I have an MPI program for having multiple processes read from a file that contains list of file names and based on the file names read - it reads the corresponding file and counts the frequency of words.
If one of the processes completes this and returns - to block executing MPI_Barrier(), the other processes also hang. On debugging, it could be seen that the readFile() function is not entered by the processes currently in process_files() Unable to figure out why this happens. Please find the code below:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <mpi.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "hash.h"
void process_files(char*, int* , int, hashtable_t* );
void initialize_word(char *c,int size)
int i;
char* readFilesList(MPI_File fh, char* file,int rank, int nprocs, char* block, const int overlap, int* length)
char *text;
int blockstart,blockend;
MPI_Offset size;
MPI_Offset blocksize;
MPI_Offset begin;
MPI_Offset end;
MPI_Status status;
/*Block size calculation*/
blocksize = size/nprocs;
begin = rank*blocksize;
end = begin+blocksize-1;
end = size;
blocksize = end-begin+1;
text = (char*)malloc((blocksize+1)*sizeof(char));
MPI_File_read_at_all(fh,begin,text,blocksize,MPI_CHAR, &status);
blockstart = 0;
blockend = blocksize;
while(text[blockstart]!='\n' && blockstart!=blockend) blockstart++;
while(text[blockend]!='\n'&& blockend!=blocksize) blockend++;
blocksize = blockend-blockstart;
block = (char*)malloc((blocksize+1)*sizeof(char));
block = memcpy(block, text + blockstart, blocksize);
*length = strlen(block);
return block;
void calculate_term_frequencies(char* file, char* text, hashtable_t *hashtable,int rank)
printf("Start File %s, rank %d \n\n ",file,rank);
int i,j;
char w[100];
j++; i++;
w[j] = 0;
//ht_set( hashtable, strcat(strcat(w,"#"),file),1);
void readFile(char* filename, hashtable_t *hashtable,int rank)
MPI_Status stat;
MPI_Offset size;
MPI_File fx;
char* textFromFile=0;
printf("Start File %d, rank %d \n\n ",strlen(filename),rank);
printf("Start File %s, rank %d \n\n ",filename,rank);
textFromFile = (char*)malloc((size+1)*sizeof(char));
MPI_File_read_at_all(fx,0,textFromFile,size,MPI_CHAR, &stat);
calculate_term_frequencies(filename, textFromFile, hashtable,rank);
printf("Done File %s, rank %d \n\n ",filename,rank);
void process_files(char* block, int* length, int rank,hashtable_t *hashtable)
char s[2];
s[0] = '\n';
s[1] = 0;
char *file;
/* get the first file */
file = strtok(block, s);
/* walk through other tokens */
while( file != NULL )
file = strtok(NULL, s);
void execute_process(MPI_File fh, char* file, int rank, int nprocs, char* block, const int overlap, int * length, hashtable_t *hashtable)
block = readFilesList(fh,file,rank,nprocs,block,overlap,length);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
MPI_File fh=0;
int rank,nprocs,namelen;
char *block=0;
const int overlap = 70;
char* file = "filepaths.txt";
int *length = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int));
hashtable_t *hashtable = ht_create( 65536 );
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &nprocs);
char processor_name[MPI_MAX_PROCESSOR_NAME];
MPI_Get_processor_name(processor_name, &namelen);
printf("Rank %d is on processor %s\n",rank,processor_name);
printf("Rank %d returned after processing\n",rank);
return 0;
The filepaths.txt is a file that contain the absolute file names of normal text files:
Your readFilesList function is pretty confusing, and I believe it doesn't do what you want it to do, but maybe I just do not understand it correctly. I believe it is supposed to collect a bunch of filenames out of the list file for each process. A different set for each process. It does not do that, but this is not the problem, even if this would do what you want it to, the subsequent MPI IO would not work.
When reading files, you use MPI_File_read_all with MPI_COMM_WORLD as communicator. This requires all processes to participate in reading this file. Now, if each process should read a different file, this obviously is not going to work.
So there are several issues with your implementation, though I can not really explain your described behavior, I would rather first start off and try to fix them, before debugging in detail, what might go wrong.
I am under the impression, you want to have an algorithm along these lines:
Read a list of file names
Distribute that list of files equally to all processes
Have each process work on its own set of files
Do something with the data from this processing
And I would suggest to try this with the following approach:
Read the list on a single process (no MPI IO)
Scatter the list of files to all processes, such that all get around the same amount of work
Have each process work on its list of files independently and in serial (serial file access and processing)
Some data reduction with MPI, as needed
I believe, this would be the best (easiest and fastest) strategy in your scenario. Note, that no MPI IO is involved here at all. I don't think doing some complicated distributed reading of the file list in the first step would result in any advantage here, and in the actual processing it would actually be harmful. The more independent your processes are, the better your scalability usually.
I am trying to create a directory that contains a UTF-8 characters using QDir::mkpath . A directory is created but the name is not correct. I am using this sample code:
#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <QDir>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);
QString path = QDir::homePath();
path += QDir::separator();
path += "محمود";
I solved my problem by replacing
path += "محمود";
path += QString::fromUtf8("محمود");
I have an assignment that tasks me with reading from a file that contains a series of numbers in ASCII decimal format and convert them to integers. I've made a function that does this but I don't know what the numbers are in the file. How do I see open a file that contains these type of numbers? Whenever I open it in a text editor or some other program I end up with series of integer numbers. Is this what it should look like?
Thank you in advance
Assuming you have a text file containing a series of numbers in ASCII decimal format, one number per line, you can easily accomplish your task using a C program like this one:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define MAX_LINE_LEN (32)
int main ( int argc, char * argv[] )
FILE * pf;
char line[ MAX_LINE_LEN ];
/* open text file for reading */
pf = fopen( "integers.txt", "r" );
if( !pf )
printf("error opening input file.\n");
return 1;
/* loop though the lines of the file */
while( fgets( line, MAX_LINE_LEN, pf ) )
/* convert ASCII to integer */
int n = atoi( line );
/* display integer */
printf("%d\n", n );
/* close text file */
fclose( pf );
return 0;
/* eof */
I am newbei to driver programming i am started writing the simple char driver . Then i created special file for my char driver mknod /dev/simple-driver c 250 0 .when it type cat /dev/simple-driver. it shows the string "Hello world from Kernel mode!". i know that function
static const char g_s_Hello_World_string[] = "Hello world tamil_vanan!\n\0";
static const ssize_t g_s_Hello_World_size = sizeof(g_s_Hello_World_string);
static ssize_t device_file_read(
struct file *file_ptr
, char __user *user_buffer
, size_t count
, loff_t *possition)
printk( KERN_NOTICE "Simple-driver: Device file is read at offset =
%i, read bytes count = %u", (int)*possition , (unsigned int)count );
if( *possition >= g_s_Hello_World_size )
return 0;
if( *possition + count > g_s_Hello_World_size )
count = g_s_Hello_World_size - *possition;
if( copy_to_user(user_buffer, g_s_Hello_World_string + *possition, count) != 0 )
return -EFAULT;
*possition += count;
return count;
is get called . This is mapped to (*read) in file_opreation structure of my driver .My question is how this function is get called , how the parameters like struct file,char,count, offset are passed bcoz is i simply typed cat command ..Please elabroate how this happening
In Linux all are considered as files. The type of file, whether it is a driver file or normal file depends upon the mount point where it is mounted.
For Eg: If we consider your case : cat /dev/simple-driver traverses back to the mount point of device files.
From the device file name simple-driver it retrieves Major and Minor number.
From those number(especially from minor number) it associates the driver file for your character driver.
From the driver it uses struct file ops structure to find the read function, which is nothing but your read function:
static ssize_t device_file_read(struct file *file_ptr, char __user *user_buffer, size_t count, loff_t *possition)
User_buffer will always take sizeof(size_t count).It is better to keep a check of buffer(In some cases it throws warning)
String is copied to User_buffer(copy_to_user is used to check kernel flags during copy operation).
postion is 0 for first copy and it increments in the order of count:position+=count.
Once read function returns the buffer to cat. and cat flushes the buffer contents on std_out which is nothing but your console.
cat will use some posix version of read call from glibc. Glibc will put the arguments on the stack or in registers (this depends on your hardware architecture) and will switch to kernel mode. In the kernel the values will be copied to the kernel stack. And in the end your read function will be called.
I have a program and a .l2p file with some lines of info.
I have run a registry file:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
#="\"C:\\Program Files\\ToriLori\\L2P.exe\",0"
#="\"C:\\Program Files\\ToriLori\\L2P.exe\" \"%1\""
When I double-click the .l2p file the program starts but doesn't load the file. What do I have to do to make it load properly? Example code would be very appreciated.
When you double click on a file the file name is passed as a command line argument to the associated program. You have to parse the command line, get the file name and open it (how to do that depends on how your program works).
#include <iostream>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) {
std::cout << "The " << i << "th argument is " << argv[i] << std::endl;
If you run this program from command line:
>test.exe "path/to/file" "/path/to/second/file"
The 1th argument is path/to/file
The 2th argument is /path/to/second/file
In Qt if you create a QApplication you can also access the command line arguments via QCoreApplications::arguments().
You might want to load the file after having created your main window. You may do something like this:
#include <QApplication>
#include <QTimer>
#include "MainWindow.h"
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication app(argc, argv);
MainWindow window;
QTimer::singleShot(0, & window, SLOT(initialize()));
return app.exec();
This way the slot MainWindow::initialize() (which you have to define) gets called as soon as the event loop has started.
void MainWindow::initialize()
QStringList arguments = QCoreApplication::arguments();
// Now you can parse the arguments *after* the main window has been created.
If I'm understanding your question correctly, L2P.exe is a Qt program you created and you want to handle a passed argument as specifying a file to open. If that's the case, you just need to read that argument in your main() method and handle it. (This isn't something that happens automatically.) Something like the following, although you obviously want to add a bit of error checking:
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
QApplication a(argc, argv);
const QStringList arguments = a.arguments();
// The final argument is assumed to be the file to open.
if (arguments.size() > 1 && QFile::exists(arguments.last())) {
// ... etc.