Datatables 1.10.5 ajax error handler - Getting access to the http status code - ajax

I'm using Datatables 1.10.5 and I have the ajax error handler defined. I need to gain access to the actual http status code when the error fires so I can see if my user's session time has expired (HTTP 401) vs if there's something wrong on the backend such as an HTTP 500 error. Right now the techNote is always 7.
How can I get that elusive HTTP status code from the ajax transaction? I tried below, but it does not fire.
$("#example").ajaxError(function(event, jqxhr, request, settings){
alert("Failure HTTP Code:"+jqxhr.status);
$.fn.dataTable.ext.errMode = 'throw';
$('#example').on('error.dt', function(e, settings, techNote, message) {
console.log( 'An error has been reported by DataTables: ', message);
Does not have the information I need, or at least that I cannot find it in any of the passed variables.

I've been able to get access to the status code without overriding global jQuery ajaxError by overriding the more specific to DataTables $.fn.dataTable.ext.errMode with a function:
$.fn.dataTable.ext.errMode = function (settings, tn, msg) {
if (settings && settings.jqXHR && settings.jqXHR.status == 401) {
window.location = window.location.origin + '/login';
alert(msg) // Alert for all other error types; default DataTables behavior
This example shows a redirect to login on 401 status code, however, you could do the same with any other status code.
Last note is you might want to leverage the DataTables statusCode option for status code specific handling but you'll still need to override $.fn.dataTable.ext.errMode if you want to bypass default error handling since it executes before anything you define in statusCode

Handle xhr event. When Ajax error occurs third argument json would be null and fourth argument xhr would contain jQuery XHR object. You can get the status by accessing xhr.status property.
Also see $.fn.dataTable.ext.errMode which could be used to instruct DataTables not to show the alert.


Vue API Calls and Laravel Middleware

Is it possible to globally set a listener on API calls made with Axios in Vue? The Laravel back-end has middleware set up on each endpoint that will either give the requested data or return a message saying that they need to check their messages. My goal is to capture that message and redirect the user to the page to view their message. I can't think of a way to do this other than setting something on each function that checks for the message and responds accordingly. There are hundreds of functions and that it wouldn't be a clean solution.
Any and all recommendations are welcome!
Using Axios Interceptors you can do something along these lines:
this.$http.interceptors.response.use(response => () {
// Redirect to a new page when you send
// custom header from the server
if (response.headers.hasOwnProperty('my-custom-header')) {
window.location.href = '/another-page';
// Or when you get a specific response status code
if (response.status === 402) {
window.location.href = '/another-page';
// Or when the response contains some specific data
if ( === 'redirect') {
window.location.href = '/another-page';
// ...or whatever you want

How to map URL in iron-ajax call to server with that of routes in server-side index.js?

<iron-ajax id="ajax_call_send_student_feedback" url="/student/feedback" handle-as="json" content-type='application/json' method="POST" body="{{student_feedback_body}}" on-response="ajax_response_student_feedback" on-error="ajax_error_student-feedback"></iron-ajax>
The above is my ajax-call to post body to server.As am running locally my url when this call is made is localhost:3000/student/feedback.
On the server-side , I have this following route to take care of the above ajax-call'/student/feedback',function(req, res) {
var body = _.pick(req.body, 'student_loginID', 'student_feedback_subject', 'student_feedback_message');
But as soon as I make the ajax call , following error is shown on client-side.
POST http://localhost:3000/student/feedback 400 (Bad Request)
I have already checked the API end-point via Postman. So , there is some problem in the URL which I am not getting.
Ask for any other information , if I haven't provided.
this is probably a problem with your server route. inspect what's being sent to the server and how you're modifying that data.
log the value of body before your response returns json
send back a piece of hard-coded json'/student/feedback',function(req, res) {
var body = _.pick(req.body, 'student_loginID', 'student_feedback_subject', 'student_feedback_message');
res.json({"foo": "bar"});

How to handle application errors for json api calls using CakePHP?

I am using CakePHP 2.4.
I want my frontend make api calls to my CakePHP backend using ajax.
Suppose this is to change passwords.
Change password action can throw the following application errors:
old password wrong
new password and confirm new passwords do not match
In my frontend, I have a success callback handler and a error callback handler.
The error callback handler handles all the non 200 request calls such as when I throw NotFoundException or UnAuthorizedAccessException in my action.
The success callback handler handles all the 200 request calls including of course, the above 2 scenarios.
My questions are:
Should I continue to do it this way? Meaning to say, inside all success callback handler, I need to watch out for application success and application error scenarios.
Should I send application errors back with actual HTTP error codes?
if I should do 2, how do I implement this in CakePHP?
Thank you.
Don't use http error codes for system errors like:
old password wrong
new password and confirm new passwords do not match
etc etc...
Now using success handler you can show messages and code flow as:
Create Ajax post or get to submit the form, I am showing you post example
var passwordValue = $('#password').val();
$.post( "/updatePassword", { passwordText: passwordValue })
.done(function(response) {
if(response.status === 'Success'){
// Success msg
// whatever
// Error msg
// whatever
json response would like:
"status": "Failed/Success",
"message": "old password wrong."
Create one function in controller
public function updatePassword() {
$myModel = $this->MyModel->find('first' // YOUR CODE LOGIC);
if($this->request->is('ajax') {
// What else?
echo json_encode($myModel);
// What else?
Do something like this, hope it will solve your query!

Debugging Ajax requests in a Symfony environment

Not sure if SFDebug is any help in this situation. I am making an ajax post using jQuery. Which retrieves JSON data in my action URL and then makes a call to the Model method that executes the action. The part until my action URL, and the jQuery call to it work fine. With the data transmitted from the client to the server well received and no errors being made.
It is the part where it calls the method on the Model that is failing. My jQuery method looks like this:
$.post(url, jsonData, function(servermsg) { console.log(servermsg); }) ;
My server action is like this
public function executeMyAjaxRequest(sfWebRequest $request)
// process whatever
$servermsg = Doctrine_Core::getTable('table')->addDataToTable($dataArray);
return $this->renderText($servermsg);
return false;
The method of concern in the Table.class.php file looks like this:
public function addDataToTable($dataArray)
// process $dataArray and retrieve the necessary data
$data = new Data();
$data->field = $dataArray['field'];
return $data->id ;
The method fails up here in the model, when renderText in the action is returned and logged into the console, it returns the HTMl for SFDEBUG. Which indicates that it failed.
If this was not an Ajax call, I could debug it by seeing what the model method spat out, but this is a little tedious with Ajax in the mix.
Not looking for exact answers here, but more on how I can approach debugging ajax requests in a symfony environment, so if there are suggestions on how I can debug this, that would be great.
You must send cookie with session ide key via ajax
(Assuming you have XDEBUG configured on the server)
In order to trigger a debug session by an AJAX request you have to somehow make that request to send additional URL parameter XDEBUG_SESSION_START=1. For your example:
$.post(url + '?XDEBUG_SESSION_START=1', jsonData, function(servermsg) { console.log(servermsg); }) ;
You can also trigger it via cookie, but appending URL parameter usually easier.

Backbone.js save behaving weird

I create a new model (msg) and save it like below:{}, {success: this.createSuccess, error: function(model, response){
console.log('nay', response);
Now the server returns status: 200 and statusText: "OK" but still the error callback is called.
The model has no validation nor does the server (Express.js).
What could I've overlooked?
I'm using the latest version of Backbone and Express…
Are you returning anything in your body? If all you are returning is 200 OK in the head, then you will get an error. You should return the JSON representation of the saved item (including the id, which is really important for updates/deletes later) from your server.
If you want to return an empty response, the response code should be 204 No Content. See
