Yammer - Is it possible to get access token by registered app? - yammer

GET https://www.yammer.com/dialog/oauth?client_id=[:client_id]&redirect_uri=[:redirect_uri]&response_type=token
Above request returns access token but I don't know how does it expire so I want to have a "refreshing" method when user is not logged on.
GET oauth2/authorize?client_id=[:client_id]&response_type=code&redirect_uri=[:redirect_uri]
POST oauth2/access_token
It requires user already logged into Yammer.
Is there a way to get access token (user is not logged in) by registered app (client_id & client_secret) or something like that?
Thank you!

Is there a way to get access token (user is not logged in)...
A user must be logged-in to able to generate an access token.
You'd be happy to know that tokens generated this way are long lived. They hardly expire unless the user revokes the app's access, or the app and/or the owner is disabled/deleted. So you really do not need a refresher token service. Once you obtain the token, you may want to save it a safe location/DB and re-use it for as many times as you like. Although it's a good practice to refresh tokens at regular intervals.


Handle Google api calendar removed access

I am using this googleapis nodejs client for calendar, and everything works perfect except that if I remove access from google account security settings,
calendar is still connected. Is there any method to check for removed access from google account? How to handle those cases?
When a user runs your application the first time they are presented with a consent form. Which asks them to grant permission for your application to access their Google calendar data. From this point on when ever your application runs the user may have to login again but they will not have to grant your application permission. If you have a refresh token you will be able to use that when ever you like to request a new access token. the access token will be valid for one hour.
Now if you request a new access Token as stated its valid for one hour. This is true even if the user goes to Google Account security for their account and removes the consent for an application access their data.
Your still going to be able to access their data while any access tokens you have currently are valid. If the user tries to use your application again they will have to consent permission. If you try to use the refresh token it will no longer work.
Access tokens work for one hour they are not reauthorized during that time its assumed that they are valid. (This may in fact depend upon the scope and API in question and how googles policy server works.)
access token are designed to be self contained permission systems. As long as you have an access token for the correct scope most apis assume that you have access. However in the event this method is accessing critical data then they may have a policy server setup. This server could be doing an extra check on an access token to ensure that the user still has access even though they have a valid access token. However doing this can be very time consuming and resource heavy as reevaluating every call to ensure that the user still has access. It kind of defeats the purpose of having access tokens that are valid for an hour in the first place.

How to sign out when using gapi.auth2.authorize

I am using gapi.auth2.authorize to authorize people in my Google Photos API app but I cannont find a why to unauthorize or disconnect them from the app. What I have noticed though is that there is no way of using an old access token so that the user doesn't need to authorize.
How can I make the access token invalid?
Is it correct that every time the API is used the user has to authorize?
How can I make the access token invalid?
Not possible to invalidate an access token, it will expire after 1h
You can check documenttation here
Is it correct that every time the API is used the user has to authorize?
Nope, you should ask users to authorize only once, using a refresh token that you can keep in your back-end, thus allowing your app to content on on users behalf all the time, until they revoke permissions

Strapi - anonymous browsing

I'm developing a mobile app which will allow users to browse without signing up. I would like to have all my endpoints secured via token.
How would we go about allowing anonymous browsing? i.e. provide a token to anonymous users.
Not sure to understand your case, why do you need a token if your users aren't registered and your API opens to everyone?
The authentication system of Strapi has been built to only send token to registered users. However, the easiest way to make it work for you is to register every visitor coming in your app based on their IP or something unique as a username and set the same password for each one of them. Then, every time the user comes back, you can call the /auth/local URL to sign-in the user and get the token or use the token stored in the local storage.

Correct way to safely store token/secret/etc from OAuth?

I just started looking into OAuth and it looks really nice. I have oauth with twitter working in ruby right now.
Now I'm wondering, what is the recommended safe way to store the responses in my local database and session?
What should I store?
Where should I store it?
This example twitter-oauth-with-rails app stores a user.id in the session, and the user table has the token and secret. But that seems like it'd be really easy to hack and get the secret by just passing in a slew of test user ids, no?
The tokens are useless without the consumer key/secret of your twitter app as they're not the same for every app but depend on the consumer key/secret.
To get a session variable you would have to guess the session id which is not that easy to accomplish.
If you want you can store those tokens in the session but I would suggest storing the user tokens in your database with all the other user data so your session contains only the data to identify the user in your system.
Update: I'm not sure if I understand correctly what you mean by accessing the tokens from the database by guessing an ID.
Do you have any authentication in place so that the users have to enter some credentials to access their data? You should store the tokens the same way you store the users email address or password and only authenticated users should be able to access it.
If you're developing a web application you can add a hidden field to the form the user submits, with some hash-like value calculated with the user.id so evil guys cannot change that value and just "guess" for an access token

What is the use of infinite session in facebook?

A session token is given to the user when he starts running a facebook application, as long as this token is not stolen, other people cannot impersonate him. To increase security, a new token is also generated again when it has expired or has been cleared.
So what is the problem here? Why do people want infinite session token in facebook?
How is it useful to both developers and end-users of facebook applications?
It's now called "offline_access". You're right in that most applications don't need this permission; however, occasionally an app may want to do some processing on behalf of the user while the user isn't present. For example, there are some blogging apps like posterous.com that allow you to email your blog posts - and they may want to publish without asking each time. For those, it's appropriate to ask for the extended perm.
Here's more information about how to request the permission:
Why do people want infinite session
token in facebook?
So that when they exit their browser and restart it, they don't have to type in the username and password again. The authentication is still there so they can just simply start facebooking.
