Chat laravel 5 and notificaciones whit Whatsapp - laravel

I'm doing a system with laravel 5 and want have a method of notification alerts to phone mobile. I have read that I can do it with whatsapi but not as useful or good that is.
Any advice or recommendation?

You could do through push notifications, I would recommend you use this library to integrate to Laravel. You can send with push notification a payload with data for your app use it.


Can we replace Pusher with Google cloud messaging for push notification in laravel?

We are developing an app using Laravel 8.3 for back-end, our boss is forcing as to keep all of our (3dr pray services) as less as possible, so most of the services that we need can be provided by Google & firebase.
we have a real-time chat inside the app.
Now the question:
Can we replace Pusher with Google cloud messaging for push notification?
will the (online/offline) and (seen/read) be as good as pusher?
if yes, what driver to use inside the .env file?
Thank you

How make real time notification laravel with firebase?

I created laravel web about hospital i want to notified the user when the doctor upload file treatment i don't want use the pusher because expensive for me now any way to do with firebase it's better if now video or article showing me step by step AND how connect the icon when upload the user get notification
You can use the Notifications in Laravel, here is the documentation for the details:
I'm not sure what notification channel would you like to use, Firebase Cloud Messaging is not supported by default, but there is a 3rd party package for that:
You can find a lot of custom notification channels here:

Send message and files to whatsapp using laravel

How can I send WhatsApp message using laravel?
Please help me to find out with the environment setup.
wp::send('', ['user' => $seleteced_pic], function ($m)
Should it be this way?
In Laravel there are no build in ability to send messages via WhatsApp.
You will need to integrate with WhatsApp API or use third party serves.
The first google search give me this result.
One of the third party serves that simplify iteration with messaging serves.
But you could integrate with WhatsApp directly.

Sending web push notifications from Laravel

I have a website running Laravel in the back-end, where users can create reports for other users.
When the report is created I would like to send a push notification to recipient user's desktop.
Do I need to use services like Pusher, OneSignal?
Any useful site with examples would be appreciated.
Your question
You could use Pusher, Redis/, Pubnub, etc. Which one to use? well, this is more an opinion-based question.
These services broadcast events, then in your client apps (like your web front-end) you configure the client-side libraries of the service you choose to subscribe (to channels) and listen to those events. The documentation explains it better.
This is a tutorial published by the Pusher team.
This one
is a Laracasts series about this.
Just google.
There is a Laravel-specific alternative, a package created exclusively for Laravel:
Laravel WebSockets
This is the post talking about the package and its inner working.
This is the repo.
Here you have the documentation.
If you like to show Native Desktop notification then i would suggest Web Push notification. In this way once user subscribed to push notification ,they will get real time notification and does not need to be on your website.

Mobile Push notifications and realtime chat Using parse or pubnub in ionic app

I am planning to use ionic to to create a hybrid chat app. Which one should i use to implement push notification and realtime chat. Either parse or pubnub or both. can i just use pubnub to achieve both functionality?
Ionic has it´s own push notification service in alpha state. You should give it a try. Seems pretty awesome and easy to implement.
Personally I have built a chat app with firebase and it works out of the box. There is also a full tutorial how to implement it.
Parse is a great choice for push, but you can send push notifications using PubNub JavaScript APIs too.
I actually write a few tutorials on hybrid mobile chat apps (using Cordova), also tuts for push notifications with GCM and APNs:
I wrote a tut for for Android with GCM too, if you want to check out :-)
