your project is wrong if you need to build in this order.)
