Configure a proxy to make a request or run a test on Runscope - proxy

I have not been able to find if there is a way to configure a proxy on Runscope (or using runscope-radar). This is exactly my problem:
I want to make a test with this flow:
make a request to our API and save some data
make a request to an external API and save some data
make another request to our API
To be able to make a request to the external API I am using a proxy (I can execute it with Postman and see the response).
It is important to mention that this test is going to be run in our CI pipeline too, which is using TravisCI, so the solution has to be generic just to be able to be executed in other machines.

The agent will use the proxy settings set in the HTTPS_PROXY and HTTP_PROXY environment variables. It's not possible to configure a proxy otherwise.

Edit: I was absolutely wrong, but I feel like someone googling might happen upon this thread and this could be helpful.
All credit goes to John for his useful comment. Stringing together multiple requests does exist in runscope:


Proxy / cache server for development purposes

I'm working on a mobile client. Dev backend server, I'm working with, isn't stable at all. It may be unusable for a full working day. Prod server is a bit better but still sometimes it doesn't work either. The other problem is it's much more difficult to use it in development. Besides that it's completely wrong to work like that. Basically these servers have been made for web, not for mobile. And it has other strange and annoying thing that destructs me from my primary work - token life time is only 60 seconds. That means if the app didn't refresh the token in that period the token dies. And next time you run the app you need to authorize from scratch. And that process takes centuries(((. May be I just don't understand how it works or something, but as I see web site just spams the sever every minute.
I was thinking how to fix this problem and started using mocking manually. But it's very annoying and time consuming either. The other idea is to use some kind of proxy / cache server that will send request to original server and if it fails return cached data. It seems that it may help in my situation. I'm not sure would such proxy / cache server be able to eliminate token problem. Basically I need to refresh it as soon as first token has been received. But who knows? May be I'm lucky enough?)
So the question: is there some simple to use proxy cache server that I will be able to run locally to achieve what I want?
The other opportunity is to write such proxy server myself. I have no experience in writing servers at all. But as a last chance I could try. The benefit of writing proxy server myself is that I should be able to "fix" token problem for sure. But I don't want to reinvent the wheel.
So any help and thoughts are appreciated.
Not entirely sure if this will solve your problem but let's give it a shot.
I myself have been programming against a rate-limited API. During development I often max out the allowed requests and have to wait before I could continue. I have developed a small caching proxy server that sits between your client and the server. It intercepts the requests and puts both the request and response in it's cache. Whenever it intercepts a request that it's already seen it will respond from cache without forwarding the request to the target server.
I'm not sure what your requests look like. The proxy that I build currently retrieves cache based on URL and HTTP Method, so that may or may not be what you need.
Here's the link to the GitHub repository:
Disclaimer: For if it wasn't clear, I am the author of this proxy

Find usage of HTTP Batch in storage api

I got notified that Googles JSON-RPC and Global HTTP Batch Endpoints are deprecated. The affected api is "storage#v1" and "Global Batch Endpoints" in my case.
I tried to find, where the depricated api call comes from. But I'm using 24 buckets with several tools accessing it. So is there a way to log depricated calls? I enabled logging for buckets. I could not find any difference in the access log when doing batch request and when doing single requests.
Yes "Batching across multiple APIs in a single request" is being discontinued Discontinuing support for JSON-RPC and Global HTTP Batch Endpoints
But what its hard to understand is exactly what is being discontinued.
There are two batching endpoints. The Global one
And the API specific one<api>/<version>.
So whats changing?
The global batching endpoing is going down. This means you wont be able to make calls to anymore. What does that really mean in the worse case if you were making batch requests mixing two apis at the same time for example Drive and Gmail you wont be able to do that anymore.
In the future you are going to have to split batch requests up by API.
Will this effect you?
Code wise this depends on which client library you are currrently using. Some of them have already been updated to use the single api endpoint (JavaScript and .net) there are a few which have not been updated yet (php and java last i checked)
Now as for your buckets if i understand them correctly they all insert into the same place so your using the same api this probably inst going to effect you. You are also using Googles SDK and they are going to keep that updated.
The blog post is very confusing and there is some internal emails going around Google right now in attempt to get things cleared up as far as what this means for developers.
You have to find where you are doing heterogeneous batch requests either directly or through libraries in your code. In any case batch requests are not reflected in your bucket logs because no API or API method per se was deprecated just a way to call send them.
In detail
You can bundle many requests to different APIs into one batch request. This batch will be sent to a one magical Google server that splits the batch and routes all the API requests in it into their respective service.
This Google server is going to be removed so everything has to be sent directly to the service.
What should you do?
I looks like you are making heterogeneous batch requests because only one service is mentioned, Storage. Probably you should do one of these options.
if you are using Cloud Libraries -> update them.
find if you are accessing the URL below
and replace it with the appropriate homogeneous batch API, which in your case is
in case you use batchPath, this seems to be a relevant article
Otherwise, if you make heterogeneous calls with gapi, which doesn't seem to be your case, split something like this:
request1 = gapi.client.urlshortener(...)
request2 =
request3 =
heterogeneousBatchRequest = gapi.client.newBatch();
into something like this
request1 = gapi.client.urlshortener(...)
urlshortnerbatch = gapi.client.newBatch();
request2 =
request3 =
Official Documentation
Here it's described how to make batch request specifically with Storage API.

Automated API blackbox testing

I have a (slightly complex) spring webservice which communicates with multiple frontends via a RESTful API (JSON) and additionally with other devices via SOAP or REST. I'd like setup an automated test environment which is capable of the following things:
create preconditions via fixtures (POSTGRES DB)
send REST or SOAP messages against the API
is able to run certain task (requests against the API) at a specific
assert and validate the produced results (return of the API call or
check the DB)
run all tests independet from any frontend/UI
integrate the testing environment in my infrastructure (i.e. create a
docker container which runs all tests deployed by Jenkins)
preferably I'd like to build reusable components (i.e. for creating a user that is needed in multiple different tests and so on...). I know there are a lot of tools and frameworks (SoapUI, JMETER,...). But before trying them all and getting lost, I'd like to get an experience report from someone who has a simular setup.
we are using JMeter for API testing. We tried SOAPui but it had some memory issues. So we are pushing forward with JMeter and so far so good.
For your questions:
We are using MySQL, but this post seems to show how to set up a postgres connection in JMeter:
JMeter can send REST API requests
I'm not sure if this is possible but you could probably have your Jenkins job scheduled to run when you need the API to run the specific task at the specific time.
There are quite a few assertions in JMeter. I use the Response and the BeanShell Assertions a lot.
JMeter is independent from any front end UI which helps pinpoint bugs.
I have not run docker but I am running via Jenkins. This jenkins plugin has been helpful:
A few more Tips:
Use the HTTP Request Defaults element. It will save you from having to update all your HTTP requests.
Use the User Defined Variables to define variables you need.
You can combine user defined variables like: ${namePrefix}${myTime} but it will have to be in a 2nd User Defined Variable element(you cant combine them in the same element)
If you have multiple test environments, set up a user defined variable with a value like this: ${__P(testenv,staging)} This way, you can change it from a CLI like this: -Jtestenv=HOTFIX
We are using ExtentReports for pretty html results reports with a custom JSR223 Listener(find my old post on this site).
If your site uses cookies, use the HTTP Cookie Manager.
If you need things to happen in order, on the Test Plan element, check this option: Run Threat Groups consecutively. If you dont, JMeter runs them in a random order.
Hope this is helpful. Happy Testing!

Is it possible to prevent a Ruby instance from opening network connection?

I maintain a web API written in Ruby. It connects to many third party web services. When writing tests, I stub any function that would need to connect to the network and return bottled data instead.
It has happened to me before that I forget this stubbing step, and my integration tests end up actually connecting to a third party service.
With that in mind, I would like to prevent Ruby from being able to open network connections. When attempted, I would like it to raise an exception instead, pointing out what function I forgot to stub.
Is this possible? What central Ruby function would I need to override to achieve this with minimal other side effects?
What about WebMock? Did you try it?
This line should help:
WebMock.disable_net_connect!(allow_localhost: true)
Manual stubbing is, as you've just said, unreliable.
A better solution might be to wrap your code that calls external services behind a facade, and use dependency injection to pass the web handling service into the facade on creation. Your Test Suite then just needs to do the same with a stub service. You'd only need to do this once, and any test which was then testing external code would use the stubbed service.
Check out VCR.
First, take a look at its documentation and see if it's what you need, which I suppose it is. We've been using it at my company for a few years to record one HTTP test for a spec and replay the results for subsequent tests.
We've found it to be invaluable when dealing with external APIs.

Bypassing HTTP basic auth locally

I have two applications which I cannot change:
A: provides a URL protected by HTTP basic auth.
B: needs to access this URL but does not support basic auth.
Credentials are available.
How can I make my two applications work together?
I thought a local proxy might be great which injects the authentication. E.g. using socat:
socat TCP4-LISTEN:81,reuseaddr,fork TCP:UrlToA:80,<inject-basic-auth>=user:pass
However, socat does not provide an option like < inject-basic-auth >. Anybody knows any tool that might help? Any other way out?
You must set up a HTTP reverse proxy server that does the authentication for you. No need to hack any software.
Your reverse proxy listens on some socket (e.g. proxy:8080) and forwards requests to your actual application A, inserting the headers.
client_B ----> http://proxy:8080 -----> http://server_A:80
Nginx is lightweight, high performance and easy to set up. And it's easy to find docs online for what you want.
See for example
This problem seems to be very specific. So you probably won't find a ready-to-use tool.
If you want to do it yourself, your best approach is probably to extend socat:
Good luck!
