Base64 Encode "string" - command-line Windows? - windows

I have found numerous ways to base64 encode whole files using the command-line on Windows, but I can't seem to find a simple way to batch encode just a "string" using a command-line utility.
How does one do this, for use in a batch file for example?

Here's a PowerShell one-liner you can run from a cmd console that'll Base64 encode a string.
powershell "[convert]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes(\"Hello world!\"))"
It's probably not as fast as npocmaka's solution, but you could set a console macro with it.
doskey btoa=powershell "[convert]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes(\"$*\"))"
doskey atob=powershell "[Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString([convert]::FromBase64String(\"$*\"))"
btoa Hello world!
btoa This is fun.
btoa wheeeeee!
atob SGVsbG8gd29ybGQh
Be advised that doskey doesn't work in batch scripts -- only the console. If you want do use this in a batch script, make a function.
#echo off
call :btoa b64[0] "Hello world!"
call :btoa b64[1] "This is fun."
call :btoa b64[2] "wheeeeee!"
call :atob b64[3] SGVsbG8gd29ybGQh
set b64
goto :EOF
:btoa <var_to_set> <str>
for /f "delims=" %%I in (
'powershell "[convert]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes(\"%~2\"))"'
) do set "%~1=%%I"
goto :EOF
:atob <var_to_set> <str>
for /f "delims=" %%I in (
'powershell "[Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString([convert]::FromBase64String(\"%~2\"))"'
) do set "%~1=%%I"
goto :EOF
Or if you'd prefer a batch + JScript hybrid:
#if (#CodeSection==#Batch) #then
#echo off & setlocal
call :btoa b64[0] "Hello world!"
call :btoa b64[1] "This is fun."
call :btoa b64[2] "wheeeeee!"
call :atob b64[3] SGVsbG8gd29ybGQh
set b64
goto :EOF
:btoa <var_to_set> <str>
:atob <var_to_set> <str>
for /f "delims=" %%I in ('cscript /nologo /e:JScript "%~f0" %0 "%~2"') do set "%~1=%%I"
goto :EOF
#end // end batch / begin JScript hybrid code
var htmlfile = WSH.CreateObject('htmlfile');
htmlfile.write('<meta http-equiv="x-ua-compatible" content="IE=10" />');
Edit: batch + VBScript hybrid for #Hackoo:
<!-- : batch portion
#echo off & setlocal
call :btoa b64[0] "Hello world!"
call :btoa b64[1] "This is fun."
call :btoa b64[2] "wheeeeee!"
call :atob b64[3] SGVsbG8gd29ybGQh
set b64
goto :EOF
:btoa <var_to_set> <str>
:atob <var_to_set> <str>
for /f "delims=" %%I in ('cscript /nologo "%~f0?.wsf" %0 "%~2"') do set "%~1=%%I"
goto :EOF
: VBScript -->
<script language="VBScript">
Set htmlfile = WSH.CreateObject("htmlfile")
htmlfile.write("<meta http-equiv='x-ua-compatible' content='IE=10' />")
if WSH.Arguments(0) = ":btoa" then
WScript.Echo htmlfile.parentWindow.btoa(WSH.Arguments(1))
WScript.Echo htmlfile.parentWindow.atob(WSH.Arguments(1))
end if

According to the comments on the question, you can use certutil. e.g.,
certutil -encode raw.txt encoded.txt
certutil -f -encode raw.txt encoded.txt
The -f means "force overwrite". Otherwise you will get an error if the output file (encoded.txt above) already exists.
However, this will format the output into the encoded.txt file as if it were a certificate PEM file, complete with BEGIN and END lines, and split lines at the character max. So you would need to do further processing in a batch scenario, and a bit of extra work if the strings are long at all.

If you have OpenSSL for Windows installed you can use this to encode the string "Hello":
echo | set /p="Hello" | openssl base64
The | set /p= is to suppress the newline that echo usually outputs.
This will produce the same result as the following in bash:
echo -n 'Hello' | openssl base64

This script can decode/encode base64 strings on every machine from XP and above without requiring installed .net or internet explorer 10/11.It even can handle special javascript escaped symbols:
// result is IkhlbGxvIg==
base64.bat -encode "\u0022Hello\u0022" -eval yes
// result is SGVsbG8=
base64.bat -encode "Hello"
This one accepts a single argument - the string you want to encode to base 64 and prints the result (but requires at least internet explorer 10 installed):
#echo off
set "string=%~1"
::echo %string%^|mshta.exe "%~f0"
for /f "delims=" %%# in ('echo %string%^|mshta.exe "%~f0"') do (
set b64=%%#
set b64
endlocal&exit /b %errorlevel%
ShowInTaskbar = no
<meta http-equiv="x-ua-compatible" content="ie=10" />
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
var fso= new ActiveXObject('Scripting.FileSystemObject').GetStandardStream(1);
var fso2= new ActiveXObject('Scripting.FileSystemObject').GetStandardStream(0);
var string=fso2.ReadLine();
var encodedString = btoa(string);

This can (technically) be done entirely within Batch, By Creating an encryption\decryption VBS script from within batch that can be called with the name of the Variable whose Data you wish to encrypt\decrypt.
Note: The below scipt is an Independant Subprogram.
Hybrid Batch Vbs Encrypter / Decrypter for passwords or other variables.
Performs the action on data stored in the defined file - does not create the file.
Note: file extension in vbs to match the filetype you save password/text to.
To use this program Call it with the name of the Variable you wish to set and the offset to perform.
However your Main program takes user input:
Set /p YourVariableName=
Store the Input to a File
ECHO %YourVariableName%>YourSaveFile.txt
Call it with a positive offset (IE: +26) to encrypt, and an equivalent Negative offset to Decrypt. (IE: -26)
CALL "Insert Filepath To Encrypter.bat Here" YourVariableName +26
REM :: Do NOT modify the variable names Below, DO INSERT the filepath you used to Store the Data Being Encrypted / Decrypted.
Set "VarName=%~1"
Set "offset=%~2"
Set "SaveLoc=Your Filepath Here"
<"%saveLoc%" (
Set /p encryptData=
ECHO Dim objFSO 'File System Object
ECHO Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"^)
ECHO Dim objTS 'Text Stream Object
ECHO Const ForWriting = 2
ECHO Set objTS = objFSO.OpenTextFile("%SaveLoc%", ForWriting, True^)
ECHO objTS.Write(encode("%encryptData%"^)^)
ECHO wscript.sleep "1000"
ECHO function encode(s^)
ECHO For i = 1 To Len(s^)
ECHO newtxt = Mid( s, i, 1^)
ECHO newtxt = Chr(Asc(newtxt^) %offset%^)
ECHO coded = coded + (newtxt^)
ECHO encode = coded
ECHO End function
ECHO objTS.Close(^)
ECHO Set bjFSO = Nothing 'Destroy the object.
ECHO Set objTS = Nothing 'Destroy the object.
) >%TEMP%\encrypter.vbs
START /wait %TEMP%\encrypter.vbs
DEL /Q "%TEMP%\encrypter.vbs"

Be advised that doskey doesn't work in batch scripts -- only the console. If you want do use this in a batch script, make a function
or use a macro:
#echo off
====SETLOCAL DisableDelayedExpansion EnableExtensions
REM Initalize
set ^"LF=^
::\n is an escaped LF + caret for line continuation
set ^"\n=^^^%LF%%LF%^%LF%%LF%^^"
set ^"$b64.encode=FOR %%$ in (%%$ MainMacro) do if "%%$" == "MainMacro" (%\n%
^>nul %__APPDIR__%certutil.exe -f -encodehex args.tmp proc.tmp 0x40000001%\n%
type proc.tmp%\n%
del args.tmp proc.tmp%\n%
) 2^>nul ELSE ^<nul ^>args.tmp set/p="
%$b64.encode%"=I WILL FAIL (string cannot start with =)"
%$b64.encode%^" leading spaces/tabs will be stripped%\n%
but other characters are%\n%
The string must not begin with <SPACE> <TAB> <0xFF> =
because SET /P is used to write without trailing CRLF.
#dbenham mentioned the undocumented verbs of CERTUTIL. The type 0x40000001 of the CryptBinaryToStringA function is documented as:
Do not append any new line characters to the encoded string. The default behavior is to use a carriage return/line feed (CR/LF) pair (0x0D/0x0A) to represent a new line.
Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP: This value is not supported.

Optimal, reliable ... with Powershell. However, there are some limitations in the length of the text.
#echo off
set "string=Everything will be fine"
for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%i in ('powershell [convert]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetBytes("""%string%"""^)^)') do set "encoded=%%i"
echo %encoded%
#echo off
set "string=Everything will be fine"
for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%i in ('powershell [convert]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes("""%string%"""^)^)') do set "encoded=%%i"
echo %encoded%


How to get only the first sequence of numbers in a listing using batch or powershell

What I need is the first sequence of a number in a listing:
The command:
for /f "delims=" %%a in (notas.txt) do #echo %%a
Compra cfme NF 12345 de 123 CIA ABC
Pgto dupl. 12345 - 123 CIA ABC
Compra cfme NFS 654321-CIA CBC
Pgto NF 654321 de CIA CBC
But what I need is:
Thanks in advance
There are numerous PowerShell solution/techniques that can perform what is required.
The switch statement can be used with the -File and -Regex parameters.
switch -Regex -File notas.txt {
'\d+' { $Matches[0] }
You can also use the Match method from the regex class:
Get-Content notas.txt | Foreach-Object {
Both solutions rely on regex matching with \d+ matching one or more consecutive digits. Since we are doing a single match per line, the first match is the only match returned. The regex class method Matches returns multiple matches per string input.
With a Batch file using regex in vbscript you can do something like this :
Demo Here
#echo off & color 0A
Title Extract Numbers from String using Regex with vbscript
Set "InputFile=%~dp0notas.txt"
Set "OutPutFile=%~n0_OutPutFile.txt"
Call :Extract_Number "%InputFile%" CON
Call :Extract_Number "%InputFile%" "%OutPutFile%"
TimeOut /T 3 /NoBreak>nul
If Exist "%OutPutFile%" Start "" "%OutPutFile%" & Exit
:Extract_Number <Input> <OutPut>
echo WScript.StdOut.WriteLine Extract_Number(Data^)
echo Function Extract_Number(Data^)
echo Data = "%~1"
echo Data = WScript.StdIn.ReadAll
echo Set re = New RegExp
echo re.Global = True
echo re.IgnoreCase = True
echo re.Pattern = "\d{5,}"
echo For Each Match in re.Execute(Data^)
echo Number = Number ^& Match.Value ^& vbCrLF
echo Next
echo Extract_Number = Number
echo End Function
cscript //nologo "%tmp%\%~n0.vbs" < "%~1" > "%~2"
If Exist "%tmp%\%~n0.vbs" Del "%tmp%\%~n0.vbs"
Exit /B
This first code does what your question asks, but not what your expected results show:
#echo off
:: Pass the entire line to a subroutine
for /f "delims=" %%a in (notas.txt) do call :process %%a
goto :eof
:: Check if we've evaluated the entire line
if "%1"=="" (
echo No number was found in this line
goto :eof
:: Check if the current parameter is only numbers
:: If it is, then echo and move on to the next line
:: If not, use shift to evaluate the next parameter
echo %1|findstr /i /r "[^0-9]" >nul && shift && goto :process
echo %1
goto :eof
2 things. First, I don't know what you want to do if a number isn't found in the line. In the code above I just echo "No number was found in this line".
Second, I presumed "number" to be fully delimited with standard spaces as delimiters. Thus, the code above does NOT return 654321 from the line Compra cfme NFS 654321-CIA CBC because 654321-CIA is not a number delimited by spaces. If you want additional delimiters, then change this line above:
for /f "delims=" %%a in (notas.txt) do call :process %%a
for /f "tokens=1-10 delims=-., " %%a in (notas.txt) do call :process %%a %%b %%c %%d %%e %%f %%g %%h %%i %%j
adding whatever delimiters you want (don't forget a space before the double quote). This line is good for up to 10 entries on a given line. Going up to 26 using tokens=1-26 and %%a through %%z is pretty easy.
Finally -- if you want to pull a non-delimited number -- then that would be a completely different approach. An example would be getting 1356 from PC1356 NLA LOA; or getting 35232 from PC LI-D 35232NDA TTH.

Using Findstr with specific range or other method

I only want to find specific lines in his text file, so i figure that using range would be a good idea. But i can seem to find any tutorial online. please help..
An example of the text file
XXX scan report for
OS: windows 8
21/tcp close ftp
80/tcp open http Microsoft ISS
XXX scan report for
21/tcp close ftp
80/tcp open http Microsoft ISS
I wanted to get IP address, OS Details and Port status into a spreadsheet.
My code:
#echo off
set file=C:\Users\1.txt
set match=report for
set match1=OS
findstr /c:"%match%" %file%
findstr /c:"%match1%" %file%
findstr /c:"tcp " /c:"udp " %file%
for /f "tokens=1-5" %%a in ('findstr /c:"%match%" %file%') do (
echo "IP Address:","%%e" >> report1.csv
for /f "tokens=1,2 delims=:*" %%a in ('findstr /c:"%match1%" %file%') do
echo "Operating System: ","%%b" >> report1.csv
echo "PORT","STATE","SERVICE","VERSION" >> report1.csv
for /f "tokens=1-4 delims=: " %%a in ('findstr /c:"tcp " /c:"udp "
%file%') do (
echo "%%a","%%b","%%c","%%d" >> report1.csv
There is a big problem with this code and it is in the for loop.
The code will get the first ip then will proceed to get the os details, but not ever ip have the os details, so the os details will be placed in the wrong ip.
Another problem with the code is that it will list all os and port details under one ip address. And the next ip address will also be the same, it will have all the os and port details as well.
Please do help me to solve this problem. Or is there any other method like call?
SET "sourcedir=U:\sourcedir"
SET "destdir=U:\destdir"
SET "filename1=%sourcedir%\q43335765.txt"
SET "outfile=%destdir%\outfile.txt"
FOR /f "usebackqdelims=" %%a IN ("%filename1%") DO (
CALL :process %%a
ECHO %*|FIND "scan report for " >NUL
IF "%~1"=="OS:" SET "$os=%*"&GOTO :eof
FOR /f "tokens=1,2,3*" %%p IN (
"%*") DO >>"%outfile%" ECHO %$ip%,%$os:*: =%,%%p,%%q,%%r,%%s
GOTO :eof
IF "%~2" neq "" shift&GOTO newip
SET "$ip=%~1"
SET "$os=: "
GOTO :eof
You would need to change the settings of sourcedir and destdir to suit your circumstances.
I used a file named q43335765.txt containing your data for my testing.
Produces the file defined as %outfile%
Having established the filenames, put the header line in the output file and process each line of the file through :process
In :process, detect the key string indicating a ne data item. If found, go to :newip which simply shuffles the data line along until only the last entry remains and assign this last entry to $ip. Set $ip to :Space + any special string you want to represent "not found" (like unknown for instance)
If the line doesn't contain the keystring, see whether the first token is OS:, and set $os to the entire original line if it is.
Otherwise, lookk for a / in the first token. If it's not there, abandon processing this line, otherwise simply tokenise the line, selecting the first to thid and rest and output using the saved ip, the saved os, except for the part before the first :Space and the four data line entries, all separated by commas.
Revision to cater for | in data - replace with /
SET "sourcedir=U:\sourcedir"
SET "destdir=U:\destdir"
SET "filename1=%sourcedir%\q43335765.txt"
SET "outfile=%destdir%\outfile.txt"
FOR /f "usebackqdelims=" %%a IN ("%filename1%") DO (
SET "line=%%a"
CALL :preprocess
SET "line=%Line:|=/%"
CALL :process %line%
GOTO :eof
ECHO %*|FIND "scan report for " >NUL
IF "%~1"=="OS:" SET "$os=%*"&GOTO :eof
FOR /f "tokens=1,2,3*" %%p IN (
"%*") DO >>"%outfile%" ECHO %$ip%,%$os:*: =%,%%p,%%q,%%r,%%s
GOTO :eof
IF "%~2" neq "" shift&GOTO newip
SET "$ip=%~1"
SET "$os=: "
GOTO :eof
Shows the need to provide a representative data sample...
With characters that have special meaning like |, assign to a variable and call a preprocessor to convert all | to / (or whatever else is desired) and then call the process with the result.
Formula: set "var=%somevar:string1=string2%"
will assign to var the value of somevar with all occurrences of string1 replaced by string2. The enclosing quotes in a set command ensure that any stray trailing spaces on the line are not included in the value assigned.
The flaw in your logic is that each time you execute findstr, it starts back at line 1 of your text file. If you're working with multi-line records, you have to build your line of output with in one pass of the record. I suggest a for /F loop and testing tokens is better suited to this than findstr. Here's a suggestion:
#echo off
set "file="C:\Users\1.txt"
>"report1.csv" (
echo "IP Address","Operating System","port 21","port 80"
for /F "usebackq tokens=1-3,5" %%I in ("%file%") do (
rem // check if line begins a record
if /i "%%~J"=="scan" if /i "%%~K"=="report" (
set "IP=%%~L"
set "OS="
rem // check if line contains OS
if /i "%%~I"=="OS:" set OS="%%~J %%~K"
rem // check if line contains port 21
if /i "%%~I"=="21/tcp" set "state21=%%~J"
rem // port 80 indicates end of needed info in record
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
if /i "%%~I"=="80/tcp" echo(!IP!,!OS!,!state21!,%%~J

Put editable text in command prompt with bat file

I have a bat script that asks for user input with the next line
SET /P returnString=Enter string: %=%
Now I want default input visible on the command line, like:
Enter string: defaultstring
To clarify: I don't want a default value if no input is given, I want the default value visible and editable on the command line, so in the case described above the defaultstring could be replaced for a different text.
Is this possible with SET in a batch file? If not, how could I accomplish this?
Here is a Batch + JScript hybrid script that prompts with a default value.
#if (#CodeSection == #Batch) #then
:: The first line in the script is...
:: in Batch, a valid IF command that does nothing.
:: in JScript, a conditional compilation IF statement that is false.
:: So the following section is omitted until the next "[at]end".
:: Note: the "[at]then" is required for Batch to prevent a syntax error.
:: Batch Section
#echo off
set "Input="
set "Default=Hello World"
title MyUniqueTitle
CScript //E:JScript //Nologo "%~f0" "MyUniqueTitle" "%Default%"
set /p "Input=> Prompt: "
if defined Input set "Input=%Input:"=%"
exit /b 0
:: End of Batch
// JScript Section
var WshShell = WScript.CreateObject('WScript.Shell');
var Title = WScript.Arguments.Item(0);
var Message = WScript.Arguments.Item(1);
Well, it's not exactly what you asked for but I think it's better. This will create a browseforfolder dialog and let your user pick what folder to use. In this example r is the return variable from the function. It will return an errorlevel of 0 if a folder is chosen and 1 if the cancel button is hit.
#Echo off
Call :BrowseFolder "Enter path to folder" "C:\scripts\" r
echo %r%
echo %errorlevel%
Goto :EOF
:BrowseFolder <Title> <DefaultStartPath> <Return>
set vbs="%temp%\_.vbs"
if exist %vbs% del /f /q %vbs%
>%vbs% echo set sh=wscript.CreateObject("Shell.Application")
>>%vbs% echo set f=sh.BrowseForFolder(0,%1,0,%2)
>>%vbs% echo if typename(f)="Nothing" Then
>>%vbs% echo wscript.echo "Dialog Cancelled"
>>%vbs% echo wscript.Quit(1)
>>%vbs% echo end if
>>%vbs% echo set fs=f.Items():set fi=fs.Item()
>>%vbs% echo p=fi.Path:wscript.echo p
for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('cscript //nologo %vbs%') do set result=%%a
if exist %vbs% del /f /q %vbs%
if "%result%" EQU "Dialog Cancelled" (set a=1) else set a=0
endlocal & set %3=%result% & exit /b %a%

How to append a date in batch files

I have the following line in a batch file (that runs on an old Windows 2000 box):
7z a *.backup
How do I append the date to the file. So if I ran the batch file today, ideally, the file would be
Is there a way to do this?
Bernhard's answer needed some tweaking work for me because the %DATE% environment variable is in a different format (as commented elsewhere). Also, there was a tilde (~) missing.
Instead of:
set backupFilename=%DATE:~6,4%%DATE:~3,2%%DATE:0,2%
I had to use:
set backupFilename=%DATE:~10,4%%DATE:~4,2%%DATE:~7,2%
for the date format:
c:\Scripts>echo %DATE%
Thu 05/14/2009
#REM Use WMIC to retrieve date and time
#echo off
FOR /F "skip=1 tokens=1-6" %%A IN ('WMIC Path Win32_LocalTime Get Day^,Hour^,Minute^,Month^,Second^,Year /Format:table') DO (
IF NOT "%%~F"=="" (
SET /A SortDate = 10000 * %%F + 100 * %%D + %%A
set YEAR=!SortDate:~0,4!
set MON=!SortDate:~4,2!
set DAY=!SortDate:~6,2!
#REM Add 1000000 so as to force a prepended 0 if hours less than 10
SET /A SortTime = 1000000 + 10000 * %%B + 100 * %%C + %%E
set HOUR=!SortTime:~1,2!
set MIN=!SortTime:~3,2!
set SEC=!SortTime:~5,2!
#echo on
DATE=2015-05-20, TIME= 1:30:38.59
HOUR=01 MIN=30 SEC=38
YR=2015 MON=05 DAY=20
DATECODE= '201505200130'
This will work for the non-US date format (dd/MM/yyyy):
set backupFilename=%DATE:~6,4%%DATE:~3,2%%DATE:~0,2%
7z a *.backup
If you know your regional settings won't change you can do it as follows:
if your short date format is dd/MM/yyyy:
SET MYDATE=%DATE:~3,2%%DATE:~0,2%%DATE:~8,4%
if your short date format is MM/dd/yyyy:
SET MYDATE=%DATE:~0,2%%DATE:~3,2%%DATE:~8,4%
But there's no general way to do it that's independent of your regional settings.
I would not recommend relying on regional settings for anything that's going to be used in a production environment. Instead you should consider using another scripting language - PowerShell, VBScript, ...
For example, if you create a VBS file yyyymmdd.vbs in the same directory as your batch file with the following contents:
' yyyymmdd.vbs - outputs the current date in the format yyyymmdd
Function Pad(Value, PadCharacter, Length)
Pad = Right(String(Length,PadCharacter) & Value, Length)
End Function
Dim Today
Today = Date
WScript.Echo Pad(Year(Today), "0", 4) & Pad(Month(Today), "0", 2) & Pad(Day(Today), "0", 2)
then you will be able to call it from your batch file thus:
FOR /F %%i IN ('cscript "%~dp0yyyymmdd.vbs" //Nologo') do SET MYDATE=%%i
echo %MYDATE%
Of course there will eventually come a point where rewriting your batch file in a more powerful scripting language will make more sense than mixing it with VBScript in this way.
You can also access the date via the variable %DATE%
When testing my system %DATE% produces ddd dd/mm/yyyy
you can use substring operators to produce the format you desire
ie. running the following on MON 11/12/2018 with US regional settings
%DATE:~3,3% %DATE:~0,3% %DATE:~7,2%
Will produce an output:
11 Mon 12
the substring arguments are
This is all awkward and not local settings independent. Do it like this:
%CYGWIN_DIR%\bin\date +%%Y%%m%%d_%%H%%M% > date.txt
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('type "date.txt" 2^>NUL') do set datetime=%%a
echo %datetime%
del date.txt
Yes, use Cygwin date and all your problems are gone!
FOR %%A IN (%Date:/=%) DO SET Today=%%A
7z a *.backup
That is DDMMYYYY format.
FOR %%A IN (%Date%) DO (
FOR /F "tokens=1-3 delims=/-" %%B in ("%%~A") DO (
SET Today=%%D%%B%%C
7z a *.backup
There is a tech recipe available here that shows how to format it to MMDDYYYY, you should be able to adapt it for your needs.
echo on
#REM Seamonkey’s quick date batch (MMDDYYYY format)
#REM Setups %date variable
#REM First parses month, day, and year into mm , dd, yyyy formats and then combines to be MMDDYYYY
FOR /F "TOKENS=1,2 eol=/ DELIMS=/ " %%A IN ('DATE/T') DO SET mm=%%B
FOR /F "TOKENS=1,2 DELIMS=/ eol=/" %%A IN ('echo %CDATE%') DO SET dd=%%B
FOR /F "TOKENS=2,3 DELIMS=/ " %%A IN ('echo %CDATE%') DO SET yyyy=%%B
SET date=%mm%%dd%%yyyy%
echo %date%
EDIT: The reason did not work before was because of 'smartquotes' in the original text. I fixed them and the batch file will work if cut & pasted from this page.
I've used the environment variables technique covered here:
Here's the code from that site:
::~~Author~~. Brett Middleton
::~~Script_Type~~. nt command line batch
::~~Sub_Type~~. Misc
::~~Keywords~~. environment variables
::Sets or clears a group of environment variables containing components of the current date extracted from the string returned by the DATE /T command. These variables can be used to name files, control the flow of execution, etc.
#echo off
:: SetEnvDate1.CMD 6/30/98
:: Description : Sets or clears a group of environment variables containing
:: : components of the current date extracted from the string
:: : returned by the DATE /T command. These variables can be
:: : used to name files, control the flow of execution, etc.
:: :
:: Requires : Windows NT with command extensions enabled
:: :
:: Tested : Yes, as demonstration
:: :
:: Contact : Brett Middleton <>
:: : Animal and Dairy Science Department
:: : University of Georgia, Athens
:: SetEnvDate1 can be used as a model for coding date/time routines in
:: other scripts, or can be used by itself as a utility that is called
:: from other scripts.
:: Run or call SetEnvDate1 without arguments to set the date variables.
:: Variables are set for the day abbreviation (DT_DAY), month number (DT_MM),
:: day number (DT_DD) and four-digit year (DT_YYYY).
:: When the variables are no longer needed, clean up the environment by
:: calling the script again with the CLEAR argument. E.g.,
:: call SetEnvDate1 clear
:: A time variable could be added by parsing the string returned by the
:: built-in TIME /T command. This is left as an exercise for the reader. B-)
:: This script illustrates the following NT command extensions:
:: 1. Use of the extended IF command to do case-insensitive comparisons.
:: 2. Use of the extended DATE command.
:: 3. Use of the extended FOR command to parse a string returned by a
:: command or program.
:: 4. Use of the "()" conditional processing symbols to group commands
:: for conditional execution. All commands between the parens will
:: be executed if the preceeding IF or FOR statement is TRUE.
if not "%1" == "?" goto chkarg
echo Sets or clears date/time variables in the command environment.
echo SetEnvDate1 [clear]
echo When called without arguments, the variables are created or updated.
echo When called with the CLEAR argument, the variables are deleted.
goto endit
:: Check arguments and select SET or CLEAR routine. Unrecognized arguments
:: are ignored and SET is assumed.
if /I "%1" == "CLEAR" goto clrvar
goto setvar
:: Set variables for the day abbreviation (DAY), month number (MM),
:: day number (DD) and 4-digit year (YYYY).
for /F "tokens=1-4 delims=/ " %%i IN ('date /t') DO (
set DT_DAY=%%i
set DT_MM=%%j
set DT_DD=%%k
set DT_YYYY=%%l)
goto endit
:: Clear all variables from the environment.
for %%v in (DT_DAY DT_MM DT_DD DT_YYYY) do set %%v=
goto endit
As has been noted, parsing the date and time is only useful if you know the format being used by the current user (eg. MM/dd/yy or dd-MM-yyyy just to name 2). This could be determined, but by the time you do all the stressing and parsing, you will still end up with some situation where there is an unexpected format used, and more tweaks will be be necessary.
You can also use some external program that will return a date slug in your preferred format, but that has disadvantages of needing to distribute the utility program with your script/batch.
there are also batch tricks using the CMOS clock in a pretty raw way, but that is tooo close to bare wires for most people, and also not always the preferred place to retrieve the date/time.
Below is a solution that avoids the above problems. Yes, it introduces some other issues, but for my purposes I found this to be the easiest, clearest, most portable solution for creating a datestamp in .bat files for modern Windows systems. This is just an example, but I think you will see how to modify for other date and/or time formats, etc.
reg copy "HKCU\Control Panel\International" "HKCU\Control Panel\International-Temp" /f
reg add "HKCU\Control Panel\International" /v sShortDate /d "yyMMdd" /f
#REM the following may be needed to be sure cache is clear before using the new setting
reg query "HKCU\Control Panel\International" /v sShortDate
set LogDate=%date%
reg copy "HKCU\Control Panel\International-Temp" "HKCU\Control Panel\International" /f
Building on Joe's idea, here is a version which will build its own (.js) helper and supporting time as well:
#echo off
set _TMP=%TEMP%\_datetime.tmp
echo var date = new Date(), string, tmp;> "%_TMP%"
echo tmp = ^"000^" + date.getFullYear(); string = tmp.substr(tmp.length - 4);>> "%_TMP%"
echo tmp = ^"0^" + (date.getMonth() + 1); string += tmp.substr(tmp.length - 2);>> "%_TMP%"
echo tmp = ^"0^" + date.getDate(); string += tmp.substr(tmp.length - 2);>> "%_TMP%"
echo tmp = ^"0^" + date.getHours(); string += tmp.substr(tmp.length - 2);>> "%_TMP%"
echo tmp = ^"0^" + date.getMinutes(); string += tmp.substr(tmp.length - 2);>> "%_TMP%"
echo tmp = ^"0^" + date.getSeconds(); string += tmp.substr(tmp.length - 2);>> "%_TMP%"
echo WScript.Echo(string);>> "%_TMP%"
for /f %%i in ('cscript //nologo /e:jscript "%_TMP%"') do set _DATETIME=%%i
del "%_TMP%"
echo YYYYMMDDhhmmss: %_DATETIME%
echo YYYY: %_DATETIME:~0,4%
echo YYYYMM: %_DATETIME:~0,6%
echo hhmm: %_DATETIME:~8,4%
echo hhmmss: %_DATETIME:~8,6%
With the samples given above, I have tried & came out with the script which I wanted. The position parameters mentioned in other example gave different results. I wanted to create one Batch file to take the Oracle data backup (export data) on daily basis, preserving distinct DMP files with date & time as part of file name. Here is the script which worked well:
set dt=%date:~0,2%%date:~3,2%%date:~6,4%-%time:~0,2%%time:~3,2%
set fn=backup-%dt%.DMP
echo %fn%
pause A
exp user/password file=D:\DATA_DMP\%fn%
If you have WSL enabled (Windows 10 only) you can do it with bash in a locale neutral way.
set dateFile=%TEMP%\currentDate.txt
bash -c "date +%Y%m%d" > %dateFile%
set /p today=<%dateFile%
Feel free to replace the file redirection with a "for" loop abomination suggested in other answers here and over at Windows batch assign output of a program to a variable
I've found two ways that work regardless of the date settings.
On my pc, date/t returns
You can either access the registry and read the regional settings
(HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\International)
Or use a vbscript.
This is the ugly batch file/vbscript hybrid I created some time ago....
#Echo Off
set rnd=%Random%
set randfilename=x%rnd%.vbs
::create temp vbscript file
Echo Dim DayofWeek(7) > %temp%\%randfilename%
Echo DayofWeek(1)="Sun" >> %temp%\%randfilename%
Echo DayofWeek(2)="Mon" >> %temp%\%randfilename%
Echo DayofWeek(3)="Tue" >> %temp%\%randfilename%
Echo DayofWeek(4)="Wed" >> %temp%\%randfilename%
Echo DayofWeek(5)="Thu" >> %temp%\%randfilename%
Echo DayofWeek(6)="Fri" >> %temp%\%randfilename%
Echo DayofWeek(7)="Sat" >> %temp%\%randfilename%
Echo DayofWeek(0)=DayofWeek(Weekday(now)) >> %temp%\%randfilename%
Echo Mon=Left(MonthName(Month(now),1),3) >> %temp%\%randfilename%
Echo MonNumeric=right ( "00" ^& Month(now) , 2) >> %temp%\%randfilename%
Echo wscript.echo ( Year(Now) ^& " " ^& MonNumeric ^& " " ^& Mon ^& " " _ >> %temp%\%randfilename%
Echo ^& right("00" ^& Day(now),2) ^& " "^& dayofweek(0) ^& " "^& _ >> %temp%\%randfilename%
Echo right("00" ^& Hour(now),2)) _ >> %temp%\%randfilename%
Echo ^&":"^& Right("00" ^& Minute(now),2) ^&":"^& Right("00" ^& Second(Now),2) >> %temp%\%randfilename%
::set the output into vars
if "%1" == "" FOR /f "usebackq tokens=1,2,3,4,5,6" %%A in (`start /wait /b cscript //nologo %temp%\%randfilename%`) do Set Y2KYear=%%A& Set MonthNumeric=%%B& Set Month=%%C& Set Day=%%D& Set DayofWeek=%%E& Set Time=%%F
set year=%y2kyear:~2,2%
del %temp%\%randfilename%
It's not pretty, but it works.

How to convert the value of %USERNAME% to lowercase within a Windows batch script?

I'm automating some source control software functionality using a dot bat script but given that our svn repos are hosted in a *NIX box, I'm facing the eternal case problem between these two worlds.
Is there any cmd.exe function to convert the value of the Windows system variable %USERNAME% to lower case?
Thanks much in advance!
Well, I was browsing for some syntax and stumbled upon this page. I know its old but I thought I'd take a break and give the brain a little kick.
Here's something a little shorter and manageable. This just "brute forces" all uppercase letters to lowercase letters without regards to whether the actual letter exists in the string or not. Thus the functional loop runs exactly 26 times no matter the length of the string.
Hope this helps someone.
#echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
REM ***** Modify as necessary for the string source. *****
set "_STRING=%*"
if not defined _STRING set "_STRING=%USERNAME%"
REM ***** Modify as necessary for the string source. *****
set "_LCASE=abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
for /l %%a in (0,1,25) do (
call set "_FROM=%%_UCASE:~%%a,1%%
call set "_TO=%%_LCASE:~%%a,1%%
call set "_STRING=%%_STRING:!_FROM!=!_TO!%%
E:\OS.ADMIN>LCASE.BAT The Quick Fox Jumps Over The Brown Fence.
_STRING=The Quick Fox Jumps Over The Brown Fence.
_STRING=the quick fox jumps over the brown fence.
a quick google found this...
#echo off
goto :end_remarks
* authored:Sam Wofford
* Returns lowercase of a string
* 12:13 PM 11/13/02
set errorlevel=-1
if {%1}=={} echo NO ARG GIVEN&call :Help &goto :endit
if {%1}=={/?} call :Help &goto :endit
call :set_LCASE_array a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
set input=%1
set input=%input:"=%
set totparams=0
call :COUNT_PARAMS %input%
call :MAKE_LOWERCASE %input%
set errorlevel=
echo %convertedstring%
goto :eof
echo %errorlevel%
goto :eof
if {%1}=={} goto :eof
set string=%1
set /a params+=1
set pos=0
set onechar=%%string^:^~%pos%,1%%
for /f "tokens=1,2 delims==" %%a in ('set onechar') do for /f %%c in ('echo %%b') do call :checkit %%c
if not defined STRINGCONVERTED goto :NEXT_CHAR
shift /1
if %params% LSS %totparams% set convertedstring=%convertedstring% &:add one space,but not at end
goto :nextstring
goto :eof
echo USAGE:%~n0 string OR %~n0 "with spaces"
echo function returns the lowercase of the string or -1 (error)
echo strings with embedded spaces needs to be in quotes Ex. "lower case"
echo in a batch NTscript "for /f %%%%A in ('lcase STRING') do set var=%%%%A"
set errorlevel=
goto :eof
if /i {%1}=={echo} set STRINGCONVERTED=Y&goto :eof
set char=%1
for /f "tokens=2 delims=_=" %%A in ('set LCASE_') do call :findit %%A %char%
if defined LCFOUND (set convertedstring=%convertedstring%%ucletter%) else (set convertedstring=%convertedstring%%char%)
set /a pos+=1
goto :eof
if {%1}=={} goto :eof
set LCASE_%1_=%1
goto :setit
if defined LCFOUND goto :eof
set ucletter=%1
set lcchar=%2
if /i {%ucletter%}=={%lcchar%} set LCFOUND=yes
goto :eof
if {%1}=={} goto :eof
set /a totparams+=1
shift /1
add that as a file (lowercase.cmd) to your path and you should be able to call it as "Lowercase.cmd %Username%", you could pipe it into another command if needed.
download some unix utilities for DOS from
and use tr.exe (translate characters)
echo %USERNAME% | tr "[A-Z]" "[a-z]"
I also use a DOS extended cmd replacement named 4NT which has a built in command #lower
echo %#lower[%USERNAME%]
dir /b/l %1>lower.tmp
set /p result=<lower.tmp
echo %result%
lower "Mein BinnenMajuskel"
mein binnenmajuskel
CAUTION: Quick & dirty, but also insecure and dangerous variant. Because you create two files. One called like the given string and another called lower.tmp, which contains the lowered string. What happens if you execute lower "UserName" in a directory, where this file or directory already exists? Especially if you delete this files afterwards ...
Improved version:
dir /b/l %Temp%\%1>%Temp%\lower.tmp
set /p result=<%Temp%\lower.tmp
del %Temp%\%1
del %Temp%\lower.tmp
When a scripting language is installed then that can be used with a FOR to set a variable.
#FOR /F "delims=" %%s IN ('<<some script oneliner>>') DO #set MYVARIABLE=%%s
Reference: For F Loop
Any scripting language can be used if it can convert a string to lowercase and output the result.
An example using Perl 5 :
#FOR /F "delims=" %%s IN ('perl -e "print lc(pop)" %USERNAME%') DO #set USERNAME=%%s
An example using PowerShell :
#FOR /F "delims=" %%s IN ('powershell -command "(get-item env:'USERNAME').Value.ToLower()"') DO #set USERNAME=%%s
These days, odds are that PowerShell is already installed by default.
In my batch file I'm doing a comparsion between %USERNAME% and a CSV file.
The program would not work if user was logged in UperCase username.
Login : GB2NOGU // Won't work
Login : gb2nogu // Works
Here I could solve my problem doing a insensitive comparison.
if /i %USERNAME%==gb2nogu (
// Code here
The parameter /i tells the cmd to do a insensitive case comparison, so it'll ignore the difference between lowercase and uppercase letters.
Probably this is the fastest way to convert a string to lowercase in batch file as it uses macro and there are no temp files (it saves the produced string in variable called result):
#echo off
set LowerCaseMacro=for /L %%n in (1 1 2) do if %%n==2 (for %%# in (a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z) do set "result=!result:%%#=%%#!") else setlocal enableDelayedExpansion ^& set result=
set "string=SOme STrinG WiTH lowerCAse letterS and UPCase leTTErs"
echo %result%
:: UPcase.bat ==> Store in environment variable _UPcase_ the upper case of %1
:: -> Use quotes "" when the first argument has blanks or special characteres
:: Adapted from ->
:: Note that the substitution method is case insensitive, which means that
:: while working for this application, it is not useful for all character
:: substitution tasks.
:: More concisely, one can capitalize (if you pardon the pun) on the fact
:: that in for and the substitution lower and upper case source are
:: equivalent.
#echo off
:: %~1 -> removes quotes from the first command line argument
#echo off
::setlocal EnableExtensions
:: echo %_UPcase_%
call :ToUpcaseWithFor "%~1" _UPcase_
:: echo %_UPcase_% _doit_1_
::endlocal & goto :EOF
goto :EOF
:: ======================
setlocal EnableExtensions EnableDelayedExpansion
set var_=%~1
for %%c in (A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) do (
set var_=!var_:%%c=%%c!
endlocal & set %2=%var_%& goto :EOF
:: UPcase.bat ==> EOF
This is the same answer /by #It Wasn't Me here
For a predictive character set, this substring Set !var:A=a! works, and only working with predefined substring in bat/cmd.
For this type of task, why not get a little help with c#, which can make it possible to work with unconventional accents and consonants è, È, ä, Ä, ñ, Ñ, ç, Ç etc.
Where the bat/cmd will generate c# code, it will be compiled and executed at run time ....
Which solves possible user inputs, in which the sequence comes with accents and the vowels/consonants are different from the conventional ones [a-z] and/or [A_Z]
#echo off & setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
cd /d "%~dp0" && title <nul && title ...\%~dpnx0 /// !time:~0,8! !date!
if exist "%tmp%\ToUpLower.cs" 2>nul >nul del /q /f "%tmp%\ToUpLower.cs"
set "_where=%__appdir__%where.exe" && set "_csc=%windir%\Microsoft.NET"
>"%temp%\ToUpLower.cs" (
echo= using System; namespace SUQ1522019 ^{class Program ^{static void Main(string[] args^) ^{
echo= if (args.Length==2 ^&^& args[0].ToLower(^)=="-l"^) ^{Console.WriteLine(args[1].ToLower(^)^);^}
echo= if (args.Length==2 ^&^& args[0].ToLower(^)=="-u"^) ^{Console.WriteLine(args[1].ToUpper(^)^);^}^}^}^}
set "_arg=/t:exe /out:"%tmp%\ToUpLower.exe" "%tmp%\ToUpLower.cs" /platform:anycpu "
for /f tokens^=* %%i in ('!_where! /r "!_csc!" "csc.exe"^|findstr /lic:"k\v2\."
')do "%%~i" !_arg! /unsafe+ /w:0 /o /nologo
for /f tokens^=* %%U in ('"%tmp%\ToUpLower.exe" -u %USERNAME%')do set "_up_case=%%U"
for /f tokens^=* %%l in ('"%tmp%\ToUpLower.exe" -l %USERNAME%')do set "_low_case=%%l"
echo/ Your username upcase is: !_up_case!
echo/ Your username lowcase is: !_low_case!
echo/ >nul 2>nul copy "%tmp%\ToUpLower.exe" "."
del /q /f "%tmp%\ToUpLower.*" >nul 2>nul && endlocal & goto :EOF
Outputs for %USERNAME%
Your username upcase is: USERNAME
Your username lowcase is: username
The ToUpLower.cs c# code with no escaping:
using System; namespace SUQ1522019 {class Program {static void Main(string[] args) {
if (args.Length==2 && args[0].ToLower()=="-l") {Console.WriteLine(args[1].ToLower());}
if (args.Length==2 && args[0].ToLower()=="-u") {Console.WriteLine(args[1].ToUpper());}}}}
The ToUpLower.cs c# code with no escaping and indented:
using System
namespace SUQ1522019
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
if (args.Length==2 && args[0].ToLower()=="-l")
if (args.Length==2 && args[0].ToLower()=="-u")
This c# code was compiled/tested on csc.exe versions:
This is the command line used to compile the c# code:
c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\csc.exe /t:exe /out:"%tmp%\ToUpLower.exe" "%tmp%\ToUpLower.cs" /platform:anycpu /unsafe+ /w:0 /o /nologo
ToUpLower.exe usage UPPER to -> lower
ToUpLower.exe -l STRING
:: or ..
ToUpLower.exe -L STRING
ToUpLower.exe usage lower to -> UPPER
ToUpLower.exe -u string
:: or ..
ToUpLower.exe -U string
To keep ToUpLower.exe, remove echo/ from copy command:
echo/ >nul 2>nul copy "%tmp%\ToUpLower.exe" "."
This command line will copy ToUpLower.exe from %temp% to same the same folder where your bat is running.
Programming Guide C#:
Sorry my limited English
