Hamming numbers for O(N) speed and O(1) memory - algorithm

Disclaimer: there are many questions about it, but I didn't find any with requirement of constant memory.
Hamming numbers is a numbers 2^i*3^j*5^k, where i, j, k are natural numbers.
Is there a possibility to generate Nth Hamming number with O(N) time and O(1) (constant) memory? Under generate I mean exactly the generator, i.e. you can only output the result and not read the previously generated numbers (in that case memory will be not constant). But you can save some constant number of them.
I see only best algorithm with constant memory is not better than O(N log N), for example, based on priority queue. But is there mathematical proof that it is impossible to construct an algorithm in O(N) time?

First thing to consider here is the direct slice enumeration algorithm which can be seen e.g. in this SO answer, enumerating the triples (k,j,i) in the vicinity of a given logarithm value (base 2) of a sequence member so that target - delta < k*log2_5 + j*log2_3 + i < target + delta, progressively calculating the cumulative logarithm while picking the j and k so that i is directly known.
It is thus an N2/3-time algo producing N2/3-wide slices of the sequence at a time (with k*log2_5 + j*log2_3 + i close to the target value, so these triples form the crust of the tetrahedron filled with the Hamming sequence triples 1), meaning O(1) time per produced number, thus producing N sequence members in O(N) amortized time and O(N2/3)-space. That's no improvement over the baseline Dijkstra's algorithm 2  with the same complexities, even non-amortized and with better constant factors.
To make it O(1)-space, the crust width will need to be narrowed as we progress along the sequence. But the narrower the crust, the more and more misses will there be when enumerating its triples -- and this is pretty much the proof you asked for. The constant slice size means O(N2/3) work per the O(1) slice, for an overall O(N5/3) amortized time, O(1) space algorithm.
These are the two end points on this spectrum: from N1-time, N2/3-space to N0 space, N5/3-time, amortized.
1 Here's the image from Wikipedia, with logarithmic vertical scale:
This essentially is a tetrahedron of Hamming sequence triples (i,j,k) stretched in space as (i*log2, j*log3, k*log5), seen from the side. The image is a bit askew, if it's to be true 3D picture.
edit: 2 It seems I forgot that the slices have to be sorted, as they are produced out of order by the j,k-enumerations. This changes the best complexity for producing the sequence's N numbers in order via the slice algorithm to O(N2/3 log N) time, O(N2/3) space and makes Dijkstra's algorithm a winner there. It doesn't change the top bound of O(N5/3) time though, for the O(1) slices.


Do problem constraints change the time complexity of algorithms?

Let's say that the algorithm involves iterating through a string character by character.
If I know for sure that the length of the string is less than, say, 15 characters, will the time complexity be O(1) or will it remain as O(n)?
There are two aspects to this question - the core of the question is, can problem constraints change the asymptotic complexity of an algorithm? The answer to that is yes. But then you give an example of a constraint (strings limited to 15 characters) where the answer is: the question doesn't make sense. A lot of the other answers here are misleading because they address only the second aspect but try to reach a conclusion about the first one.
Formally, the asymptotic complexity of an algorithm is measured by considering a set of inputs where the input sizes (i.e. what we call n) are unbounded. The reason n must be unbounded is because the definition of asymptotic complexity is a statement like "there is some n0 such that for all n ≥ n0, ...", so if the set doesn't contain any inputs of size n ≥ n0 then this statement is vacuous.
Since algorithms can have different running times depending on which inputs of each size we consider, we often distinguish between "average", "worst case" and "best case" time complexity. Take for example insertion sort:
In the average case, insertion sort has to compare the current element with half of the elements in the sorted portion of the array, so the algorithm does about n2/4 comparisons.
In the worst case, when the array is in descending order, insertion sort has to compare the current element with every element in the sorted portion (because it's less than all of them), so the algorithm does about n2/2 comparisons.
In the best case, when the array is in ascending order, insertion sort only has to compare the current element with the largest element in the sorted portion, so the algorithm does about n comparisons.
However, now suppose we add the constraint that the input array is always in ascending order except for its smallest element:
Now the average case does about 3n/2 comparisons,
The worst case does about 2n comparisons,
And the best case does about n comparisons.
Note that it's the same algorithm, insertion sort, but because we're considering a different set of inputs where the algorithm has different performance characteristics, we end up with a different time complexity for the average case because we're taking an average over a different set, and similarly we get a different time complexity for the worst case because we're choosing the worst inputs from a different set. Hence, yes, adding a problem constraint can change the time complexity even if the algorithm itself is not changed.
However, now let's consider your example of an algorithm which iterates over each character in a string, with the added constraint that the string's length is at most 15 characters. Here, it does not make sense to talk about the asymptotic complexity, because the input sizes n in your set are not unbounded. This particular set of inputs is not valid for doing such an analysis with.
In the mathematical sense, yes. Big-O notation describes the behavior of an algorithm in the limit, and if you have a fixed upper bound on the input size, that implies it has a maximum constant complexity.
That said, context is important. All computers have a realistic limit to the amount of input they can accept (a technical upper bound). Just because nothing in the world can store a yottabyte of data doesn't mean saying every algorithm is O(1) is useful! It's about applying the mathematics in a way that makes sense for the situation.
Here are two contexts for your example, one where it makes sense to call it O(1), and one where it does not.
"I decided I won't put strings of length more than 15 into my program, therefore it is O(1)". This is not a super useful interpretation of the runtime. The actual time is still strongly tied to the size of the string; a string of size 1 will run much faster than one of size 15 even if there is technically a constant bound. In other words, within the constraints of your problem there is still a strong correlation to n.
"My algorithm will process a list of n strings, each with maximum size 15". Here we have a different story; the runtime is dominated by having to run through the list! There's a point where n is so large that the time to process a single string doesn't change the correlation. Now it makes sense to consider the time to process a single string O(1), and therefore the time to process the whole list O(n)
That said, Big-O notation doesn't have to only use one variable! There are problems where upper bounds are intrinsic to the algorithm, but you wouldn't put a bound on the input arbitrarily. Instead, you can describe each dimension of your input as a different variable:
n = list length
s = maximum string length
=> O(n*s)
It depends.
If your algorithm's requirements would grow if larger inputs were provided, then the algorithmic complexity can (and should) be evaluated independently of the inputs. So iterating over all the elements of a list, array, string, etc., is O(n) in relation to the length of the input.
If your algorithm is tied to the limited input size, then that fact becomes part of your algorithmic complexity. For example, maybe your algorithm only iterates over the first 15 characters of the input string, regardless of how long it is. Or maybe your business case simply indicates that a larger input would be an indication of a bug in the calling code, so you opt to immediately exit with an error whenever the input size is larger than a fixed number. In those cases, the algorithm will have constant requirements as the input length tends toward very large numbers.
From Wikipedia
Big O notation is a mathematical notation that describes the limiting behavior of a function when the argument tends towards a particular value or infinity.
In computer science, big O notation is used to classify algorithms according to how their run time or space requirements grow as the input size grows.
In practice, almost all inputs have limits: you cannot input a number larger than what's representable by the numeric type, or a string that's larger than the available memory space. So it would be silly to say that any limits change an algorithm's asymptotic complexity. You could, in theory, use 15 as your asymptote (or "particular value"), and therefore use Big-O notation to define how an algorithm grows as the input approaches that size. There are some algorithms with such terrible complexity (or some execution environments with limited-enough resources) that this would be meaningful.
But if your argument (string length) does not tend toward a large enough value for some aspect of your algorithm's complexity to define the growth of its resource requirements, it's arguably not appropriate to use asymptotic notation at all.
The time complexity of an algorithm is independent of program constraints. Here is (a simple) way of thinking about it:
Say your algorithm iterates over the string and appends all consonants to a list.
Now, for iteration time complexity is O(n). This means that the time taken will increase roughly in proportion to the increase in the length of the string. (Time itself though would vary depending on the time taken by the if statement and Branch Prediction)
The fact that you know that the string is between 1 and 15 characters long will not change how the program runs, it merely tells you what to expect.
For example, knowing that your values are going to be less than 65000 you could store them in a 16-bit integer and not worry about Integer overflow.
Do problem constraints change the time complexity of algorithms?
If I know for sure that the length of the string is less than, say, 15 characters ..."
We already know the length of the string is less than SIZE_MAX. Knowing an upper fixed bound for string length does not make the the time complexity O(1).
Time complexity remains O(n).
Big-O measures the complexity of algorithms, not of code. It means Big-O does not know the physical limitations of computers. A Big-O measure today will be the same in 1 million years when computers, and programmers alike, have evolved beyond recognition.
So restrictions imposed by today's computers are irrelevant for Big-O. Even though any loop is finite in code, that need not be the case in algorithmic terms. The loop may be finite or infinite. It is up to the programmer/Big-O analyst to decide. Only s/he knows which algorithm the code intends to implement. If the number of loop iterations is finite, the loop has a Big-O complexity of O(1) because there is no asymptotic growth with N. If, on the other hand, the number of loop iterations is infinite, the Big-O complexity is O(N) because there is an asymptotic growth with N.
The above is straight from the definition of Big-O complexity. There are no ifs or buts. The way the OP describes the loop makes it O(1).
A fundamental requirement of big-O notation is that parameters do not have an upper limit. Suppose performing an operation on N elements takes a time precisely equal to 3E24*N*N*N / (1E24+N*N*N) microseconds. For small values of N, the execution time would be proportional to N^3, but as N gets larger the N^3 term in the denominator would start to play an increasing role in the computation.
If N is 1, the time would be 3 microseconds.
If N is 1E3, the time would be about 3E33/1E24, i.e. 3.0E9.
If N is 1E6, the time would be about 3E42/1E24, i.e. 3.0E18
If N is 1E7, the time would be 3E45/1.001E24, i.e. ~2.997E21
If N is 1E8, the time would be about 3E48/2E24, i.e. 1.5E24
If N is 1E9, the time would be 3E51/1.001E27, i.e. ~2.997E24
If N is 1E10, the time would be about 3E54/1.000001E30, i.e. 2.999997E24
As N gets bigger, the time would continue to grow, but no matter how big N gets the time would always be less than 3.000E24 seconds. Thus, the time required for this algorithm would be O(1) because one could specify a constant k such that the time necessary to perform the computation with size N would be less than k.
For any practical value of N, the time required would be proportional to N^3, but from an O(N) standpoint the worst-case time requirement is constant. The fact that the time changes rapidly in response to small values of N is irrelevant to the "big picture" behaviour, which is what big-O notation measures.
It will be O(1) i.e. constant.
This is because for calculating time complexity or worst-case time complexity (to be precise), we think of the input as a huge chunk of data and the length of this data is assumed to be n.
Let us say, we do some maximum work C on each part of this input data, which we will consider as a constant.
In order to get the worst-case time complexity, we need to loop through each part of the input data i.e. we need to loop n times.
So, the time complexity will be:
n x C.
Since you fixed n to be less than 15 characters, n can also be assumed as a constant number.
Hence in this case:
n = constant and,
(maximum constant work done) = C = constant
So time complexity is n x C = constant x constant = constant i.e. O(1)
The reason why I have said n = constant and C = constant for this case, is because the time difference for doing calculations for smaller n will become so insignificant (compared to n being a very large number) for modern computers that we can assume it to be constant.
Otherwise, every function ever build will take some time, and we can't say things like:
lookup time is constant for hashmaps

Algorithm is linear (O(n)) to size of input, but what if input size is exponential

The instructor said that the complexity of an algorithm is typically measured with respect to its input size.
So, when we say an algorithm is linear, then even if you give it an input size of 2^n (say 2^n being the number of nodes in a binary tree), the algorithm is still linear to the input size?
The above seems to be what the instructor means, but I’m having a hard time turning it in my head. If you give it a 2^n input, which is exponential to some parameter ‘n’, but then call this input “x”, then, sure, your algorithm is linear to x. But deep-down, isn’t it still exponential in ‘n’? What’s the point of saying its linear to x?
Whenever you see the term "linear," you should ask - linear in what? Usually, when we talk about an algorithm's runtime being "linear time," we mean "the algorithm's runtime is O(n), where n is the size of the input."
You're asking what happens if, say, n = 2k and we're passing in an exponentially-sized input into the function. In that case, since the runtime is O(n) and n = 2k, then the overall runtime would be O(2k). There's no contradiction here between this statement and the fact that the algorithm runs in linear time, since "linear time" means "linear as a function of the size of the input."
Notice that I'm explicitly choosing to use a different variable k in the expression 2k to call attention to the fact that there are indeed two different quantities here - the size of the input as a function of k (which is 2k) and the variable n representing the size of the input to the function more generally. You sometimes see this combined, as in "if the runtime of the algorithm is O(n), then running the algorithm on an input of size 2n takes time O(2n)." That statement is true but a bit tricky to parse, since n is playing two different roles there.
If an algorithm has a linear time-complexity, then it is linear regardless the size of the input. Whether it is a fixed size input, quadratic or exponential.
Obviously running that algorithm on a fixed size array, quadratic or exponential will take different time, but still, the complexity is O(n).
Perhaps this example will help you understand, does running merge-sort on an array of size 16 mean merge-sort is O(1) because it took constant operations to sort that array? the answer is NO.
When we say an algorithm is O(n), means if the input size is n, it is linear regards to the input size. Hence, if n is exponential in terms of another parameter k (for example n = 2^k), the algorithm is linear as well, in regards to the input size.
Another example is time complexity for the binary search for an input array with size n. We say that binary search for a sorted array with size n is in O(log(n)). It means in regards to the input size, it takes asymptotically at most log(n) comparison to search an item inside an input array with size n,
Lets say you are printing first n numbers, and to print each number it takes 3 operations:
n-> 10, number of operations -> 3 x 10 = 30
n-> 100, number of operations -> 3 x 100 = 300
n-> 1000, number of operations -> 3 x 1000 = 3000
n ->10000, we can also say, n = 100^2 (say k^2),
number of operations --> 3 x 10000 = 30,000
Even though n is exponent of something(in this case 100), our number of operations solely depends upon number on the input(n which is 10,000).
So we can say, it is linear time complexity algorithm.

A linear algorithm for this specification?

This is my question I have got somewhere.
Given a list of numbers in random order write a linear time algorithm to find the 𝑘th smallest number in the list. Explain why your algorithm is linear.
I have searched almost half the web and what I got to know is a linear-time algorithm is whose time complexity must be O(n). (I may be wrong somewhere)
We can solve the above question by different algorithms eg.
Sort the array and select k-1 element [O(n log n)]
Using min-heap [O(n + klog n)]
Now the problem is I couldn't find any algorithm which has O(n) time complexity and satisfies that algorithm is linear.
What can be the solution for this problem?
This is std::nth_element
From cppreference:
The algorithm used is typically introselect although other selection algorithms with suitable average-case complexity are allowed.
Given a list of numbers
although it is not compatible with std::list, only std::vector, std::deque and std::array, as it requires RandomAccessIterator.
linear search remembering k smallest values is O(n*k) but if k is considered constant then its O(n) time.
However if k is not considered as constant then Using histogram leads to O(n+m.log(m)) time and O(m) space complexity where m is number of possible distinct values/range in your input data. The algo is like this:
create histogram counters for each possible value and set it to zero O(m)
process all data and count the values O(m)
sort the histogram O(m.log(m))
pick k-th element from histogram O(1)
in case we are talking about unsigned integers from 0 to m-1 then histogram is computed like this:
int data[n]={your data},cnt[m],i;
for (i=0;i<m;i++) cnt[i]=0;
for (i=0;i<n;i++) cnt[data[i]]++;
However if your input data values does not comply above condition you need to change the range by interpolation or hashing. However if m is huge (or contains huge gaps) is this a no go as such histogram is either using buckets (which is not usable for your problem) or need list of values which lead to no longer linear complexity.
So when put all this together is your problem solvable with linear complexity when:
n >= m.log(m)

Algorithm to sort a list in Θ(n) time

The problem is to sort a list containing n distinct integers that range in value from 1 to kn inclusive where k is a fixed positive integer. Design an algorithm to solve the problem in Θ(n) time.
I don't just want an answer. An explanation would help, or if someone could get me pointed in the right direction.
I know that Θ(n) time means the algorithm time is directly proportional to the number of elements. Not sure where to go from there.
Easy for fixed k: Create an array of kn counters. Set them all to zero. Iterate through the array, increasing the counter i by one if an array element equals i. Use the array of counters to re-create the sorted array.
Obviously this is inefficient if k > log n.
The key is that the integers only range from 1 to kn, so their length is limited. This is a little tricky:
The common assumption when we say that a sorting algorithm is O(N) is that the number N fits into a constant number of machine words so that we can do math on numbers of that size in constant time. Following this assumption, kN also fits into a constant number of machine words, since k is a fixed positive integer. Your input is therefore O(N) words long, and each word is fixed number of bits, so your input is O(N) bits long.
Therefore, any algorithm that takes time proportional to the number of bits in the input is considered O(N).
There are actually lots of choices, but when this particular question is asked in this particular way, the person asking usually wants you to come up with a radix sort:
The MSB-first radix sort just partitions the integers into 2^W buckets according to the values of their top W bits, and then partitions each bucket according to the next W bits, etc., until all the bits are processed.
The time taken for this is O(N*(word_size/W)), but as we said the word size is constant, and W is constant, so this is O(N).

What is meant when it's said that the union-find data structure will be "linear in the real world?"

I am undertaking the algorithms course on Coursera, there is a section where the author mentions the following
the running time of weighted quick union with path compression is
going be linear in the real world and actually could be improved to
even a more interesting function called the Ackermann function, which
is even more slowly growing than lg. And another point about this
is it seems that this is so close to being linear that is time proportional to N instead of time proportional to N times the
slowly growing function in N. Is there a simple algorithm that is
linear? And people, looked for a long time for that, and actually it
works out to be the case that we can prove that there is no such
algorithm. (emphasis added)
(You can find the entire transcript here)
In all other sources including Wikipedia "linear" is used when time increases proportionally with the input size, and in weighted quick-union with path compression this is certainly not the case.
What exactly is meant by "linear in the real world" here?
The runtime of m operations on a union-find data structure with path compression and union-by-rank is O(mα(m)), where α(m) is the inverse Ackermann function. This function is so slowly-growing that you cannot express an input to it for which the output is 6 in scientific notation. In other words, for any possible value of m that fits into the universe (or even that has size around 2num atoms in the universe), we have that α(m) ≤ 5. Therefore, for any "reasonable" input the cost of m operations will be O(m · 6) = O(m), which is linear.
Of course, the runtime isn't linear because α(m) does indeed grow, just very, very slowly. However, it's usually fine to approximate the runtime as O(m) because there's no possible way you'd ever notice the runtime of the function deviating from a simple linear function.
Hope this helps!
Here are some chunks from the transcript:
And what was proved
by Hopcroft Ulman and Tarjan was that if
you have N objects, any sequence of M
union and find operations will touch the
array at most a c (N + M lg star N) times.
And now, lg N is kind of a funny function....
And another point
about this is it< /i> seems that this is
so close to being linear that is t ime
proportional to N instead of time
proportional to N times the slowly growing
function in N.
(end quote)
You are pointing out that the cost of an individual operation grows very slowly with the number of objects, but they are looking at how the total cost of a number of operations grows with the number of objects involved so N times a per-operation cost that grows only very slowly with N is still just over linear in N.
