How to Vertical Align an Image on VBSSCRIPT - vbscript

Thanks for the web site and thanks for taking you time to read this.
I created a signature based on a VBS Script i pulled for numerous web sites online and got the signature almost like i would like it to be, just got a few more tweaks before i stop messing with it. i canĀ“t seem to get the vertical alignment to work. Can you help me out please.
The code is below and the image showing refering to what i need is attached.
i need to move the right side image to the a bottom aligned position
i need to remove the space i have between the blue bar and the table above.
Appriciate the help, i am not a programmer just trying to do my best to automate signatures in outlook.
On Error Resume Next
'Option Explicit
Dim objSysInfo,strUser,objUser,strName,strMail,strWebAddr,strCompany,strDepartment,strStreetAddr,strHomePhone,strIpPhone,strMobile
Dim objWord,objDoc,objSelection,objEmailOptions,objSignatureObject,objSignatureEntries,objLink,strlogoATL,strlogoMA,strlogoBAR
Dim objRange,objTable
Set objSysInfo = CreateObject("ADSystemInfo")
strUser = objSysInfo.UserName
Set objUser = GetObject("LDAP://" & strUser)
strName = objUser.FirstName &" "& objUser.LastName
strMail = objuser.mail
strWebAddr = objuser.wWWHomePage
strCompany = objuser.Company
strDepartment = objUser.Department
strStreetAddr = objuser.streetaddress
strHomePhone = objuser.HomePhone
strIpPhone = objuser.ipPhone
strMobile = objuser.Mobile
Set objWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
Set objDoc = objWord.Documents.Add()
Set objSelection = objWord.Selection
objSelection.Style = "No Spacing"
Set objEmailOptions = objWord.EmailOptions
Set objSignatureObject = objEmailOptions.EmailSignature
Set objSignatureEntries = objSignatureObject.EmailSignatureEntries
'Name of Staff
objSelection.Font.Name = "Verdana"
objSelection.Font.Size = "10"
objSelection.Font.Color = RGB(91,91,91)
objSelection.TypeText strName
objSelection.Font.Name = "Verdana"
objSelection.Font.Size = "8"
objSelection.Font.Color = RGB(91,91,91)
Set objLink = objSelection.Hyperlinks.Add(objSelection.Range, "mailto: " & strMail, , , strMail)
objSelection.Font.Name = "Verdana"
objSelection.Font.Size = "8"
objSelection.Font.Color = RGB(91,91,91)
objSelection.TypeText "Ext : "& strIpPhone & " " & " "& chr(124) & " Telem" & Chr(243) & "vel : " & strMobile
objSelection.Font.Name = "Verdana"
objSelection.Font.Size = "8"
objSelection.Font.Color = RGB(0,153,181)
objSelection.TypeText strDepartment
objSelection.Font.Name = "Verdana"
objSelection.Font.Size = "8"
objSelection.Font.Color = RGB(0,153,181)
objSelection.TypeText strStreetAddr
'Company Contact details
objSelection.Font.Name = "Verdana"
objSelection.Font.Color = RGB(0,153,181)
objSelection.TypeText "Tel : "& strHomePhone & " " & chr(124) & " "
objSelection.Font.Name = "Verdana"
objSelection.Font.Color = RGB(0,153,181)
set objLink = objSelection.Hyperlinks.Add(objSelection.Range,strWebAddr)
Set objRange = objSelection.Range
objDoc.Tables.Add objRange, 1, 2
Set objTable = objDoc.Tables(1)
objTable.leftpadding = 0
objTable.rightpadding = 0
objTable.Columns(1).Width = objWord.CentimetersToPoints(12.00)
objTable.Cell(1, 1).Range.InlineShapes.AddPicture(strlogoATL)
objTable.Columns(2).Width = objWord.CentimetersToPoints(12.00)
objTable.Cell(1, 2).Range.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = 2
objTable.Cell(1, 2).Range.VerticalAlignment = wdAlignVerticalCenter
objTable.Cell(1, 2).Range.InlineShapes.AddPicture(strlogoMA)
objSelection.EndKey 6
Set objRange = objSelection.Range
objDoc.Tables.Add objRange, 1, 1
Set objTable = objDoc.Tables(2)
objTable.leftpadding = 0
objTable.rightpadding = 0
objTable.Columns(1).Width = objWord.CentimetersToPoints(24.00)
objTable.Cell(1, 1).Range.InlineShapes.AddPicture(strlogoBAR)
objSelection.EndKey 6
Set objSelection = objDoc.Range()
objSignatureEntries.Add "ATLANTICO", objSelection
objSignatureObject.NewMessageSignature = "ATLANTICO"
objSignatureObject.ReplyMessageSignature = "ATLANTICO"
objDoc.Saved = True
wscript.echo "Uma nova assinatura foi aplicada ao seu Outlook!"
Picture of problem shown below


How to send an email with multiple attachments

This code is working well as long as every file is there.
What is missing in the code for sending an email even if a file is missing?
I have tried to find a solution but without success.
Set fso=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
strSubject="Files form me to you"
strAttach="File 1.csv"
strAttach1="File 2.csv"
strAttach2="File 3.csv"
If fso.FileExists(strAttach) then
Set iMsg = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
Set iConf = CreateObject("CDO.Configuration")
iConf.Load -1 ' CDO Source Defaults
Set Flds = iConf.Fields
With Flds
.Item("") = 2
.Item("") = strSMTP
.Item("") = 25
End With
With iMsg
Set .Configuration = iConf
.To = "XXXX"
.CC = ""
.BCC = ""
.From = "XXXX"
.Subject = strSubject
.TextBody = strBody
.AddAttachment strAttach
.AddAttachment strAttach1
.AddAttachment strAttach2
End With
Set iMsg = Nothing
Set iConf = Nothing
MsgBox "The specified attachment does not exist"
End if
The following uses an ArrayList to hold your attachments and adds them to the message one by one, checking if the file exists first:
Dim iCounter
Dim sAttachment
Dim objAttachments
Set objAttachments = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList")
objAttachments.Add "File 1.csv"
objAttachments.Add "File 2.csv"
objAttachments.Add "File 3.csv"
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
strSMTP = ""
strSubject = "Files form me to you"
strSubject = "XXXXX"
strSubject = "XXXX"
strBody = "XXXXXX"
' Create message and configuration
Set objMessage = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
Set objConf = CreateObject("CDO.Configuration")
objConf.Load -1 ' CDO Source Defaults
Set objFields = objConf.Fields
With objFields
.Item("") = 2
.Item("") = strSMTP
.Item("") = 25
End With
' Initalize message
With objMessage
Set .Configuration = objConf
.To = "XXXX"
.CC = ""
.BCC = ""
.From = "XXXX"
.Subject = strSubject
.TextBody = strBody
End With
' Add attachments
For iCounter = 1 To objAttachments.Count
sAttachment = objAttachments.Item(iCounter - 1)
If objFSO.FileExists(sAttachment) Then objMessage.AddAttachment sAttachment
' Send Message

VBScript Outlook Signature cell padding

I'm creating an automated Outlook signature that gets data from AD. All's going well, but I keep getting whitespace (looks like padding or something) on table cells.
On Error Resume Next
Set objSysInfo = CreateObject("ADSystemInfo")
strUser = objSysInfo.UserName
Set objUser = GetObject("LDAP://" + strUser)
strName = objUser.givenName
strSurName = objUser.Sn
strFullName = objUser.Fullname
strTitle = objUser.Title
strAdres = objUser.address
strPhone = objUser.TelephoneNumber
strMob = objUser.Mobile
strEmail = objUser.mail
strMarBoo = objUser.StreetAddress
strMarLinkTxt = objUser.postOfficeBox
strMarLink = objUser.l
strDescription = objUser.Description
strIT = ""
Set objWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
Set objDoc = objWord.Documents.Add()
Set objSelection = objWord.Selection
Set objEmailOptions = objWord.EmailOptions
Set objSignatureObject = objEmailOptions.EmailSignature
Set objSignatureEntries = objSignatureObject.EmailSignatureEntries
objSelection.ParagraphFormat.LineSpacing = 14
objSelection.TypeText "Met vriendelijke groet, "
objSelection.TypeText Chr(11)
objSelection.TypeText Chr(11)
'objSelection.Font.Color = RGB(240,73,6)
objSelection.Font.Bold = True
objSelection.TypeText strFullName
objSelection.Font.Bold = False
objSelection.TypeText Chr(11)
objSelection.Font.Color = RGB(47,84,150)
objSelection.Font.Size = 11
objSelection.TypeText strTitle + Chr(11)
objSelection.Font.Size = 11
objSelection.Font.Color = RGB(47,84,150)
Set objRange = objSelection.Range
objDoc.Tables.Add objRange, 3, 5
Set objTable1 = objDoc.Tables(1)
objTable1.TopPadding = PixelsToPoints(10, True)
objTable1.BottomPadding = PixelsToPoints(10, True)
'Merge cells in col 1
objTable1.Columns(1).PreferredWidth = 90
objTable1.Columns(2).PreferredWidth = 100
objTable1.Columns(3).PreferredWidth = 150
objTable1.Columns(4).PreferredWidth = 100
objTable1.Columns(5).PreferredWidth = 200
'----------------KOLOM 1------------------------------
objTable1.Cell(1,1).Range.InlineShapes.AddPicture "\\int-vm- pdc\NETLOGON\logo_rondje_oranje_small.png"
'----------------KOLOM 2------------------------------
objTable1.Cell(1,2).Range.Font.Bold = True
objTable1.Cell(1,2).Range.Font.Color = RGB(240,73,6)
objTable1.Cell(2,2).Range.Font.Bold = True
objTable1.Cell(2,2).Range.Font.Color = RGB(240,73,6)
objTable1.Cell(3,2).Range.Font.Bold = True
objTable1.Cell(3,2).Range.Font.Color = RGB(240,73,6)
objTable1.Cell(1,2).Range.Text = "Bezoekadres"
objTable1.Cell(2,2).Range.Text = "Hoofdnummer"
objTable1.Cell(3,2).Range.Text = "Rechtstreeks"
'----------------KOLOM 3------------------------------
objTable1.Cell(1,3).Range.Text = strAdres
objTable1.Cell(2,3).Range.Text = strPhone
objTable1.Cell(3,3).Range.Text = strMob
'----------------KOLOM 4------------------------------
objTable1.Cell(1,4).Range.Font.Bold = True
objTable1.Cell(1,4).Range.Font.Color = RGB(240,73,6)
objTable1.Cell(2,4).Range.Font.Bold = True
objTable1.Cell(2,4).Range.Font.Color = RGB(240,73,6)
objTable1.Cell(3,4).Range.Font.Bold = True
objTable1.Cell(3,4).Range.Font.Color = RGB(240,73,6)
objTable1.Cell(1,4).Range.Text = "Emailadres"
objTable1.Cell(2,4).Range.Text = "Website"
'----------------KOLOM 5------------------------------
Set objCell = objTable1.Cell(1,5).Range
Set objLink = objSelection.Hyperlinks.Add(objCell, "mailto:"&strEmail, , ,strEmail)
Set objCell = objTable1.Cell(2,5).Range
Set objLink = objSelection.Hyperlinks.Add(objCell, "", , ,"")
objTable1.Cell(3,5).Range.Text = strDescription
objSelection.EndKey 6
With Selection.ParagraphFormat
.SpaceBefore = 0
.SpaceBeforeAuto = False
.SpaceAfter = 0
.SpaceAfterAuto = False
.LineSpacingRule = wdLineSpaceSingle
End With
Set objSelection = objDoc.Range()
objSignatureEntries.Add "Handtekening_2018_extended", objSelection
objSignatureObject.NewMessageSignature = "Handtekening_2018_extended"
objSignatureObject.ReplyMessageSignature = "Handtekening_2018_extended"
objDoc.Saved = True
See image for a screenshot of the result:
Already tried setting Font.LineHeight, objTable1.Rows(1).Height, but nothing seems to work.
Anyone knows how to solve this?
Maybe there is some more detailed documentation that I cannot find about styling?

Word VBscript - Remove extra lines in and after table

I have a Word vbscript that sets a company signature. I'm trying to figure out how to add lines before the table and remove the extra lines that are showing up after the table.
Here's the code:
Set objSysInfo = CreateObject("ADSystemInfo")
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
strUser = objSysInfo.UserName
Set objUser = GetObject("LDAP://" & strUser)
strName = objUser.FullName
strFirst = objUser.FirstName
strLast = objUser.LastName
strInitials = objUser.Initials
strOffice = objUser.physicalDeliveryOfficeName
strPOBox = objUser.postOfficeBox
strTitle = objUser.Description
strCred =
strStreet = objUser.StreetAddress
strLocation = objUser.l
strPostCode = objUser.PostalCode
strPhone = objUser.TelephoneNumber
strMobile = objUser.Mobile
strFax = objUser.FacsimileTelephoneNumber
strEmail = objUser.mail
strCompany = objUser.Company
Set objWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
Const END_OF_STORY = 6
Set objDoc = objWord.Documents.Add()
Set objSelection = objWord.Selection
Set objEmailOptions = objWord.EmailOptions
Set objSignatureObject = objEmailOptions.EmailSignature
Set objSignatureEntries = objSignatureObject.EmailSignatureEntries
Set objRange = objDoc.Range()
Set objTable = objDoc.Tables(1)
Dim rngCell
Set rngCell = objTable.Cell(1, 2).Range
objTable.Columns(1).Width = 50
objTable.Columns(2).Width = 360
rngCell.ParagraphFormat.SpaceAfter = 0
rngCell.ParagraphFormat.LineSpacingRule = wdLineSpaceExactly
rngCell.ParagraphFormat.LineSpacing = 12
rngCell.Text = strFirst & " " & strInitials & " " & strLast & " | " & _
strOffice & " | " & strCompany & vbCr
rngCell.Font.Bold = True
rngCell.Font.Name = "Calibri"
rngCell.Font.Size = 10
rngCell.Collapse 0 'wdCollapseEnd
rngCell.MoveEnd 1, -1 'wdCharacter, 1
rngCell.Text = strStreet & " | " & strPOBox & " | " & strLocation & vbCr
rngCell.Font.Bold = False
rngCell.Font.Name = "Calibri"
rngCell.Font.Size = 10
rngCell.Collapse 0 'wdCollapseEnd
rngCell.MoveEnd 1, -1 'wdCharacter, 1
rngCell.Text = vbCr & "Phone: " & strPhone & " | " & "Fax: " & strFax & " | " & "Email: " & vbCr
rngCell.Font.Bold = False
rngCell.Font.Name = "Calibri"
rngCell.Font.Size = 10
rngCell.Collapse 0 'wdCollapseEnd
rngCell.MoveEnd 1, -1 'wdCharacter, 1
Set objLink = objTable.Cell(1, 2).Range
objLink.Hyperlinks.Add rngCell, "mailto:" & strEmail,,,strEmail
objLink.Font.Size = 10
objLink.Font.Name = "Calibri"
objSelection.EndKey END_OF_STORY
objSelection.ParagraphFormat.SpaceAfter = 0
Set objSelection = objDoc.Range()
objSignatureEntries.Add "Reply Signature", objSelection
objSignatureObject.ReplyMessageSignature = "Reply Signature"
objDoc.Saved = True
(I removed the logo/image in the first column for security reasons), but for some reason, there are extra lines below the text & logo (when it's there) within the table, and there are extra lines below the table. I need those to disappear if possible? Any help would be greatly appreciated! :)
For adding lines before the table, best to add the lines (paragraphs, I assume) before you insert the table. So something like:
objRange.Text = Chr(13) & Chr(13)
objRange.Collapse 0 'end
Set objTable = objDoc.Tables.Add(objRange, NUMBER_OF_ROWS, NUMBER_OF_COLUMNS)

Corporate Signature vbs script assistance needed

I am seeking advise / assistance with my script I have put together from tips online and am phased with one last issue that I am having no success with.
All information from row 4 - 8 to be moved up underneath row 3 next to my logo. Now because of the logo row height, it is causing row 4 - 8 to drop below the logo's row. I have been trying to split / merge columns to no success. Please see picture below.
Here is the code i have been mashing at:
On Error goto 0
Const END_OF_STORY = 6
Set objSysInfo = CreateObject("ADSystemInfo")
' ########### This section connects to Active Directory as the currently logged on user
strUser = objSysInfo.UserName
Set objUser = GetObject("LDAP://" & strUser)
sLogoLocation = "\\servername\pic\Sig\logo.jpg"
sStripeLocation = "\\servername\pic\Sig\candystripe.gif"
sLinkAddress = ""
sDisplayLinkText = ""
' ########### This section sets up the variables we want to call in the script (items on the left; whereas the items on the right are the active directory database field names) - ie strVariablename =
strGiven = objuser.givenName
strSurname =
strAddress1 = objUser.streetaddress
strAddress1EXT = objUser.postofficebox
strAddress2 = objuser.l
strAddress3 =
strPostcode = objuser.postalcode
strCountry = objuser.c
strFax = objuser.facsimileTelephoneNumber
strMobile =
strTitle = objUser.Title
strDepartment = objUser.Department
strCompany = objUser.Company
strPhone = objUser.telephoneNumber
strEmail = objuser.mail
strWeb = objuser.wWWHomePage
strNotes =
strExt = objuser.ipPhone
strDDI = objuser.homephone
strEmailTEXT = "Email: "
strOffice = objuser.physicalDeliveryOfficeName
strPOBOx = objuser.PostOfficeBox
' ########### Sets up word template
Set objWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
Set objDoc = objWord.Documents.Add()
Set objSelection = objWord.Selection
objSelection.Style = "No Spacing"
Set objEmailOptions = objWord.EmailOptions
Set objSignatureObject = objEmailOptions.EmailSignature
Set objSignatureEntries = objSignatureObject.EmailSignatureEntries
' ########### Separate main logo from other tables in the script in its own singular column.
' ########### Calls the variables from above section and inserts into word template, also sets initial font typeface, colour etc.
on error resume next
Const wdAlignParagraphRight = 2
Set objRange = objDoc.Range()
Set objTable = objDoc.Tables(1)
objTable.Cell(1, 1).Width = "3"
objTable.Cell(2, 1).Width = "3"
objTable.Cell(1, 2).Width = "15"
objTable.Cell(2, 2).Width = "15"
objTable.Rows(1).Range.Font.Bold = true
'objTable.Cell(1, 1).Range.Text = ""
objTable.Cell(1, 2).Range.Text = objuser.givenName & " " & & " | " & objuser.Title & " | " & objuser.Department
objTable.Cell(2, 2).Range.InlineShapes.AddPicture(sStripeLocation)
objTable.Cell(3, 1).Width = "3"
objTable.Cell(3, 2).Width = "15"
objTable.Cell(4, 1).Width = "3"
objTable.Cell(4, 2).Width = "10"
objTable.Cell(4, 3).Width = "10"
objTable.Cell(5, 1).Width = "3"
objTable.Cell(5, 2).Width = "15"
objTable.Cell(6, 1).Width = "3"
objTable.Cell(7, 1).Width = "3"
objTable.Cell(8, 1).Width = "3"
objTable.Rows(3).Range.Font.Bold = false
objTable.Rows(4).Range.Font.Bold = false
objTable.Rows(5).Range.Font.Bold = false
objTable.Rows(6).Range.Font.Bold = false
'objTable.Rows(3).Cells(1).Split 1, 5
'objTable.Rows(3).Cells(3).Split 1, 2
objTable.Cell(5, 2).Merge objTable.Cell(5, 8)
objTable.Cell(3, 2).Merge objTable.Cell(3, 6)
objTable.Cell(4, 2).Merge objTable.Cell(4, 6)
objTable.Cell(6, 2).Merge objTable.Cell(6, 6)
objTable.Cell(3, 1).Range.InlineShapes.AddPicture(sLogoLocation)
objTable.Cell(3, 2).Range.Text = "SwitchBoard: " & objuser.TelephoneNumber & " | " & "Extension: " & objuser.physicalDeliveryOfficeName
objTable.Cell(4, 2).Range.Text = "Fax Number: " & objuser.facsimileTelephoneNumber & " | " & "Mobile: " & objuser.Mobile
objTable.Cell(5, 2).Range.Text = "Address: " & objUser.streetaddress & ", " & objuser.l & ", " & objuser.postalcode & ", " & & ", " & objuser.c
objTable.Cell(6, 2).Range.Text = "P.O Box: " & objuser.PostOfficeBox
Set objCell = objTable.Cell(7, 2)
Set objCellRange = objCell.Range
objSelection.TypeText "Website: "
Set objLink = objSelection.Hyperlinks.Add(objSelection.Range, "", , , "")
Set objCell = objTable.Cell(8, 2)
Set objCellRange = objCell.Range
objSelection.TypeText "E-mail: "
Set objLink = objSelection.Hyperlinks.Add(objSelection.Range, "mailto: " & strEmail, , , strEmail)
objLink.Range.Font.Name = "Verdana"
objLink.Range.Font.Size = 8
objLink.Range.Font.Bold = false
objSelection.Font.Color = RGB (000,045,154)
objSelection.EndKey END_OF_STORY
' ####### Used Exchange 2007 for the disclaimer text to ensure all email is covered (this script forces the user to use this as the default signature, it does not however prevent them from selecting another one when writing an email. Would recommend taking a similar approach to cover yourselves.
' ########### Tells outlook to use this signature for new messages and replys. Signature is called Email Signature.
Set objSelection = objDoc.Range()
objSignatureEntries.Add "Email Signature", objSelection
objSignatureObject.NewMessageSignature = "Email Signature"
'objSignatureObject.ReplyMessageSignature = "Email Signature"
objDoc.Saved = True

VBS login script not functioning correctly

I have a login script that checks for a registry key and if the key is not found it runs a script that creates an outlook signature from info in AD then adds a key to the registry. The script has run perfectly on about 20 machines that i have tested it on, however it doesn't work correctly on 3 machines. For these 3 machines it passes the check for the reg key then launches the sigcreate script but skips the actual creation and just adds the reg key. Am i missing something?
On Error Resume Next
Set objSysInfo = CreateObject("ADSystemInfo")
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
strUser = objSysInfo.UserName
Set objUser = GetObject("LDAP://" & strUser)
strName = objUser.FullName
strTitle = objUser.Description
strCred =
strStreet = objUser.StreetAddress
strLocation = objUser.l
strPostCode = objUser.PostalCode
strPhone = objUser.TelephoneNumber
strMobile = objUser.Mobile
strFax = objUser.FacsimileTelephoneNumber
strEmail = objUser.mail
Set objWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
Set objDoc = objWord.Documents.Add()
Set objSelection = objWord.Selection
Set objEmailOptions = objWord.EmailOptions
Set objSignatureObject = objEmailOptions.EmailSignature
Set objSignatureEntries = objSignatureObject.EmailSignatureEntries
objSelection.Font.Name = "Arial"
objSelection.Font.Size = 11
if (strCred) Then objSelection.TypeText strName & ", " & strCred Else
objSelection.TypeText strName
objSelection.TypeText " " & strTitle
objSelection.TypeText Chr(11)
objSelection.TypeText " " & strPhone
objSelection.TypeText Chr(11)
objSelection.TypeText Chr(11)
objSelection.TypeText "Company Name"
objSelection.TypeText Chr(11)
objSelection.TypeText "Company Tagline"
objSelection.TypeText Chr(11)
objSelection.TypeText Chr(11)
objSelection.TypeText "Company Website"
Set objSelection = objDoc.Range()
objSignatureEntries.Add "Standard Signature", objSelection
objSignatureObject.NewMessageSignature = "Standard Signature"
objDoc.Saved = True
Set oShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
sRegFile = "\\file1\users\Clerical\wallpaper\siglock.reg"
oShell.Run "regedit.exe /s " & Chr(34) & sRegFile & Chr(34), 0, True
Problem solved....apparently there were some remnants of Word 2000 on these 3 machines...i cleaned it up and that fixed my issue
