I have "little" problem with Xamarin plugin for Visual Studio Community 2015. When I choose "Start debugging (F5)", app debugging to moment when on status bar I see text "Ready" and after 30 min nothing happend. In console "output" is text "Detecting installed packages...". Application won't debugg on my device. Yesterday works fine. Any sugestion? Thank you for help.
I need to repair Visual Studio and it fix my problem. Debugging works fine.
Did you try Cleaning the Solution and Rebuilding? If so, delete all files and folder in your project's bin and obj files, then do another clean and rebuild of the solution.
Finally I would check your references for any with a yellow icon. If you find yellow icons next to them, it is probably a package issue.
So I'm new to Unity and I'm watching a few tutorials to learn the basics. Something that got my attention is that in the videos they have an autocomplete and while I've got it too, it gives too few options. For instance it doesn't show the Debug or any of its properties. It runs fine but it's really annoying.
I don't know if it's related but it also lacks some coloration. Like in the videos Debug is colored orange but mine is not colored differently from the rest.
Not sure about your VS version and Unity version, but please update them if possible. For example, you have VS2017 15.8 and Unity 2018.1, then please update them to VS2017 15.9.17 and Unity2018.3.8 or higher.
And it seems to be one similar issue like this report in DC. You can find details from Sebastien Lebreton for trouble-shooting the issue there.
Make sure:
Visual Studio is set as your external script editor in Unity (Edit/Preferences/External Tools)
Visual Studio plugin is installed in Unity (Help/About must display a message like Microsoft Visual Studio Tools for Unity is enabled at the bottom).
Then check that the extension is properly installed in Visual Studio (Help/About).
You can try:
backup your project
quit both VS and Unity
remove all generated sln/csproj
remove the hidden .vs folder in VS Solution folder
remove the Library folder
re-open the project with Unity
In Unity, use Assets/Open C# Project to open that in Visual Studio
In addition to Lance Li-MSFT's answer I happened to observe this: When you create a new script (for example with "Add Component" -> "New Script") and then try to open it directly, this can happen. So after you created your script, give unity a few seconds to compile and then open it. For scripts that are opened to early, I did not manage to fix them. They just won't show IntelliSens hints, otherwise they work perfectly normal.
Just spent some time solving this
(VS 2022 community, Unity 2020.3.30f).
It happens that by defaut in Unity
Edit \ Preferences \ External tools
"External script editor" is set to "Open file by extension".
And script does open in VS 2022, and script compiles in Unity after editing, but it does not create .vs folder with all project related stuff.
So intellisence just did not kick in to Unity.
But after I set "External script editor" to Visual Studio, it started to work
(hints and coloration).
I have a problem with Visual Studio 2015 Community.
It's a bit difficult to explain, but here goes.
It seems like Visual Studio is not updating the window when I e.g. Open a project, tries to write in command line, open a file.. or do anything. But a soon as I manually resize the window of Visual Studio, all the things I have pressed or typed appears.
I have Visual Studio installed on two computers. At first it was all fine and dandy on my laptop, everything worked as it should.
Then the problem started on my desktop computer, so I decided to go back to my laptop, but surprise! Now my laptop had been cursed with the same problem! (They use the same user in Visual Studio).
I have tried to re-install VS, repair VS and delete the cache folder inside "App Data"-folder, but no luck.
It seems like Visual Studio works fine, but it just won't show me. (Unless I resize the window)
Can anyone please help me?
Found the problem!
It was the voice communication app called "Mumble" that created all the fuss!
Mumble has a feature called "Overlay" - That feature makes VS go crazy, apparently!
Turning it off, makes all of my troubles go away.
Thank you all for the input anyways.
For some reason VS 2013 is completely ignoring my changes to the file.
Namely, even if I comment a whole section out it would still execute it!
I tried:
Clean build
restart computer
removing and including the same file again
Note: I am developing a cross platform application using Xamarin and VS.
Would appreciate any help!
Probably you have compiled the project for Release, change that to Debug and build it again.
I doubt this question or answer would help anyone but here goes...
Solution: I had to update my SDK from the Android SDK Manager:
Open Android SDK Manager
Under Tools tick the checkbox next to the most recent Rev. ( I installed 23.0.5)
Click "Install packages..."
After having the problem I described I noticed few other really strange things. For example VS would not let me modify any of my drawables. If I tried to delete, add or rename any drawable VS would get stuck and the only way to solve this was to force stop it.
Here is the bug for this issue Visual Studio hangs when including, excluding, or saving files in Android resource folders.
Once I installed the latest SDK everything was well.
Hope this helps
Every time I try to build my solution in VS2013, nothing builds, no errors - But in the status bar it says: "This item does not support previewing"
I googled around a bit but have come up empty.
But if I right click on each project and select build it works fine.
Any ideas?
Perhaps this message is totally unrelated... Post hoc ergo propter hoc
Steps to reproduce on my machine:
Right Click any project in solution: select build
Status bar displays Build successful
Right click solution select build
Status bar displays : "This item does not support previewing"
Perhaps it isnt related, but it sure does appear to be.
I was able to fix this... Somehow nothing was selected to build in the solution configuration. I right clicked on the solution, went to properties and then selected COnfiguration Properties and clicked the Build box for all the projects...
I have no idea how they became unchecked, only thing I can think of is a co-worker was trolling me.....
I've had this problem (i.e. debug not starting, and no error message) with Visual Studio 2015 in the following two cases:
after loading a solution that had previously been built with Visual Studio 2010
and also after using the "save as" function in Visual Studio 2015 to update a solution that had been started with Visual Studio 2010 (using Save as updates the solution file and sets the active Visual Studio version to 14 - i.e. VS 2015).
In both cases, deleting the bin and obj directories under the startup project fixed the problem. It's also worth closing visual studio and making sure that there are no {yourprojectname}.vshost.exe processes still running - if there are then kill them before running visual studio again. On that note, if you have multiple versions of visual studio on your machine, you should also check that you don't have the same solution open in the other version of visual studio at the same time (I've done that one myself).
One of the comments here suggests disabling the "enable visual studio hosted process" option. Don't do that if you can at all avoid it: you'll lose lots of debugging functionality (particularly in the area of being able to edit code while your solution is running).
Hope that helps someone out there.
Solution for VS2015
"this item does not support previewing" vs2015 (Visual Studio 2015/2016)
Step 1. Go to Control Panel -> Programs and Features
Step 2. Uninstall all: Windows Software Development Kit - Windows 10.0.10586.15 (maybe you have diff ver)
Step 3. Download new latest Windows Software Development Kit
Install & Create new project, Done!
Dclick on MainPage.xaml and you will see Loading designer...
1: Add below lines in App.conf
<unitTestProvider name="MSTest"></unitTestProvider>
2: add a reference to Microsoft.VisualStudio.QualityTestTools.UnitTestFramework.dll
right click on your project and select: Add Reference
3: add using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting; in Step Defination
4: goto feature file and run it. This is what solve my problem on vs2013
I faced same issue with .aspx file. I just right click on the .aspx file and select open with (HTML Editor). You can choose any form the list.
I have come across the same issue for me, I have opened a project in VS 2010 and then when I open the same in VS 2015 then his error has occurred.
By Closing the VS2010 project solution fixed the issue.
I updated the Visual Studio Developer tools and voila! Some of my code no longer functions. I can debug, but 90% of the fixes I had made in the past day disapears whenever I debug. It worked earlier today with the old Visual Studio; but now, the effects of the code simply don't show up when I debug.
I can see the code in the code-editing window, but it doesn't debug any way I try. Does anybody know how I can fix this?
P.S. If this belongs on SuperUser, I'll be happy to put it there. Simply tell me, and I'll move it.
Manually clean the solution and output folders (by deleting the obj and bin folders while Studio is closed). Re-open and rebuild. If it's in a referenced DLL, drop the reference in the consumer, build to get a failure, then re-add.