DAO Design Pattern with Join - dao

I have a database where we do a lot of requests with join, like this :
My question is : how to apply this request using DAO pattern? Should I put it in, for example, DAOAOracle? Or should I create a new class DAOABOracle? What's the best practice?

The DAO pattern is not good with foreign key relationships.
You would need 2 DAO's and read each table separately. That solution could be fine if you don't need to read so many records that it is a performance problem.
You could create a DAO that is for select-only. It would execute the join sql as you have indicated. It would read it into a class that has both A and B columns.
An alternative to DAO's is to use and ORM library. Most ORM's can manage this kind of one-to-one or one-to-many relationships.


Run complex SQL Query with spring boot repositories

i have a little complex scenario using spring data and jpa currently.
My data structure is like:
And i like to create a filter: give me all events which belongs to a list of structures, within a given period and is assigned to a list of categories.
I was able to create a sample SQL statement:
select * from event e inner join period p on e.period_id=p.id
inner join category_item_ids ci on e.id=ci.item_ids
inner join category c on ci.category_id=c.id
inner join event_assignment_structure_ids es on es.event_assignment_id=e.id
where p.start between '2020-05-01 12:00:00.000000' and '2020-11-14 12:00:00.000000' and
c.id in (1) and
es.structure_ids in (1,2)
But my objects are currently not wired together by all the JPA annotations.
e.g. the "Same ID" is something i did by convention to make the parts a little more independend.
So using the JPA way is currently no option i guess due to the missing relations.
Introducing them will be also quite a lot of work.
So i was wondering if there is a possiblity to run the sql query directly (i could use native query, but thats also no option, cause the filter values are not always given, so i need 13 native queries)
I used enityManager and query Builder in the past, but thats also no option due to the missing jpa relations.
Any ideas are much welcome :-)

Querying multiple tables using jpa repository

Suppose if I have 3 entities - User, Skills, Department
and I have repositories corresponding to all of them - UserRepository, SkillRepository, DepartmentRepository.
I understand that the relation mapping between entities i.e. one-one many-many should be specified in the respective entity classes. The question is I want to use all of the 3 entities in a query. How would I do it? A single repository is associated with only one entity right? So, how/where would I write it?
As there are many different ways to specify queries with Spring Data JPA there are various answers to this.
Maybe you don't have to. If entity A references B and you just want to get the Bs with your A you simply use your ARepository to load As and use object navigation to get your Bs. You might read up on eager and lazy loading for more information about how to control this.
If you want referenced entities in the where condition you can use property paths in your query method names: https://docs.spring.io/spring-data/jpa/docs/current/reference/html/#repositories.query-methods.query-property-expressions
If you are using #Query annotations you can do (almost) whatever you want with JPQL. Among others, you may as well navigate properties to use them in where clauses.
In general, you'd put that query in the matching repository based on the primary entity returned.

Optimizing Hibernate layer

After moving the logic from a legacy application (SQL/coldfushion) to Spring Rest with Hibernate, we have experienced a slowness in the application. The main reason is with Hibernate we noticed many queries are generated which we used to do with one single query in the legacy application (two pages long query).
Write now, I'm looking at selecting proper fetch strategies and try to optimize code. Could you please give me any other areas that I need to investigate to optimize the Hibernate layer or any other sujjestions?
Try to use DTO not entities(you can load DTO directly from the database)
Review the loading strategy (Eager or Lazy)
Try to use Native Queries more
Try to use more parameters to restrict the result set
You also can leverage some caching technique (cache all static data)
Try to implement hashCode and equals for each entity
If you use, HQL queries, then add the 'join fetch', It avoids the n+1 query problems. For more information on join fetch
select a from Model a
inner join fetch a.b as b
Add 'indexes' for columns which are using in where condition.
e.g: Add index for the column 'name' which is used in where condition.
select a from Model a where a.name ='x'
Follow the below links:

Using referencing class field as filter in Spring Data Repository

Context: I have three models, Owner, Property and Community. Property has a reference to its Owner, and another one to the Community.
I need to make the following query: find all the owners in a community which meet some criteria (floor number, property letter, etc, all the fields of the criteria are inside the Property class)
Is there any way to implement this in a repository without creating a bidirectional relationship or writing a native query? Something like:
Set<Owners> findAllByCommunityAndProperty_floorNumberAndProperty_letter(Community community, Property property);
(I would need a bidirectional relationship to make the query above)
You can use a query like this
FROM Property p
INNER JOIN property.owners o
WHERE p. ...
See http://www.objectdb.com/java/jpa/query/jpql/from#INNER_JOIN_ for various examples of join syntax.
In Spring Data JPA you will probably use the #Query annotation to bind that query to a method.

When to use JOIN and when not to in LINQ to entities

I am new to Linq and I have seen that if there are multiple entities, some use the multiple FROM syntax like this:
from h in db.Hubs
from ch in h.CityHubs where ch.Cities.CityID == 1
and some use the explicity join syntax.
from h in db.Hubs
join ch in da.CityHubs on h.CityId equals ch.CityId
If I am using Linq to entities, which one should I use? If I were to use Linq to objects, which one should I use?
As a rule, in Entity Framework, if you have a proper model and properly set up navigation properties for foreign keys, you should almost never use join - instead you access your navigational property directly and EF will generate the necessary join in the SQL code for you. I recommend taking a look at #Craig Stuntz's blogpost regarding this issue.
Regarding Linq-to-objects, however, it depends on the particular query you are writing.
