Client error response [url] [status code] 400 [reason phrase] BAD REQUEST - laravel-4

Client error response [url] [status code] 400 [reason phrase] BAD REQUEST
I'm using Laravel 4.2 and guzzlehttp 4.
Sometime mail sending, sometime occurs this error.
Have any solution ?

Add your domain and secret under /config/services.php and try again.
Or you can use bogardo/mailgun package to send mail using mailgun in laravel.


after post request http respond is 404 not found error in Postman
Backend is starting without any issues, but after sending post request i get 404 not found respond please help.
Postman screen

Error Code: 10001 Invalid Request - Encrypted request invalid/not present. Return from CCavenues

I am trying to integrate CCAvenue payment Gateway in Laravel.
my error is:
Error Code: 10001 Invalid Request - Encrypted request invalid/not present. Don't worry... It happens to the best of us.CCAvenue Error

Laravel Failed to authenticate on SMTP

when I am trying to send an email with sendgrid I have got this error. How can I solve it?
Failed to authenticate on SMTP server with username "dfadsfasdf" using 2 possible authenticators. Authenticator LOGIN returned Expected response code 250 but got an empty response. Authenticator PLAIN returned Expected response code 250 but got an empty response.

What does "400 Bad request" mean in HTTP2 APNs response?

By using the new HTTP2 APNs Notification API, there is a response code 400 Bad request returns. What does this mean? Invalid token? Invalid payload? Or anything else?
You can check the payload, it will have reason along with 400 error code.
PayLoad = {"reason":"BadDeviceToken"}
In my case we used debug build to point to production APNS and APNS rejected with 400

How to get API error message from using Laravel and Guzzle

I'm using guzzle and laravel to call an API however when I get an error from the API, I can't view the error message sent back from the API. Laravel / Guzzle gives a default error Client error: 400.
How do I view the error message sent back?
I added this to the request which solved my issue.
'http_errors' => false
