BASH - Delete specific lines - bash

I need to remove every line that has value like SUPMA in the 4th column.
My data looks like this:
In this example, I want to keep the 3th and 5th lines.
How can i do this in bash script? Can i use AWK?

awk -F";" '$4!="SUPMA"' yourfile.txt
Here awk splits the records by semicolon, then tests the 4th position for SUPMA. By default, if that condition passes, it will print the line.

awk -F\; '$4 !~/SUPMA/' file


How could I put these lines in range format?

I have a text file with 826,838 lines. Text file looks like this (sorry, couldn't get the image uploader to work).
I'm using sed (sed -n '2p;$p') to print the second and last line but can't figure out how to put the lines in range format.
Current output:
1 3008.00 7380.00 497724.00 3158482.00 497724.00 3158482.00
826838 4744.00 7409.00 480729.00 3207718.00 480729.00 3207718.00
Desired output:
1-826838 3008.00-4744.00 7380.00-7409.00 497724.00-480729.00 3158482.00-3207718.00 497724.00-480729.00 3158482.00-3207718.00
Thank you for your help!
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed -r '2H;$!d;H;x;:a;s/\n\s*(\S+)\s*(.*\n)\s*(\S+\s*)/\1-\3\n\2/;ta;P;d' file
Store line 2 and the last line in the hold space (HS). Following the last line, swap to the HS and then repeatedly move the first fields of the second and third lines to the first line. Finally print the first line only.
With single awk expression (will get the needed lines and make the needed ranges):
awk 'NR==2{ split($0,a) }END{ for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) printf("%s\t",a[i]"-"$i); print "" }' file
The output:
1-826838 3008.00-4744.00 7380.00-7409.00 497724.00-480729.00 3158482.00-3207718.00 497724.00-480729.00 3158482.00-3207718.00

How to transform a csv file having multiple delimiters using awk

Below is a sample data. Please note this operation is required to be done on files with millions of records hence I need the optimal method. Essentially we are looking to update 2nd column with concatenation of first two characters from 4th column and excluding first 3 fields ('_' delimited) of 2nd column.
I have been trying using cut and reading the file line by line which is very time consuming. I need something with awk something like
awk -F, '{print $1","substr($4,1,2)"_"cut -f4-6 -d'_'($2)","$3","$4","$5","$6}'
Input Data:
Output is required as:
You can use awk and printf for line re-formating
awk -F"[,_]" '{
printf "%s,%s_%s_%s_%s,%s,%s_%s,%s,%s\n", $1,$9,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$10,$11,$12
}' file
you get,

How to strip date in csv output using shell script?

I have a few csv extracts that I am trying to fix up the date on, they are as follows:
"Time Stamp","DBUID"
The first column is always the "Time Stamp", I would like to convert this so it only keeps the date "2016-11-25" and drops the "T08:28:33.000-8:00".
The end result would be..
"Time Stamp","DBUID"
There are plenty of files with different dates.
Is there a way to do this in ksh? Some kind of for each loop to loop through all the files and replace the long time-stamp and leave just the date?
Use sed:
$ sed '2,$s/T[^,]*//' file
"Time Stamp","DBUID"
How it works:
2,$ # Skip header (first line) removing this will make a
# replacement on the first line as well.
s/T[^,]*// # Replace everything between T (inclusive) and , (exclusive)
# `[^,]*' Matches everything but `,' zero or more times
Here's one solution using a standard aix utility,
awk -F, -v OFS=, 'NR>1{sub(/T.*$/,"",$1)}1' file > file.cln && mv file.cln file
"Time Stamp","DBUID"
(but I no longer have access to an aix environment, so only tested with my local awk).
NR>1 skips the header line, and the sub() is limited to only the first field (up to the first comma). The trailing 1 char is awk shorthand for {print $0}.
If your data layout changes and you get extra commas in your data, this may required fixing.
Using sed:
sed -i "s/\([0-9]\{4\}\)-\([0-9]\{2\}\)-\([0-9]\{2\}\).*,/\1-\2-\3,/" file.csv
"Time Stamp","DBUID"
-i edit files inplace
s substitute
This is a perfect job for awk, but unlike the previous answer, I recommend using the substring function.
awk -F, 'NR > 1{$1 = substr($1,1,10)} {print $0}' file.txt
-F,: The -F flag sets a field separator, in this case a comma
NR > 1: Ignore the first row
$1: Refers to the first field
$1 = substr($1,1,10): Sets the first field to the first 10 characters of the field. In the example, this is the date portion
print $0: This will print the entire row

Replacing newlines with commas at every third occurrence using AWK?

For example: a given file has the following lines:
I'm trying to get the following output using awk:
Fairly simple. Use the output record separator as follows. Specify the comma delimiter when the line number is not divisible by 3 and the newline otherwise:
awk 'ORS=NR%3?",":"\n"' file
awk can handle this easily by manipulating ORS:
awk '{ORS=","} !(NR%3){ORS="\n"} 1' file
there is a tool for this kind of text processing pr
$ pr -3ats, file
You can also use xargs with sed to coalesce multiple lines into single lines, useful to know:
cat file|xargs -n3|sed 's/ /,/g'

I need to be able to print the largest record value from txt file using bash

I am new to bash programming and I hit a roadblock.
I need to be able to calculate the largest record number within a txt file and store that into a variable within a function.
Here is the text file:
12345,fName lName,Grade,email
64674,fName lName,Grade,email
86345,fName lName,Grade,email
I need to be able to get the largest record number ($1 or first field) in order for me to increment this unique record and add more records to the file. I seem to not be able to figure this one out.
First, I sort the file by the first field in descending order and then, perform this operation:
largest_record=$(awk-F,'NR==1{print $1}' student_records.txt)
echo $largest_record
This gives me the following error on the console:
awk-F,NR==1{print $1}: command not found
Any ideas? Also, any suggestions on how to accomplish this in the best way?
Thank you in advance.
largest=$(sort -r file|cut -d"," -f1|head -1)
You need spaces, and quotes
awk -F, 'NR==1{print $1}'
The command is awk, you need a space after it so bash parses your command line properly, otherwise it thinks the whole thing is the name of the command, which is what the error messages is telling you.
Learn how to use the man command so you can learn how to invoke other commands:
man awk
This will tell you what the -F option does:
The -F fs option defines the input field separator to be the regular expression fs.
So in your case the field separator is a comma -F,
What follows in quotes is what you want awk to interpret, it says to match a line with the pattern NR==1, NR is special, it is the record number, so you want it to match the first record, following that is the action you want awk to take when that pattern matches, {print $1}, which says to print the first field (comma separated) of the line.
A better way to accomplish this would be to use awk to find the largest record for you rather than sorting it first, this gives you a solution that is linear in the number for records - you just want the max, no need to do extra work of sorting the whole file:
awk -F, 'BEGIN {max = 0} {if ($1>max) max=$1} END {print max}' student_records.txt
For this and other awk "one liners" look here.
