Odoo 9 mail.thread - odoo-9

I've just upgraded odoo 8 to 9. I know how to add followers when inherit mail.thread in odoo 8 by using message_follower_ids by with odoo 9, it's seem to be changed message_follower_ids relationship into mail.follower instead of res.partner. So I want to ask if anybody know how to add followers in odoo 9. Thanks.

message_follower_ids in v8.0 is message_partner_ids in v9.0 .
or you may add partner_id: message_follower_ids.partner_id .
Both work well for me.

You can do it by inheriting the this two items..
_inherit = ['mail.thread', 'ir.needaction_mixin'].
and add depend in openerp file
like 'depends': ['mail']
may it help you..! :-)


PrestaShop working with Doctrine & Entites

Hello :) On start: I use PrestaShop and MySQL 5.6 and PHP 7.2
I want to create a module on new way with Symfony Controller and Entites without ObjectModel (beacouse like say one of develoeper of PrestaShop: Pablo Borowicz - ObjectModel is deprecated)
So on start I create simple module available at the link
Controller and routing works perfect the problem is when I try use enity manager
$entityManager = $this->container->get('doctrine.orm.entity_manager');
$testRepository = $entityManager->getRepository(TestmoduleTest::class);
$test = $testRepository->findAll();
And I have error like that:
The class 'DarkSide\Testmodule\Entity\TestmoduleTest' was not found in the chain configured namespaces PrestaShopBundle\Entity
Maybe I doing something wrong? But doc of prestashop of coures is suck about new way of creating a PrestaShop modules
Looking 4 help :)
Thx all :)
The PrestaShop documentation is a completely mess concerning the handling of the Symfony repositories.
Doctrine is looking (by the auto_mapping orm configuration attribute) for the presence of your entity under the Prestashop Entity namespace, so given that your TestmoduleTest entity isn't there, it cannot be found and therefore loaded.
You may have to register your entity under the following namespace : namespace PrestaShop\Module\Testmodule\Entity;
You'll be able to find more about how to create your own repository class inside the official productcomments module here.
Ok the problem is on other way :)
In this case i have problem with my Repository class (probably with constructor of this class)
when I deleted them module start work
Problem solved :)

Create new button not working - eZ Publish

I have multiple language on site , so in Admin panel not work button "Create new" in ger-DE but working in eng-GB
i have no idea what is reason of this issue.
It is my siteAccess for ger-DE
if i will change like this
Than it working. but half of admin panel is on english . what i`m do wrong ?
You need to set TextTranslation option to enabled, too which enables translating the interface. Complete example:
Note that you also need to clear ALL the caches for this change to work.
I translate all classes to all languages and it`s work now!

Loading composer package into Laravel 5.2

I am trying to add the following package to my Laravel 5.2 project. At the top of my class I have added
use PhpImap\Mailbox as ImapMailbox;
use PhpImap\IncomingMail;
use PhpImap\IncomingMailAttachment;
I then do something like this
$mailbox = new ImapMailbox('{imap.gmail.com:993/imap/ssl}INBOX', 'some#gmail.com', '*********', __DIR__);
At the moment, when I visit the page I get
Class 'PhpImap\Mailbox' not found
I have tried many different ways to load it with the same result. Because this package is not Laravel specific, I don't know if I need to add anything else? Normally when I add Laravel packages I create a provider and alias, do I need to do that here?
Any information appreciated.

PrestaShop : Display the shop name in a module

How can I display the shop name in a module?
I know the global variable of smarty is $shop_name.
I tried with $Smarty.shop_name, but didn't work
I know it is old but it can be directly got in the tpl with:
It does the trick but it is better to send it using the smarty assign function
How about PS_SHOP_NAME? I believe it is loaded by the FrontController and available in every front office page.
Update 2022 (version 8)
As per version 8.00 this is working (and it should be used this way anyway)
Use this variable in a .tpltemplate
That's it!
If in PHP it is $shop_name
You need to in PHP run:
$Smarty->assign('shop_name', $shop_name);
And in Smarty template:
(I don't know Prestashop so maybe $Smarty should be lower-case)

How to choose all details of the contact saved in windows phone?

As far as I know we can choose Address, Email, and Phone Number of the peoples added in our windows phone device using AddressChooserTask, EmailAddressChooserTask and PhoneNumberChooserTask respectively. What I want is to access all the persons details in one just single task. How can I do that. It is possible or not?
I got the answer...
using UserData namespace and Contacts Class, we can do it like this..
Microsoft.Phone.UserData.Contacts contact = new Microsoft.Phone.UserData.Contacts();
contact.SearchCompleted += contact_SearchCompleted;
