Here is the query I run:
$table1 = DB::table('diaris')
->where('user_id', '=', Auth::user()->id)->first();
You can access the attribute like this:
$record = DB::table('diaris')->where('user_id', '=', Auth::user()->id)->first();
$record->masa; // <-- accessing the property
$orders = Orders::select(' as order_id', 'collection_color.color_name as color', ' as collection_color_id', DB::raw('SUM(order_piece.piece) As piece'))
->join('order_piece', 'order_piece.order_id', '=', '')
->join('collection_color_size_barcode', '', '=', 'order_piece.collection_color_size_barcode_id')
->join('collection_color', '', '=', 'collection_color_size_barcode.collection_color_id')
->whereIn('', $request->order_id)
->orderBY('orders.delivery_date', 'ASC')
return $orders; => [{"order_id":30,"color":"Kahverengi","collection_color_id":21,"piece":"500"}]
return $ccfc = CollectionColorFabricColor::whereIn('collection_color_id', $orders->collection_color_id)->get();
Property [collection_color_id] does not exist on this collection instance. i am getting error can you help me
The error is most likely due to this in your second code snippet: $orders->collection_color_id. $orders is a collection, so the property doesn't exist in that object. What you actually need is to pluck those values from that collection like so:
return $ccfc = CollectionColorFabricColor::query()
->whereIn('collection_color_id', $orders->pluck('collection_color_id'))
Because your $orders is collection, you need to get collection_color_id array like this :
$arrayColors = $orders->pluck('collection_color_id')->toArray();
return $ccfc = CollectionColorFabricColor::whereIn('collection_color_id', $arrayColors)->get();
Can somebody tell me what am I doing wrong?
I want to get all projects with status 0 and if any of data matches in eloquent.
My code is like this
public function search(Request $request){
$search_query = $request->input('q');
$projects = Project::where(['status' => '0'])->get();
$projects = $projects->where(function($query) use ($search_query) {
And I am getting this error
explode() expects parameter 2 to be string, object given
I solved the problem but changed the code a little bit... If you like, take it! I tested and it's working.
// Your $request->q Value
$term = $request->q;
$projects = DB::table('tbl_projects')->where('status', '=', 0)
->where(function ($query) use ($term) {
$query->where('title', 'LIKE', '%'.$term.'%')
->orWhere('shortDescription', 'LIKE', '%'.$term.'%')
->orWhere('longDescription', 'LIKE', '%'.$term.'%')
->orWhere('tags', 'LIKE', '%'.$term.'%')
->orWhere('projectLink', 'LIKE', '%'.$term.'%');
Raw query is:
select * from `tbl_projects` where `status` = 0 and (`title` LIKE %bla bla% or `shortDescription` LIKE %bla bla% or `longDescription` LIKE %bla bla% or `tags` LIKE %bla bla% or `projectLink` LIKE %bla bla%))
Your error is
$projects = Project::where(['status' => '0'])->get();
(['status' => '0']) Where clause params required is different. You must use ('status', '0') or ('status', '=', '0')
When you use ->get(), you have a Collection or EloquentCollection object. You need a QueryBuilder
Try to implement a better programation logic.
A better implementation is
public function search(Request $request){
// Add array with field coincidences target. Is better if this array is a const static field in the Project model
$searchFields = ['title', 'shortDescription', 'longDescription', 'tags', 'projectLink' ];
// Now you can add 100 fields for search coincidences easily
$search_query = $request->input('q');
$projects = Project::where('status', '0');
foreach($searchFields as $searchField){
if ($searchField == 'title'){
$projects = $projects->where($searchField,'LIKE',"%$search_query%");
$projects = $projects->orWhere($searchField,'LIKE',"%$search_query%");
$projects = $projects->get();
I have a query which gives me list of total counts of different items, as:
$data = DB::table($Table1)
->where($Table1.'.created_at', '>', $value)
->select('item', DB::raw('count(*) as total'))
->lists('total', 'item');
now i want to fetch same data with extra condition as >where($Table1.'.status', '=', 'SUCCESS') .
how do i do that ??
I don't think you'll get away with anything nice than this.
$query = DB::table($Table1)
->where($Table1.'.created_at', '>', $value)
->select('item', DB::raw('count(*) as total'))
$data1 = $query->lists('total', 'rem');
$data2 = $query->where($Table1 . '.status', '=', 'SUCCESS')->lists('total, 'rem');
Use clone to copy the query object for modifications.
$query = DB::table()->where();
$clonedQuery = clone $query;
I have the following code which works:
$name = 'jhon';
$users = DB::table('account')->where('login', '=', $name)->get();
How would I specify the AND parameter so that I can query on multiple conditions?
$login = $request->login;
$password = $request->password;
$users = DB::table('account')->where([
['login', '=', $login],
['password', '=', $password]
Doesn't work.
$users = DB::table('account')
->where('login', '=', $login and 'password', '=', $password)->get();
To clarify, I'm looking specifically for a query builder solution, not an Eloquent solution.
Use where method twice:
$users = DB::table('account')
->where('login', '=', $login)
->where('password', '=', $password)
I have the next query and I want to get the but is not returned:
$projects = Project::with('projectsTask')
' as name_type'
->where('client_id', $client->id)
->join('price_types', 'tasks.type_list', '=', '')
Here an image query is retrievng
This on picture "type_list" must be string text
Maybe somebody can help me.
Many thanks!
Try this:
$projects = Project::with('projectsTask')
->where('client_id', $client->id)
->join('price_types', 'tasks.type_list', '=', '')
' as name_type'']);
get method receive as parameter an array with fields that you want.
$projects = Project::join('tasks', '', '=', 'tasks.project_id')
' as name_type',
' as name_status'
->where([['client_id', $client->id], ['tasks.status_type', '!=', 2]])
->join('price_types', 'tasks.type_list', '=', '')
->join('statuses', 'tasks.status_type', '=', 'statuses.type')
->orderBy('', 'DESC')