Drag and drop function swift OSX - xcode

This is a bit complex but I hope that someone can help me.
I am trying to build a drag and drop function for my OSX application.
This is how it is looking at the moment.
So there is just a single textfield which the user can drag and drop around the view. It is simple enough with just one textfield but if there are several textfields it is getting complicated and I don't know how to approach.
This is what I currently have:
#IBOutlet weak var test: NSTextField!
#IBAction override func mouseDragged(theEvent: NSEvent) {
var event_location = theEvent.locationInWindow
test.frame.origin.x = event_location.x - 192
test.frame.origin.y = event_location.y
Test is the name of my NSTextField. I know the name of it so it is simple to move it arround. But if the user adds more textfields (see on the left pane) then I don't know how to address this textfield because I have no name of it (like "test" for the first input).
I am adding the textfields via this code:
let input = NSTextField(frame: CGRectMake(width, height, 100, 22))
How can I determine which textfield (if there are multiple on the view) was selected and then move the appropriate via drag and drop?
The drag and drop is working for that single static textfield

I have prepared a sample app, so consider this:
The idea is to introduce SelectableTextField which inherits NSTextField. SelectableTextField provides facility for subscription of interested listener on text field selection event. It has didSelectCallback block variable, where you need to set you handling code. Something like this:
textField.didSelectCallback = { (textField) in
//this peace of code will be performed once mouse down event
//was detected on the text field
self.currentTextField = textField
By using mentioned callback mechanism, once text field selected, we can store it in currentTextField variable. So that when mouseDragged function of ViewController is called we are aware of currentTextField and we can handle it appropriatelly. In case of sample app we need adjust currentTextField origin according drag event shift. Hope it became better now.
P.S. NSTextField is opened for inheriting from it, so you can freely use our SelectableTextField everywhere where you use NSTextField, including Interface Builder.
I have checked out your sample. Unfortuantly I am not able to commit /create pull request into you repository, so find my suggestion here:
override func viewDidLoad() {
didButtonSelectCallback = { (button) in
if let currentButton = self.currentButton {
currentButton.highlighted = !currentButton.highlighted
if currentButton == button {
self.currentButton = nil
} else {
self.currentButton = button
} else {
self.currentButton = button
button.highlighted = !button.highlighted
didButtonSelectCallback(button: addButtonAtRandomePlace())
override func mouseDragged(theEvent: NSEvent) {
guard let button = currentButton else {
button.frame.origin.x += theEvent.deltaX
button.frame.origin.y -= theEvent.deltaY
private func addButtonAtRandomePlace() -> SelectableButton {
let viewWidth = self.view.bounds.size.width
let viewHeight = self.view.bounds.size.height
let x = CGFloat(rand() % Int32((viewWidth - ButtonWidth)))
let y = CGFloat(rand() % Int32((viewHeight - ButtonHeight)))
let button = SelectableButton(frame: CGRectMake(x, y, ButtonWidth, ButtonHeight))
button.alignment = NSCenterTextAlignment
button.bezelStyle = NSBezelStyle.RoundedBezelStyle
button.didSelectCallback = didButtonSelectCallback
return button


How to drag and drop rows in NSTableView in Mac

I have struck with one point i.e now I have got a list of data using NSTableView but what my requirement is, able to drag and drop that rows from one row position to another row position. please give any suggestion for get out this problem. Thanks in advance.
My sample code
Within your NSTableViewDataSource subclass implement WriteRows, ValidateDrop and AcceptDrop and register which Drag/Drop targets your NSTableView accepts. In this case you are only accepting Drops from within your own NSTableView.
Assign a name that will be used for valid drag operations on this NSTableView:
// Any name can be registered, I find using the class name
// of the items in the datasource is cleaner than a const string
string DragDropType = typeof(Product).FullName;
Register the drag types for your NSTableView:
ProductTable.RegisterForDraggedTypes(new string[] { DragDropType });
Implement drag/drop methods on your NSTableViewDataSource:
public override bool WriteRows(NSTableView tableView, NSIndexSet rowIndexes, NSPasteboard pboard)
var data = NSKeyedArchiver.ArchivedDataWithRootObject(rowIndexes);
pboard.DeclareTypes(new string[] { DragDropType }, this);
pboard.SetDataForType(data, DragDropType);
return true;
public override NSDragOperation ValidateDrop(NSTableView tableView, NSDraggingInfo info, nint row, NSTableViewDropOperation dropOperation)
tableView.SetDropRowDropOperation(row, dropOperation);
return NSDragOperation.Move;
public override bool AcceptDrop(NSTableView tableView, NSDraggingInfo info, nint row, NSTableViewDropOperation dropOperation)
var rowData = info.DraggingPasteboard.GetDataForType(DragDropType);
if (rowData == null)
return false;
var dataArray = NSKeyedUnarchiver.UnarchiveObject(rowData) as NSIndexSet;
// Move hack for this example... you need to handle the complete NSIndexSet
var tmpProduct = Products[(int)dataArray.FirstIndex];
if (Products.Count == row - 1)
Products.Insert((int)row - 1 , tmpProduct);
Products.Insert((int)row, tmpProduct);
return true;

Valid way to hide QLPreviewController RightBarButtonItem/RightBarButtonItems Xamarin iOS

My app supports iOS8+ devices. I want to hide right Action button from navigation bar. By research I found following few workarounds:
1. Create Sub class of QLPreviewController and in ViewDidAppear SetRightBarButtonItems to zero.
public class PdfViewController : QLPreviewController
public override void ViewDidAppear (bool animated)
base.ViewDidAppear (animated);
NavigationItem.SetRightBarButtonItems (new UIKit.UIBarButtonItem[0], false);
In this case problem is RightBarButtonItem appears and then disappears. In mean while user is able to click on that RightBarButtonItem button. I don't want this behavior.
2. Create UIViewController and add QLPreviewController as child ViewController.
void BtnShowPdf_Clicked (object sender, EventArgs e) {
var dummyVC = new UIViewController ();
var pdfVC = new PdfViewController ();
dummyVC.AddChildViewController (pdfVC);
dummyVC.View.AddSubview (pdfVC.View);
dummyVC.NavigationItem.SetRightBarButtonItems (new UIBarButtonItem[0], false);
dummyVC.EdgesForExtendedLayout = UIRectEdge.None;
dummyVC.AutomaticallyAdjustsScrollViewInsets = false;
dummyVC.View.BackgroundColor = UIColor.Clear;
pdfVC.EdgesForExtendedLayout = UIRectEdge.None;
pdfVC.AutomaticallyAdjustsScrollViewInsets = false;
pdfVC.View.BackgroundColor = UIColor.Clear;
In this case If I set QLPreviewController it works as expected. But NavigationBar becomes more darker than default ViewController background color.
Dark Bar:
Needed clear background bar like:
My questions are:
A) I would like to know which is the correct way to hide right
navigation bar button as per Apple guidelines ? If you have correct
solution then those are also appreciated.
B) Also Can you please suggest solution(s) for #1 Or #2 ?
Pretty sure you can do this:
override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool)
self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItems = nil

How to hide a TabBarItem in Xamarin iOS

I have a Storyboard with a TabBarController and six subviews as Tabs. The TabBarController and each Tab has a Controller Class assigned.
The content of some tabs is loaded from a server. In some cases there is no content for a tab and for this case I want to hide the TabBarItem.
I've tried (just for testing)
this.TabBarController.TabBar.Items [0].Enabled = false;
but it doesn't work.
How can I hide a single TabBarItems? I've searched Google, StackOverflow and the Xamarin Forum but found no solution for my problem.
The only solution I've found was to remove the subview from the subviews-array, but in this case I cannot simply "reactivate" the tab if I want to show the tab again.
In case of UITabBar:
UITabBar sampleTabBar;
public override void ViewDidLoad ()
base.ViewDidLoad ();
// Perform any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
sampleTabBar = new UITabBar ();
sampleTabBar.Frame = new CoreGraphics.CGRect (10f, 64f, this.View.Frame.Width - 10, 50f);
var tabBarItem = new UITabBarItem ("TAB BAR ITEM", null, 4);
sampleTabBar.Items = new UITabBarItem[]{ tabBarItem };
sampleTabBar.ItemSelected += (sender, e) => {
Console.WriteLine ("tab bar button item slected");
//Disable Tab Bar item here
tabBarItem.Enabled = false;
tabBarItem.Title = "Disabled now";
this.View.AddSubview (sampleTabBar);
tabBarItem.Image property also can be used for getting the result.
1) Set a placeholder image as default.
2) Populate images from array/source to uibarButtonItem.
3) Use placeholder image wherever need to hide uibarbuttonitem.
I think if you want to completely hide the UITabbarItem you will need to remove the UIViewController from the UITabbarController like so:
var tbViewControllers = new List<UIViewController> (TabBarController.ViewControllers);
tbViewControllers.RemoveAt (2); // remove whatever index you need.
TabBarController.ViewControllers = tbViewControllers.ToArray ();
but you will need to keep a reference to all the UIViewControllers you want and add it back in like so:
var tbViewControllers = new List<UIViewController> (TabBarController.ViewControllers);
tbViewControllers.Insert (2, new RemvoedViewController());
TabBarController.ViewControllers = tbViewControllers.ToArray ();

How to change the behavior of cancelbutton in the NSSearchField?

In Finder , i find that the cancel button disappear when the NSSearchfield get focus first time,but when i input something to the searchfield,the cancel button is there all the time unless i click it.I also create a nssearchfield manully and input some words.However,when I delete the word one by one until nothing,at last,the cancel button disappear.It looks like the default behavior of the nssearchfield,so how can i change the default behavior?
please help,thank you!
You can access the cancel button directly:
let searchField = NSSearchField()
// Change the button:
if let cell = searchField.cell as? NSSearchFieldCell,
let cancelButton = cell.cancelButtonCell {
// Here you can access all properties of a NSButtonCell
// Hide the button:
searchField.cell?.cancelButtonCell = nil
Objective C
NSSearchField* searchField = [NSSearchField new]
// Change the button:
NSSearchFieldCell* cell = searchField.cell
NSButtonCell* cancelButton = cell.cancelButtonCell
if (cancelButton) {
// Here you can access all properties of a NSButtonCell
// Hide the button:
searchField.cell.cancelButtonCell = nil

Making an NSTableView behave like a WPF StackPanel

I'm trying to implement a vertical StackPanel equivalent in my MonoMac project and am having trouble figuring it out. I am not using interface builder but creating the controls programmatically (this is a restriction). I tried using a CollectionView but all items in that control are sizing to the same height.
Looking around the internet, it seems NSTableView is the way to go, but I'm not sure how to do it, especially with C# while using a MonoMac target. CollectionView was somewhat more straightforward with the CollectionViewItem.ItemPrototype allowing me to create the views I want to render. But with an NSTableView, it seems like I can only specify a data source that returns the NSObjects I want to display. How do I grab this data and then bind them to the view I want to stick in there?
I would prefer C# code but I'm at a stage where I'll accept any and all help!
I was finally able to get it working. Here is some code for anyone who wants to try it out. Basically, we need to write NSTableViewDelegates for the required functions. This implementation also doesn't cache the controls or anything. The Cocoa API documentation mentioned using an identifier to reuse the control, or something, but the identifier field is get-only in MonoMac.
I also ended up implementing my NSTableViewDelegate functions in my data-source itself which I am sure is not kosher at all, but I'm not sure what the best practice is.
Here's the data source class:
class MyTableViewDataSource : NSTableViewDataSource
private NSObject[] _data;
// I'm coming from an NSCollectionView, so my data is already in this format
public MyTableViewDataSource(NSObject[] data)
_data = data;
public override int GetRowCount(NSTableView tableView)
return _data.Length;
#region NSTableViewDelegate Methods
public NSView GetViewForItem(NSTableView tableView, NSTableColumn tableColumn, int row)
// MyViewClass extends NSView
MyViewClass result = tableView.MakeView("MyView", this) as MyViewClass;
if (result == null)
result = new MyViewClass(_data[row]);
result.Frame = new RectangleF(0, 0, tableView.Frame.Width, 100); // height doesn't matter since that is managed by GetRowHeight
result.NeedsDisplay = true;
// result.Identifier = "MyView"; // this line doesn't work because Identifier only has a getter
return result;
public float GetRowHeight(NSTableView tableView, int row)
float height = FigureOutHeightFromData(_data[row]); // run whatever algorithm you need to get the row's height
return height;
And here's the snippet that programmatically creates the table:
var tableView = new NSTableView();
var dataSource = new MyTableViewDataSource();
tableView.DataSource = dataSource;
tableView.HeaderView = null; // get rid of header row
tableView.GetViewForItem = dataSource.GetViewForItem;
tableView.GetRowHeight = dataSource.GetRowHeight;
So, it is not a perfect StackPanel because one needs to manually calculate row heights, but it's better than nothing.
