laravel Blade {{ }} or {!! !!} statement - laravel

On laravel documentation, they use {{ }} but not {!! !!} for Blade statement.
But some people said they prefer !! over {{.
What's the reason of using !!?

{{ Escaped variable }}
{!! Unescaped variable !!}
Quote from the documentation:
By default, Blade {{ }} statements are automatically sent through
PHP's htmlentities function to prevent XSS attacks. If you do not want
your data to be escaped, you may use the following syntax:
Hello, {!! $name !!}

{{ }} will escape all special characters to prevent xss attacks, meanwhile {!! !!} will give You raw results.
{{ "<script>alert('hi');</script>" }} == <script>alert('hi');</script>
{!! "<script>alert('hi');</script>" !!} == <script>alert('hi');</script>

Please read docs
By default, Blade {{ }} statements are automatically sent through PHP's htmlentities function to prevent XSS attacks. If you do not want your data to be escaped, you may use the following syntax:
Hello, {!! $name !!}.
Though be extra careful while using the later.


Getting html tags to show up in word [duplicate]

I have a string returned to one of my views, like this:
$text = '<p><strong>Lorem</strong> ipsum dolor <img src="images/test.jpg"></p>'
I'm trying to display it with Blade:
However, the output is a raw string instead of rendered HTML. How do I display HTML with Blade in Laravel?
PS. PHP echo() displays the HTML correctly.
You need to use
{!! $text !!}
The string will auto escape when using {{ $text }}.
For laravel 5
Figured out through this link, see RachidLaasri answer
You can try this:
{!! $text !!}
You should have a look at:
Please use
{!! $test !!}
Only in case of HTML while if you want to render data, sting etc. use
{{ $test }}
This is because when your blade file is compiled
{{ $test }} is converted to <?php echo e($test) ?>
{!! $test !!} is converted to <?php echo $test ?>
There is another way. If object purpose is to render html you can implement \Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Htmlable contract that has toHtml() method.
Then you can render that object from blade like this: {{ $someObject }} (note, no need for {!! !!} syntax).
Also if you want to return html property and you know it will be html, use \Illuminate\Support\HtmlString class like this:
public function getProductDescription()
return new HtmlString($this->description);
and then use it like {{ $product->getProductDescription() }}.
Of course be responsible when directly rendering raw html on page.
When your data contains HTML tags then use
{!! $text !!}
When your data doesn't contain HTML tags then use
{{ $text }}
Try this. It worked for me.
{{ html_entity_decode($text) }}
In Laravel Blade template, {{ }} wil escape html. If you want to display html from controller in view, decode html from string.
You can do that using three ways first use if condition like below
{!! $text !!}
The is Second way
<td class="nowrap">
#if( $order->status == '0' )
<button class="btn btn-danger">Inactive</button>
<button class="btn btn-success">Active</button>
The third and proper way for use ternary operator on blade
<td class="nowrap">
{!! $order->status=='0' ?
'<button class="btn btn-danger">Inactive</button> :
'<button class="btn btn-success">Active</button> !!}
I hope the third way is perfect for used ternary operator on blade.
you can do with many ways in laravel 5..
{!! $text !!}
{!! html_entity_decode($text) !!}
Use {!! $text !!}to display data without escaping it. Just be sure that you don’t do this with data that came from the user and has not been cleaned.
To add further explanation, code inside Blade {{ }} statements are automatically passed through the htmlspecialchars() function that php provides. This function takes in a string and will find all reserved characters that HTML uses. Reserved characters are & < > and ". It will then replace these reserved characters with their HTML entity variant. Which are the following:
| Character | Entity |
| & | & |
| < | < |
| > | > |
| " | " |
For example, assume we have the following php statement:
$hello = "<b>Hello</b>";
Passed into blade as {{ $hello }} would yield the literal string you passed:
Under the hood, it would actually echo as <b>Hello<b&gt
If we wanted to bypass this and actually render it as a bold tag, we escape the htmlspecialchars() function by adding the escape syntax blade provides:
{!! $hello !!}
Note that we only use one curly brace.
The output of the above would yield:
We could also utilise another handy function that php provides, which is the html_entity_decode() function. This will convert HTML entities to their respected HTML characters. Think of it as the reverse of htmlspecialchars()
For example say we have the following php statement:
$hello = "<b> Hello <b>";
We could now add this function to our escaped blade statement:
{!! html_entity_decode($hello) !!}
This will take the HTML entity < and parse it as HTML code <, not just a string.
The same will apply with the greater than entity >
which would yield
The whole point of escaping in the first place is to avoid XSS attacks. So be very careful when using escape syntax, especially if users in your application are providing the HTML themselves, they could inject their own code as they please.
This works fine for Laravel 5.6
<?php echo "$text"; ?>
In a different way
{!! $text !!}
It will not render HTML code and print as a string.
For more details open link:- Display HTML with Blade
By default, Blade {{ }} statements are automatically sent through PHP's htmlspecialchars function to prevent XSS attacks. If you do not want your data to be escaped, you may use the following syntax:
According to the doc, you must do the following to render your html in your Blade files:
{!! $text !!}
Be very careful when echoing content that is supplied by users of your application. You should typically use the escaped, double curly brace syntax to prevent XSS attacks when displaying user supplied data.
If you want to escape the data use
{{ $html }}
If don't want to escape the data use
{!! $html !!}
But till Laravel-4 you can use
{{ HTML::link('/auth/logout', 'Sign Out', array('class' => 'btn btn-default btn-flat')) }}
When comes to Laravel-5
{!! HTML::link('/auth/logout', 'Sign Out', array('class' => 'btn btn-default btn-flat')) !!}
You can also do this with the PHP function
{{ html_entity_decode($data) }}
go through the PHP document for the parameters of this function
html_entity_decode -
Try this, It's worked:
echo $text;
For who using tinymce and markup within textarea:
{{ htmlspecialchars($text) }}
On controller.
$your_variable = '';
$your_variable .= '<p>Hello world</p>';
return view('viewname')->with('your_variable', $your_variable)
If you do not want your data to be escaped, you may use the following syntax:
{!! $your_variable !!}
Hello world
{!! !!} is not safe.
Read here:
You can try:
echo $variable;
If you use the Bootstrap Collapse class sometimes {!! $text !!}
is not worked for me but {{ html_entity_decode($text) }} is worked for me.
I have been there and it was my fault. And very stupid one.
if you forget .blade extension in the file name, that file doesn't understand blade but runs php code. You should use
instead of
hope this helps some one

Not allowing code to excute

In Laravel 5, using {{ code }} will escape code and show it as text, but if the code is already encoded say HTML, and is displayed inside the {{ }} it will execute, is there a way for this not to happen?
Use {!! $your_code !!} instead of {{ }}
If you do not want your data to be escaped, you may use the following syntax: {!! $text !!} to display html

HTML::image() rendering img tag not image laravel

I am trying to display image with {{ HTML::image('images/login_user.png') }} but it gives the output as <img src="http://myproject/images/login_user.png"> not image. I have put image into /public/images folder.
Double curly braces in blade templating will output the string and it will not parse as tag.
{!! HTML::image('images/login_user.png') !!}
{{ something }} - this in laravel 5+, will escape anything and output only string, it is done to protect user from all kind source of injection.
{!! something !!}} - Use this in your case such as {!! HTML::image('images/login_user.png') !!}

Handling conditions in blade templates on laravel 4 in a form input

I would like to test the existence of value in blade on Laravel 4.
{{ Form::text('name', #if(isset($value)) {{$value}} #endif; }}
I tried this:
{{ Form::text('name', #if(isset($value)) $value #endif; }}
You can do it in one line.
I'd prefer a better approach, using condition?if:else , which also I use in my daily projects:
{{ Form::text('name',isset($value)?$value:'') }}
or even:
{{ Form::text('name',isset($value)?$value:null) }}
Anywhere before that, you can add the line <?php if(!isset($value)) { $value= ''; } ?>. Then you can proceed as usual {{ Form::text('name', $value) }}

How to use localization in Blade tag templates?

1st question:
I've inserted the localization in many types of texts and things, but I don't know how to import it into in the following forms:
{{ Form::label('name', 'here') }}
{{ Form::text('name', null, array('placeholder' => 'here')) }}
{{ Form::submit('here', array('class' => 'btn btn-success')) }}
{{ Form::button('here', array('class' => 'btn btn-default')) }}
I want it to be in the form label 'here' and in the placeholder of the text 'here'.
2nd question:
I am not allowed to insert it with links in my language file: text here blah blah BLAH?
Is there anyway to insert it with links?
Thanks in advance.
Supposing that your messages are stored in app/lang/en/message.php you can use the same way for all your cases:
In Blade template:
{{ Form::label('name', Lang::get('message.key')) }}
{{ Form::text('name', null, array('placeholder' => Lang::get('message.key'))) }}
{{ Form::submit(Lang::get('message.key'), array('class' => 'btn btn-success')) }}
In HTML tag mixed with some Blade expression:
You can also use localization in Blade templates using strictly Blade syntax.
Given that you have a message in your /app/lang/en/messages.php that corresponds to the key "message_key", you can do :
to render the message in the locale that your application is configured to use.
So, The answers for both of your questions are:-
1) {{ Form::label('name', 'here') }}
Here, you need to change the "here" text hence laravel localization method can be used.For eg:-
{{ Form::label('name', '__("Here")' }} or
{{ Form::label('name', '__('') }}.
2)< a href="{{ URL::to('text') }}">BLAH< /a>
Here, you need to change the label instead of link.
< a href="URL::to('text') ">{{__('message.BLAH')}}< /a>.
This is the simplest which works for me !
{!! Form::label('title', trans('users.addNewRecordsNameFieldLabel'),['class' => 'control-label']) !!}
I feel, already blade parsing is started the moment {!! or {{ is started
A possible answer to your second question:
You could set up a language file resources/lang/en/page.php like this:
return [
'sentence' => 'A sentence with a :link in the middle.',
'link_text' => 'link to a another page'
And use it in a Blade template like this:
{!! trans('page.sentence', [
'link' => '' . trans('page.link_text') . ''
]) !!}}
The result would be:
A sentence with a link to a another page in the middle.
You alse can use __() method
{{ __('') }}
